New Species 03 Valiant (40 page)

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Authors: Laurann Dohner

BOOK: New Species 03 Valiant
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have very difficult lives. It was a mercy I killed the

humans painlessly. Their suffering would have been

greater by far, every moment they lived. Our women

have shared what was done to them during the testing

the doctors did to their bodies away from us.” He

shivered. “They would have killed the women anyway, if

they had managed to survive the breeding and tests. I

would prefer to die. It was fast and painless. It was

kinder to kill them before they were tortured to the point

of insanity.”

“That’s what is in store for me?”

He nodded grimly. “You are stronger. You didn’t

scream and cry loudly when they brought you. You put

yourself into a corner and talked to me. You said things

that made me know you might be strong enough to

survive and I realized you were honest. You must survive

and give your Valiant time to find you. I will not harm

you and will treat you as well as my own females if they

make us breed. You must survive the testing when they

torture you. You must do what you have done with me if

they take you to other males. You need to talk to them

and do not scream. They will scent me on you. You must

keep your mind strong. Our females survive it because

we comfort them. I will comfort you, Tammy.”

Tammy wanted to cry but fought tears. The man was

so calm about telling her what kind of hell she might

have to endure. 927 slowly moved closer. Tammy didn’t

protest when he lifted her into his arms, walked to the

bed, and sat with her on his lap. His arms hugged her

tightly to his warm body.

“I will protect you in weakness. You cry, little one

with pretty eyes. You have been very brave. I will hold

you and you know I am here.”

“Thank you.” Tammy let go of the small bit of control

she had left. She clung to the man holding her and cried

softly against his chest.

They were going to make him breed her and planned

to bring more New Species and toss her at them too.

They’d take her baby away as if it were a puppy or a

kitten if they succeeded. They would probably keep

breeding her until she wasn’t of any use anymore before

they killed her. How many babies will they steal from my

arms before it ends?

Tammy made a decision while she cried. She’d be

strong, she’d do whatever it took, but she’d fight to live.

Valiant would find her. Maybe not soon but eventually.

She just needed to pray she didn’t get pregnant if the

worst happened. She didn’t want to give those assholes a

helpless baby to torment.

Chapter Fifteen

The building was an old warehouse. There was one

car in the parking area, no other businesses or homes

nearby, and two metal doors seemed to be the only way

in unless they climbed high to windows near the roof. On

the back side of the building an old docking ramp sat

against a thick metal garage door. Their team had parked

a mile back and made the human walk with them. Pete

had complained every step of the way. Valiant was ready

to kill him but Justice wouldn’t allow him the pleasure.

“There are only two ways in or out and they have

alarms,” the human explained softly. “There aren’t any

outside cameras. I told you that. I don’t know why you

sneaked up on the place.”

Justice shot him a glare. “Be quiet unless we tell you

to open your mouth.”

“Fine,” the human said. “Be that way. I’m helping


Tiger motioned to the team and they surged forward

to the front of the warehouse while a few broke off to

approach from the back. They didn’t want to be seen

until they breached the building. Valiant feared the two

men inside would kill Tammy and the Species male they

held captive if given the chance.

Justice glanced at the human. “We will move quickly.

You are in front. You get those doors open fast and stay

silent. If you try anything, I will kill you or allow him to

do it.” He pointed to Valiant. “I’d be kinder.”

A soft growl instantly tore from Valiant’s throat. He

wanted to hurt the human badly for touching Tammy

and helping to bring her to this place in the woods. Not

even Justice or the entire team of males would save Pete

if she was dead. He’d go through them to kill him.

“I understand.” Pete reeked of fear. “I want that

money you promised and you don’t have to keep

threatening me. I’m doing what you want. Immunity,

right? A nd I get the hundred grand?”

“Yes,” Justice nodded. “Get us inside. Let’s go.”

They moved as one. The team crept up to the front

doors. Pete punched in the code, the alarm beeped, and

he swung open one of the metal doors. Eight heavily

armed New Species and the human inched inside. He’d

given Justice, Valiant, and Tiger the inside layout and

they knew what to expect. One of the New Species

grabbed Pete the second they entered the building and

put a knife to his throat.

“Do not move or make a sound,” the man growled

softly at him.

Pete blinked and froze. He kept his mouth firmly


Valiant had to refrain from rushing forward to a

dividing wall that blocked his view of where Tammy

should be. He sniffed the air and Justice suddenly

grabbed his arm, flashing him a warning look. He

nodded, understood they needed to proceed cautiously.

Tiger waved his fingers in the air, dividing the men

to spread out to find the humans. Valiant could pick up

two scents, both of which seemed to be coming from a

room near them. A s soon as the team with Tiger closed

in, Valiant moved. Tammy!

Valiant’s heart rate increased when he inhaled a faint

trace of her scent. The sweet smell of her fear nearly

drove him insane. It tore at him that he hadn’t been there

to protect her. A s he and Justice silently moved through

the warehouse the scent grew stronger. They passed the

dividing wall and Valiant got his first glimpse of the bars

and the front of the cell. Justice suddenly reached out

and grabbed him.

“Do not spook him. Go slow and remain calm. We do

not know what condition he is in. We do not want him to

harm her.”

Valiant forced his instincts back, knew how unstable a

captured Species could be, and had to keep it together

for Tammy’s sake. “I know.”

The body against Tammy tensed. 927’s hand froze

on her back and suddenly he lifted her up. The man was

strong. He went from sitting position to standing with her

held inside his arms in an instant. She sniffed and wiped

at her tears. Her gaze flew to his.

“What is it?”

He inhaled. She saw shock in his eyes. He looked at

her. “I smell them.”


His gaze jerked to the cell doors. “Valiant and

another of my kind.”

Tammy’s head twisted to stare through the bars

toward the divider where they’d have to enter. Her heart

pounded and she wiggled inside his arms.

“Put me down! You smell Valiant? A re you sure?”

He nodded as he bent, placing her on her feet.

Tammy saw movement and Valiant stepped into her

sight. Justice was to his immediate right, gripping his

arm, and both men were dressed in all black outfits.

Their hair had been pulled back from their faces. Justice

held a gun in his hand while Valiant gripped a deadly-

looking knife in his. Tammy lunged toward the wall of

the cage.


She hit the bars and reached her arms out through

them. Valiant rushed forward to grasp her hands in his.

The knife clattered to the floor and he reached for her.

He leaned against the cage, lowered his head, pressed his

face to the bars until their skin touched forehead to

forehead in the small space. His golden eyes looked

suspiciously wet as their gazes held.

“I found you.” His voice came out raspy, choked with


Tears flowed down her cheeks but she didn’t try to

rein them in. “I knew you would.”

He released her hands and reached through the bars

to cup her face. His thumb brushed away her tears. His

other hand reached in and gripped her hip. She wished

the bars didn’t separate them. She wanted him to hold

her but he couldn’t.

“A re you hurt?”

“I’m fine. I was just scared.” She suddenly

remembered they weren’t alone. She turned her head

enough to glance back into the cell but not enough to

break contact with Valiant.

927 remained standing where she’d left him. He

stared at Valiant and Justice with open curiosity and

wonder. He remained utterly quiet and motionless.

Tammy glanced at Valiant and then Justice, who stood

nearby in a relaxed stance, staring back at 927.

“This is 927,” Tammy said softly. “927, this is Valiant

and that is Justice North. He’s the one I told you about

who leads your people. I told you they would find us if

there was a chance.”

Justice finally spoke. “I am Justice, formerly known

as 152. We will get you both out of the cage as soon as

our men secure the two humans who’ve kept you captive

and bring the keys.” Justice straightened. His gaze never

left 927. “You are free now. We are here to take you

home to our people. You will be a part of a loving and

caring family we’ve established and you will never know

imprisonment again. You are a man now and no longer

to be known just as a number. You’ll have a real name

once you decide on one.”

Tammy glanced at 927 to see his reaction. He

blinked rapidly when his eyes seemed to grow watery

and lowered his head until his dark hair hid his features.

A few deep breaths later he seemed to get his emotions

under control. His head lifted and he stared at Justice.

“I would be very happy to have a home and a name.”

Justice smiled. “Having a home is a wonderful thing.

You’ll be happy with us and I’m sure you’ll pick a perfect


Tammy fought back tears while watching a miracle

take place—for 927, after a lifetime of being a prisoner.

He would finally know freedom. Tammy smiled and

stared at Valiant. She reached up and touched his face.

“I love you so much.”

“I love you too, sexy.” Valiant darted a look at the

man behind Tammy. His eyes lowered to hers and his

features tensed. “Did he harm you in any way?”


Valiant relaxed but he kept touching Tammy and she

understood why. They were both grateful to be back

together. Tiger rushed into the back of the warehouse,

jingling as he ran.

“Both of the assholes are alive and secure. I have

keys to his cage.” He pulled a ring of them out from a

pocket in his vest. He peered at 927 before glancing at

Justice. “Is he stable? Should I call for backup with a


“No need.” Justice accepted the keys. “He’s fine.” He

moved to the door. “I’m going to let you out now.”

The second the door swung open, Valiant entered the

cell and grabbed Tammy. He scooped her off her feet

and almost squeezed her to death in a bear hug while he

backed them out of her prison. She didn’t mind at all,

just hugging him tightly back, and rested her head

against his shoulder to watch what would happen next.

Tiger chuckled. “He’s happy to see her.”

Justice smiled. “Yes.” He turned his attention on 927.

The man stood motionless inside his cell. Justice slowly

entered the room, an expression of dread on his features.

“I hate entering these cages. They bring back so many

bad memories.” He paused just inside the door.

“A re you ready to leave here and start your new life?”

927 hesitated. “I’m really free from this, from all of


“Yes. There are more of us outside waiting to greet

you. We will help you learn how to live beyond these

bars. We all had to do it and it is frightening at first.

Humans had to help us adjust to our new way of life but

it will be easier for you now that we’re in charge. We will

take you home now.”

927 took one step and then another until he walked

out of his cage. He stopped next to Tammy. Valiant

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