On to Richmond (3 page)

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Authors: Ginny Dye

BOOK: On to Richmond
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Carrie nodded and then started in the saddle.  A far off call had caught her attention.  Straining her eyes, she looked off to the west.  It took a moment for her eyes to focus.  “It’s Moses,” she said suddenly.  “I wonder if something is wrong.”               

It took only a couple of minutes for Moses to canter up to where they waited for him on the road.   The towering black man rode his large gelding easily.  He had learned to ride when Rose did, but it had come naturally to him.  Now he looked as if he had spent all of his life in the saddle. 

Carrie admired his grace for a moment and then spoke quickly.  “Is something wrong, Moses?”

“Not a thing,” he grinned.  “I just saw my beautiful wife and my favorite plantation owner’s daughter, and thought you might like to take a look at the fields.  It’s been a while since you’ve ridden the fields, Carrie.”

“I trust what you’re doing.”

Moses nodded easily.  “I know that.  But you’ve been doing all your work inside lately.  You haven’t been doing what you love.  I’d like to show you what we’ve been doing.”

Carrie hesitated but then agreed with a smile.  “You’re right.  I’ve been too chained to papers and reports lately.  Not to mention nursing sick people down in the quarters.  I certainly will be glad when this latest illness goes away.  Two more of the children came down with it yesterday.  It’s not too serious, but they will be miserable for a few days.”  Her face creased with a frown as she thought about them.

Moses interpreted her look.  “Sarah will take care of them till you get back, Carrie.”  His tone was gentle but firm. 

Carrie gazed at him for a moment and then smiled again.  “Lead the way, overseer.  We’re all yours.”

Carrie allowed thoughts of everything else to flow from her mind as the three trotted easily down the road.   She was thankful for the raised roads her father had so carefully built.  The hot sun had already almost dried the well-drained surface, while the fields still had standing puddles from the massive rains.   Stretched out on each side were luxuriant fields of green. 

Moses pointed proudly to his right.  “The tobacco is coming in fine.   Even with fewer hands to work it, we’re still on target with what they did last year.  This last rain is going to help us a lot.  The ground was getting pretty dry. These soaking rains will put all the moisture back in the soil.  We should have a bumper crop this year.”

Carrie smiled as she looked over the fields.  She knew her father would be proud of the way they looked.  She also knew he would be shocked if he knew they had been completely supervised by one of his own slaves.  Her father was convinced blacks were intellectually incapable of being in charge of themselves and of their destiny.  If he could only see what Moses and the rest had done, maybe it would change his mind.  Not that she held much hope of that.  She and her father had argued about slavery before.  They clearly stood on opposite sides of the fence.   He and Robert were in agreement on that issue.  Robert...  Once again the thoughts she fought so hard to control flooded her mind.   His handsome face and flashing dark eyes, surrounded by a shock of wavy, dark hair rose before her. 

Granite, startled momentarily by a rabbit bolting from the brush lining the fields, shied slightly and snorted his disdain for the furry little creature as he once again picked up his steady trot.  It was enough to jolt Carrie from her errant thoughts.

The three friends rode in silence for a long while.  It was Moses who broke the silence.  “It doesn’t seem possible there is a war going on.  Life is going on around here just like always.”

Once again a frown creased Carrie’s face.  “I hope the war doesn’t touch us here.”  She paused.  “I don’t know how realistic that is, though.”   For just a moment, she could see swarms of soldiers flooding the fields of Cromwell Plantation.  She shook her head to push away the vision.  “My father said in his letter that men from all over the South are pouring into Richmond to train as soldiers.  Lee has started up a training camp at the Fairgrounds.   With Washington less than a hundred miles away, there are sure to be attempts to take Richmond.  He said the people seem to be actually eager for a fight.”   She shuddered as she thought of the death and destruction on both sides.  “They seem to think one good beating from the South will make the North tuck their tails between their legs and flee back to their homes.”

“You disagree?” Rose asked.

“I think too many people are still seeing it as a game.  When Southern boys are killed and the wounded start pouring in, I believe reality will set in.  And no, I don’t believe the North is full of the cowards they think it is.  I know many of them.  They, too, are going to fight for what they believe in.” 

Moses nodded.  “It’s going to be a long war, I think.”

Something in his voice caused Carrie to turn and stare at him, questioning him with her eyes.

He met her gaze without flinching.  He squared his shoulders and spoke evenly.  “I don’t have anything against you, Carrie.  You’re one of the finest women I know.  But I got a big problem with all the folks who done been keepin’ my people in bondage for so long.  I done seen too much misery to forget it.”

Carrie watched him with compassion.  It was at times like this when Moses slipped back into the slave dialect he had spoken all his life.  He had learned to read and write quickly under Rose’s tutelage, and he had worked hard to improve his speech so he would be ready to go out into the world when his opportunity for freedom came.   But when his great heart became aroused about something he was passionate about, he could still slip back into his old speech. 

“You know what we’re doing with the tobacco right now, Carrie?”

Carrie was surprised by his sudden question.  What did this have to do with what they were talking about?  She furrowed her brow and tried to pull her thoughts back to the cultivation of tobacco.  Finally she nodded.  “You should be pruning and worming right now.”

Moses nodded.  “That’s right.”  He paused for a long moment and then continued.  “Raising tobacco is the same everywhere.  You always got to do the worming or those big, green worms will wipe out an entire crop.”

Carrie watched him closely.  Where was he going with this?  He knew that she was as informed about farming techniques as he was.  Her father, lacking a son to train on the plantation, had imparted all of his knowledge to her.  She had even spent some time helping with the worming.  She remembered her disgust at having to crush the worms one by one so that their voracious appetites wouldn’t obliterate a crop.

“My little sister was working the fields one day when the worming was being done.”  Moses face had gone expressionless, and his voice was flat. 

Carrie’s face softened.  She knew he was reliving the pain of his life on the plantation he had come from the year before.   She also knew how his heart ached for his family that had been sold away from each other at the auction house in Richmond.

“June was just a little thing then.  Not even six years old.  She had been in the hot sun all day long, and she wasn’t feeling too good.   She finally got too tired to kill the worms.  Instead of crushing them in her hands, she just dropped them in the field and moved on to the next one.  She didn’t have no idea she was being watched...”  His voice trailed off and then picked up the story.  “I turned around just in time to see the overseer grab her and spin her around.  First, he slapped her across the face...”  Moses’ voice roughened as he remembered.  “Then he reached down and grabbed a whole handful of them worms and stuffed them in her mouth.  June was a gagging and a choking while he just stood there and laughed.” 

A deep silence fell on the three as they all experienced the humiliation and pain of Moses’ story.

Finally Moses spoke again, his voice once more under control.  “I don’t know for sure what will happen to slavery if the North wins this war.  But I do know for sure what will happen if they don’t.”   Moses took a deep breath and straightened his broad shoulders a little more.  “I aim to do whatever I can to help the North if the opportunity ever comes.  Right now I ain’t got no idea what that is...”  He paused for a long moment.  “But I’ll know when the time comes.”  His gaze swung out over the fields as his voice dropped to a rough whisper.  “Yep.  I’ll know when the time comes.”

Carrie watched him, not in surprise or shock, but in sorrow.  Sorrow that it had come to this.  Americans fighting Americans.   Her heart grew heavy as she, too, allowed her eyes to roam the land that was her home. 

The clouds that had descended upon America with the fall of Fort Sumter had intensified in their darkness.  Carrie shuddered.  Brothers were preparing to fight brothers. Men everywhere were leaving their families and homes to fight in a war they little understood.  Friends, divided by loyalties and geography, were taking up arms to destroy friends.  Families were being ripped apart by differing allegiances.  Carrie knew that dark angels of death waited in the wings while the clouds moved ever lower to meet the darkness of men’s hearts. 



Cool air had moved in to claim the night.  Carrie sighed with relief as a welcoming breeze flowed through her curtains and swept underneath the canopy bed where she lay.  As usual, she was exhausted.  The days began early and ended late, full of frenetic activity as she worked to keep a huge plantation running smoothly. 

              She lay back against her mound of pillows and allowed the refreshing air to caress her tired body.  Gradually she felt herself begin to relax.  She knew what would come next, but she also knew there was no way to fight it.  She had tried for the last five weeks to control her thoughts - to no avail.  She would let them run their course until she fell into a deep sleep of exhaustion. 

Unbidden, thoughts of Robert Borden flooded her mind.  His handsome face smiling down at her as they swirled and dipped around the dance floor.   His enchanting laugh as they cruised up the James River on the packet boat, the
John Marshall
.   His angry look when she tried to talk to him about slavery.  And finally, the look of hatred on his face as he told her of watching his father die at the hand of a slave. 

Carrie’s emotions swirled with the pictures racing through her mind.  She loved Robert Borden.  She would not deny that.  But the love brought her no joy.  It brought nothing but pain. 

The pictures in her mind faded away as the most vivid one took their place:  The look of confusion, pain, and anger on Robert’s face the day she had told him, five weeks before in Richmond, that she could not marry him because he and she held such different views on slavery and on the value of a people God held as his own.  Her heart had broken that day just as surely as his had.  The day she had left Richmond, there had been a short note that had given her a brief flicker of hope, but nothing since then. 

In the lucid light of day, Carrie knew she had done the right thing.  She could never join her life with someone who held such hatred and anger in his heart.  But at night...  At night she remembered all the wonderful things about Robert.  The way they laughed and talked so easily.  The feel of his arms holding her.  The memory of the one kiss they had shared.  The kiss that held so much promise...  A promise that had been swept away by the reality of their differences. 

Once again the questions tortured her.  Had she done the right thing?  Had she thrown away her only love?  Where was he?  Would he be going into battle soon?  Would she ever see him again?  Carrie tossed and turned as the answerless questions stormed through her. 

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