Operation Revenge (32 page)

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Authors: Kate Hopkins

BOOK: Operation Revenge
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Content for the first time in days, Simon closed his eyes and drifted back off to sleep.






































Chapter 34


"How are things going with Haley?" Daniel asked on Saturday morning.


"All right," Simon answered. "She forgave me for drugging and kidnapping her. She hasn't agreed to stay with me yet, but I know she's giving the idea serious thought. I don't want to pressure her, so I'm waiting for her to come to me with her decision. Have you reached a decision about Lindsay?"


"Not yet," Daniel replied. "I'm taking her to dinner tonight. I'm hoping that by spending time with her it will help me decide what I want."


"Good luck," Simon told him.




"Is everything going all right at work?"


"Everything's fine," Daniel assured him. "Paula's been a big help. We've butted heads a few times though. There's a certain way she likes things done. If you don't do it her way, she gives you this look. She squints her eyes and purses her lips."


Simon chuckled. "I know the look well. So the team is doing fine without me?"


"They are."


"Doesn't anyone miss me?"


"Gran does, but that shouldn't come as a surprise to you. You were always her favorite."


"I had to work hard to get to the top of her list." Simon checked his watch. "You want to be her favorite? I'll tell you how you do it. Marry Lindsay and get her pregnant."


"Uh - I," Daniel said. "I think that's my cue to say goodbye. Tell Haley I said hello. I'll talk to you later, little brother."


"Bye." Smirking, Simon closed the phone and got up from the couch. He slipped the phone into the pocket of his jeans. Leaving the living room, he headed upstairs to check on Haley. After checking her room and finding it empty, he moved toward the library. It was there he found her. She was standing in front of the bookshelves, cradling an open book in her hands. He crossed the room and paused beside her. Patiently, he waited for her to acknowledge his presence.


"Hello, love." Haley returned the book to the shelf and turned toward him. "How are Daniel and your Gran?"


"They're doing well." He leaned in close and kissed her on the mouth. "Daniel wanted me to tell you hello." She nodded. He gazed at her, taking in the fatigue and dark circles. "Did you have a rough night?"


"Yes," she sighed.


"Was it the dream again?" he asked softly.


"No." Haley turned around and made her way over to the chairs. She sat down, sighing once more. "I had a rough night because I couldn't stop thinking about Chad's warning. The weekend is here, Simon. We're supposed to be breaking up and I'm supposed to be moved out by tomorrow. Instead I'm here with you." She glanced up at him. "The deadline is up and your life is now in danger."


Simon went to her and knelt in front of her. Taking her hand, he gazed up into eyes that were filled with fear. "What do you want to do? Tell me what you want, sweetheart."


Haley slid out of the chair and onto her knees. She wrapped her arms around his neck. "I want to stay here with you forever. I want to shut out the world and just concentrate on us."


"That sounds like heaven."


"It does." She pressed her forehead to his and closed her eyes. "If only we could stay here, but we can't. We have to go back."


"I know, but not today or tomorrow." Simon turned his head and kissed her temple. "We'll go back on our terms, not Chad's. What you need is a distraction." He leaned back. "How would you feel about going for a drive? There's a small town about an hour and a half away. We could do some sight seeing . . . maybe some shopping. Afterward we'll stop off somewhere for lunch."


Haley arched an eyebrow. "I'm allowed to leave the cabin? How do you know I won't try to escape or tell someone that you kidnapped me?"


"Oh, I plan on keeping you close," he explained. "You won't get away. As for telling someone that I kidnapped you be my guest. You know damn well what will happen to me if you tell. They'll cart me off to the nearest jail cell and throw away the key, but I'm sure they will let me have visitors and maybe a phone call to my lawyer. If my cell mate doesn't beat me up or molest me, I-"


"I won't say anything to anyone," she interrupted.


"Good girl."


After a morning spent sight seeing and shopping, Haley and Simon stopped off at a small restaurant for lunch. The place had a cozy and family friendly atmosphere about it. Haley, who was stirring her cup of hot tea, paused when she heard a child giggle. She glanced up and saw
across the aisle a woman talking softly to her son. The little boy giggled again, bringing a smile to Haley's lips. As she watched them she couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have a child of her own.


"Honey," Simon said.


"Hmm," she muttered, her attention still focused on the strangers.


Simon touched her arm. "Your attention, please."


"I'm sorry." She smiled at him weakly. "I'm yours now."


"Thank you." He reached for her hand. "I couldn't help but notice that you were staring at that woman and her child. What's going through that beautiful head of yours?"


"I was just wondering what it would be like to be a mother." Haley picked up the cup and took a sip of tea. Placing the cup back on the saucer, she said, "I never planned on having children . . . never gave it much thought really, but then-" She blushed, "then you came along and I'm starting to think that maybe it wouldn't be so bad to have a mini version of you running around, causing trouble."


"Or a mini version of you stealing my heart." Simon raised her hand to his lips and kissed her soft skin. "The more I think about it the more I'm starting to like the idea."


"Me too," she said softly. "Someday, maybe."


"Someday," he breathed, his eyes filled with unspoken promises.


Just then, the server arrived with their food. She set a bowl of steaming clam chowder in front of Haley and a bowl of chili in front of Simon, told them if they needed anything else to let her know, and then left to take someone else's order.


"They make the best chili." Simon picked up the spoon. "Last time I was here I tried to talk the chef into giving me the recipe. Sadly, no amount of money would make him budge."


"Keep trying, honey. Maybe you'll eventually wear him down. "Haley reached for her spoon. "I've never had clam chowder. I've always wanted to try it, but couldn't bring myself to order it."


"If you don't like it I'll switch with you," he volunteered.


She took a cautious bite. To her surprise she discovered that she liked it. "Not bad."


"I'm glad you like it." He winked at her. "Because I really didn't want to give up my chili."


Haley laughed softly.


. . . .


That evening, Haley was curled up on the couch, gazing at the flames dancing in the fireplace. There was something about a fire that she found cozy and calming. While she listened to the crackling of the logs in the grate she replayed her day with Simon over in her head. The shopping and sight seeing, combined with the fresh air and exercise, was just what she had needed to take her mind off her troubles. Simon had somehow known what she needed. Love for him swelled her heart.


"Ready for the movie?" he inquired, coming out of the kitchen, carrying a tray laden with drinks and a big bowl of hot, buttery popcorn.


"Sure." Haley grabbed the remote control from the end table and turned on the TV. She searched through the guide until she located the old black and white horror movie they agreed on. Dropping the remote on the cushion next to her, she accepted the glass of root beer Simon held out to her. "Thank you."


"You're welcome." With glass in one hand and the bowl of popcorn in the other he sat down on the couch. At that moment, the phone rang. "Damn it."


"Let it ring," she told him.


"I wish I could, but it might be important." Simon put the glass and bowl on the coffee table and retrieved his cell phone from his pocket. He checked the small display screen. "I was wrong. It's not important. Let me switch the phone over to vibrate and we'll get back to our movie." He switched the phone to vibrate and left it on the coffee table. "Hopefully we won't get interrupted again."


"Who called?" Haley asked quietly.


"No one important," he assured her.


"Then you shouldn't have a problem telling me."


Simon shoved a hand through his hair and sighed with frustration. "If I didn't love you so much I would wring your neck."


"Who was it?" she asked patiently.


"Chad," he growled. "It was Chad."


"That's what I thought." Haley stared at the fire again. She had two choices. One she could let him ruin the lovely day she was having, or two, she could shove all thoughts of him from her mind and enjoy the movie with her man. She leaned forward and snatched the bowl of popcorn. "You didn't get heavy handed with the salt, did you?"


"No." Simon looked at her. "Sweetheart, what-"


"I refuse to let him ruin our evening," she said. "This is our time and I'm not going to spoil it complaining about him. We'll deal with him tomorrow. Now I want to watch the movie. Get over here so I can cuddle with you."


"Have I told you lately that I love you?" he asked, scooting closer to her.


"Yes, but I never grow tired of hearing it," she said.


Simon kissed her. "I love you."


"And I love you." Haley snuggled up against him and turned her attention to the movie.


































Chapter 35


When Simon woke, the following morning, he found Haley beside him. She was curled up on her side, facing him. How she had gotten into bed without him knowing about it was a mystery. He was known for being a light sleeper. Carefully, he moved closer to her, stopping once their bodies were touching. He lowered his head and buried his face in her fragrant hair. Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and savored her warmth and closeness. There was no denying it. He could easily become addicted to waking up every morning with her beside him.

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