Once Upon a Caveman (16 page)

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Authors: Cassandra Gannon

BOOK: Once Upon a Caveman
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there was Rhawn.  It was hard to think your life had turned out
when you were kind of dating the hottest, smartest, kindest guy in
whatever-the-hell universe this was.

it, she was thinking about him again.

just want a do-over.”  Taffi complained.  “A chance to start fresh and be the
me who I was
to be, before I screwed it all up.”  She shook her
head.  “The shipwreck was a wake-up call.  I’ve got nothing to look forward to now
to except expanding thighs.  This is the prettiest and youngest I’ll ever be
again.  I blew my whole life.”

only thirty-three.  You have plenty of life left.”  Assuming they didn’t get
swallowed up by lava, anyway.  “Listen, even if we’re marooned here for good,
you’ll be okay.  We just have to use our heads.”

logical thought had never been Taffi’s forte.  “I just wish…”  She swallowed
hard.  “I just wish we got to grow up to be who we
to be when we
were eighteen, you know?  I was so
back then.”

were a raging bitch at eighteen, Taffi.”

undeniable fact startled a laugh out of her.  “I really was, wasn’t I?”  She
wiped at her cheeks, chuckling with pleasure.  “I made
many girls
cry.  Janna Simmons switched schools, because I emailed everyone copies of her
stupid fan-fic about sleeping with the whole cast of

prime example of why my karma-biting-you-in-the-ass-now theory is a good one.”

please.  Like it’s my fault she couldn’t take a joke?”  Taffi tossed her hair
back.  “And you
me snarking at you all the time.  I was afraid
to raise my hand in class, because I knew you’d have some wiseass remark about
my answer and make me feel dumb.”

blinked.  She hadn’t known that.  “I’m sorry.”  She said automatically.  “I
shouldn’t have…”

cut her off.  “Of
you should have.”  She straightened her
shoulders, regaining her normal self-assurance.  “We’ve been enemies since
kindergarten, Lucy.  No sense in pretending otherwise.  Beautiful girls and fat
girls will always be at war.”

much for bonding.

pinched the bridge of her nose.  There really didn’t seem to be a way to
exclude Taffi from the rescue efforts, but it was damn tempting.  “Look, all
that matters is finding our way off this island.  We’re building boats and
we’re leaving.  All of us.  Even you.”

Taffi nodded, adopting a brave face.  “I can’t stay a prisoner of Fraggle Rock
for much longer.  I’m missing
Project Runway,
and I’ve wrecked my
nails, and had to eat bugs for dinner.  Besides, I have a strict rule against
sleeping with longhaired men, so my dating options are --like-- zero around

was so stupid on so many different levels, it boggled the mind.  Lucy went with
the simplest objection.  “You’re hardly a prisoner, Taffi.  No one even knows
you’re here.”

because I’ve had to hide in the woods, afraid some T-Rex would eat me!”

me, that’s the least of your worries.  Everything here seems to be following pretty
close to our Ice Age and dinosaurs were extinct millions of years before that.”

snorted that incontrovertible paleontological fact.  “Not all scientists agree
with you.”

they do.  Unless they’re really dumb scientists.”

always so disagreeable!  Would it kill you to be nice to me, for once?  Why
no one
understand what I’m going through?  I can’t believe I’m all
alone here and nobody even cares that I’ve…”  She stopped mid-word, her eyes
going wide.  “Whoa.”  She breathed in something like awe.

even turning around, Lucy knew Rhawn had followed her back to the cave.

Chapter Eight


strokes the small nub of flesh hidden in the soft folds of the woman’s body. 
He uses circles first, then he tugs it gently experimenting to see what she
likes best.  Tugging.  He barely starts and her body is already arching into
his touch.

God… Please.”  She begs.

smiles, pleased with the reaction.  He wonders what would happen if he tugs and
then slips his other fingers inside her so she…

woman cries out in pleasure, her channel constricting.  She is panting for
breath, completely opened to him.  Rhawn analyzes the facts and realizes that
she is close to release.  Can women reach orgasm?  He isn’t sure, but --gods--
how he wants to find out.

and Lucy’s Dream- Eight Years Ago


turned and immediately spotted a certain shirtless caveman standing in the
mouth of the cave, looking like an ad for the Pleistocene Olympics.  For once
Taffi seemed to be speechless and Lucy didn’t blame her.  It was hard to think
with all that golden skin shining at you.

sighed.  For real, there was no way she was going to be able to avoid this
guy.  It would be like Charlie trying to stay away from the chocolate factory.

is Taffi.”  She told Rhawn by way of introduction.  “Before you ask,

She’s not a god.”

brown eyes surveyed Taffi with math-geek concentration.  “But she has come with
you and War-en?  She is from Newyork?”


live in Queens.”  Taffi told him, rallying quickly.  She beamed like the head
cheerleader she’d once been and hurried towards him, her aversion to long-haired
men forgotten.  “I’m super happy to meet someone who speaks English.  I was
beginning to think we were stranded in some icky foreign place.”

clearly had no idea what she was talking about.  Lucy could see him sorting
through her words, trying to make sense of them.  “You are a queen?”

yes!  Yes, I am.”

not a queen, Taffi.”  Lucy snapped.

was prom queen, wasn’t I?”  Taffi hissed back.  “Shut up.  I think he likes

doesn’t even know you!”

to know me to like me.  It’s just a gift I have.”

sure they like you
when they don’t know you, but this particular
man is spoken for.”  The words were out before Lucy even thought about them.

glanced at her sharply.

for by whom?”  Taffi sneered.  “
?  Right.  I’m so sure
dream girl of a guy who looks like a superhero.  When’s the last time you even
wore lipstick?  I mean, yeah you’re
accessorizing properly,” she
gestured to the shiny necklace Anniah had given Lucy, “but, it’s too little,
too late.  You can’t really believe…”

is the woman of my dreams.”  Rhawn said simply, cutting her off.  His attention
stayed on Lucy.  “She is… perfect.”

stared back at him, hypnotized and a little afraid.  That gaze was so intense. 
So penetrating.  Like he could see straight through her.  But, if he could, why
didn’t he already know the truth?  “I’m not perfect.”  She whispered.

shrugged.  “You are perfect for me.”

not perfect.”  Taffi agreed, not even hearing Rhawn’s quiet assurance. 
“You should have seen her hair back in tenth grade.  She dyed it this god-awful
blue.”  She rolled her eyes.  “Lucy always has to be

not special.”

ignored her denial.

cannot help being special.  Even in my dreams, I knew she was born to change
the world.”  Rhawn looked at Lucy.  “But I have not dreamed of this queen.”  He
waved a hand at Taffi.  “I only dream of
, goddess.”

have dreamed of Taffi.”  Lucy scowled at him, outraged at the
thought.  Maybe she wasn’t completely sure what was going on between them, but
she knew damn well it was only between
.  “You’d better not be
dreaming of anybody else, at all!  I mean it, Rhawn.”

liked that demand.  “You have no need to worry.  I’ve Chosen
.  No
others fill my thoughts.”


Taffi exclaimed, throwing up her hands in frustration.  “I mean
She turned back to Lucy.  “You’re dating
, now?  While I’ve been
eating shriveled up worms and gross, green berries, you’ve been shacking up
with the Wild Man of Borneo?!  I swear, you don’t care about anyone but
yourself!  You’re selfish and I’m
I tripped you going across the
stage during graduation!”

dragged her attention away from Rhawn and stabbed a finger at her.  “I’m not in
the mood for your bullshit, Taffi.  The fat girls have won the war, so just
accept it and
shut up
, before I throw you out on your liposuctioned ass.”

don’t own this cave!  I can be here if I want!  Why are you always so mean to
me, huh?  If you knew what I’d been through you’d be a lot more…”

cut her off.  “You ate the green berries?”

Taffi muttered distractedly, her eye still on Lucy.  “You know, it’s all
fault that…”  She suddenly seemed to process Rhawn’s concerned tone and stopped
mid-word.  “Wait what?”  Her head swung around to look at him in growing
panic.  “Yes!  The green ones.  I ate the green ones.  Was I not supposed to
eat the green ones?”

didn’t respond to that, but he backed away from Taffi with a worried frown.  His
eyes cut over to Lucy.  “She ate the green ones.”  He said in a grave voice.

that bad?”

gave a shrug.  “Perhaps.”

God.”  Taffi whispered, looking a little green herself.

eyebrows compressed.  “Will she die?”

gave another shrug.  “Perhaps.”

God.”  Taffi gasped again.  “I
die!  I’m supposed to go to Italy
in October!”

Lucy was concerned about her prognosis.  “Can we do anything for her?”

third shrug.  “Pray to the Savior?”  Rhawn suggested in a suspiciously dire

paused, taking in his oh-so-grave expression.  “Pray to the Savior?”  She
repeated skeptically and amusement began to take the place of worry.  “The
Savior who’s passed out in the other cave?  You really think that’s going to
cure her, huh?”

mouth curved slightly.  “As well as anything else will, I imagine.”

”  Taffi slapped a hand over her mouth, missing the joke.  “I
totally feel the –like-- poison poisoning me.  It’s seriously happening!”  She
went rushing from the cave.  “I’m going to be sick.”

is always a good remedy.”  Rhawn called after her.

didn’t bother to follow her out.  She crossed her arms over her chest and
arched a brow at Rhawn.  “The green berries are fine, aren’t they?”

shrugged, but his eyes were glinting with laughter.  “Perhaps.”

couldn’t quite contain her snickering.  “You lied to that poor girl about toxic
berries?  I thought I was supposed to be the evil one around here?  High-five!” 
She held up a palm and he frowned at it confusion.  “Never mind.”  She dropped
her hand again.  Clearly, those weren’t a caveman custom, yet.  “What’s
important is that you were mean to Taffi in an awesome,
way.  I
I liked you, caveman.”

will be fine.”  Rhawn was epically unrepentant.  “The woman deserved far worse
than she got.  I do not like the way she speaks to you.  Who is she and why is
she here?”

Taffi  Dawson, the prettiest girl in Woodward High.  And she’s here because I’m
having a real bad week.”

for meeting Rhawn, anyhow, that didn’t seem so bad, at all.

blinked in total incomprehension.  “Someone believes
woman is
prettiest?  Did no one in this Wood-Ward-High place see

slowly smiled.  “You just won yourself soooo many points.”

brightened.  “Points are good.”  He reminded her.

points are
good, especially considering you want to see me naked
sometime this epoch.”

eyes narrowed in deep thought, taking her literally.  “How many points do I need
before you will mate with me?”

of points.”

is the specific number, though?”

and a half.”  She randomly decided, because he wasn’t going to be satisfied
until he had a target.  God, he really was the straight-A kid who asked about
extra credit.

many points do I presently have?”


frowned at that news.

Lucy continued cheerily, “Taffi’s a vapid twit.  Always has been.  I don’t want
to see her dead, though, so we’re going to take her with us when we leave this

are still committed to this insane plan with the
, then?”  Rhawn
asked her that about nine times a day, like he just kept hoping that she’d
change her mind.  He was such an optimist.  “Have I mentioned that
in those waters?”

couple hundred times.  But unless you have a better way to avoid being melted
by the big ass volcano, we’re still going with my plan.”

me, I’m trying to think of one.”  He sighed.  “In the meantime, we need to
focus on more practical concerns.  Like food.  It’s why I came to find you.”  He
stepped closer to her, apparently just because he wanted to be closer to her.  He
did that a lot and it always made her heart race.

She repeated dumbly, staring up at his incredible face.

We used the last of our stores for the Savior’s feast.  If you really plan to
put us into
, we will need supplies.  The rest of the Clan will not
eat from the sea.”

guess green berries and those vegetarian flower things are a no go?”

need to hunt a mammoth.”

he said that so casually.  “Hunt a mammoth?”  Lucy repeated, pretending that
those words weren’t fucking crazy.  “Like the huge hairy elephants, who could
crush us with their huge hairy feet?”

am unfamiliar with this word ‘ely-fanz.’”

waved that aside.  “I thought you said all the mammoths were gone.”

are gone.  There is a small herd in the valley.  Some females had to be spared,
so they might breed and raise the young.  Others are too large or bad-tempered to
bring down safely.  We saved them for last.”

you want to hunt the big, mean ones and the babies?”

else will we get food?”  He retorted.  “You might not enjoy meat, but there are
few other options available.  We will need weeks of provisions, if we’re going
on the
.  Strips of meat will last longest and take up the least
amount of space.”

it.”  She tilted her head back, because he was right.  What
the Clan
going to eat for however long it took them to find land?  She hadn’t really
considered the logistics of her plan, just the “getting the hell outta there”
part.  Of course Rhawn had thought about the nuts and bolts of it, though.  He
was a nuts and bolts kinda guy.

about --like-- smaller, unextinct animals?  Could we kill them, instead of a
mammoth?  Maybe mice.  I don’t like mice.”

hurt her to even ask that, though.  Corny and tree-huggy as it sounded, Lucy
really did love animals.  One day, she fully planned to get a cute, little
dog.  Slaughtering fuzzy creatures was the last thing she’d ever want to do. 
Especially mammoths, for crying out loud.  Every paleontology-student bone in
her body wanted to study them, not eat them.

creatures are scarce now.  It would take too much time to gather enough to feed
us all.  And wolves,
, and long-tooths are very dangerous to


beasts with

That really cleared it right up.

you see, mammoths are the best choice.”  He sounded positive and she had no reason
to doubt him.  Rhawn could probably show her some complicated graph proving
exactly how much meat each person needed per day.  The caveman was kind of a

sighed.  “Alright.”  Jesus, twenty years of vegetarianism and now she was going
on a goddamn safari.  Her only consolation was that the volcano was poised to
wipe out the mammoths anyway.  They’d just be speeding up the inevitable.  It
still sucked, though.  “Just promise me you’ll pick an old and sick one.  And that
you’ll be super,
careful during the whole spearing part, because I
don’t want you crushed to death.”

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