Operation Revenge (24 page)

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Authors: Kate Hopkins

BOOK: Operation Revenge
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Haley frowned. "Why?"


"You don't need to know why." Marian shifted and then adjusted her skirt. "Trust me, my dear. You do, don't you?"


She studied the other woman for a moment. "I'm not sure yet."


"At least you're honest," Marian said. "Thank you for that. In the past Simon and Daniel's girlfriends were anything but honest."


"Simon's last relationship." Haley hesitated, not sure how to proceed. "I - I understand that it ended badly."


Marian snorted. "The whole relationship was bad. Gayle was unfaithful, manipulative and a liar. She did all she could to turn Simon against his family. She wanted him all to herself. I could see right through that girl. I knew what she was. She was a gold digger. Thankfully, Simon's not a dummy. He saw what she was and told her to take a hike. After her, he swore off dating and women. He was convinced he didn't need a woman to be fulfilled." She reached out and gave Haley's arm a pat. "Now here you are and you're just what my grandson needs."


"I make his life complicated, Marian."


"Simon can handle complicated." She smirked. "He has me, after all."


Haley grinned. "That he does."


"You know what you two need?" Marian said. "You need a night out. Dinner and dancing."


"We've tried getting away for dinner, but something keeps happening." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I'm starting to think we're cursed."


"Nonsense." Marian grabbed her cane and slowly got to her feet. "I have some calls to make, dear. Please, excuse me."


Haley watched her walk away, wondering what she was up to.




Chapter 25


The phone rang, shattering the silence. Without taking his eyes off the document in front of him, Simon reached out and grabbed the receiver. "Hello?"


"Hello, dear?" Marian said. "Are you busy?"


"Yes, but I can spare a few minutes for you, Gran." He sat back. "Is everything all right?"


"Everything is fine," she assured him. "I was just wondering what time you're coming home."


"I don't know." Simon checked his watch and saw it was after four. "Probably some time after seven. It could be later."


"That's not good," Marian told him. "I need you home by six . . . six-fifteen at the latest."




"I made dinner reservations for you and Haley," she answered. "Seven o'clock at Chelsea's."


"Gran," he sighed. "You have to stop making plans for other people. Does Haley know about this?"


"Not yet."


Simon rolled his eyes. "I should wring your neck."


"But you won't because you know I'm doing this out of love."


"Sure you are," he said dryly. "All right. Since you went to so much trouble I'll be home by six."


"Thank you."


"You're welcome," Simon said. "Is there anything else you want?"


"No, that will be all for now," Marian replied.


"Then I will see you later."


"Goodbye, dear."


"Goodbye, Gran." Simon hung up the phone and returned his attention to his work.


"Dear, would you please join me in the living room?" Marian called out.


Haley shut the cabinet door and crossed the kitchen. She stepped into the living room. "Yes?"


"Do you have a dress?"


Haley frowned at her. "I have several. Why do you ask?"


"I will explain after we pick you out a dress. Let's go to your bedroom." Marian turned and walked out of the room.


In the bedroom, Haley opened the closet door and turned on the light. She rifled through her clothes until she found her dresses. Taking a red dress out, she turned and held it up. Marian, who had taken a seat on the bed, shook her head. Haley returned the garment to the rack, removed a blue dress, and showed it to the older woman. Again, Marian shook her head no. The dress was put away and a black one was brought out. It had spaghetti straps, a skirt that ended just above the knees, and a little jacket.


"Perfect." Marian beamed. "I have a necklace and earrings that will go beautifully with it. Now I should tell you why I had you pick out a dress. I made dinner reservations at Chelsea's for you and Simon. Seven o'clock."


"I knew you were up to something." Haley draped the dress over a chair and went to join Simon's grandmother on the bed. "Tell me. Have you started planning the wedding yet?"


"Yes." Marian smirked. "I'm just waiting for you and Simon to get on board before I share my ideas with you. By the way. How do you feel about ice sculptures?"


Haley gaped at her. "Are you serious?"


"I'm always serious." She tilted her head slightly. "I've seen the way you two look at each other. It's obvious that you two are falling in love. It's only a matter of time." She picked up her cane, rose to her feet, and quietly left the room.


Standing, Haley wandered over to the window, parted the curtains, and looked out. Rain was coming down lightly. While she watched it trickle down the windowpane, Marian's words ran through her head. Was the elderly woman right? Was she falling in love with Simon? She searched within herself for an answer and couldn't find one. Only time would answer her question.


Two hours later, Simon was standing in front of the bathroom mirror, tying his black tie, when Daniel appeared in the open doorway behind him.


"So you're letting the old bat plan your dates now. That's pitiful, bro."


"I can think of a lot of things more pitiful, bro." He finished with the tie and then examined his work. "Are you going out?"


"No." Daniel leaned against the doorframe and crossed his arms. "I'm going to hang around here and drive Gran crazy. I'm not in a partying kind of mood."


Simon turned away from the mirror and stared at his brother with concern. "Are you feeling all right?"


"I'm fine." He grinned. "I know it's weird that you're going out and I'm staying in, but it'll be good for you and Haley to have a night out. You two deserve it after everything you've been through lately." He grimaced. "About this morning. I'm sorry if I caused any trouble between you two. I didn't know that you didn't tell her about Chad's plan to make you two suffer. If I had known I wouldn't-"


"Don't worry about it," Simon interrupted. "I should have told her." He glanced at his watch. "I should get moving."


Daniel snickered. "You don't want Gran to come in here and scold you."


"I can't have that." Simon pushed past him and moved toward the bed. Picking up his suit coat, he slipped his arms into the sleeves. "While I'm gone I don't want you arguing with Gran."


"Just take the fun out of my night why don't you?"




"All right," he said. "I'll be a good boy." He left the room, mumbling under his breath.


"Sure you'll be good," Simon muttered, pocketing his wallet and keys. "You don't know the first thing about being-"


"Do you talk to yourself often?" Haley inquired.


"Actually," Simon said, turning around. "I-" His breath caught in his throat at the sight of her in the doorway. She wore her hair up, exposing the graceful column of her neck. Diamonds glittered at her throat and ears. The black dress she wore hugged her body. She was stunning. Feeling like his tie was choking him, he reached up and loosened it a little. He cleared his throat. "I - I - what were we talking about?"


"Something about you talking to yourself." Haley slowly crossed the bedroom, stopping in front of him. "Hi."


"Hi." He raised his hand and brushed it against her jaw. "You look beautiful."


She blushed. "Thank you."


The urge to kiss her coursed through Simon. He placed his hands on her waist and pulled her close. Her body fit against his as though she had been created just for him. He kissed her jaw, cheek, the tip of her nose and then finally her mouth. His tongue swept over her bottom lip, silently asking her to open for him. She parted her lips and he thrust his tongue inside. Moaning, Haley wrapped her arms around his neck, her tongue beginning an age-old dance with his.


They broke apart, a minute later, their breathing heavy. Simon gazed at her flushed face, swollen lips, and bright eyes. She had the look of someone who had just been thoroughly kissed. A part of him longed to do more than just kiss her. He ached to lay her down on the bed and make love to her. The only thing stopping him was their dinner reservations and the fact that they weren't truly alone. Regretfully, he released her and took a step back.


"We should go," Haley whispered, "but before we do you might want to wipe your mouth." She smiled at him. "That shade of lipstick does nothing for you."


"Penny for your thoughts?"


Breaking into a smile, Haley turned away from the window that was located near their table and looked at Simon. "I'm afraid they're worth more than that."


"That serious, are they?" He set his fork down and reached across the table to take her hand. "Care to share them with me?"


She turned her hand over and intertwined her fingers with his. "I was just thinking of something your Gran said to me."


Simon sighed. "What did she say this time?"


Haley's stomach lurched. She couldn't tell him that Marian was convinced they were falling in love. That was a conversation she wasn't ready to have. Not until she knew how she felt. She took a deep breath and let it out. "When she uh told me that she had made reservations for us I jokingly asked her if she had started planning our wedding yet. She said yes. She sounded serious."


He grinned. "In that case I hope she will let us help."


"She wanted to know how I felt about ice sculptures." She picked up her wine glass and took a sip of white wine. "The woman needs to find something to keep her busy."


His eyes dancing with laughter, Simon said, "She has something, our wedding."


Smirking, Haley set her glass down. "You never proposed and I never received a ring. You're a poor excuse for a fiancé, Wilcox."


"Then let me try to redeem myself." He pushed back his chair, stood, and held out his hand. "May I have this dance?"


"Only if I can have dessert afterwards."


Simon chucked softly. "Sure."


Haley took his hand and allowed him to pull her to her feet. She followed him onto the dance floor, where other couples were swaying to the music. Once they found an empty space, they turned to each other and Simon grasped her right hand gently in his left hand, wrapping an arm around her waist. She placed her hand on his bicep and they began to move to the music.


"Do you remember the last time we danced?" Simon queried.


"Yes," Haley replied. "It was at Darla's birthday party."


"We were interrupted by Ch-"


"No!" She glared at him. "We are not going to talk about him. Not tonight. This is our time. Besides, I have my heart set on dessert and if we talk about him, it will ruin my appetite. Let's talk about something else."

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