Next to Always: Shattered Innocence Trilogy Book Two (41 page)

BOOK: Next to Always: Shattered Innocence Trilogy Book Two
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Rade suggested they stop at
for a quick bite. It was his favorite spot to eat. When they walked in the small restaurant, the place was packed. It was unusual for a Tuesday night, but as always a table was reserved for Rade in the back. Even though Dylan never met Mr. Russo, she assumed that Rade knew him quite well, given he always had a table reserved for him. The waitress came within minutes of them taking their seats and took their order. Rade requested a Pinot Noir. The very best, of course, which meant it would cost more than Dylan probably made in a month.

As the waiter left, Rade took her hand and asked, “If there were any place in the world you would want to go, where would it be?”

It was strange that Rade would ask that question, especially since she and Lilly were just talking about it. “Funny you should ask. I talked to Lilly today. Her parents are taking her to Paris to look at some artwork from a gallery that will be closing their doors. I would love to go to Paris one day. There is some much to see there. It is, after all, the City of Love,” Dylan replied.

“That it is, Sweetness,” Rade agreed.

The waitress brought them their order, which consisted of Pasta E Fagioli with sausage, romaine lettuce with authentic Italian dressing, and a loaf of Italian herb bread. There was enough food between them to feed an army. By the time they finished their meal Dylan was once again stuffed. She couldn’t eat another bite, so she ended up getting a to-go box, which included a slice of Italian rum cake that Rade insisted she have.

The night air was warm when they exited through the doors. Dylan was sad to see the summer come to an end. She wished she could spend every day in warm weather. The winters in New York could be brutal. Rade and Dylan walked down the sidewalk to where Rade had parked his sporty little red car. Dylan was surprised that Rade would leave it unattended. She could only imagine what the beautiful car cost. Her mind was set at ease when she looked up and saw Peter leaning against the Mercedes. Dylan thought it was strange that he would be here waiting outside for them.

Rade gave Dylan a quick kiss on the cheek and helped her into the car. Strapping her in he said, “Stay put, I’ll be just a minute.”

Dylan nodded as she watched Rade walk up to Peter. Dylan couldn’t hear what they were saying, but the way Rade was using his hands, she knew it wasn’t good. She wished she could roll down the window so she could hear them, but Rade had the keys. She thought about opening the door, but that would just alert him. She just needed to sit back and wait until Rade came back to the car to ask him what was going on.

Dylan watched as Rade walked back to the car, while Peter got into the Mercedes and drove away. The infuriated look on his face caused Dylan’s heart to thump. Something bad happened. She just knew it. Rade cursed at himself, forking his fingers through his thick dark hair. When he finally calmed, he got into the car beside Dylan. His jaw was clenched. Dylan wondered if she dare ask him what was going on. She feared that as angry as he was, she might get a taste of the storm that was brewing inside him. Looking his way, Rade met her eyes. He could see the concern in them. Gripping the steering wheel he croaked, “Don’t ask, Dylan. I know what you’re thinking.”

Dylan slumped back in her seat and kept her thoughts to herself. The twenty-minute drive to the penthouse seemed to last longer than normal. You could cut the tension in the car with a knife. Not once did Rade take his eyes off the road. The whole way home Dylan could see the gritting of his teeth as the muscles in his face tensed up.

For a moment Dylan thought Rade was going to say something to her, but instead he put the car in neutral and lifted the emergency brake. She didn’t know what to do for him. She wanted to help, but how could she when he wouldn’t tell her what was going on? Rounding the car, Rade helped Dylan out before she had a chance to open the car door. As he took her hand, she was pretty sure his anger wasn’t pointed at her. Still, she needed to know what had him so angry.

The minute they stepped into the penthouse, Dylan was about ready to combust with worry. She couldn’t take his silence anymore. “Rade, you need to tell me what is going on. I can’t stand the silent treatment.”

Something she said must have triggered his temper, because before she could say another word, he had her pushed against the wall, ripping at her clothes like a barbarian. Even if she wanted to, there would be no way she would be able to fight him off. He needed to get rid of the fury inside him, and if it meant that Dylan was his release, so be it.

In a matter of minutes Dylan was standing before him completely naked. In a chiseled voice he said, “Turn against the wall, Sweetness, hands above your head.”

Dylan didn’t object his request. Removing her hands from his shoulders, she twisted her body so that her hands were above her head, pressed against the wall. The air conditioning in the penthouse must have been put on full blast, because all she could feel was the coldness as it brushed against her skin, causing her nipples to harden to a painful peak. Her desire for him took over when he placed his hands on her hips, gripping her soft flesh while pulling her towards him. Her butt was flush with his crotch. She could feel the hardness of his cock raging beneath his pants.

To Dylan’s surprise, Rade sunk two fingers inside her vagina without warning. She was so wet for him that the slickness of her sex allowed him to enter without any resistance. Kicking her legs apart, Rade pushed further inside her. Dylan wanted him. She needed his cock buried deep inside her. “Rade, please, I need you inside me.” There was a crack as his hand came down on her creamy ass. “You are not in control, Sweetness,” Rade commanded, taking back the control he lost only moments ago. “You will do exactly as I say. I want to hear you say it, Sweetness. Tell me I am in control and that you will do as I say.”

Dylan didn’t know where this man came from. Where did the loving man from moments ago go? Another smack landed on her ass. It was a little harder than the last, but not too painful. “Say it, Sweetness, or I will redden that pretty little ass of yours,” Rade ordered.

“You are in control. I will do whatever you want,” Dylan moaned as her arousal heightened.

“Good girl,” Rade said approvingly.

Dylan’s body was on fire, and then it happened. Rade entered her to the hilt. She was stretched to the max as his thick, long, wonderful cock filled her. He pushed inside of her with such velocity that her firm breasts swayed with each thrust. The grip he had on her hips tightened to a painful vise as he continued taking what was his. It was almost too much for Dylan to take as the force of his cock moving in and out of her became harder and deeper. The pain was mixed with pleasure. He was taking what he needed from her and she was willing to give it to him. Just when she couldn’t handle anymore, he slowed his drive into her. Dazed, Dylan pushed her hips into him in slow steady movements. This was how she knew him, soft, tender, compassionate. Lowering his hand from her hip, he reached around and took hold of her clit, rubbing his finger back and forth until he could feel her tiny nub getting harder. Pinching it between his fingers, he leaned over her back. “Don’t ever leave me, Sweetness,” Rade choked out, his mind filled with emotion.

“I’ll never leave you, Rade,” Dylan whispered, barely able to get the words out.

“Promise me,” Rade commanded.

“I promise,” Dylan confirmed.

Rade pulled from inside of her and spun Dylan’s body around. Lifting her from the floor, he looked deep into her eyes for the truth he needed. When he saw what he was looking for, the affection emerging from her emerald eyes, he knew she was his and he was hers. With a soft touch he rubbed his thumb across her bottom lip and lowered his head to capture her warmth. With slow, intricate movements, he kissed her with all the love he had for her. Sliding his tongue between her lips, he took more of her warmth. He knew what they had together would never end.














It had been almost a week since Rade had been informed of the unbelievable news, which led him to take Dylan with such force. He still wasn’t willing to share with her the news Peter laid on him. Dylan only asked him one time after that explosive night. His only comment was he needed time to sort thing out. As much as she wanted to know, she respected his request and didn’t push him anymore. Dylan knew it was weighing heavy on him. Even though he continued to control her body, bringing her to “out of this world” orgasms, something was off with him. His mind seemed miles away. Several times she had asked him something and would end up repeating herself because his thoughts were elsewhere. When Dylan asked him if he was okay, he would reassure her he had a lot of work stuff on his mind.

Enough was enough. “I think I’ll climb to the roof of this building and jump off,” Dylan commented to see how much he was actually listening to her.

“That’s nice,” Rade affirmed.

“Rade, did you even hear what I just said?” Dylan questioned.

Rade looked back at her as he took a sip of his morning Java. “Uh… you caught me. What did you say?”

“Never mind,” Dylan replied.

Whatever was on his mind was taking over. It was as though he was here, but his mind was elsewhere. Dylan couldn’t stand him like this any longer. She needed him to tell her what happened and what he was keeping from her. Taking a deep breath, she stood from her seat and walked over to where he was sitting. Straddling his lap, she took his coffee cup from his grip and placed it on the table. Her concern for him was overwhelming, to say the least. When she looked in his eyes, she noticed how tired they looked. How they were filled with agony. Cupping his face, she lifted his head until his eyes were locked on hers.

“Rade, whatever is bothering you, it's starting to have an effect on me, on us. I need you to tell me what’s going on so I can help you fix it,” Dylan unloaded.

Rade knew he couldn’t tell Dylan. He needed more time to find out what was going on. Once he found out the truth, he knew he needed to tell her. “I can’t tell you anything until I know for sure myself. I promise you, once I know, I will tell you. You need to let me do this,” Rade pleaded.

Dylan wasn’t convinced that she wouldn’t be able to help him. “Let me help you then. You don’t have to carry this by yourself.”

“You can’t, Dylan. The only way you can help me is leave it alone and let me work through it,” Rade barked. If she knew what he was keeping from her, he was certain that she would leave, even though she told him that she never would.

Dylan lifted her body from his lap and turned away from him. If he was going to keep her from whatever was going on, then she could play the same game. It didn’t matter what it was, she loved him no matter what. When she told him she loved him, she meant it, no matter how good, how bad, or how ugly. She was in it for the long haul.




Rade spent most of the morning making phone call after phone call, trying to get the answers he needed. He talked to so many people trying to confirm the information that Peter had shared with him, but was getting nowhere. He couldn’t even try to get in touch with his father as a last resort. His only hope was for Richard to get find the information he needed. While he was lost in his thoughts, his cell phone rang. It was his father. He never thought he would be so glad to hear from him.

“What the fuck is going on? No one is willing to talk to me,” Rade cursed before his dad had a chance to say two words.

“What, no, hi, how you?” Garrett countered.

“I don’t have time for this shit. The last thing you want is to piss me off. So I’ll ask again, what the fuck is going on and where the fuck is Chloe?” Rade cautioned.

“Chloe is with me. You really did a number on her,” Garrett confirmed.

“I have no fucking idea what you’re talking about,” Rade shot back.

“Oh come on, son, I know how you like to use woman. How you enjoy getting rough with them.”

“Are you going to tell me what the fuck you’re talking about, or do I need to beat it out of you?” Rade was just about over the edge with his father’s games. He wanted to know what was going on and he wanted to know now.

“Okay. Okay. Chloe came to me about three weeks ago. Her clothing was torn and she had bruises on her wrists and her neck. She said you forced yourself on her. She said she kept telling you “no” but you wouldn’t listen. After everything you did to her, can you believe it? She still loves you. Jesus Christ, son, couldn’t you have had the decency to at least use protection? She’s pretty sure she’s pregnant and guess what, she says you’re the daddy. You really messed up this time. You should be thankful she isn’t going to press charges against you,” Garrett exclaimed.

“She’s a fucking liar. I never fucked her,” Rade hissed.

“Well, that’s where you’re wrong son. She has pictures to prove it. She said you even took them with your phone. She sent them to herself from your cell while you were sleeping, for proof,” Garrett confirmed.

“Where the fuck is she? I don’t believe her. Not for one second,” Rade choked as bile rose up his throat.”

“I can’t tell you where she is. She knew you wouldn’t believe her so she’s asking that you submit to a paternity test. In about a 7 days she’ll be seven weeks. They can determine the father through blood testing. I suggest you submit to one so you know the truth.

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