Once Upon a Caveman (19 page)

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Authors: Cassandra Gannon

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if you pursue Anniah, Skoll will challenge you.”  Rhawn warned.  “He wishes to
mate with her.  Since you lost the
, no one is intimidated by your
powers.”  Rhawn doubted he even had any.  If Lucy didn’t possess magic, surely
this moron didn’t either.  “Skoll will fight you for her and he will win.”

frowned.  “Ya think?”

know it.  He is a great warrior and you are not a great anything.”

know.  I blew my chance at greatness senior year.”  Warren reported in a
melancholy tone.  “All the scouts came to the Homecoming game and I was
for them.  I needed that fucking scholarship so bad I could taste it.  Then,
I’d be outta Clovis for good.  Away from all the people who know what an
asshole I am and what a
asshole my father is.  Just a total clean
slate, ya know?”  He made a face.  “Of course, I fucked it all up.”

tried to piece that story together, but it made no sense.  “You failed at a
This has ruined you whole life?”  He couldn’t imagine such a thing.  “Why? 
Just play another.”

wasn’t just
game.  It was
game and I blew it.”  Warren ran
a hand through his hair.  “I thought I was going to break records, ya know?  …
And I did.  I’m the high school quarterback who threw the most interceptions in
a single quarter. 
was my big football legacy.”

wasn’t sure what that meant exactly, but he heard the defeat in the other man’s
voice.  Obviously, this game had been some kind of manhood ritual and the
Savior had fallen short.  Having met Warren, Rhawn was not surprised.

was over for me, after that.”  Warren continued.  “And without football, I was
nothing.  Just a fucking car salesman, with two greedy ex-wives and a
bankruptcy filing on my credit report.”  He went back to staring after Anniah. 
“Too bad you don’t get any do-overs in life, huh?  Once you miss your shot at
greatness, it doesn’t ever come back.”  He reluctantly looked away from
Anniah.  “She can do better than me.  She’s gonna see that pretty quick.”

Rhawn concurred.  “For both your sakes, stay away from her until then.”

guess.”  Warren cleared his throat, not at all convinced.  “Hey is that Taffi
over there?”  He asked after a long moment.

course.”  How could he
be noticing that?  “She’s been here for
several days.”

looked insulted.  “And what?  She didn’t fucking say ‘hi’ to me?”

been busy.”  Rhawn intoned, switching his attention down the beach.

had recovered from the berry scare and had taken her place as another goddess. 
Notan seemed at a loss as to how she fit into the Clan’s pantheon, but it
didn’t much matter.  Everyone treated Taffi with frightened deference and she
clearly enjoyed it.

said it probably reminded her of “her glory days as an eighteen year old

Warren rolled his eyes.  “I’m over that skank.  Taffi always did think she was
too good for me, ya know?  And her breasts are
store bought.  I
know.  I was there when she picked ‘em out.”

ignored that, watching Taffi flirt with Skoll.  The other man might be planning
to Choose Anniah, but he was giving most of his attention to Taffi.  It didn’t
seem to occur to him that she was manipulating him for her own benefit.  He was
too enthralled by the kisses Taffi doled out when he did her bidding.

understood her motives, though.  It was why Taffi was the person on the island
who worried him most.  She was cold and calculating in a way that made her

made her dangerous.

understood social cliques on a highly advanced level.  The Queen was savvy
enough to see the divisions in the Clan, even without understanding the
language.  In response, she’d sidled up next to Skoll and wasn’t letting go. 
It was a wise move.  Taffi was envious of Lucy and Skoll was obviously the one
who hated the Destroyer most.  Their interests aligned.

importantly, if conflict erupted, Taffi would be safe from Skoll
Lucy.  Skoll believed Taffi to be a benevolent goddess, trying to undermine the
Destroyer’s cause.  And no matter what she might mutter to the contrary, Lucy
had no intention of harming the girl.  Taffi was therefore the only “god” on
the island who no one was plotting against.  On some level, Rhawn nearly
admired the girl’s maneuvering.

it just worried him, though.

still wanted to overthrow Lucy.  Rhawn didn’t want Taffi helping him succeed. 
He was fairly certain he’d have to kill Skoll, but his plan was to wait until
after the mammoth hunt.  They would need the extra hunters to bring down a
large creature.  After that, Rhawn would simply ensure that Skoll didn’t get on
.  It was cold and effective.  That son of a bitch wouldn’t be a
threat to his mate for much longer.  Rhawn would make sure of it.

used to date Taffi.”  Warren put it.  “She was my girlfriend back in high

two of you do seem well suited.”  It wasn’t a compliment.

a real bitch.  Set my stereo on fire when I got her
roses instead
roses for her birthday.  Then she went and slept with Craig
Turkana at the party.  Eighty bucks worth of flowers, totally wasted.”  Warren
went back to watching the fire.  “She wasn’t worth all the attention she got
from the guys.  Lucy was always special one.”

Rhawn agreed.

was just so fucking
.  Doing geometry problems in her head smart,
but also like
smart.  She could figure shit out and she didn’t
even have to
about it.  That’s why Taffi hates her.  Can’t keep
up.  It can intimidate a person, ya know?”

is brilliant.”  And she wouldn’t settle for a man who wasn’t
brilliant.  That fact preyed on his deepest fears.  Rhawn may have Chosen her,
but Lucy would never fully accept him if he was as stupid as everyone believed.

sighed wearily.

She’s brilliant.”  Warren lamented with a shake of his head.  “Way too
brilliant to ever let me see her naked, I guess.”

too brilliant for that.”  Rhawn intoned and wondered if it was too late to
strangle the god.

for the best.  I’m more like her brother, now.”  Warren surmised in a
nonchalant tone.  Clearly, he wasn’t pining for the Destroyer.  “We’re almost
too close to ever get it on, because it would fuck up our really deep bond, ya
know?”  He glanced at Rhawn, again.  “She’s digging on you, though.  Sort of
threw me, at first.  You don’t seem like her type.  She likes the puny
geek-squaders, ya know?”  He tapped his temple.  “Brainiacs.”

didn’t understand all of that, but he got enough.  “She wants an intelligent
mate.”  It wasn’t a question.  He already knew the answer.

.  She and Teddy O’Connell were
almost an item in
high school and he ended up in MIT.”

Rhawn repeated.  “This is the male she desires?”  Then, Rhawn would hunt this
unknown rival down and challenge him, too.  When you wanted to keep a woman
like Lucy, you fought everyone who threatened to steal her away.

Warren said, ruining the burgeoning plan.  “Teddy and Lucy never got together. 
She never really got together with
that I know of.  Which is why
I’m surprised she seems to like you.  Sorry I got a little touchy about that,
by the way.  Go ahead and nail her.  Might loosen her up.  Really, you have my
permission, as the guy who’s almost her brother.”

your permission.  I challenged you for her and won.  She is
Rhawn frowned, close to pouting himself.  “I now seek

luck with that.”  Warren scoffed.  He seemed to notice the
building for the first time.  The man’s observation skills truly were abysmal. 
“Hey, what’s with all the boats?”

wishes us to leave the island.”

Warren muttered.  “We’re all going to die.”

fact that he agreed with the Savior made Rhawn seriously reconsider his
stance.  “Do you know the way to our new land?”  He asked without much hope. 
For a god, the other man seemed fairly uninformed about… everything.

land?”  Warren echoed.  “Dude, I don’t even know where
land is.”

wasn’t surprised to hear that.  It occurred to him that Lucy would have been a
much better Savior than Warren. 
was the one who’d won the

was the one with a plan. 
was the one who wished to save
everyone from Uooloa. 
was the kind of deity his parents had hoped
to see on the other side.  Lucy should have been the one sent to save the Clan.

should have been the one sent to save the Clan.

eyes went wide, his mind repeating the words like an echo.

Lucy?”  Warren asked, looking around.

is supervising the tar gathering.”  Rhawn reported, his mind racing.

his ancestors determined which god would be the Destroyer?  They’d
predicted the arrival of a man and a woman, which had come true.  But, had they
that the male would be the stronger and more virtuous? 
That he would be the one to lead them?  That
would be the Savior?

if they’d been wrong?

what if they’d gotten the legend
, except for the most important
part?  What if they’d mixed up the roles of the gods?  What if Warren
the Savior, destined to guide them to a new home?


at those pits?”  Warren snorted.  “Probably trying to save that damn lion,

Rhawn barely heard the other man, still considering possibilities.

big cat attacked me earlier and got stuck in the tar.  That Skoll guy wanted to
kill it, but Lucy pitched a fit and wouldn’t let him.  She’s got some kind of
obsession with it being all ‘extinct.’”  His fingers made air quotes around the
word.  “She keeps saying we’re stuck on Planet Ice Age or something.”  He
snorted.  “No way, right?  I still think this is Aruba.”

wished he would just be quiet.  He couldn’t think with the man’s constant

didn’t let the lack of response slow him down.  “Anyway, I’ll betcha she wants
to get the cat out.  Lucy’s always been a friggin’ animal lover.”  He made a
face.  “I
she’s the one who took Chipper the Woodward High
woodpecker back to the forest and let him out of his cage.  That bird was our
man.  Totally jinxed our winning streak, sophomore year.”

slowly turned to look Warren.  “
”  Even in his distracted state, he
processed enough of that gibberish to understand that his woman --the most
special being in the world and the possible Savior of his people-- wanted to
free a man-eating predator from a lake of tar.  “No.  She would not go near a
trapped long-tooth.”  He said, because he wanted to believe it.  “Even she
would accept that that it’s too reckless to attempt such a thing.”

reckless?”  Warren arched a brow.  “Dude, have you

Yes, he had.


took off towards the pits at a dead run.

Chapter Ten


hand tangles in his hair, as his mouth slides down the column of her throat. 
She tilts her head to give him better access to her neck.  It’s a sign of
feminine surrender.  Not the kind a male needs to force, but a deeper, more
primitive instinct.  An unconscious signal that her body is yielding to his,
recognizing his claim.


scrapes his teeth against her throat like an animal.  He feels like an animal. 
Wild, Raw.  A low sound escapes him, almost a snarl.  She answers with a small
whimper, accepting his dominance, and he barely holds onto reason.  If he
cannot have her soon, he will explode.

He can barely get the word out.

don’t know what that means,” she pants, “but right now it sounds fucking

and Lucy’s Dream- Six Years Ago


the island was about to be blown to tiny charred bits, it seemed pretty pointless
to worry about the sabretooth.  Unless they wanted to try some kind of
of Pi
thing, it would stay stuck on this rock even if they got it
from the tar.  When the volcano erupted, the poor cat would be incinerated
along with the rest of this tropical hellhole, so why not just leave him be?

Lucianne Meadowcroft
just let things be.

unreasonable didn’t exactly win her any popularity contests, but it did get
things done.  However long the cat had left, she didn’t want him suffering a slow
death by starvation.  He was such an amazing, majestic creature.  He deserved
to run free.  And she was
to make it happen.  It had taken her a
few days to find a rope, but now she was ready to act.  She might be losing a
mammoth tomorrow, but she was damn well saving the cat.

though Rhawn was going to be
when he found out.

was why Lucy hadn’t told him, in the first place.  Rhawn was smart enough to
know this plan was stupid and she didn’t want him talking her out of it.  He
was way too logical, sometimes.

felt a little bit guilty about excluding him, though.  Rhawn was her partner.  She’d
never had a partner before and she liked the sensation of having someone by her
side.  The two of them complimented each other.  Understood each other.  Lucy
could look over at Rhawn, and he’d arch a brow, and they’d both know
what the other one was thinking.

their strengths and weakness found a balance when they were together.  Lucy was
pushy and he was calm.  She saw the big picture and Rhawn focused on the
details.  She was an antisocial control freak and he was… kinda perfect.

felt a deeper connection to him than to anyone else she’d ever met.

worried her.  A lot.

had pretty much come to the conclusion that she wasn’t getting back to New
York.  She had no idea how she’d arrived on the island, so backtracking her
steps was impossible.  She couldn’t very well recreate whatever worm-holey,
-esque quirk of physics that had brought
her here.  For better or worse, she was stuck in this place for the foreseeable

that wasn’t great news.  She was going to miss electric blankets and sesame
bagels and
New York Times Book Review
.  Lucy wasn’t about to kill
herself over losing them, though.  Not even the bagels.  She didn’t even have a
cute little dog that she needed to get home to, so she could survive here. 
Thanks to her master’s degree, she mostly knew what to expect from this faux
Ice Age, so she was even enjoying herself sometimes.  When the volcano wasn’t
trying to kill her, anyway.

would be okay.

much bigger problem was Rhawn.  The gorgeous guy who she was sort of almost
living with.  …And who just happened to think she was a goddess.  Deep down,
she knew Rhawn was the reason she was so okay with maybe staying marooned in
this world.  Just so she was marooned with the caveman, Lucy could deal with
anything.  Did she even
to go back to a world where she only
dreamed of him once a year?


when he finally figured out the truth, Rhawn was going to hate her.  He
wouldn’t want to stay with someone who’d lied to him.  Lucy did
to lose Rhawn.  She’d spent years imagining him and now he was real and right
in front of her.  She wasn’t going to let anything screw that up.  Especially
not her own lies.  Before they went any farther, she needed to figure out how
to tell him the truth.  It was the only way he’d ever be able to trust her,

it was seriously,
going to suck.

her life, people had assumed that Lucy was going to do something special.  All
her life, she’d failed to meet expectations.  Sure, she’d done well in school. 
And as an adult, she paid her taxes and could rattle off the names of all the
presidents.  But, she’d never quite lived up to the hype and changed the world. 
In her heart, she knew she never would.

could live with disappointing her teachers, her hometown, and even herself.

Rhawn would gut her, though.

really thought she was special.  A goddess.  It was going to kill him when she
explained she was just Lucy Meadowcroft, from Clovis.  He was never going to
look at her the same way again.  That was the main reason why she wouldn’t sleep
with him.  It wouldn’t be fair to him, unless he knew who she really was.

he was a damn hard guy not to sleep with, so she totally deserved some credit
for her thoughtfulness,

managed to loop one end of the sinew rope around the sabretooth’s neck through
sheer effort of will.  The four other Clan members standing around watched her
like she was out of her mind, but they didn’t try to run when she pantomimed
for them to start heaving.  Inspiring fearful obedience was one of the perks of
being an evil goddess.

first, the cat thrashed and fought.  Afraid that he was going to snap the ropes,
Lucy started talking to him.  Actually, she started
g.  Her
musical virtuosity could clear a karaoke bar in ten seconds flat, but the cat
seemed bizarrely fascinated with the off key serenade.  Who knew sabretooths were
such Nirvana fans?

through the second chorus of
Smells Like Teen Spirit
, Lucy realized that
the cat had stopped fighting and that they were making some progress in freeing
it.  He edged closer to solid ground, inch by painful inch.  This was going to

met the creature’s yellow eyes, still wondering over his existence.  If she was
honest, most of the reason she’d majored in paleontology
was the dreams.  When your head was filled with a certain gorgeous caveman, it
kind of sparked your interest in the past.  But, above and beyond her obsession
with Rhawn, she’d fallen in love with sabretooth cats.  They were her
unicorns.  Magical, perfect beings that she’d spent all of grad school fantasizing
about.  They fascinated her.

see one alive… it was more than she’d ever imagined.

cat stared at her, like he understood that she was trying to help.  Maybe he
did.  They were social animals.  She was sure of that.  In fact, it had been
the entire premise of her thesis.

showed some cats had survived with crushed bones and crippling injuries.  It
would have required months to heal many of their wounds, months where they
couldn’t have hunted on their own.  But somehow the cats recovered and lived
for many more years.  Lucy believed that it would only have been possible if other
cats nursed them back to health.  Like modern lions, they probably lived in

sabretooth was used to having someone care if he was in trouble.  Used to
giving and receiving assistance.  It was so clear to her.  If only she had more
time, she could’ve proven her thesis was right.

if any of his feline buddies
watching from the forest, though, they
would also understand that she was just lending a hand, because those teeth
weren’t just for decoration.  They were for ripping out the insides of anyone
who got in their way.

jolted at the sound of leaves rustling.  She looked around, her heart pounding.

kinds of man-eaters were probably out there, too.  Animals stuck in the tar always
drew the attention of carnivores. Then the predators often got stuck themselves,
trying to devour some incapacitated creature.  The La Brea tar pits back in LA
had hundreds and hundreds of fossils, almost all of them from carnivores
looking for an easy meal.  If she recalled correctly, dire wolves were the most
plentiful specimens on display.  They hunted around the edges of the pits,
looking to strike.  Lucy had a soft spot for sabretooths, but studying those
gigantic wolves freaked her out.

it was freaking her out just
about them.

cat’s golden gaze locked on hers like he knew she was worried.  Like he wanted
to reassure her.  Lucy found herself relaxing, hypnotized by the intelligence
and beauty of this animal.  For an endless moment, they stared straight into
each other’s souls.  It was magical.

gunshot sounded like an explosion.

jumped a foot in the air, a horrified cry leaving her throat as the sabretooth collapsed
sideways in a lifeless heap.  He had been shot in the head!  Fucking
Blood poured from the wound, his magnificent body sinking deeper into the tar. 
Someone had just killed her unicorn.

head slowly turned to gape at the murderer.

Turkana, Woodward High’s resident drug dealing scumbag, stood there with rubber
flip-flops on his feet and a scary looking gun in his hand.  The ominous black
weapon stayed trained on the dead sabretooth.

the hell have you been, Meadowcroft?”  Craig demanded at a roar.  “You think
you could just leave me for fucking dead!?”

son of a
.”  Lucy advanced on him, even as the helper-cavemen went
dashing off into the jungle.  “How could you do that?!”  She gave him a shove,
too furious to even care about the gun.  “Are you out of your
that poor animal!”

what?”  He bellowed back.  He was still wearing cargo shorts and that classy “Fuck
the World” t-shirt, but he didn’t seem to notice the cold.  Opiates must’ve
kept him warm.  “I’ve been lost in the goddamn rainforest for days.  I’m hungry
and tired and all my cigarettes were drowned at sea!”  He pushed her back and
Lucy nearly fell.  “And instead of coming to rescue
, you’re wasting
your time on some mangy lion?!”

was a sabretooth cat, you asshole!”

don’t give a rat’s ass if it was Tony the Tiger!  I want off this rock and
you’re the only one here smart enough to make it happen.  So concentrate on
Swiss Family Robinson-ing our way back to civilization
or I will shoot you
in the fucking brain!
”  He waved the gun in her direction, his eyes glazed
with anger and fear and some kind of drug.

a minute…

brought a revolver to the class reunion?”  Lucy shouted, realization dawning on
her.  “Why?  How did you even get it on the ship, you psycho?”

, not a revolver.”  He mocked.  “And I bought it for protection,
which I
needed since you’ve stuck me in that fucking Tom Hanks
movie with the volley ball!”

are seriously deranged.  What did
do except warn your worthless ass to
get up on deck?”  She glowered up at him.  “But --hey!—with 20/20 hindsight, I’d
definitely leave you to sink, now.”

snotty little bitch.  You think I won’t kill you? 

think you’ve sucked at everything you’ve tried, so the odds are certainly in my
favor.  You haven’t accomplished one damn thing in your whole damn life!”

just made him angrier.  “Bullshit!  I’m the only person in the whole class who
ended up a success!  I’m the biggest fucking dealer in Fort Wayne, Indiana! 
I’m Walter frigging White, meets Gordon goddamn Gekko!  I’m a
business man
bitch!”  He smirked.  “Not too bad for someone who got expelled two weeks
before graduation, thanks to you.”


fault I got kicked out! 
were the one who ratted me
out for the library fire, senior year.  Then you called me a loser, as the
principal dragged me away.”

a loser!”

”  He jabbed the gun at her.  “You tried to wreck my life.  You think
any colleges were going to let me in with
on my permanent record? 
I wanted to be a photographer, but you screwed up everything for me!”

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