Next to Always: Shattered Innocence Trilogy Book Two (43 page)

BOOK: Next to Always: Shattered Innocence Trilogy Book Two
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Dylan decided to take Rade’s offer. She’d given Keeve and Mason her two weeks’ notice. She was sad at how quickly the time had flown by. She only had a week left before she would be working with Rade. Rade wanted her to quit without notice, but she couldn’t do that to them. There were too many loose ends she needed to take care of. She didn’t want to leave a mess for the next person who took her position.

Rade had been on edge all week. He kept his promise to have a blood test done to find out if he was the father of the child that Chloe was carrying. He would have preferred to use Julia to administer the test, but Chloe had some excuse about not trusting her and she wanted to use the OB/GYN she was currently seeing. He went ahead and agreed. He was thankful that he at least didn’t have to see her. They told him he should have his answer in three to four days, which meant today was D-day.

Rade couldn’t sit around and wait for the results. It was close to noon, so he thought he would he would drive over to BlackStone and see if Dylan wanted to go to lunch. They hadn’t had a chance to spend much time together the past week since she had been working late and Rade was away on business. Snagging his car keys from his desk, he walked out of his office. Letting Gwen know he was going to lunch and that he would be back later, he entered the elevator.

Rade pulled up to Dylan’s building shortly after twelve. Feeding the meter, he strolled into the building and headed to the fifteenth floor. Stepping off the elevator, he was greeted by Jessica and Lucy.

“Good afternoon, girls,” Rade said.

“Hey, gorgeous,” they both said in unison. “What brings you here?”

“Just taking my girl to lunch. Is she in?” Rade asked as he watched their expressions change from giddy to disappointment.

“Yeah, she’s in,” Jessica said quietly.

Rade walked down the hall to Dylan’s office. Seeing that she was on the phone, he gently knocked on the door frame to get her attention. Dylan looked up at him with a smile. Rade stepped into her office and took a seat in front of her desk. Waiting patiently, he listened to her conversation as she explained the process of compiling her data. Rade loved the way she sound. He could tell that she was very passionate about what she was doing. He couldn’t wait for her to work for him. He made sure that Gwen moved one of the executives next to his office so Dylan would have her office next to his. He was looking forward to having her whenever he wanted during the day. She didn’t know it yet, but she was going to be his afternoon delight.

Dylan hung up the phone while Rade was still lost in his thoughts. Rounding her desk, she stood in front of him, leaning her body against the edge of her desk. Rade snapped out of his trance when she snapped her fingers. “Rade, hello,” she said, trying to get him to focus on her.

“Sorry, Sweetness. I was deep in thought for a moment,” Rade revealed.

“I guess so. So what brings you here?” Dylan asked.

Standing to his feet and pulling her close. “I thought I would take my girl to lunch.”

“That sounds great. I could use a break,” Dylan confessed.

Smirking at Jessica and Lucy, Dylan let them both know that Rade was hers as they passed the reception desk. Both of their months dropped when Dylan blurted, “How about a quickie after lunch?” Dylan wasn’t really serious about getting one, but the expression on their face was absolutely priceless.

As they stepped into the elevator Rade lean over and whispered, “You’re a very bad girl, Sweetness.”

Rade took Dylan to a small bistro down the street. It was one of Dylan’s favorite places to go. Not only was it close enough to her office that they could walk, it also had the best panini sandwiches she ever had. Convincing Rade to try one, they placed their orders with the waitress. The waitress had seated them outside. It was such a beautiful day, Dylan wanted to enjoy her lunch outside. Soon there wouldn’t be too many nice days left and she wanted to take advantage of it while she could.

The waitress came back to the table with their order. Dylan sunk her teeth into the crisp sandwich moaning her delight. Rade could feel himself getting hard just watching her enjoy her meal.

“God, this is the best sandwich ever,” Dylan confessed.

Taking a bite, Rade had to judge for himself to see if she was correct. The minute he sunk his teeth into the tasty sandwich, her moans were confirmed because he moaned as well. “I think you’re right Sweetness. This is the best sandwich ever.”

Dylan took her last bite when Rade blurted, “Come with me?”

“What?” Dylan asked, confused.

“This weekend. Let’s go to my house in Hampton Bay,” Rade replied.

“Rade, that sounds wonderful. I could use a nice getaway after the week I’ve had,” Dylan smiled.

“Good, we can leave Friday after work,” Rade said.

Dylan was skipping with delight as they walked back to her office. She was so excited about their plans for the weekend. It would be so nice to get away, just the two of them. The last time she was there, she regretted having to leave. She loved walking on the beach, and their little transgression in the sand wasn’t bad either.

Rade kissed Dylan good-bye at the elevator. His phone had been vibrating during lunch. He was tempted to call the number back when Dylan stepped away to go to the restroom, but he wasn’t certain who it could have been as he didn’t recognize the number. Then it came to him that he was waiting for the call informing him of the test results. He didn’t want to be with Dylan when he got the call. If the test showed that he was the father of Chloe’s baby, the last thing he wanted was for Dylan to question his change in mood. He wasn’t certain how he would handle it, but he knew it wouldn’t be good.

The time had come as Rade stared at the number on his cell phone. He locked himself in his office and looked down at the number for what seemed like hours. Giving himself the time he needed to be convinced that the test would show negative for a match, he pressed the phone icon and waited as the ringing come over.

“OB/GYN Center, how can I help you?” the young girl asked.

“Yes, this is Rade Matheson. I was in to take a paternity test last week. I believe someone from your office called with what I assume are the results,” Rade explained as his nerves kicked in and his palms began to sweat.

“One moment please, while I check.” Rade was put on hold, leaving him listening to some god-forsaken music.

He would have preferred to listen to the music than the words he heard when the doctor came on the phone. “Mr. Matheson, the test came back positive for paternal and maternal traits for both you and Ms. Dupree. The child is definitely yours.”

“Are you one hundred percent sure? Could there be a mistake?” Rade choked.

“Not every test is one hundred percent accurate, Mr. Matheson, but unless you have an identical twin somewhere, the results are ninety-nine percent accurate,” the doctor confirmed.

“I want another test done. This time it will be on my terms,” Rade barked.

Rade hung up the phone and tossed his cell against the wall. He watched as the shattered pieces fell to the floor. He couldn’t believe this was happening to him. He never slept with that bitch. He could never sleep with her, at least not of his own free will. That was when it hit him, she must have forced herself on him while he was drugged. The more he thought about it, he remembered that Alex always injected the drug. This would explain why he had no memory of Chloe ever being there. He was so doped up, she could have done anything to him. God, how could he have been so stupid? If he hadn’t followed through with his little plan to seduce her, this would never have happened.

He thought about Dylan and what she would think. She would understand. She knew he was drugged. Surely she would be able to figure out what happened, that Chloe’s sick mind plotted the whole thing. That she was the one behind giving him the drugs, taking advantage of him. Rade wondered how long she had been planning this. He wasn’t about to let this go. He was going to turn her life upside down and inside out. By the time he was done with her, he would know everything: where she ate, who she slept with, every detail of her life would be known. Then he would look into the doctor and check every credential, as well as whether there were any malpractice suits against her and if she was even a licensed to practice

He was about to call Richard, but then he remembered he didn’t have a phone. Picking up his office phone he dialed Gwen’s extension.

“Gwen, get me a new cell phone and get Richard on the line for me,” Rade ordered.

“Yes, sir,” Gwen responded.

It only took an hour for Rade’s new phone to show up. Walking over to where he threw his phone, he grabbed the shattered mess and pulled out the SD card from the back. With his phone in one hand and the card in the other, he went down to the sixth floor where the IT department was and searched for Chris, who was the go-to guy. Chris knew everything there was to know about setting up phones, computers, you name it. His main specialty was hacking. Only Rade knew of his little talent. He wanted to keep it that way since he might need a favor later.




Dylan was all packed and ready to go by the time five o’clock rolled around. She was looking forward to this weekend. Two days of complete bliss. She didn’t have to pack much considering she would be spending most of her time out of clothes rather than in them.

Dylan heard Rade’s voice coming down the hall. He must have been on his cell because Dylan only heard him. Turning off her computer she grabbed her things and met him in the hall. The look she saw on his face sent shivers down her spine. He was angry. His words were sharp and controlling as he finished his call.

Looking at Dylan, who was standing still at the door, he walked to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Taking her small suitcase he said, “Are you ready to go?”

Looking at him she said, “More than ready.”

Handing her the keys, he said “I think you should drive. It’s still yours if you want it.”

Dylan knew exactly what Rade was talking about. The last time she drove the Audi was on her first time to his home in the Hamptons. It was the best ride she had. “I would love to,” she said as she took hold of the shiny keys.

She didn’t notice it right away, but there was another key on the key bob ring. “What is this key for?” she asked.

“That, my Sweetness, is the key to our home on Hampton Bay,” Rade replied.

Rade watched as Dylan eyes lit with excitement. He couldn’t wait to have her to himself. She was his everything and he wasn’t going to let anything ruin this weekend. Not even Chloe and her fucked up games could interfere with what he had planned for them.

Dylan pulled up to the mansion two hours later. She had missed driving the Audi Rade had purchased for her. He suggested she take the long route to Hampton Bay. Even though he still refused to take payment for the car from her, she was still putting money away, hoping to surprise him one day with the full payment.

Rade grabbed their luggage and headed up the steps to the house. Dylan was right behind him, admiring his tight ass as the muscles tightened every time he took a step.

It was as if he must have been reading her mind because he nonchalantly said, “I hope you’re enjoying the view back there?”

“How did… never mind,” Dylan smiled.

Rade took their luggage to their room while Dylan walked to the patio doors. She loved the view from the patio. With the clear sky, she could see for miles. Surprising her, Rade stepped behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Kissing her on the top of the head, he said, “I will never get enough of this view,”

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it,” Dylan declared.

“From where I’m standing, it’s beyond beautiful. It’s breathtaking.” Rade turned Dylan so she was facing him. “Absolutely breathtaking.”

Lowering his head, he lifted her chin and kissed her tenderly on the lips. The feel of her lips was the softest thing he ever felt. Parting them with his tongue, he slowly slid inside. Submerged in her warmth, he moved his tongue with hers. Heat began to radiate between them like a candle burning at both ends. Nothing could ever take this moment away. The woman he loved was wrapped in his arms.

Lifting her with their lips connected as one, he carried her through the patio doors and up the stairs, where their time together would begin. Just as he started up the staircase, there was a chime from the doorbell. Gently placing Dylan down, he whispered, “I’ll get rid of whoever it is, I want you in my bed naked waiting for me.”

Dylan was on her way up the stairs when she heard the voice of the woman she hated most in this word.

“Hello, lover,” Chloe said, drawing out her greeting.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Rade spat with disgust.

“I wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t made a big fuss about the paternity test,” Chloe countered.

Dylan walked down the few steps she climbed and walked up to Rade. Standing behind him, she asked, “Rade, what is she talking about?”

Before Rade could explain, Chloe chimed in, “Oh, didn’t he tell you, school girl? He’s going to be a daddy. We’re going to have a baby. I hope it’s a little boy. Don’t you, Rade?”

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