Nine Algorithms That Changed the Future: The Ingenious Ideas That Drive Today's Computers (14 page)

BOOK: Nine Algorithms That Changed the Future: The Ingenious Ideas That Drive Today's Computers
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Part of a decision tree for identifying web spam. The dots indicate parts of the tree that have been omitted for simplicity. Source: Ntoulas
et al
. 2006.

To summarize, the learning phase of a decision tree classifier can be complex, but it is completely automatic and you only have to do it once. After that, you have the decision tree you need, and the classification phase is incredibly simple: just like a game of twenty questions, you move down the tree following the answers to the questions, until you reach an output box. Typically, only a handful of questions are needed and the classification phase is thus extremely efficient. Contrast this with the nearest-neighbor approach, in which no effort was required for the learning phase, but the classification phase required us to do a comparison with all training examples (100,000 of them for the hand-written digits task), for each item to be classified.

In the next section, we encounter neural networks: a pattern recognition technique in which the learning phase is not only significant, but directly inspired by the way humans and other animals learn from their surroundings.


The remarkable abilities of the human brain have fascinated and inspired computer scientists ever since the creation of the first digital computers. One of the earliest discussions of actually simulating a brain using a computer was by Alan Turing, a British scientist who was also a superb mathematician, engineer, and code-breaker. Turing's classic 1950paper, entitled
Computing Machinery and Intelligence
, is most famous for a philosophical discussion of whether a computer could masquerade as a human. The paper introduced a scientific way of evaluating the similarity between computers and humans, known these days as a “Turing test.” But in a less well-known passage of the same paper, Turing directly analyzed the possibility of modeling a human brain using a computer. He estimated that only a few gigabytes of memory might be sufficient.

A typical biological neuron. Electrical signals flow in the directions shown by the arrows. The output signals are only transmitted if the sum of the input signals is large enough.

Sixty years later, it's generally agreed that Turing significantly underestimated the amount of work required to simulate a human brain. But computer scientists have nevertheless pursued this goal in many different guises. One of the results is the field of
artificial neural networks
, or neural networks for short.

Biological Neural Networks

To help us understand artificial neural networks, we first need an overview of how real, biological neural networks function. Animal brains consist of cells called neurons, and each neuron is connected to many other neurons. Neurons can send electrical and chemical signals through these connections. Some of the connections are set up to
signals from other neurons; the remaining connections
signals to other neurons (see the figure above).

One simple way of describing these signals is to say that at any given moment a neuron is either “idle” or “firing.” When it's idle, a neuron isn't transmitting any signals; when it's firing, a neuron sends frequent bursts of signals through all of its outgoing connections. How does a neuron decide when to fire? It all depends on the strength of the incoming signals it is receiving. Typically, if the total of all incoming signals is strong enough, the neuron will start firing; otherwise, it will remain idle. Roughly speaking, then, the neuron “adds up” all of the inputs it is receiving and starts firing if the sum is large enough. One important refinement of this description is that there are actually two types of inputs, called
The strengths of the excitatory inputs are added up just as you would expect, but the inhibitory inputs are instead
from the total—so a strong inhibitory input tends to prevent the neuron from firing.

A Neural Network for the Umbrella Problem

An artificial neural network is a computer model that represents a tiny fraction of a brain, with highly simplified operations. We'll initially discuss a basic version of artificial neural networks, which works well for the umbrella problem considered earlier. After that, we'll use a neural network with more sophisticated features to tackle a problem called the “sunglasses problem.”

Each neuron in our basic model is assigned a number called its
When the model is running, each neuron adds up the inputs it is receiving. If the sum of the inputs is at least as large as the threshold, the neuron fires, and otherwise it remains idle. The figure on the next page shows a neural network for the extremely simple umbrella problem considered earlier. On the left, we have three inputs to the network. You can think of these as being analogous to the sensory inputs in an animal brain. Just as our eyes and ears trigger electrical and chemical signals that are sent to neurons in our brains, the three inputs in the figure send signals to the neurons in the artificial neural network. The three inputs in this network are all excitatory. Each one transmits a signal of strength +1 if its corresponding condition is true. For example, if it is currently cloudy, then the input labeled “cloudy?” sends out an excitatory signal of strength +1; otherwise, it sends nothing, which is equivalent to a signal of strength zero.

If we ignore the inputs and outputs, this network has only two neurons, each with a different threshold. The neuron with inputs for humidity and cloudiness fires only if both of its inputs are active (i.e., its threshold is 2), whereas the other neuron fires if any one of its inputs is active (i.e., its threshold is 1). The effect of this is shown in the bottom of the figure on the previous page, where you can see how the final output can change depending on the inputs.

cloudy, but neither humid nor raining

Top panel: A neural network for the umbrella problem. Bottom two panels: The umbrella neural network in operation. Neurons, inputs, and outputs that are “firing” are shaded. In the center panel, the inputs state that it is not raining, but it is both humid and cloudy, resulting in a decision to take an umbrella. In the bottom panel, the only active input is “cloudy?,” which feeds through to a decision not to take an umbrella.

Faces to be “recognized” by a neural network. In fact, instead of recognizing faces, we will tackle the simpler problem of determining whether a face is wearing sunglasses. Source: Tom Mitchell,
Machine Learning
, McGraw-Hill (1998). Used with permission.

At this point, it would be well worth your while to look back at the decision tree for the umbrella problem on page 90. It turns out that the decision tree and the neural network produce exactly the same results when given the same inputs. For this very simple, artificial problem, the decision tree is probably a more appropriate representation. But we will next look at a much more complex problem that demonstrates the true power of neural networks.

A Neural Network for the Sunglasses Problem

As an example of a realistic problem that can be successfully solved using neural networks, we'll be tackling a task called the “sunglasses problem.” The input to this problem is a database of low-resolution photographs of faces. The faces in the database appear in a variety of configurations: some of them look directly at the camera, some look up, some look to the left or right, and some are wearing sunglasses. The figure above shows some examples.

We are deliberately working with low-resolution images here, to make our neural networks easy to describe. Each of these images is, in fact, only 30 pixels wide and 30 pixels high. As we will soon see, however, a neural network can produce surprisingly good results with such coarse inputs.

Neural networks can be used to perform standard face recognition on this face database—that is, to determine the identity of the person in a photograph, regardless of whether the person is looking at the camera or disguised with sunglasses. But here, we will attack an easier problem, which will demonstrate the properties of neural networks more clearly. Our objective will be to decide whether or not a given face is wearing sunglasses.

A neural network for the sunglasses problem.

The figure above shows the basic structure of the network. This figure is schematic, since it doesn't show every neuron or every connection in the actual network used. The most obvious feature is the single output neuron on the right, which produces a 1 if the input image contains sunglasses and a 0 otherwise. In the center of the network, we see three neurons that receive signals directly from the input image and send signals on to the output neuron. The most complicated part of the network is on the left, where we see the connections from the input image to the central neurons. Although all the connections aren't shown, the actual network has a connection from every pixel in the input image to every central neuron. Some quick arithmetic will show you that this leads to a rather large number of connections. Recall that we are using low-resolution images that are 30 pixels wide and 30 pixels high. So even these images, which are tiny by modern standards, contain 30 × 30 = 900 pixels. And there are three central neurons, leading to a total of 3 × 900 = 2700 connections in the left-hand layer of this network.

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