New Species 03 Valiant (17 page)

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Authors: Laurann Dohner

BOOK: New Species 03 Valiant
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you should be comfortable there. A ll meals are served by

the cafeteria but yours will be brought to your rooms.

You won’t be permitted to leave your suite without an

escort. Do you have any questions?”

More than a few, actually. “Why don’t you want me

near other humans and why are we referred to in that

manner? You are human too but you just have extra stuff

that I don’t.”

Tiger chuckled. “Extra stuff as in boy parts or extra

stuff as in my changed DNA ?”

“Your DNA .”

“We refer to your kind as human because we want to

be called New Species. We’ve been set apart all our lives.

It’s difficult for everyone, including us, to consider us just

plain ole human. It wouldn’t be true anyway. We aren’t

plain ole anything.”

“Thanks. Why can’t I leave the suite without an


“You’re going to be living inside a building that is

totally New Species and you’ll make some of them

nervous. Most of us have a hard time trusting your kind.

It will make them feel better if they see less of you and

you’ll be safer. Some Species aren’t real keen on


Valiant growled. “It might have had something to do

with being locked up by them for most of our lives and

dealing with the kind of men who took you tonight.”

Tammy met his angry gaze “You sound as though

you hate humans.” She bit her lip. “Does part of you hate

me too because I’m not New Species?”

He frowned at her. “I don’t hate you.”


“I can only think of two humans that I don’t hate and

you are one of them.”

“Because you’re attracted to me?”

“Because you are mine.”

She blinked at him. “Why am I yours?”

“Just go with it,” Tiger sighed and said. “Trust me.

It’s going to make about that much sense. He’s attracted

to you, he likes you, and hell, I’d be happy enough not to

question it. Remember the day you met him when he

didn’t seem to like you? Compare the differences in your

mind and I think I’ve made my point.”

She nodded, staring at Valiant. “I definitely prefer

you liking me.”

He winked at her and the gesture made her gawk at

him. She’d never expected him to do that and with his

catlike eyes it was just startling. He frowned.

“Did I do that wrong? I tried to put you at ease. You

jumped and you have this expression on your face that

I’ve never seen before. I can’t say it is attractive.”

“Don’t ever wink at me again.” She smiled. “Please?”

“What did I do wrong?”

Tiger parked in front of the hotel. A bout fifteen New

Species men and women walked outside, staring openly

at them, and some faces were outright hostile. Tammy

instantly felt ill at ease and clung to Valiant a little tighter.

The women were tough-looking, tall, and muscular. She

could totally see every one of them, both male and

female, playing extras in a film where they portrayed

vicious villains. Worst of all, they appeared downright

furious to see her.

“Tammy? What did I do wrong by winking at you?”

She forced her attention away from the large, mean-

looking people glaring at her and turned her head to

stare up at Valiant. “Wink at Tiger.”

Valiant turned his head and winked again. Tiger


“I’m with her. Don’t do that again. It just looks too

weird on feline species. It looks good on humans but not

so much on us.”

Valiant sighed. “Fine. I won’t wink at you anymore.”

He shifted his large body and stepped out of the Jeep

with Tammy in his arms. He shifted her body easily,

holding her tighter against his chest.

Fear inched up Tammy’s spine. She’d only met a few

New Species but now she was surrounded by at least

fifteen of them that she’d never seen and they appeared

to be really irritated at her arrival. They blocked the

double doors into the hotel and her fright increased

along with her heart rate. She hated being afraid but

couldn’t help it.

Tiger moved in front of Valiant and Tammy. “There’s

nothing to see here. This is Tammy and she’s with

Valiant. They are going to be staying at the hotel in one

of the third-floor suites. She was attacked tonight by one

of those hate groups that target us.”

No one moved. Tammy shifted in Valiant’s arms,

gripping him tighter. She would have made him put her

down, if she were able, and stood behind him. He was

definitely big enough to hide behind. Valiant’s arms

tensed around her. She looked at him and saw he’d

bared his teeth again. He glanced down at her.

“Cover your ears right now.”

She released his neck and lifted her hands to do as

ordered as he took a deep breath. He glared at the men

and women standing in their path and roared. Tammy

turned her head to watch Tiger jump about two feet after

being startled by the sound.

“Move!” Valiant roared. “Now!”

Tammy watched New Species scatter as Tiger

laughed. Tammy wrapped her arms back around

Valiant’s neck. Not even one person remained in the

lobby when they walked inside as Tiger held open the


“Remind me to get you the next time I need to clear

a room.” Tiger appeared highly amused. “I’ll grab the key

to the suite and meet you at the elevator.”

“Thank you.” Valiant turned and stormed across the


No one was anywhere to be seen. Tammy wondered

how fifteen people could just disappear that way,

guessing they had to have run to get away from Valiant

so fast.

Her gaze returned to the man cradling her inside his

arms and studied his angry features, understanding how

his people could be afraid of him. She’d never forget the

day she’d met him and he’d left her utterly mute with

terror. That wasn’t something anyone had ever been able

to do in her entire life.

Chapter Seven

“I’m taking a shower.” Tammy put her hands on her

hips. “Move it.”

Valiant growled softly at her. “A llow Trisha to take a

look at you first. She should be here soon.”

“I want to get clean first. I can even smell me and I

stink. I have,” she released her hip and touched her

head, “things inside my hair, maybe even some live stuff,

and I can’t stand it. I could be all nice and clean before

the doctor gets here if you would get out of my way. I

bet she would appreciate it. Now move.”

“You are hurt and limping. I will go inside the stall

with you if you insist on showering.” He reached for the

waistband of his jeans.

“No!” She glared at him. “No way. Keep the pants on.

Now, behave and stop ordering me around. I know you

think I’m yours but let me tell you something. I don’t

take orders well. I’m going to go shower alone and you

are going to stay here. Now let me get past you.”

He growled again but he stepped out of her path to

the bathroom. “I don’t take orders well either.”

“I won’t order you around if you don’t order me

around. That’s fair.” She stopped at the bathroom door.

“Could you pretty please see if you can get me some


“I will make a call and see if they can bring them


“Thank you.” Tammy walked into the bathroom,

flipped on the light, and closed the door. It had a lock so

she pushed it.

“Unlock that!” Valiant roared.

She clenched her teeth as she turned the knob,

unlocking it, and yanked open the door. “Do you know

how loud you are? It’s the middle of the night and I’m

betting some people are probably trying to sleep. Could

you please keep it down?”

“Don’t ever lock a door between us or I will break it


Her eyebrows lifted as she stared into his golden,

exotic eyes, reminding her that he wasn’t completely

human. She’d probably tell him off if he were a regular

guy and said that to her. She’d have fled as quickly as

possible thinking he was a fruitcake. Valiant didn’t think

the way most guys did though.

“You could get hurt if you fall and it would slow me

from getting to you.”

She took a calming breath at hearing his words. He’d

just saved her life, she knew he had risked his life for

hers, and he hadn’t had to come after her in the first

place. Maybe he feared she’d faint or something. She

could deal with his orders if they stemmed from worry.

She wasn’t so sure that was the real reason but she was

willing to go with it.

“Fine. I won’t lock the door if you don’t come in.” She

closed the door before he could say anything but she

didn’t lock it again. She walked to a mirror and flinched.

“Oh man,” she sighed. “I look horrible. Look what

the cat dragged in.”

She instantly winced as soon as the last words passed

her lips, realizing the bad pun. She glanced at the door,

bit her lip, and hoped he hadn’t heard what she said. Her

gaze returned to the mirror when he didn’t make any

angry sounds she could hear. Thank goodness. He

missed that slip. There’s another saying I have to forget.

Cross off saying screwed and now all cat references.

Her hair was mangled, with dirt and dried leaves

sticking out of it. She had dirt on her face and since she’d

cried, cleaner lines tracked down her cheeks from her

tears. The only truly clean spot was the cut, purple area

where she’d hit the truck’s side mirror. The paramedics

had cleaned it. She turned her head and saw the scratch

wasn’t bad but the purple area was definitely going to

turn some ugly colors over the next few days.

She eased the really large sweater off her body and

dropped it onto the counter to study the rest of her body,

nearly crying again. She had bruises forming on her hips,

on one side of her ribs and on her shoulders where one

of those dickheads had shoved her down. She lifted her

chin and uttered a nasty word. She could almost see a

handprint under her chin in a forming bruise. Her gaze

lowered to her tender breasts and she clenched her teeth

when she noticed the swollen appearance of her nipples

from them being nearly pinched off. Scratches marred

her too from running and hitting things.

“A re you all right?” Valiant spoke right against the


“I’m just taking in the damage to my body and

bitching to myself about it. I’m fine but mad.” She

removed the bandages on her wrists so they wouldn’t get


“Can I come in?”

“No. I’ll hurry.” She spun away from the mirror and

attempted to untie the diaper-like thing Valiant had made

for her with his undershirt. She tried next to tug it down

her body but softly cursed. He’d tied knots with the

ripped material and she couldn’t get them undone.

“Valiant? I do need some help.”

She cupped her hands over her breasts as the door

suddenly opened before she could even finish speaking

and he stepped inside the bathroom. His gaze locked

immediately to her hands, filled with cleavage. Tammy

bit her lip. Well, he might not resemble a regular man

but he sure acts as if he’s one.

“I can’t get this thing you fashioned for me off. The

ties are too tight.”

His gaze remained locked on to her cupped breasts.

She turned, presented him with her back, but stared over

her shoulder to watch him. He frowned immediately,

obviously not pleased she hid that view from him.

“I need help with the diaper thing. I don’t need you

staring holes into my boobs.”

He grunted as he walked up behind her. Wow, he’s

big, she once again noted, sure she’d never get used to

staring up at a six-foot-six man. His focus lowered to her

covered ass and his fingertips brushed her skin right at

her waist when he slipped his fingers between the

material and it.

“I tried pushing it down but you tied it too tight and

it won’t go down over my hipbones.”

She heard the material tear as he sliced through the

knots he’d made. It hit the floor to pool at her feet. She

twisted a little, looking at his fingers and at the ruined T-

shirt on the floor. She released her breast with one hand

and grabbed at his finger. She was careful to grab him by

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