New Leaves, No Strings (2 page)

Read New Leaves, No Strings Online

Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Humorous, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: New Leaves, No Strings
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‘Then we’re both screwed,’ I stated
with a smile of resignation.

‘Ok sod it. Let’s make another
pact, a new leaf and all that. I’m going to cut way back on my conquests and
see if I can find a guy that I can stand to be around after I’ve shagged him
the once. You’re going to find someone that you’re just going to screw, no
strings attached. Make that clear from the start and no guy in his right mind will
refuse. You still chose to walk away when you want, no one gets hurt and in the
meantime you get mind blowing orgasms. Baby steps for both of us. How about

‘Really Lex?’

‘We’re 18 now, not those damaged
young kids that met at school. Let’s get you on the horse or the bike, or
whatever method of bloody transport it is and shag it out of your system. And
as for this not being lovable shit, I know you better than anyone and I’m still
here aren’t I?’

‘Ok Lex, sod it. I’m in, challenge
accepted,’ I nodded with a heavy sigh. She was right, I needed to just get it
over and done with and get out there and start enjoying myself.

‘Wow, really? That was easier than
I thought it was going to be. Touchdown for the Lex,’ she said with a huge grin
on her face.

‘Don’t get too excited, first we
have to find me a guy that’ll make me want to go all the way.’

‘Bugger, now I’ve really got my
work cut out for me,’ she sighed as her face fell.


‘The last guy you actually went
crazy for was Tyler and you were 12.’

‘I’ve fancied other guys, I’ve had
lots of boyfriends,’ I said indignantly.          

‘Maybe, but the only one you
wouldn’t shut up about was him. Ooooo Lexi, he rescued me from the pool,
looking all Lucas Scott from One Tree Hill, with his abs of steel. You went on
about him for months.’

‘No, seriously?’ I racked my brains
to try and come up with some others. ‘O my god, you’re right. 6 years? 6 bloody
years and I’ve only had the hots for one guy?’

‘Actually no, there were two. Tyler
and your first boyfriend Alex, the shit that dumped you as you wouldn’t have
sex. So at least we know you that you
be physically attracted to
someone. We just have to find you another. I’m on a mission now to find you the
hottest sex machine to show you the ropes.’

‘I’ve got some moves. I’m not
totally coy and virginal. I could make Kai come just by snogging him.’

‘Impressive talent. Please tell me
that you’ve at least given and received hand jobs and oral? Otherwise we really
have our work cut out for us.’

‘Yes sort of and no, no and no,’ I
replied after a considered silence.

‘I’ve no idea what “
sort of

is for a hand job, but seriously? No to the other three?’

‘Yes seriously. Let’s worry about
that if and when we find someone, though at a rate of two attractive guys in
six years, I’m not holding out much hope.’

‘Living in a virtual convent 36
weeks a year and then spending 16 weeks of our holidays in a small town in
bloody Scotland’s wilds or back home, wasn’t exactly conducive to putting
yourself out there to find a guy you fancy was it? Besides, we’re now
surrounded by young virile men all at their sexual peak. Trust me, this is going
to be like shooting fish in a barrel.’

I was suddenly acutely aware of the
sounds of the river trickling past, the chirping of the birds and hum of the

‘Christ Lex, everyone’s gone in,
it’s nearly 1.30. Come on, were going to be late for our first English Lit
lecture. How did we end up with both subjects on the same bloody day?’

We grabbed our bags and started to
run, but we’d only gone 200 metres when Lexi stopped dead in her tracks.

‘Shit,’ she muttered. ‘I’ve left my
fags on the grass, go ahead so at least one of us makes it on time.’

I left her to it and ran through
the empty corridors, passing all of the closed doors, the squeaking of my
trainers on the polished floor echoing, breaking the silence. I gently opened
the double doors that led into the English amphitheatre, hoping to find a seat
before I was spotted by the professor. It was packed and everyone was seated,
but for one guy dead ahead. He had his back to me and was bent over taking his
books from his black rucksack. A pair of dark grey trousers were painted onto
the cheeks of the most perfectly sculpted bottom I’d ever seen and strained
around his muscular firm thighs. He was on display, just like a dazzling
peacock, so I tilted my head to study his bottom further, it would’ve been insane
for me not to admire it.

Slowly he straightened up and I
could see his strong biceps taut beneath his crisp pale grey shirt sleeves, his
broad muscular shoulders tapered down to a slim waist and that perfection of a
bottom. I drew my eyes up to his messy blonde hair, which just scrapped the
back of his shirt collar and as he began to turn to face my direction, I held
my breath in anticipation of what was to come.

For that moment time froze and I
totally I forgot where I was as I stood there, just inside the doorway. Everything
else melted away, the temperature in the room rose a few degrees and I realised
my heart was beating faster. I liked what I saw,
liked what I
saw. Please let him be a Tyler in the looks department I chanted inwardly, if
so operation seduction would be on with the first male specimen I’d spotted,
Lexi would be so proud. Before I had a chance to see his face, she barrelled
through the door straight into the back of me and we fell arse over tit into a
tangled heap on the floor, the contents of my bag flying everywhere.

‘Well I can see I’m going to have
trouble with the two of you. I don’t tolerate tardiness, if you plan to attend
my lectures be here on time,’ chastised Mr Jenkins our well to do professor.
‘As if that weren’t bad enough, one of you looks like she’s just arrived from
the film set of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, while the other appears to be
parodying a mental patient dribbling at the sight of a male posterior.
will you pick yourselves up and find a seat, so I can finally start my

I could hear the sniggers going
around the amphitheatre like a Mexican wave and clambered off the floor trying
to keep my head down. I could feel my cheeks blazing and I felt thoroughly
humiliated as I gathered up the contents of my bag, hastily shoving them back
in. Lexi paused for a bow before dragging me to the only remaining table with
two chairs, of course they had to be right at the front, to the left of the
entrance door. Damn it, we were right opposite
my potential new
Tyler. The blonde with the gorgeous body, whose face I still hadn’t even seen.

I shuffled myself forwards in my
chair and put my books on the desk and tried to sneak a surreptitious glance
through my fringe at him. I could see a pair of black lace up oxfords, with
grey socks peeking out from beneath his trouser leg. Was this guy for real?
Most of the Uni guys were in baggy jeans with their arses hanging out, scruffy
trainers and dirty t-shirts and he was all dressed up like a male catalogue model.
His legs were parted with one hand his thigh, which seemed to be trying to hide
a sizable bulge that made me even flush even more, he had an erection.

I slowly drew my gaze upwards over
the desk and worked my way up his Paul Smith shirt to his face and was momentarily
stunned. He really was a Tyler, but
much more. He had a firm square
masculine jaw, his cheekbones were chiselled, lips full and soft with a
gorgeous cupids bow and his nose was just perfect. I drew my gaze up to his
eyes, which had a hue so blue they rivalled my own and were framed by the
longest dark lashes. He was
model material, David Gandy move

I’d never seen someone so handsome
in my life. I could feel my breathing quicken as I stared in awe, then realised
he was looking right back at me. As our eyes locked, I felt a surge of heat
rush over me, the look in his eyes was pure lust, the likes of which I’d never
seen. He tilted his head, drew his kissable lips into a knockout smile and

‘Holy shit,’ muttered Lexi. ‘Did
blonde and beautiful over there just wink at you?’

‘Yes, I think he did,’ I uttered in
amazement. My cheeks flamed as I quickly looked back down at my desk.

‘Mia close your bloody mouth,
you’re drooling again.’

It started to become harder to
breathe, as if I could feel the air being sucked out of the room and my lungs.
My hands began to tremble and a wave of nausea hit me like a bullet train. The
light started to dim and everything sounded muffled and distant.

‘Lexi, I think I’m going to pass
out,’ I whispered, as the light oak desk top rapidly approached my face.

I felt myself coming around and was
sure I was in someone’s arms. They smelled so good, so masculine. I could feel
the firmness of their chest pressed against my cheek and strong arms clutching
my body. I felt so woozy that I had to shut my eyes and the next time I opened
them, I was lying down on a bed, in what appeared to be a small surgery. Lexi
was holding my hand and a Nurse stood over me taking my pulse.

‘You’ll be fine, it was probably a
combination of the heat, dehydration and low blood sugar,’ she said, giving me
a kind smile and she handed me a dextrose tablet. ‘Here suck this slowly and
then try to sit up. I’ll go and get you a sugared tea, back in a moment.’

‘Thanks,’ I smiled as she left.

‘Better?’ Lexi asked giving me a
concerned look and I nodded.

‘Lex please tell me I didn’t just
make a fool of myself in front of the whole class and then faint when he winked
at me?’ I groaned.

‘Yep you did. Though I have to say,
if he’d have winked at me, I might have had a reaction too. He’s seriously
He looks like that guy off Suits you fancy, Harvey. Do you know him? I could
feel the chemistry sizzling between you.’

‘I don’t know him Lexi, never seen
him before and what chemistry? The only chemistry going on was a chain reaction
of humiliation. It wasn’t bad enough I was frozen to the spot, totally unable
to function as I stared at his bloody perfect bottom with the entire room
watching me, but you had to come in and made it all the worse by knocking me to
the floor and drawing attention to us. Then to top it off, you sit us directly
opposite him. I could’ve died when he winked at me. Did I really plank face
first into the desk?’

‘Yep, all the grace of a rhino. I
was shaking you trying to wake you up and he just moved me out of the way,
pulled your chair back, lifted you up and carried you here, with me in hot

‘What?! That was
carried me? Are you joking? Seriously
carried me?’ I exclaimed
sitting up in shock.

‘All officer and a gentleman Mia
and it was a long way here.’

‘Officer and a gentleman? I bet
he’s some kind of pervert taking an opportunity to feel up an unconscious
woman. Jesus Lex, the first attractive guy I see after our little bet and I
literally fall for him. I bet I dribbled on his perfect grey shirt too. What a
bloody moron.’ I slapped my forehead and winced, it was still tender from its
round with the desk and Lexi laughed at me. ‘Shit Lex, it’s not funny. He’s not
outside now is he? Tell me he’s not outside? I could die of shame.’

‘No, Mr Jenkins came down to check
on you and they went back together. Blonde and beautiful wants to meet
tomorrow, about quarter to nine at the main campus entrance to get his notes to
us, so we can catch up on what we missed.’

‘How am I going to face him or go
into that lecture again? Is it too late to change subjects? I don’t think I
could’ve made more of a fool of myself if I’d tried.’

‘Yes it’s too late to change, but
hello? Do you really want to when we’ve three years of
to sit
across from? And yes Mia, it could’ve been worse, you could’ve been sick on the
desk, before landing in it face first, or farted and followed through as you
lost consciousness in front of the whole room.’

Do you have to?’ I
laughed as I slapped her arm. ‘God he’s going to think I’m such an idiot, like
I stood a chance with him anyway,’ I sighed. ‘I bet he has girls throwing
themselves at his feet all the time and you sitting next to me doesn’t help my
chances either.’

‘Mia, how many times do we have to
do this? I’d trade my body for yours any day, not all men like skin and bone
you know. Judging by the wink and rescue, I’m thinking you’re exactly his type.
He never took his eyes off you, which by the way match your own, as if that
weren’t sign enough. I think we’ve found your H&D guy.’

‘HND?’ I asked puzzled.

‘Not HND, H
D, Hump and
dump. A guy to use and lose, like we discussed. He looks like a guy that’s had
some experience. You find him attractive, him you, perfect conditions for our
new challenge.’

‘I see someone’s already feeling
better, you’ve some colour back in your cheeks,’ said the Nurse as she handed
me a cup of sugary tea. ‘I’m surprised your boyfriend’s not been back to check
on you. He looked very concerned.’

‘Boyfriend,’ I spluttered through
my first gulp. ‘He’s not my boyfriend, I don’t even know him.’

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