New Leaves, No Strings (6 page)

Read New Leaves, No Strings Online

Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Humorous, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: New Leaves, No Strings
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‘Wow Gabe, you should be anointed
as patron saint of true loves ethics. Why stay with her so long then?’

‘She was there and we got on well,
sex was ok and … well we’ve talked about this. There was no one else I was
interested in at the time.’

‘She was there? Romance abounds,’ I
retorted sarcastically.

‘Have you never been with someone, even
when you knew deep down he wasn’t right for you?’ Gabe asked. I thought of Kai and
the others and looked down at my feet. ‘Ah the look of guilt, then I guess that
I don’t have to worry about the ex from back home rearing his head again do I

‘No, Kai and I are definitively over,’
I replied looking back up at him. God he was so damn sexy.

‘So, just the Italian Stallion

‘Upgraded from Stud to Stallion in
24 hours, you are jealous. His name’s Milo.’

‘Don’t care,’ he retorted quick as
a flash.

‘You brought him up.’

‘We’re going round in circles Mia. After
our conversation yesterday, I thought you’d be pleased that things were no
longer complicated from my end,’ he snapped.

‘I clearly recollect telling you
not to make them uncomplicated Gabe,’ I snapped back.

‘Mia,’ he sighed and ran a
frustrated hand through his hair again. ‘I’ve made it clear from the start that
I want you. You told me if I was single that it would happen. I ended it with Julie
as soon as we had that conversation. So are you still available or not?’

He fixed with me a stare. Shit he was
seriously intense, was I really going to do this? The energy was surging
between us again and I could see from his eyes, along with the swelling in his
joggers, that he felt it too. I took a deep breath to calm myself.



‘Christ you really don’t make
things easy do you.’ He straightened up and put his hands on his hips. ‘We’ve
already said that we find each other attractive and that we want each other. I
can feel the electricity between us now and if you don’t answer me soon, I may
just have to pin you to that wall that’s holding you up right now and make you
agree by kissing you.’

‘Wow. You really think your kiss is
good enough to convince me?’ O my god my heart was racing and I could feel my
chest heaving at the thought of him doing it and my eyes were fixated on his lush
lips, imagining it.

‘I know I’m that good and looking
at those pouting wet lips of yours, I’m betting that you are too,’ he said
softly, his voice washing over me making my skin feel like he’d just caressed

‘O I’m good, believe me I’m good. I’m
most definitely worth the wait.’

‘Am I reading that as a yes then?’
he asked as his face lit up.

‘If it were, what would you

‘Have you heard of Fazeleys? We
could meet there for drinks.’

‘Yes I’ve heard of it.’

‘Friday night at nine,’ he stated,
surprising me.

‘Not tonight?’

‘Much as I’d love to see you
tonight Mia, my Dad’s in town and we have existing dinner plans.’

‘If we met Gabe it would have to be
early on Friday, as I’ve plans with Lexi in the evening.’

‘I have the competition so I won’t
be free until about 8.’

‘O right, will Julie be there?’ I
asked as I looked down at my feet.

‘Yes and a whole load of other
swimmers, male and female. Now who’s jealous?’ he asked with a happy smile on
his face.

‘Whatever,’ I sighed shaking my head.
I was annoyed that he knew he was getting to me. ‘Why ask me now then? Why not wait
until tomorrow instead of all this build up?’

‘I’ve seen the way other guys are looking
at you. I wanted to be sure there were “no complications” at your end. A lot
can happen in 24 hours and I hate losing when I want something. So Friday at
eight then.’

It was a statement, not a question.
He was persistent, give him his due. ‘I told you it’s my girls’ night out with
Lexi, I don’t like letting people down.’ I replied as I looked back up at him.
God his eyes were scorching and those lips, I could just imagine what those
lips would do to me.

‘Mia for god’s sake you’re killing
me here. What more do I have to do to get you to agree to meet me?’ he asked
with a heavy sigh.

‘Ok look, Lexi was thinking we’d
end up there anyway at around ten as she wants to meet this guy there.
I decide to meet you, can we do it then?’

‘What you’re not even going to buy
me a drink first? I feel cheap.’ He gave me that knicker wetting smile with a
little tilt of his head.

‘Very funny Gabe. Let me speak to
Lexi and I’ll text you as you’ve given me your number.’

‘Call me,’ he ordered with an air
of authority.

‘You don’t text?’ I asked

‘Of course I text,’ he laughed. ‘I
want to hear your voice. I want to hear you say the actual words “We have a
date” in that sultry tone of yours.’

‘I have been told that I’ve got a
sexy telephone manner, but it’s not a date Gabe.’

‘So two single people, who find
each other insanely attractive, who agree to hook up isn’t a date in your
world?’ he asked looking puzzled.

‘Ok it’s a sort of date, but don’t
expect too much from me.’ He finds
insanely attractive?

‘You’re not going back on the offer
of no strings attached mind blowing sex are you?’

‘You remembered?’ I said feeling
myself blush again. I seemed to do that a lot around him.

‘Hard to forget, I’ve thought of
nothing else since I left you yesterday.’

I looked into his eyes again and
they were burning, dark and lustful. ‘Then you don’t have a problem with it?’ I
mumbled embarrassed.

‘The only problem I have is if you’re
doing this with other men.’


‘For whatever reason I get that you’re
not looking to get serious, but I don’t share Mia. If we’re going to do this, we’re
only fucking each other, no one else.’

‘That’s pretty much a relationship
Gabe,’ I said feeling giddy at him saying “
only fucking each other”.
body was already craving him.

‘So you don’t want to see me, or
sleep me while I’m with Julie, but now I’ve made myself single and available to
, you want to be able to fuck me and other guys at the same time?’ he
snapped looking irritated.

‘Who said at the same time? I’m not
that kind of girl,’ I said horrified.

‘I didn’t mean a threesome Mia, I
meant bounce between me and other guys at the same time. I’m not open to
sharing you, so if you want to fuck anyone else, then this ridiculous sex no
strings thing ends straightaway.’

‘O my god this is getting really
complicated.’ I rubbed my face feeling very confused.

‘You’re the one making all these stupid
bloody rules Mia, I’m trying to make it easier. You told me sex no strings if I
were available. I’ve made myself available to you and only you, I’m just asking
the same in return,’ he said firmly.

 ‘Easy as that?’

‘We won’t know unless we try. What
other ground rules do you have for me so I’m clear?’

‘I don’t know Gabe this is new to
me too. I just know I haven’t enjoyed being in relationships, they were unfulfilling,
the guys were too demanding of my time and very critical of my friendship with
Lexi and that’s a definite no go area. I also have other friends I want to
spend time with and have things I like to do, I can’t be suffocated by one

‘So be honest with me, if I want to
see you and you have other plans tell me and I’ll do the same.’

‘It all sounds too easy.’

‘Mia I just wanted to date you, a
normal boyfriend girlfriend kind of deal. You’re the one making it complicated
with all these
rules,’ he grumbled running both hands through his
hair this time. I tucked mine behind my ear thinking how lovely it would be if
I could run mine through his as I kissed him.

‘If I agree we’re not doing the
whole jealousy thing Gabe and no meeting the parents. It’s just straight up
fucking on my terms,’ I said bravely channelling Lexi.

 ‘Christ say that again, it’s so
hot the way you say it,’ he groaned as he stepped even closer to me.

‘Say what?’

‘Fucking,’ he replied as he looked
at me intently again.

‘Fucking pervert,’ I said as I smiled
shyly up at him. Had I really just done it? I’d just agreed to no strings sex
with the arguably the hottest guy on the planet.

‘You’re the one who wants to use
and abuse me Mia,’ he said reaching out a hand and tucking my hair behind my
ear. I bit my lip to feel his finger graze my cheek. ‘So Friday are we on?’

‘I’ll check with Lexi and let you

‘Excellent. I’ll look forward to
speaking to you then. Call me before six,’ he said with a childish elated grin
on his face.



‘I’ll call you when I chose Gabe. Not
at some prearranged time, determined by you, to let you know if I can come.’

He moved towards me and I pressed
my palms back onto the wall. Thank god, he was finally going to kiss me, this
was what all this had been leading up to. I went all light headed, my heart was
pulsating in my chest and my knees went weak. He placed his hand on my right
hip, brushed his lips against my left ear and pressed his chest against mine. I
gasped as my nipples stiffened at the contact and I just knew that he could
feel them.

‘I really, really hope you do,

he whispered sending a shiver down my spine.

There was no mistaking the double
meaning of his words. He used the Vin Dieselesque tone of his voice in such a
way that he could melt ice and he was certainly thawing me out. His lips
brushed the side of my ear and my stomach flipped, any minute now our lips
would be touching. I’d never wanted to kiss any one so badly. I wanted to jump
up onto his hips, grasp his messy sun kissed blonde hair and eat him alive. He
drew level with my face and I could feel his hot breath on my lips and I
inhaled his irresistible masculine scent. I steadied myself against the wall as
he smiled and we locked eyes, I couldn’t look away. My lips parted and I made a
very small moan as I saw the lust reflected in his. His forehead and nose were
on mine, his hand reached up and held my cheek, his thumb stroking it, sending
ripples of pleasure through my entire body. I closed my eyes in readiness for
the moment our lips finally met and sighed happily.

I heard a noise and reopened them to
see him walking away. What???!!! I slid down the tiled wall to the floor. I
suddenly felt hot, dizzy and sick again. I was a quivering wreck. What the hell
was that about? No one had ever walked away from kissing me, not when I’d made
it obvious I wanted it. I rummaged for my phone in my bag.

Lex. No water crisis,
it was Gabe. He’s finished with her and he’s asked me to meet him Friday

Told U e woz that IN2U.
Moves quick. When? Where?

Fazeleys tomorrow
night. Obviously the in place. I put him off until ten so we can still have our
time together before we both hook up, if we do. I haven’t confirmed yet. I’m in
bits, I’ll need a bit of pep

Bit L8T 4 that. Need 2
wax 48 hrs in adv 2B safe

Pep, not prep. I need
you to bolster me up. I’m no cavewoman, just because I’m not dating doesn’t
mean I’m not up to date with my waxing thanks


No, Brazilian

Landing strip or


Nice! :-)

Lexi are we really
texting about my vagina?

Import top 4 such a
moment ocaz

Write in bloody English
will you. Whatever, my vagina’s set. What the bloody hell am I going to wear?

Lexi are you still

I put my head down on my knees and
took a deep breath. So that was it, I’d pretty much just arranged to meet him
for hot, sweaty, naked, wild sex. Witty banter and flirting wasn’t going to
hold him off any longer. Shit now I really was in trouble. I’d offered him sex
on a plate and he was going to be expecting it tomorrow night, with the Mia he
thought was a sexually experienced nymphomaniac, not Mia the nervous virgin.

I mean it wasn’t like I was totally
naïve, I had my toys, I’d seen films, read books and was a sexual person. I
knew how to use my body to illicit a reaction, my dance training had helped
with that. I was good at flirting and kissing, hell I’d done a lot of kissing
in my time. I’d always been curious about sex, always wanted to go further,
however I hadn’t as no one had ever appealed to me enough, until now. I
silently cursed Lexi and her bright ideas. What the hell had I just gotten
myself into? And why wasn’t she replying to my texts.

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