Next to Always: Shattered Innocence Trilogy Book Two (7 page)

BOOK: Next to Always: Shattered Innocence Trilogy Book Two
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Pulling his thoughts back to the present, it was time Rade headed out. He needed to get ready for the gala. On the way, instead of thinking of Isaac, his thoughts were on Dylan. He thought about how much he missed her. How he would have loved for her to share this important night with him. With there being no word from her, he couldn’t ignore that fact that she could be gone from his life for good. Maybe she hadn’t read the letter. His only hope was that if she hadn’t read it, she soon would and she would agree to meet with him. It was his only chance to get her back. To make her understand that had he known what was going to happen, he would have never taken her there. He was pretty sure that Chloe was behind it. Her appearance that night in his private room was not a coincidence. She planned it. He just needed to find the proof to confirm his suspicion.

Since Gwen had made reservations for him at
The Ritz
, he called ahead to make sure that everything he needed would be delivered to his room. It would be easier for him to get ready at the hotel. It also let him make sure there weren’t any additional preparations that needed to be taken care of before tonight’s event.

Rade arrived at the hotel thirty minutes later. Gwen had been already there taking care of a mix-up in the seating assignment. Looking at the large ballroom, it looked as though everything was ready. Gwen had informed Rade that three hundred guests had RSVP’d for the event.

Entering the ballroom, there were at least thirty round tables set throughout the enormous room. Each table was covered in white linen tablecloths with a centerpiece of red roses and white lilies. When Rade walked further into the grand room, he could see the seating cards placed directly in front of the fine white china place settings. Each card was inlaid with gold script, which revealed the name of the person for whom the seat was reserved. Gazing at the elegant cards, Rade knew most of the guests whose name appeared on the cards. Still, there were some that were unfamiliar, so it was always his plan to make sure that he introduced himself to all of his new guests while still taking special care of the returning ones.

Rade suddenly stopped when he saw the name card for Keeve Black and Mason Stone. As he rounded the table, he saw that there were two additional name cards that said
Guest of BlackStone Industries.
He knew he needed to find Gwen and see if she knew who the additional guests were. He could only hope that one of them was Dylan.

After talking with Gwen, Rade headed to his room to relax before the big event. He was disappointed to find that Gwen didn’t have any information on the seating for BlackStone Industries. The only notice he had was that the seating was reserved for four people from BlackStone, two of which he already knew.

Needing to unwind, Rade poured himself a tumbler of his favorite Glenfiddich Scotch, which he made sure the suite’s bar was stocked with. Taking a pull from his drink, he walked over to the floor-to-ceiling windows as he gazed out over the harbor. The sun had already gone down and the light from the Statue of Liberty was breathtaking. Rade thought how wonderful it would be to share this night with Dylan. He also thought how much he wanted her body against the glass while he was seated deep inside her. He wanted to feel her gorgeous legs wrapped around him as he gently propelled in and out of her. He longed to hear her scream his name as she came with an explosive orgasm that only he could give her. He wanted to feel her body next to him as he caressed her soft skin as she slept in his bed.

Rade was yanked from his thoughts as he heard a faint knock on the door. Setting his glass on the end table he made his way to the door. Opening it, he couldn’t believe who was waiting for him on the other side.

“What the fuck are you doing here? You have no right to be here,” Rade said as his skin began to crawl with hatred for this man.

“I have every right to be here. He was my son,” Garrett Matheson said defiantly.

“I don’t want you here. If you don’t leave I will have you removed.” Rade forcefully tried to shut the door, but was stopped by the intrusion of his father’s foot.

“Son, please,” Garrett pleaded as he tried to step in the room.

“I’m not your fucking son. You lost that right thirteen years ago. Now move your fucking foot before I break it.”

No words could describe the anger that was boiling in Rade’s body. It had been thirteen years since he spoke with his father. Thirteen years to the day since the death of his brother. Thirteen years to the day since he lost his mother. All caused by the hand of one man. The one man he looked up to as a child.

The last person Rade expected to see was his father. Why of all days did he have to show up today? Closing the door on his father didn’t relieve the anxiety he felt knowing full well his father wouldn’t be taking his advice and leaving the hotel. Stepping to the bar, he poured another drink as he dialed Richard.

“Richard, we have a problem. My father showed up at the hotel. I told him he wasn’t welcome, but I have a feeling he’s not going to leave willingly.”

“What do you need from me, sir?” Richard asked reluctantly.

“Make sure he comes nowhere near the benefit. I want more security in place to make sure every inch of the ballroom is covered. The last thing I need is a confrontation in front of my guests,” Rade said, making sure Richard knew he was serious.

“Do you really think he would cause a scene, sir? Even though your animosity towards each other is evident, I seriously doubt he would be stupid enough to cause problems for the event.”

“Richard, I didn’t ask you what you thought. I hope you don’t have a problem fulfilling my request.”

“Of course not, sir. I will have the extra security in place.” Richard wasn’t pleased with Rade’s request, but he knew his loyalty was with Rade even though his friendship with Garrett Matheson might be at stake.

After Rade ended his call with Richard, he downed what was left of his drink and headed to the master bedroom. As instructed, his tux was hanging ready for him in the walk-in closet. All he could think about was the problems that could arise during the gala. He needed to be at his best. He needed to make sure everything went smoothly.

As Rade stepped into the shower, he was once again ridden with the thoughts of Dylan. At the very least, thinking of Dylan took his mind off of his father. Rade must have been standing under the hot spray of water for some time before he realized the time. The last thing he needed was to be late for his own gala. Drying off, Rade went to the walk in closet to get his tux. Turning to the full length mirror, Rade was able to get a good look at himself. The man he saw was very different from the man he knew four months ago. The man before him didn’t show the same confidence and control. He looked drained and beaten. He knew the change in his appearance had to do with lack of sleep, lack of appetite, and in part the over consumption of alcohol. Tonight he would have to show his guests that he wasn’t that man in the mirror, that he was still the confident man he had always been. Tonight he would need to make the best performance of his life.




The gala was just beginning when Rade walked through the large wooden doors looking more handsome than ever in his black tux. A small orchestra of about twenty-five performers were getting set up in one corner of the ballroom. Several of the wait staff were getting the champagne fountain ready. The popping of corks could be heard and the cool liquid glistened as it was poured down each tier of crystal champagne coupes. The tableware was carefully scanned to make sure each piece was precisely placed. There was no one in the massive room that wasn’t doing last minute touches. Rade walked past the orchestra and straight to the open bar where the bartender was checking each glass to make sure not one water spot was visible. Leaning against the bar in front of the bartender, Rade requested a double shot of their best scotch. The bartender gave him an affirmative nod. Placing a crystal tumbler on the sleek bar, he began pouring the amber liquid. Rade quickly downed the double and request a refill. Taking his drink with him, he thought it best to find Gwen and see if there were any final preparations that needed his attention.

Rade was thankful that he didn’t have to go far to find her. Just as he got to the wooded doors, Gwen appeared. Rade thought how lovely she looked. She was wearing a dark blue gown a little on the conservative side, but elegant nonetheless. It suited her.

“Gwen. I was just on my way to find you. You look absolutely stunning,” Rade said as he gave her a gentle kiss on her blushing cheek.

“Why thank you, Mr. Matheson. You look dashingly handsome yourself,” Gwen said. She noticed how tired he looked, but didn’t want to elaborate on it.

Gwen filled Rade in on the evening festivities and let him know that Richard informed her of the added security. Rade and Gwen walked back to the bar, where Rade requested a glass of wine for Gwen and another scotch for himself.

Guests began shuffling in and were immediately greeted by servers carrying trays of champagne and
hors d’oeuvres
. The room began filling as more and more guests appeared. Rade knew the event would bring in hefty donations. At two thousand dollars a plate, the foundation was already a success with over three hundred guests.

As Rade watched the enormous room fill, he fixated his eyes on every woman with auburn colored hair as they entered the room. He was filled with disappointment as the face of each woman revealed someone other than Dylan. “
Could he have missed her entering the room?”
he thought to himself. After all, there were so many people. Rade took his focus off of the large wooden doors and began scanning the room. Looking towards the table designated for BlackStone Industries, he could see two gentlemen had already arrived. As they turned their heads he recognized Keeve Black and Mason Stone. He debated on walking over to their table and saying “Hello” when she caught his eye. It was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. Every male in the room was glancing in her direction. It was like everything stood still in time.

Rade watched Dylan as she moved across the room with such grace, he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. The dress she wore further accentuated her beauty. Her ivory skin was translucent against the black of her gown. Every curve of her body was displayed so elegantly, she took his breath away. There was no one else that he saw in the room. Only she was in his sights.

The closer Dylan got to Rade the harder it was to pull away from her beauty. He didn’t want to make himself known until the moment was perfect. Turning on his heels, he headed to the other end of the ballroom. It was difficult for Rade to get out of her line of vision as he was continually greeted by guests congratulating him on the wonderful turnout. When he finally made it far enough away, Gwen took the podium.

“Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention please,” she said as she waited for the chatter to die down. Once it was quiet, she continued. “As you all know, the Broken Heart Foundation has touched many lives throughout the years. The foundation has brought so much hope and love to so many families with children facing heart disease. All of this wouldn’t have been possible without the undying efforts and perseverance of a man whose passion for this cause has helped so many. It is a great honor to introduce to you Rade Matheson.”

Rade ignored the standing ovation and the loud roar of hands being put together. His attention was on Dylan as she stood in disbelief. He knew his appearance would have an effect on her. What he didn’t expect was to see her nearly lose her footing. He also didn’t like the fact the Mason Stone had his arm around her.

“Thank you, Gwen, for that too-kind introduction. Thank you all for joining me this evening.” Rade removed a folded sheet of paper from his inside coat pocket and began reading what he wrote. “When I was six years old, my mother gave birth to the most amazing being I could ever know. I knew on that day that I would protect my little brother until the day I died. After all, I was his big brother,” Rade chuckled slightly. “I remember him always being so sick. It wasn’t until I was twelve that I found out he had a rare heart disease. I didn’t understand what that meant, but I remember telling my parents that I would give him mine,” Rade choked as he continued his speech. “Four years later my little brother died. He beat the odds and I got to share ten years with him. I will never forget that little boy who has made me what I am today. This is for you, little brother,” Rade said as he picked up his champagne and held it up. “This is for Isaac Matheson and all the children like him.”

Rade could hear the applause as he descended the podium. His eyes were fixed on Dylan as he watched her leave the room. He tried to make his way through the crowd, but was stopped by men wanting to shake his hand and women who wanted a quick embrace. Rade lost sight of Dylan as she exited the tall wooden doors. Finally, he was able to get through the swarm of people and to the exit. Not knowing which way she went, he took a guess and head toward the restrooms. Just as he was ready to give up and turn around, he saw her standing on the veranda outside the glass doors. Taking a deep breath, he slowly opened the door and took his place beside her.

“Beautiful night, isn’t it?” Rade said as looked over to her.

“I need to go,” Dylan said as she pushed from the railing.

“Wait, please,” Rade pleaded as he gently grabbed her arm.

“There’s nothing to say, Rade. I read your letter and I forgive you. I just can’t be with you.”

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