New Leaves, No Strings (26 page)

Read New Leaves, No Strings Online

Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Humorous, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: New Leaves, No Strings
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‘Well I must’ve really freaked him
out then this morning with my reaction to his declaration of love and then to
his offer to make me a bacon and egg sandwich. I’m his perfect candidate to
practice on.’

‘I think he’s also doing plenty of Phys
Ed with you too,’ Lexi grinned as she winked at me.

‘He does have some serious stamina,
I’ve got to shape myself up. Look Lex, some of the guys are coming out.’

‘Hello boys,’ she exclaimed excitedly
as she sat up straight. ‘Christ when word gets out about a male swim team, this
place is going to be crawling with girls just dying for a good viewing. Wow they’re
really not wearing much at all are they?’

They definitely weren’t. I scanned
the group of them and then spotted him and my mouth dropped open. He’d
obviously just taken a pre pool shower and was scruffing up his hair with his
wet hands and wiping the water out of his face. His biceps were flexing and I
ran my eyes down his wet chest and over his abs, glistening with a fine sheen
of water. Lexi was right their trunks were ridiculous. He had on the smallest
tightest pair of turquoise speedo’s that hung low on his hips and strained
around the top of his legs. His large manhood was on total display for everyone
to see. I could hardly believe I’d had sex with him, he was just …
so out of my league.

I looked around the spectator
section and I could see a number of girls giggling and pointing at him. I felt
myself blush and took a deep gulp as walked towards me, leaned over the railing
and kissed my cheek, as water dripped off his shoulders onto my chest. He
straightened back up and tilted his head smiling, obviously amused at my
reaction. Lexi was busy hanging over the railing eyeing up the remaining guys.

‘So, how’s my outfit working for

‘What outfit? You may as well not
be wearing one,’ I grumbled.

‘Are you getting possessive over my
body again?’

‘Yes, I don’t know if I like
everyone looking at you the way I am right now. What if you get an erection?’

‘It happens a lot, you just have to
deal with it. It’s going to happen more often if you come down here with that
look in your eyes.’

‘What look?’

‘You want me right now don’t you?’ he
said, as I blushed and bit the end of my thumb nail. ‘Shit Mia, see you’ve gone
and done it, I’m getting hard.’


‘Look,’ he stepped back and I
opened my mouth in horror before he put his goggles and swim hat in front of
himself to try and be discreet. I put my hand in front of Lexi’s eyes and I
spotted Doug sauntering over. I was right, he had a pretty fine body as well,
but my eyes were instinctively drawn back to Gabe’s.

‘Mia can you uncover my eyes if I
promise not to look in Gabe’s direction?’ Lexi pleaded.

‘Ok just keep looking dead ahead,’
I said as I lowered my hand and left her to look straight at the oncoming torso
of Doug. I heard her gulp and I giggled.

‘Hey guys, so what do you think?’

‘You all look
said Lexi salivating.

‘I meant the pool,’ said Doug
grinning, ‘but good to know where your head’s at.’ I looked shocked as Lexi
actually turned a bit pink, I’d never seen that happen. ‘Come on Gabe, you’ve got
some catching up to do,’ he stated and turned his back and walked away. Lexi was
trying desperately not to show she was checking out his arse.

‘So, are you at least going to
watch me swim, or were you just here to objectify me?’ asked Gabe.

‘We’ll stay for a minute. I want to
check out the classes timetable. Besides, I can objectify you and more later in

‘Stop talking. Now,’ ordered Lexi.

Gabe leaned over and hesitated in
front of my mouth. I reached up and clasped the back of his head and pulled his
lips onto mine and sighed to feel the effect they had on me as I poured the
last eleven odd hours of no contact into it.

‘Wow,’ he murmured as he
straightened up, his eyes glazed.

‘Yeah,’ I sighed.

He smiled and turned and walked
away as I checked out his bottom and thighs. I shook my head vigorously and saw
a group of girls standing by the pool looking in my direction. Shit, one of
them was Julie and she’d just seen us kissing. What was I thinking coming down
here like this? She must’ve thought I’d come to rub her face in it. I saw her
turn her head and followed her eye line, she was watching Gabe as he put on his
hat and goggles and climbed up the steps onto the block. He shook his head back
and forth loosening himself up. An older guy stood by the edge of the pool in
shorts and a t-shirt and held a stop watch, clenching a whistle in his teeth.
Doug was on the block next to Gabe and other few guys further on down. They all
raised their arms above their heads and leaned forwards and as the whistle blew
I saw him dive.

I forgot about Julie for a minute
as I watched him in action, fascinated. He was so firm and solid, yet so
graceful as he broke through the seal of the water and disappeared out of
sight. I started to panic when he didn’t immediately reappear, but then relaxed
when I saw him surface much further down about a minute later. God he could
hold his breath a long time. He was doing the front crawl and I watched his
powerful back and shoulder muscles rise and fall as he cut his way through the
water. He made it to the other end of the pool before I knew it.

‘Christ they’re quick’ said Lexi
impressed. I looked over at the group of girls and was sure that Julie had
started to cry, I felt a complete shit for not having thought about how hard it
would be for her to see me here so soon, especially with Gabe still having my
finger nail marks down his back.

‘Come on Lex, we need to go,’ I
said standing up quickly.

‘What no more hot boy action?’ she

‘Julie’s over there I need to give
her some space, I shouldn’t have come.’

‘You’re too nice for your own good,’
she said as she sulkily leaning down and picking her bag up off the floor. ‘Which
one is she?’

‘The tall blonde on the right.’

‘Well its gender discrimination,
why do the men get sexy little outfits and the woman are covered up in those
hideous one pieces?’

‘I’m fairly glad that their suits
aren’t sexy Lex, the last thing I need to be thinking about is how hot she
looks in a tiny bikini while trying to entice Gabe back.’

‘Hot?’ Lexi asked looking

‘Yes look at her physique, even
with a swimsuit on you can she’s seriously toned. I’d kill for her stomach, shoulders
and arms.’

‘Whatever. She’s blonde, flat
chested, has no arse and is straight up and down.’


‘She’s the exact opposite of you Mia
and he chose you over her, you have no competition.’

‘Thanks. Come on we’re being
watched let’s move.’

I looked to the other end of the
pool but couldn’t spot Gabe, probably best I didn’t make a big show of waving
him goodbye anyway. We headed up the stairs and back across the walkway and
down to the Reception desk which was already closed, but I spotted some
timetables in a literature holder. I spread one out to examine it.

‘O great look Lex. They have
evening Pilates three times a week. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at 6 p.m.
for an hour, I can come here and do some work in the Gym as well.’

‘Well don’t look at me you’re on
your own. It’s hard enough for me to put any bloody weight on, I don’t need to
be exercising. Other than our Wednesday Fauxlates class I’m not attending
anything else.’

‘Let’s head home, I’ve not eaten
anything since breakfast and I need some more energy for tonight. I plan on
having lots of sex.’

‘I think you need to see a doctor.’

‘Why because I’m having sex?’ I

‘Well actually yes that too. You
need to think about going on the pill or something. I was thinking more about
your periods as they’ve been getting much worse over the last couple of years.
You seem to have less energy and you’re having this whole getting dizzy thing
going on as well now. You may be anaemic or something.’

‘I suppose we ought to look for a
doctors now we’re living up here, I guess it wouldn’t hurt to get myself
checked over. You’re right as well, my periods are hurting more than ever and
the pain in my stomach and back seems to last for a lot longer than the actual
bleed. Do you take the pill?’

‘Hell yeah, you can’t rely on guys
to always have a condom around when you’re in the mood.’

‘You don’t still sleep with them
without one?’

‘Yeah sometimes,’ she shrugged.

‘Lexi what about STI’s?’ I

‘Been fine so far.’

‘Lexi Clarke that’s so not the
right attitude, I’m shocked at you. You’ve been bloody lucky then. You remember
Michelle from college? Well she picked up chlamydia her first time and ended up
in a dreadful state with pelvic inflammatory disease. Her insides are all screwed
up. You can be so irresponsible.’

‘So you and Gabe are never going to
go bareback then, ever?’

‘When the time’s right I’d like to
think he’ll be happy to get tested for me and I’ll use some other form of
contraception. You know for someone so sexually experienced you can be so
naïve. Great look there’s a bus stop here, saves us walking all the way back
through the main campus to our usual one.’ I took a picture of the timetable on
my phone. ‘So, are we going to have the talk?’ I asked looking at her.

‘What talk?’

‘The talk about how your cheeks
turned scarlet when Doug approached you in his teeny tiny trunks.’


‘Did so,’ I nodded.

‘I thought you were zipping it on
the subject?’

‘That was when I thought you weren’t
interested, I’ve never seen you blush at anything Lexi, you actually like him
don’t you?’

‘Whatever, I don’t even know the

‘Well considering he’s Gabe’s best
friend and you’re mine, I think there are going to be plenty of opportunities
for you to get to know him.’

‘Thank god.’

‘So you do like him?’ I grinned.

‘Thank god the bus is here, so we
can move on in more ways than one,’ she sighed.


The journey home took a few minutes
longer, but we were back in before seven.

‘I’m going to grab a shower quickly
Lex if that’s ok.’

‘What we doing for food?’

‘Well we have a fridge and cupboard
full of it. I think we ought to try to actually cook something.’

‘I’m not touching anything until
you get out so hurry up. I’m going out for a fag.’

I stripped off, showered and washed
my hair and made sure I was scrupulously clean down below, I’d need to book in
for another wax soon. Another item thing to organise now we’d moved, find a new
beautician. I spent way too long trying to decide what to wear, it wasn’t like
we were going out on a date. He was coming over late and I was probably going
to end up out of any clothes quicker than I’d chosen then anyway, so I just went
with my black hipster yoga pants and a black crop bra top, deciding to get in
some stretches before he arrived. I knocked on Lexi’s bedroom door.

‘Ok let’s do this, operation master
chef’s a go. It’s quarter to eight already.’

She joined me in the kitchen and we
stood for a few minutes with the fridge door open just staring at the foreign

‘Sod it Mia, let’s just order a

‘No, Gabe spent a lot of money. Come
on there must be something in here that even we can do?’ I insisted.

‘Ok, let’s cook those sausages,
they look nice.’

‘With what?’

‘Beans on toast, I think even we
can manage that and aren’t beans like one of your five a day?’ she asked.

‘I think so, but I don’t think it
counts when you don’t have the other four a day of the five a day.’

‘So five a day only counts if you
have five items?’

‘Well yes genius, otherwise it’d be
called one a day and we’d be achieving it. Seriously how did you make it to
Uni?’ I asked shaking my head.

‘I had you to kick my ass and help
me Mia, but surely one out of five a day is better than none out of five a day?’

‘Are we going to try cooking or
just debate the logic of the government’s attempts to try and make us eat more

‘Fine, you sort out the beans and
toast and I’ll do the sausages.’ declared Lexi ‘Fried or grilled?’

‘Since we’re likely to get a
lecture from Gabe on the nutritional demerits of our diets, I think grilled is
more healthy.’

‘So how does the grill work?’

‘Do I look like Nigella bloody Lawson?
You’ve lived here as long as me. Besides you put me on beans duty and I don’t
even know if we have a can opener.’

‘It’s on the other end of the beer bottle
opener,’ she laughed as she nodded at the drawer. ‘Don’t forget you’re in
charge of toast as well.’

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