Nothing Stays In Vegas (5 page)

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Authors: Elena Aitken

BOOK: Nothing Stays In Vegas
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He leaned over and said something at me, but his words got lost in the music. 

"What?" I yelled back, right as the song changed making my voice seem much louder. I laughed at myself and moved to leave. But Leo put his arm around my waist and pulled me close. 

"May I have this dance?"  

Let yourself go a little
.  Nicole's words echoed in my ears. 

I slipped my arms around him in response. The room seemed to spin a little but it may have been Leo moving me in time to the sensuous beat. 

I let the music consume us both. I closed my eyes, relaxed into his shoulder and inhaled the scent of him. He smelled earthy with just a bit of spice. Was that cologne, or him? Now that we were touching, the heat he stirred in me was undeniable. 

"What did you say earlier?" I asked. 

"I just wanted to tell you that you looked beautiful." His voice was serious but I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my lips. 

"Thank you," I said. "You're beautiful too." I wanted to take the words back right after I'd spoken them. 

What was wrong with me?  

I should have been more embarrassed than I was, but I wasn't. I looked up at Leo who had stopped dancing and was watching me with a strange look.

"Well, you are," I said and grabbed his hips to get him moving again.

He laughed and slid his hands across my bare back as we resumed our dance. My skin tightened in response to his touch. He must have noticed.

When the music changed again, Leo pulled back slightly and bent his head so we were only inches apart. For a crazy second, I thought he might kiss me. "Let's go sit down," he said. I could feel the hot moisture of his breath against my mouth. 

I nodded, unable to form words and keeping his hand on my back, Leo guided me back to our seats. 

I collapsed on the plush chair and slipped my shoes off. 

"Why do people wear these things?"

"Because they make your legs look outstanding," Leo answered. "May I?" He gestured to my foot. 

"Really? But, they're feet. I've been dancing and--" 

"Trust me. I know a few pressure points." 

I shrugged and let him take my foot in his hands. His touch was cool despite the heat of the club and his big hands made my foot feel tiny as he worked his fingers into my sole.

"That feels so good."

"You sound surprised," he said. "Don't tell me you've never had a foot rub before?"

"I don't usually like people touching my feet." I let my head hang over the back of the chair and I closed my eyes. "But, it feels so good."

"Am I interrupting something?" 

My eyes flew open and I tried to jerk my foot away from Leo but he held tight. 

Nicole laughed. "Sorry, I really did
mean to interrupt this."

"Stop it." I swatted at her but she dodged me. 

Leo released my foot and stood up to give Nicole a kiss on the cheek. "Happy birthday," he said. "Are you having a good time?" 

I think Nicole might have swooned if her dance partner from earlier hadn't been standing behind her to hold her up. 

"This is awesome," Nicole said. "Thank you." Then remembering the man behind her, she pulled him forward and said, "This is Josh."

"Hi, Josh," I said. 

"Would you like a drink?" Leo asked him and led Josh to the bar and took over the host duties for the moment. Nicole squeezed herself into the chair next to me and said, "And here I was worried that you were alone. I should've known better. I saw you two dancing. He's so into you."

"I'm just trying to do what you said. Let loose. Remember?"

"Oh, I definitely remember. And you're doing an excellent job," she said. "Are you having fun?"

"I am. But the better question is, are you? It's your birthday."

"I'm having a great time."

"I think I might be done with the club though. I can't handle anymore to drink," I confessed.

"Well..." Nicole tipped her head towards Leo. "You don't have to stay here if you know what I mean?"

"Come on, I can't do that."

"Can't do what?" Leo asked returning to his seat. 

"I was just telling Nicole that I couldn't possible dance anymore," I said with a smile. 

"And I was just telling Lexi," Nicole said, "that as long as she was okay getting back to the room, she could go on without me." She winked at Leo and I had to stop myself from smacking her leg. "I think Josh and I are going to stay and enjoy my special VIP treatment a little longer though." On cue, Josh wrapped his arm around her and gave her a squeeze. He was cute, even if he didn't say much. Nicole knew how to pick them.

"Can you get back to the room, Lexi?" She asked me, but she was looking at Leo.

"I'll make sure she gets back okay," he answered.

"Oh, I'm sure you will."








Chapter Four


I guided Lexi into the casino, leaving the pounding bass of Studio 54 behind us. Her hand in mine felt good. Better than good, it felt like I never wanted her to let go. 

"Are these people still trying to get in?" she asked and pointed to the would be party-goers standing in the line that hadn't thinned at all through the night.

"It's a popular spot." 

"But it's the middle of the night."

"That's when the party happens in Vegas. It's like there's no sense of time here at all. People will be up all night. I know it's said that New York's the city that never sleeps, but if you ask me, it's Vegas. I've met people who come for a weekend and don't sleep in their bed once."

"Then why get a room?" Lexi asked.

"I said they don't
in their bed." 

Instead of blushing or getting embarrassed like I would have guessed, she laughed.

"I should've known," she said. "I've heard plenty of stories." 

"So, it's your first time here?" 

She nodded, confirming what I already knew. Her pretty mouth was formed in a circle, like she was going to say something, but couldn't remember what it was. I couldn't focus on anything else. Her lips were perfect. Full, but not too full. I could imagine how they'd yield when I pressed mine on hers. I shook my head.

I couldn't kiss her. She wasn't the type of woman that you just kissed out of the blue. I was pretty sure if I did, the result would not be what I was hoping for. 

"Are you tired?" I asked trying to get my mind off her lips.

Again, she looked like she was going to say something but then someone hit a jackpot and she turned towards the loud bells and flashing lights coming from a slot machine a few feet away. She moved towards it, watching. The older lady in front of the winning machine was like many of the seniors I saw here on a daily basis. She'd just won big, but if it weren't for the lights and noise, you'd never know. She didn't even crack a smile. It could've been a huge win, enough to pay for a month of groceries, but the woman didn't register even a flicker of excitement. 

I slid closer to Lexi, but didn't touch her. Standing only inches away from her was hard. It would be so easy to slip my arms around her waist and pull her into me. Not touching her was an exercise in restraint. 

"She won big," I said in Lexi's ear.

She shivered. Because of me? Maybe, and I hoped it was true, that she felt the same way I did. The urge to touch her magnified.

"She doesn't look very happy about it," she said. "I assumed there would be a celebration. You know, flipping chairs, yelling...that type of thing.."

I leaned in a little closer and I could smell her perfume. When we were dancing, the scent of her filled my senses. Now, I inhaled deep. It was fresh, not sweet at all or flowery. More like a crisp breeze. "There are two types of gamblers, especially slot players," I said. "Some are in it for fun. Those are the ones that get excited. And then there's the hardcore players. I'm sure she's happy. But she'll keep playing until it's all gone."

"Really?" She turned around and for a moment our mouths were only inches apart. 

It would've been easy to kiss her. 

But worry lined her face, so I said, "I've seen so many people who can't afford to lose even a dollar pump everything they own into these machines."

"That's really sad."

"It is," I agreed. I forced myself to pull away from her, creating distance before I could no longer fight the urge to touch her lips. "Come on. We don't have to watch." I walked to the elevator bank, giving myself a moment to get my desire in check. Lexi followed me but glanced back to the slot machine and the woman who was no doubt well into spending her winnings already. 

I could tell Lexi wanted to stop the woman, her concern was so genuine, so...unlike anyone I'd met in a very long time. I clenched my hands together, stopping myself from brushing a stray hair off her face. Behind me there was a steady flow of people coming and going out of the elevators.

 It was late and when she turned back to me, I swallowed hard to prepare myself again to say goodbye to her. 

I'd promised Nicole I'd get Lexi got back to her room safely. I'm no fool. There was so much implied meaning behind Nicole's words, I'd have to be brain dead not to catch on. But I was also a gentleman, and if Lexi was tired I would take her back to her room, without an agenda. 

"It's late, isn't it?" she asked. 

 I nodded. I wouldn't tell her the time unless she asked. 

"What time is it?"


"One thirty."


This was it. I was going to have to say goodbye. 

"I'll take you to your room," I said trying my best not to seem disappointed. I took her hand; the spark that never seemed to dull shot through me at her touch. Turning, I started to lead her towards the elevator. 

"Why?" She pulled on my arm lurching me to a stop. 

When I turned around I wasn't prepared for the mischief in her eyes. 

"What do you mean, why?" I said. "I thought you were tired."

"Suddenly," she said with a smile, "I'm feeling much better." 

She squeezed my hand and my heart jumped like a kid at a school dance.

"I know this sounds crazy," she said, "but I'm hungry. Can we get something to eat?

I laughed out loud, more from relief then humor, but she looked so serious that I put my hand to my mouth and tried to cover my laughter with a cough. How could this woman affect me so much that the thought of her going to bed and walking out of my life was making me nervous?

"Hungry?" I managed.

Lexi crossed her arms, which, as well as making her look out of control hot, had the added bonus of pushing her breasts up so I could see their swell. She wasn't wearing a bra. 

I was suddenly very hungry myself.

"Am I funny?" she demanded. Her turned up mouth gave her away; she wasn't mad, but I was sure enjoying the way she was trying to convince me that she was. 

"I'm sorry." I swallowed hard. "You're not funny," I said and then because I had nothing to lose, I added, "But you're very cute."

Another blush crept across Lexi's face, down her neck and into that cleavage I couldn't seem to take my eyes off. 

I loved making her blush.

I gave her a moment to recover before I said, "I know an excellent place where we can grab a burger. Assuming your feet are okay."  

She smiled and the ball bounced back into her court. "Honestly, I feel fine," she said. "It must be the oxygen they pump in here, but I'm not tired at all and my feet are doing much better after their massage." 

"Good. I don't think I want the evening to end yet." 

That was an understatement. 

"Neither do I." 

We looked at each other for a moment. I tried to read her expression. Never before had I experienced this type of instant sexual tension with a woman. But, God, it was so much more than that. I wanted to keep her talking, to hear her voice. But at the same time I wanted to silence her by kissing those lips. 

The noise of the casino faded away. I leaned in to close the distance between us. My lips were so close to hers, I could feel the warmth of her breath. 

"Excuse me." A man dressed in a tropical shirt squeezed through, pushing me back and completely, effectively ruining the moment. 

"Well," I said trying to recover. "Is a burger okay? Or are you in the mood for something else? If you want something fancy, I can arrange it. But, I'll be honest, it's usually a good juicy burger that I crave after a night out."

"That sounds perfect," she said and if it was possible, at that moment I wanted her even more.




I knew the perfect place to take her and I didn't waste any time in case she changed her mind. I led her outside, into a cab and in a few minutes we were seated across from each other in a red vinyl booth. 

The minute the huge hamburgers and baskets of fries were put in front of us, I realized I was much hungrier than I thought. I took a few big bites, satisfying the growl in my stomach. And I wasn't the only one enjoying the meal. I took my time chewing and watched Lexi.

"What?" she asked and wiped a dribble of ketchup off her chin.

I took a sip of my soda in an attempt to conceal my smile. She was so damn cute, even when her mouth was full. 

"I was just watching you eat," I said. "I can't remember the last time I've seen a beautiful woman with such a good appetite."

"That sounds like such a line." She laughed and popped another fry in her mouth. "I've never been afraid of eating. Besides, this is fantastic."

"I'm glad you're enjoying it. They're the best burgers in town."

She glanced down at her half eaten meal. "Oh, I don't think there's any doubt that I'm enjoying it." Her eyes sparkled. She might have been flirting with me but it was so unlike the women I was used to, the ones who threw themselves at me. Lexi's flirting was subtle, almost like she didn't know how. It was sweet and I wanted more. "So you must date a lot?" she continued.

"I don't." 

"I find that hard to believe."

"It's true. Usually the type of women I meet are here for a good time, not really a long time, if you know what I mean?"

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