New Species 03 Valiant (21 page)

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Authors: Laurann Dohner

BOOK: New Species 03 Valiant
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Valiant slid into her deeper and a sexy purr rumbled

from his mouth next to her ear. He started to fuck her

slowly and she moaned louder. The hand gripping her

leg adjusted it higher and she hooked her foot behind his

thigh. He released his grip to trail his hand along her

inner thigh to her clit where his fingertips drew circles

over the swelling bud. She threw her head back against

Valiant’s chest and bucked her hips to meet his thrusts.

I’m not dreaming. It feels too good not to be real.

Tammy opened her eyes. She moaned and her nails dug

into the sheets and his skin where she gripped his upper

arm. Valiant shifted his leg between hers to drive into her

pussy a little deeper and kept up the slow, steady rhythm

that began to drive her mindless. Her breathing grew

choppy and her nipples hardened. Her body tensed and

bucked against him more frantically, seeking release.

“Faster,” she begged.

“Not yet,” he growled.

Tammy gripped the bed hard to get a good hold on

the sheet and moved her hips, shoving back at Valiant.

He groaned as he slid into her harder and faster. His

finger matched his hips, sliding over her bundle of nerves

rapidly, applying more pressure. He knew exactly what

she needed while his cock pounded inside her and he

manipulated her clit to make her come.

Tammy’s muscles tightened, the ecstasy became so

intense it was nearly too much, and she screamed,

jerking violently against Valiant with him deeply buried

inside her pussy as the climax tore through her.

Valiant roared. His hand left her clit and he gripped

her hip. His hips jerked, his body tensed and he seemed

to turn to stone behind her as every muscle in his body

tightened. He suddenly relaxed as his climax ended.

She smiled as warmth spread through her from his

release, amazed she could feel him jetting into her body

when she’d never experienced that sensation with other

men. Each time, he shivered a little and pulled her tighter

into his embrace. It was soothing when his heat poured

into her after making love to him. She smiled. Valiant bit

her shoulder.

Tammy yelped. “Hey. Watch the teeth.”

Valiant licked where his teeth had just marked her

skin without breaking it. “Sorry.”

She turned her head to stare at the man who always

gave her such intense sex and decided that he looked

sexy in the morning. His hair was messed up, his wild

mane fuller, and he had a lazy, happy glint in his

beautiful eyes. They really did remind her of melted gold

and it was absolutely stunning. There were swirls of

different shades of shiny yellows when she studied his

irises up close. He had a gaze she could happily stare into


“What did you bite me for?” She wasn’t upset but


“It was for passing out on me last night. I wanted

to…” He paused. “Make love to you again but you were

dead to the world.”

“I was tired. You blew me away, sexy.”

His eyebrows arched and he frowned. “I don’t

understand. Isn’t that a human term for shooting

someone? I thought you enjoyed the sex. You seemed

to. I made certain to please you.”

She laughed. “I didn’t quite mean it that way. I

meant it in the ‘you blew my mind’ way.”

He smiled. “I see. I enjoy waking to take you first

thing. I think we should do this every morning.”

“I could live with that.” She grinned at him. “A nd I

wouldn’t mind going to bed every night, the way we did

last night, on a regular basis either.”

“I can do it. We are known for our strength and

endurance. Stamina. I have a lot of that. My sex drive is

very active. I’m always ready to mount you.”

She stared at him, realizing he meant it. “How


He studied her face. “I crave sex every day, seven

days a week, every day of the year. I could do it more.

We could go to bed after meals and stay in bed until the

next time we eat. Do you want to do it again?”

She gaped at him. “I wouldn’t survive that. You’d

have to bury me if we stayed in bed every day of the year

and only stopped having sex for sleeping and meals. I’m

only human, Valiant. You’d kill me.”

His hand slid to her breast, cupping it. “I could revive


She tensed but realized her nipple no longer hurt. His

caress was very gentle and it actually felt good. “Okay.

I’d never walk again.”

He chuckled and eased his big body away from her,

slowly withdrawing his still-stiff shaft from her pussy.

“You are fragile. I have to remember that. I don’t want to

break you.” He completely released her and climbed off

the bed. “I already made you pass out. I should feed


“I am starving.” She sat up and glanced at the clock

by the bed. “Wow. It’s already eight o’clock.”

Valiant glanced at her. “Is that relevant?”

“I’m supposed to talk to the sheriff at nine,

remember? That barely leaves me time to shower and

get ready before I have to give him a statement.”

“You will eat. You can shower while I order the food.

He can interview you while you eat or he can wait until

you are done.” Valiant’s eyes narrowed. “You need lots of

food. You are small and need more of it until you grow

bigger and sturdier.”

She stared at him. “A s in fattening me up? Is that

what you want? To make me plump?”

He grinned. “I don’t make deals with witches if any

exist. I have no plans to fatten you up so I can toss you

into an oven to eat you.”

“What is it with you and fairy tales? You know them.

I thought I was the only weird one who did that.” She


He hesitated. “I was told the stories a lot when I was

young. My caretaker said I could learn many things from

them. I memorized them all.”

Part of her heart broke for Valiant. She climbed out

of bed without hesitation and walked right up to him.

She threw her arms around him, hugging him hard.

Valiant hesitated before his strong arms came around her

to clutch her tightly to him. They stood by the bedroom

door, naked, holding each other.

“Why are we hugging? A re you thanking me for great


“No,” she laughed. “I’m hugging you because…” She

didn’t want to admit she’d felt sorry for his sad

childhood. “Because I wanted to hold you. I enjoy being

in your arms.”

His hold tightened. “You can hold me any time you

want, Tammy.”

She hugged him for a long minute before she eased

back to smile up at him. “I’m going to jump in the

shower. I need clothes to wear.”

“I was on my way to get them. I’ll be right back.”

She walked into the bathroom and turned on the

water in the shower and stepped in. A contented sigh

broke from her lips as the heated water ran over her

body. She reached for the shampoo. Seconds later a

naked Valiant opened the shower door and stepped into

the stall with her. Tammy laughed, backing up to make

room for him.

“Did anyone ever tell you that you take up a lot of


He grinned. “A ll the time. Turn and I will wash your


She shook her head but grinned. “I have to eat and

talk to the Sheriff. I’ll wash my own hair and you wash

yours. Hands to yourself, Valiant. You touch me and I

stop thinking.”


She grinned. “Behave.”

His smile died and he nodded grimly. “Fine.”

They rubbed against each other when they switched

places to allow Tammy to rinse her hair. Valiant’s body

responded. She grinned at the sight of his cock growing,

hardening, until it pointed at her.

“Is that your idea of behaving? You could hurt

someone with that thing.”

He laughed. “You could let me pick you up and I

could fuck you against the wall right here. It would make

me behave really well.”

Tammy shook her head. “I’m already limping and not

just from my bruised hip. You’re trying to kill me, aren’t


“No.” He frowned, all traces of humor fading from his


“I was kidding. It was a joke.” She reached for the

bottle of body wash. “Lean against the wall.”

He frowned but backed up. Tammy spread the soap

onto her hands and set the bottle down. She started at

his shoulders and her hands scrubbed down his body. He

growled at her when she reached his nipples, a very sexy

sound coming from him now that she had started to

learn the difference between arousal and anger when he

made those noises. His nipples pebbled under her fingers

and palms while she massaged them.

“You are trying to kill me,” he groaned.

She laughed. “Not yet.”

Her hands traced down his stomach to his hips and

curled around the girth of his shaft. Valiant growled

deeper, closing his eyes. Tammy leaned closer until her

body brushed against his. She used her hands, rubbing

and massaging his cock, increasing the pace as Valiant

started to breathe heavily. Growls and purrs tore from his


Tammy stepped even closer, until the tip of his cock

rubbed against her belly while she stroked him faster, her

hands tightening enough to make him react by growing

even stiffer inside her hold. He suddenly tensed, threw

his head back, and a loud, unusual sound tore from his

throat. Not quite a roar but close. Tammy leaned her

body in closer, making sure his heated semen spread

across her stomach as she trapped his shaft between her

skin and hands. Valiant shook slightly in the aftermath.

“Feel better?”

He opened his eyes and his lips twitched into a near

smile. “Your turn.”

Tammy laughed, releasing him. “Not yet. I have to

finish my shower and get dressed. I need to eat and have

that conversation with Sheriff Cooper. You can return the

favor after he leaves.”

“You are aroused. I can smell you.” He reached for

her hips.

“No!” She laughed. “I mean, yes, I am. You turn me

on but we don’t have time right now.”

He sighed. “Does this sheriff mean more to you than

I do?”

Tammy had turned into the spray to wash the front

of her body. She looked at Valiant over her shoulder. The

hurt look on his face was an easy one to read. “No. Why

would you even ask that?”

“Because you could have me touching you but you

prefer talking to a human instead.”

She faced Valiant. Her hands flattened over his chest

until she pushed him back against the wall. He allowed it.

Her gaze met his and she refused to look away, wanted

him to see the sincerity of her words.

“It’s because I want to make sure those men stay

locked up. He’s the sheriff and locking those bastards

away in prison for a really long time is important. I need

to help him accomplish that. Without my statement, and

if charges aren’t filed, they could go free. Do you

understand? No witness, no victim, no crime. That’s how

the law works in my world.”

“I understand.” His body relaxed and he nodded.

“The sheriff is also a friend. He and my grandmother

were close. He’s almost an uncle to me. He’s not more

important to me than you are, don’t ever think that, but I

told him I’d do this. He needs my help and I need his to

make sure those assholes pay for kidnapping me.”

He nodded. “I could carry you to our bed and lick

you until you scream my name if I had just killed them

instead of allowing my people turn them over to yours.”

The guy had a point. Tammy grinned. “Yes, but it

would have been wrong.”

“Licking you until you scream my name is not


“I meant about the killing part.” She laughed. “I love

the licking part a hell of a lot. That’s definitely not


He growled. “Let the sheriff wait.”

She backed up and her hands dropped away from

him. “I’ll talk to him and he’ll leave. Once he does, we

can go back to bed. Okay?”

He nodded. “Fine.” He turned, grabbed the pumice

stone, and studied his free hand, palm up.

“What is that for anyway?”

He made certain she could watch as he used the

stone on his fingernails. “It cleans them.” He opened his

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