One Step Too Close - Coffin Nails MC Louisiana (Gay Biker Stepbrother Romance) (Sex & Mayhem Book 6) (25 page)

BOOK: One Step Too Close - Coffin Nails MC Louisiana (Gay Biker Stepbrother Romance) (Sex & Mayhem Book 6)
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“So what’s up with the
girl?” he asked Ryder before they went back from the carefully concealed old
bunker turned warehouse where they kept cargo that they didn’t want anyone to
know about.

Wolver glanced at Ryder.
“Which girl?”

“Dana,” he said and
winked at Wolver discreetly, showing Toro the way outside. After having to
breathe in the damp air in the warehouse, it was a pleasure to step outside.
“What do you want to know?”

“Is she an upmarket
whore, or what? Did you hire her for me?” Toro asked straight up, and the worst
thing was that Ryder wasn’t sure if a positive answer would offend Toro or not.
He didn’t know the man well enough.

Ryder sighed, trying to
come up with the best answer. “She’s not hired. But she is a gold digger. Used
to be interested in a friend of mine until she realized he’s not worth as much
as she thought. I hear she’s a tigress in bed. And since she really wanted to
get to know you, I thought: what’s the harm in that?” He kept his calm, but on
the inside, he was looking for any sign of displeasure on Toro’s face.

Wolver frowned slightly
but didn’t say a word. He’d probably ask about it in private.

Toro nodded with a smirk
Ryder couldn’t unwrap. “Good to know. Does she fuck any of your men?”

Ryder nodded. “Used to
fuck Jed. And Axe, the redhead,” he lied as they made their way back to the
clubhouse. Music was already streaming from inside, though it wasn’t as loud as

Wolver blinked, his eyes
opening in shock. “She fucked Axe? Fucking slut,” he hissed, and Ryder now
regretted not talking to his dad about this, but Ryder wanted to be discreet,
and this conversation wasn’t meant for Wolver’s ears. Toro had put Ryder on the
spot, and Ryder only had himself to blame. He should have thought this through,
but there had been so many other things to prepare. Barely enough time for a
morning blowjob. Barely.

“It’s fine. Jed dumped
her already,” he said, looking back in hope that at least this story would
deter Toro from treating Dana as anything more than a distraction during
small-town business. “But it’s all good, She’s pleasant enough to be around.”
He’d rather not have added the last bit, but they couldn’t look like they
passed Toro someone cheap and unworthy of his attention.

“Life’s a bit different
around here, Mr. Toro. There’s always many girls around the club, but Dana’s
the prettiest. Plus, she speaks Spanish. You can’t go wrong with that,” said
Ryder with a small smirk. Now that sounded legit.

“She does have an
interesting accent,” Toro said and put his hands in his pockets as they walked
into the club, where the other members were already pouring alcohol for Toro’s
men. A few more girls were around, and while deciding which one was prettiest
would be a question of taste, in her black dress, heels, and elegant makeup
Dana definitely stood out.

She walked up to Toro
with two cocktails and a Barbie-doll smile. “Is business done for tonight? I’m
sure you’re tired.”

Toro watched her without
much of a smile, but took the drink. “What do you know about my business?”

“Not enough.” Dana
winked at him and laughed. “But I don’t want to talk about the boring things
now. Tell me more about your ranch.”

Ryder congratulated Dana
for making herself only confirm his words. Gold digger, definitely.

Ryder was quite happy
about the way things turned out. He wanted to make their guests feel welcome,
so he, Wolver, and the rest were always ready for a witty chat, though he tried
not to let Axe roam free too much. The poor bastard’s sense of humor was
something out of a corny movie. At some point, a few of the guys played darts
with Toro’s men, and things seemed to be going great. Toro was still distracted
by Dana, though he did talk to Wolver as well. It was slowly getting late when
Ryder noticed the clubhouse was getting strangely full. They’d started out with
ten girls on top of their guests and patched members, but now this number
seemed to have grown. And not only that. With such a high saturation of female
hangarounds, things were bound to go astray.

He quickly pushed
through a group of scantily clad women, who stood in the middle of the lounge,
whispering to each other, and approached Dark. The man was acting as if it were
his own birthday party and sat on the sofa, embracing two women in tight
dresses. He alternated kissing them as two slim hands massaged his thighs and
crotch. It wasn’t exactly the image they had all agreed to convey during this


“What?” Dark yelled over
the music, and Jed’s loud laughter resounded somewhere from the kitchenette.
And where was Mikey when he was needed? At least Toro’s men seemed to be having

Ryder ignored Jed for
now, as he didn’t sound distressed, and leaned in for Dark to hear him. “Why
are all the girls here? This is too fucking much.”

Dark shook his head.
“What? There’s never too many girls! Chill out. I know Grease invited some of
his cousins, and there’s a few I don’t know, but that’s good. I’ll get
acquainted by the time the night is out.” He made a V out of his fingers and
crudely lapped with his tongue between them.

One of the women sitting
at his side laughed and obscenely traced his hand with her tongue. He grinned
and ignored Ryder in favor of talking into her ear. She hid her face between
her hands and giggled.

“Dark, if there’s too
many of them, some will be wallflowering and bitching. That’s not gonna look
good,” growled Ryder, but Dark just told him that it was threesome material and
whispered into the other girl’s ear. Before Ryder knew what was going on, the
first girl bent over Dark’s lap, and the other lifted her skirt, diving right
in with her lips and tongue.

Ryder wasn’t exactly
opposed to such scenes, but his gaze inevitably darted to Toro. He couldn’t
find him anywhere for a moment, and what he did witness was Jed doing shots
with Axe. They were laughing like maniacs. Far away in the kitchenette, Grease
was bent over rummaging through a cupboard, only to straighten up and place his
frier on the countertop, much to the amusement of a few people standing around
him. It was the same fryer Grease had been told not to use at the party. It wouldn’t
look, and most of all it wouldn’t smell good.

Ryder wanted to scold
him, but it was then that his eyes found Toro, who was still engaged in a
conversation with Dana. He was stroking her thigh and clearly enjoying himself.
Ryder was on the fence about the scene, as he didn’t want her to get her way,
but at the same time, he wanted to keep the man happy during his visit. For
now, he could leave this be.

Ryder searched for
Wolver, but when he saw him talking to Manolo, he knew dealing with the shit at
hand was on him. That fryer needed to go. There was supposed to be a food
delivery later. Good food that wouldn’t fill the whole lounge with the smell of
burnt oil that clung to fabrics for days.

“Grease, what are you
doing?” hissed Ryder, grabbing his wrist. His patience was slowly reaching
dangerously low levels and burning holes in his stomach.

“The girls told me they
were hungry,” Grease said, and it was the worst possible time for him to force
his newly acquired status as a full patch. He pulled back, but Ryder wouldn’t
let go of his wrist. “I want to make chicken, and I will!” hissed Grease.

“Fish fingers for me,”
demanded one of the girls, embracing him from behind in a promise of good
times... provided Grease got her what she wanted.

“Hear the lady, Ryder?
There will be fish fingers!” Grease pushed the fryer against Ryder to force him
back, but Ryder pulled on Grease harder, and with a little
that promised unfathomable mayhem, the fryer opened, pouring cold, slimy oil
all over Ryder’s chest, down his pants, and farther to the floor. The smell of
old meat assaulted Ryder’s senses, and he knew he couldn’t get away from it

“F-fuck!” he growled,
looking up in horror. His stomach came up to his throat, and he heaved with
disgust. “Fuck you, and your fucking cholesterol! We agreed on not frying
anything tonight.”

The fish fingers girl
opened her bright pink mouth, raising her hand in front of Ryder’s face, but
the moment she stepped forward, she fell down like a log. Her giant platform
heels bumped into Ryder’s shin, and he slid back over the oil, frantically
grabbing the barstool. It didn’t hold him up and collapsed, hitting Fish
Fingers on the head.

She screamed, and a few
other people who stood nearby tried to avoid the oil on the floor but ended up
pushing each other into the puddle. Ryder, who managed to pull himself up
again, stopped breathing when he watched the primped girls in their high heels
and skimpy clothes fall over and crawl, crying out about their hair or broken
nails. He felt as if his life had suddenly entered an old silent comedy. Only
it wasn’t silent. The screaming continued, loud music roared, and to Ryder’s
horror, Dana and Toro watched them from the couch.

Fish Fingers grabbed
Ryder’s thigh, and he saved himself from falling on his face by grabbing at the
counter as his legs wiggled around like unnerved puppies. The girl had black
tears streaming down her cheeks, and she held her ankle tight with one hand.
“Oh, my God, I think I broke it! It’s all your fault!”

“You broke her fucking
ankle?” Grease yelled and ran over to the girl and kneeled in the oil. He slid
over the floor like a fucking Broadway performer.

Another girl, who
somehow managed to keep herself upright, hit Ryder’s chest with her small fist.
“What is wrong with you?”

That was it. Ryder
pushed her into the tumble of bodies, straight into Grease’s arms. “Fuck off.”
He was close to wheezing in fury. “There, no chicken. No fish fingers. No fried
Snickers bars. No deep-fried Kool-Aid!”

Grease held on to the
girl. “Well, not now that you wasted all the oil!” They almost fell over when
the girl wobbled to her knees.

“Well, now you can use
it creatively. There’s too many women here to count.”

Someone grabbed Ryder’s
shoulder. “Heard there’s oil wrestling here!” Jed yelled.

“Come on girls! Take
your tops off!” Axe howled, and helpfully grabbed the hem of one such top,
uncovering Fish Fingers’ friend, who wasn’t wearing a bra underneath. She
opened her eyes wide and slapped him on the thigh.

“What was that for?” she
yelled, turning around and rising to her knees in front of him. “Because I
don’t like your smelly tank?”

“Smelly tank? You know
what’s gonna be smelly?” Axe bent down to her. “Your oily tits.”

She laughed into his
face and grabbed her breasts, presenting the shiny nipples. “Really? You seemed
interested half a fucking hour ago. Have you gotten impotent in the meanwhile,
you red, limp dick?”

“That’s it!” Axe yelled
and pulled her up by the arm. “Get the fuck out!”

She struggled and pushed
back against him, but he was a mountain of a man, and there was no use as he
pulled her to the exit, the oil on her shoes only making it easier for him.

“You can’t do this! My
sister broke her ankle here! I will sue you!”

Ryder gritted his teeth,
knowing it was all empty threats, but Axe wasn’t as cool-headed after having a
few. “Oh, yeah? You’re gonna come back crawling and beg for my dick, you
bitch,” he yelled, carrying her out as she repeatedly banged her little fists
against his back.

“No! Don’t take my
sister!” Fish Fingers cried on the floor, and made an attempt to get up, barely
able to stand. She limped forward, losing the platform shoe of her sprained

Jed looked up at Ryder
and patted the front of his oiled-up shirt. “Should I call an ambulance?”

Ryder groaned. In
situations like these, it had been useful to have Jess around. “Is it even
swollen or does it just hurt?” he asked Fish Fingers, and she nodded, raising
her leg high enough to expose her shaved pussy underneath her leather dress.
Clearly, she wouldn’t be getting what she came here for.

Ryder caught Grease’s
gaze. “Since this is your new girlfriend, maybe you’d take her to the ER?”

Grease whined like an
overgrown toddler. “But the party’s only getting started!”

“You dick!” Fish Fingers
yelled and hopped on one leg. “I let you eat my pussy, and you won’t even take
me to the ER?”

“It’s you who should be
grateful. Did I get my cock sucked yet?” grumbled Grease, but Ryder shook his
head at him.

Maybe he could kill two
birds with one stone? “Be a gentleman. We have guests.”

Others who’d fallen over
before were slowly getting up, but everything stank of old oil. Ryder wanted to
gag, and the way Jed’s fingers ghosted over his back for a second made him all
tense. They were in public. What was Jed thinking?

Grease groaned and
finally grabbed the girl’s arm. “But I will be back!”

“Yeah, I’ll wait,” said
Ryder through clenched teeth and looked toward Toro, casually. With Dana glued
to his side, their guest was talking to Manolo in the corner, a sneer firmly
planted on his face. This was not looking good.

Wolver grabbed Ryder’s
arm and pulled him away from the spill. “What the hell’s going on?” he
demanded, digging his fingers into flesh.

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