New Species 03 Valiant (43 page)

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Authors: Laurann Dohner

BOOK: New Species 03 Valiant
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“I love you. Don’t be jealous.”

“I know that. I will be gone for a short time. We’ll fly

there and at dark we attack.”

“A re you guys going in alone?”

He shook his head. “No. They are sending in a

special task force with us. They do this regularly. Justice

says he knows the two teams who will work with us. He

said they are all good men who were assigned to assist

us. They are under Justice’s orders at all times. I will be

back by morning.”

“Will you call me after it’s over and let me know you

are all right? I will be worried sick about you.”

“I will call. Justice always has a phone with him. I’ve

been ordered to stay by his side.”

Tammy smiled. “Yes. He does always carry his phone

and a laptop.”

“I must go.” Valiant leaned down and brushed his

lips across Tammy’s.

Tammy gripped his shirt and yanked him closer,

opening his mouth with hers to deepen the kiss. Tongue

met tongue. Valiant growled, pulling her closer. Tammy

inwardly smiled. It was one of the things she loved about

Valiant. One kiss and he was ready to take her to bed.

Valiant broke the kiss. His narrowed eyes sparkled.

“You did that on purpose.”

“I did what on purpose?” Tammy tried to sound


Valiant took her hand and pressed it to the front of

his black cargo pants. “This.”

Tammy rubbed the hard length of his rigid cock. He

groaned, pressing his hips closer to her hand. Tammy

gripped the outline of his erection through his pants and

reached for his zipper with her free hand. She eased it

down and unfastened the top button.

“Tammy,” he growled.

“You have a few minutes.” Tammy shoved down his

pants and underwear. She lifted her skirt, yanked down

her panties, and kicked them away. “Pick me up.”

Valiant grabbed her hips, lifting her higher into his

arms. Tammy wrapped her legs around his bare hips.

Her body was primed already when Valiant quickly

entered her. His hands cupped her ass tightly and he

thrust into her pussy hard and fast. Tammy pressed her

face against his chest, moaning loudly against his shirt,

wishing it were his skin.

She used her arms on his shoulders for leverage to

grind her hips, making sure his shaft pounded into her

the way that brought her the most pleasure. In minutes

Tammy screamed his name as the climax tore through

her. Valiant roared when he came. He held her limp,

sated body against his.

Tammy chuckled. “That’s how we should always say


Valiant laughed. “I agree.”

Tammy lifted her face, smiling at him. “Just come

back to me safe.”

Valiant brushed his mouth over hers again. He put

his nose against hers when their lips parted. They gazed

into each other’s eyes. “I have everything to live for. I

have you. I will be very careful.”

The doorbell chimed. Valiant sighed. She unlocked

her ankles from around his hips. Valiant eased out of her

body and placed her on her feet. Tammy laughed as

Valiant righted his clothes and walked to open the door.

She didn’t have to worry about fixing her clothes. Her

skirt fell past her knees to hide the loss of her panties.

Tiger stood in the hallway.

“I take it from the loud noise I heard on the elevator

that you both have said goodbye?” He grinned.

Tammy blushed. “You heard that?”

“Everyone inside the building heard that. We are all

looking forward to when Justice allows you both to live

at Valiant’s when this is over. It’s remote out there and

far enough away that we might miss knowing when you

two have sex.” Tiger stared at Valiant. “A re you ready

now that you’ve properly said goodbye to your mate?”

Valiant leaned down and picked up something off the

floor. He grinned. “I am now.” He walked to Tammy and

handed her the pair of panties she’d kicked away. “Keep

these on while I’m gone so I can think about tearing

them off when I return. I love you.”

Tiger laughed.

Tammy ignored Tiger and the embarrassment she

suffered. Her hand brushed over Valiant’s chest where his

heart beat as she accepted them. “I love you too. Hurry

home to me.”

She watched the men walk away. There was no

longer an officer posted outside her door. They had

caught their mole who had been feeding information

about Justice and what was going on at Reservation.

Everyone knew she belonged to Valiant, no one would

bother her, and they trusted her not to leave the hotel

without an escort because some of the Wild Zone

occupants could pose a danger to her since some of them

weren’t mentally stable.

Charlie A rtzola would never to be a problem again.

That’s what she’d been told. She closed the door and

locked it, wondering for a split second if the attorney was

dead. She mentally shrugged. She really didn’t care about

his fate as long as he’d never cause trouble again. Justice

had assured her that he wouldn’t.

* * * * *

It was past midnight when the phone rang. Tammy

lunged for it. “Valiant?”

“How did you know it was me?” His deep voice

sounded amused.

“Because no one else would call this late and you

promised me you would. A re you all right? How did

things go? Did you get them? Is everyone all right?”

“Slow down,” Valiant chuckled. “I am fine. We had a

few injured but all will survive. We rescued all of them.

They were not expecting us and since it was at night,

they were lightly guarded. The humans ran instead of

trying to kill our people before we could get to them. It

was pretty easy to take them.”

Tammy blew out a relieved breath. “I was worried.”

“I know. Thank you for caring about me that much.

We are transporting them to Reservation within the next

twelve hours. We only have the two helicopters and have

to fly them a few at a time. Justice does not want to

traumatize them more with a long drive and we do not

want to expose them to the outside world by trying to

charter a larger plane. Too many questions and too much

red tape. I’m staying here until the last group has been

evacuated. You go to bed and rest, sexy. I should be

home tomorrow by lunch.”

“Okay. I miss you.”

“I miss and love you.”

“I love you too.”

Tammy hung up, sad, missing him badly. She’d give

anything if he were stretched out next to her on the bed.

She couldn’t believe how addicted she’d become to him.

She climbed out of bed to use the bathroom.

The doorbell chimed. Tammy frowned after glancing

at the clock, seeing it was just past midnight. She donned

a robe and padded through the hallway to the living

room. She felt a little uneasy since she knew she no

longer had an officer posted in the hallway. She walked

to the door and bit her lip.

“Who is there?”

“It is Breeze. I brought ice cream. I know Valiant is

gone and I thought you wouldn’t sleep well. May I come


Tammy unlocked the door and threw it open. She

smiled at the tall brunette. “Come in. It’s so good to see

you. Did you say ice cream?”

Breeze walked inside holding a covered tray. “Not any

ice cream. I brought double-dipped chocolate sundaes.

Ellie taught me how to make them. They have chunks of

brownie inside them too.” She smiled down at Tammy

from her much-taller height. “A re you sure you don’t

mind me visiting so late?”

“No. I’m really glad you are here. I doubt I’ll sleep.

Valiant just called.”

“How did it go?” Breeze set the tray on the coffee

table and lifted the lid. She sat on the couch and handed

Tammy a spoon that had been rolled inside a napkin. “I

haven’t heard anything yet.”

“Valiant said they got them all and everyone is fine. A

few injures but nothing life threatening.”

“I am so happy to hear that. I must make

arrangements for the half-dozen women we were told

were being held there.”

Tammy hesitated, not sure if it was her place or not

but really wanted to do something. “Do you need help?”

“I would love that.”

Tammy lifted her sundae and examined it. Her eyes

widened. “Thank you so much. Wow. This is just…wow!

Look at all that chocolate. A re those walnuts?”


“I love walnuts and brownies. Chocolate hard-shell

syrup.” She took a bite. “A nd small chocolate chips. This

is so good. You have to thank Ellie too.” She paused.

“You can eat chocolate? Valiant says it makes him sick.”

“Some Species get ill from it and some don’t.” She

“Some Species get ill from it and some don’t.” She

grinned, took a big bite, the enjoyment showing on her

face. “I love it.”

* * * * *

Valiant watched silently as six women were led past

him by one short human female. His gaze followed the

woman. Her hair was eye catching. It was flaming red

and in a ponytail that fell to her ass. The human female

led the Species women to the waiting helicopter and they

climbed inside. Valiant frowned. He turned, looking at


“Who was the small human woman with the bright


Tiger glanced at the helicopter. The woman was

clearly visible since the doors were still open. She

checked each seat belt of the six Species before taking a

seat last. The pilot closed the side door and climbed in

the cockpit.

“That’s Jessie Dupree. She’s the human female who

usually is on hand when our Gift females are found. She

is part of the human task force assigned to us by the

government. She comforts our women when they are

found. I am surprised she is here. She usually only deals

with our women who were sold.”

“You would think she would be afraid of our females.

She is small compared to them.”

Tiger shrugged. “I don’t know what her deal is but

she’s the one the humans send in when they locate one

of our females. I don’t know why she’s here since these

women weren’t sold but instead were still contained for

testing. We did invite the humans in on this one and it

was their call to bring her with them.”

Valiant nodded. “She is flying with them to

Reservation? A re the rest of the humans on her team

coming as well?”

“No. Just her. She demanded to personally deliver

them and get them settled. I got tired of arguing with her

so I agreed she could go. She is small but her mouth is


“Justice doesn’t mind?”

Tiger shrugged. “I do not know. He is still inside with

the human task teams, thanking them for their help and

smoothing niceties. He didn’t get to meet her and he’s

lucky for it. She’s fierce with her mouth. He’ll take the last

flight with us.” Tiger glanced at his watch. “Do you want

food? The humans had pizzas delivered to feed everyone.

They taste amazing.”

Valiant nodded. “I could eat. I need to learn more

about human food. I don’t think Tammy enjoys watching

me eat. I’ve noticed she avoids looking at me during


Tiger chuckled. “Let me guess. Seared meat? Yeah,

most humans get grossed out by that. You’ll enjoy pizza.

It’s really good. She’ll love it too. I think all humans eat it

the way we do meat. It must be a nutritional requirement

or something for them.” He shrugged. “Everything on it

is cut up into bit-sized slices to help them because of the

flat teeth they have.”

Valiant followed him. “If we have a baby this must be

good to feed them.”

“Yeah. They probably just cut the slices smaller for

their little mouths.”

“I must try this food. Tammy will be pleased I am

preparing for fatherhood.”

Tiger patted his back. “You’re a good mate, my


“I will try to be.” Valiant missed Tammy. He couldn’t

wait to return home to marry her and remove her

underwear. Not in that order though.

* * * * *

A t 5:10 in the morning Breeze’s pocket chirped. Both

women jumped. They had been watching a scary movie

on the television. Tammy laughed. Breeze grinned,

reaching inside her pocket. She fished out her cell phone.

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