Never Let Go (Take My Hand) (19 page)

BOOK: Never Let Go (Take My Hand)
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“Bet he’s just glad to be under a roof for a couple of
hours rather than lying under damp newspaper in a shop doorway,” Snickers piped

“Oh, Rachel, he does
look homeless! He looks cool and sexy and…oomph!”

In that moment I pondered where I could get my hands
on a pair of skinny jeans, a white t-shirt and a black waistcoat – that’s
all I’ve ever seen the dude wear. I should point out that outfit would be for
bedroom only purposes - no way in
hell would I been seen out in public like that. For once I agree with Snickers
– the dude looks like a hobo. “Eeeek, we’re moving!” Emily squealed when
the line started to inch forward.

It’d been a long time since I’d seen her so excited
– if ever. The thought strummed on my heart. She might not have had that
many opportunities to feel this happy since we met, but I will make damn sure
her future is filled with them.

It took forty minutes for the entrance to come into
view once the queue started moving, then another twenty to actually get into
the building. It was basically a fairly small club, with a bar spanning the
width of one side and a stage at the front. There were only a handful of tables
with chairs, all of which were taken when we got inside. I was about to ask
someone if they would mind donating their seat to Chris when Snickers rolled
past me.

“I got this,” she whispered, wheeling over to one of
the tables. Chart music was playing through the speakers so I didn’t actually
hear her, but I discovered I’m actually pretty good at lip-reading. Who knew?
“Hey, guys,” she said to the people sitting at the table, interrupting their
conversation. One of them weighed up her wheelchair before he even looked at
her – gawping at her as if her disability was contagious. “Mind if I stay
here? I need to be near the toilets.”
is she doing?
“Ugh, this pregnancy,” she continued, rubbing her bump.
“Keeps making me throw up. Sometimes I don’t even get a warning. I’ll just be
sitting there minding my own business, and suddenly I’ll look down and I’m
covered in sick. It’s

Credit where it’s due, she’s a fucking good actress.
Nothing about her gave her away – no unevenness in her voice, no
blushing… she was a perfect, brazen and confident liar.

“You better watch that one, dude,” I muttered teasingly
to Jared, leaning over towards his ear so he could hear me over the music. “I’ve
never known such a confident bullshitter.”

“Nah, mate. I know her too well for her to pull that
shit on me.” He spoke assuredly, and I didn’t doubt he was right. I don’t think
I’ve ever seen two people more perfectly designed for each other than those

“Actually, um, I think we’re gonna go and stand near
the stage to dance. Right guys?” one of the suddenly uncomfortable looking
girls in the group seated around the table said. The rest of them nodded
eagerly and then stood from their seats. “Table’s yours,” she tacked on, stepping
cautiously past Snickers like she might detonate any second.

“Result!” Snickers proclaimed proudly as we all took
up a now spare seat at the table.

“How do you do that without getting embarrassed?”
Emily asked, blushing enough for the two of them.

“It’s a gift.”

Jared and I were designated the task of getting the
drinks in, so together we made our way to the bar and ordered a round of
Coke’s. I swear the bartender looked at me like I’d just asked if I could suck
his dick. Why do most people assume you need alcohol to have a good time these

Jared pulled out his wallet to pay for the drinks and
I stood back and let him. What? The guy’s got more money than sense – or
at least his dad has. While he finished up the transaction I started making my
way back to the table, balancing a tray of glasses in my hands. Jared followed
almost immediately and when we reached the table I handed everyone a drink and
sat down in between Emily and Chris.

“To best friends!” I toasted, holding my glass over
the middle of the table. Everyone followed my lead and clinked their glass with
mine. “You guys are my family,” I added, feeling content. I was engaged to the
woman of my dreams – the woman who saved me from myself, I had these
amazing friends, a surprise sister, and of course my Aunt Sarah. I remember
arriving in this country last year fully intending to never get attached to
anyone for longer than one night. I didn’t want people in my life. I didn’t
need them and I sure as hell didn’t think I deserved them.

That feels like a lifetime ago.

“What is it with you Americans?” Snickers chimed.
“You’re so bloody soppy. Next you’ll be thanking The Lord. You guys always do
that shit too.”

“How many other Americans do you know, Rach?” Chris
butted in, laughing a little.

“Hey, I watch the Oscars!”

We all started laughing –
her –
and then the lights started to dim, Emily shot up so fast from her chair I
thought someone had stuck a bomb up her ass.

“Oh my God they’re coming on!”

The stage lit up and the musicians who were already on
stage started playing out the first song. When the band walked on seconds
later, the crowd went wild, almost as if they were trying to outdo the music. I
looked up at Emily who was bobbing her head up and down as she tried to see past
the mass of people standing in front of her. So without warning, I stood up
from my chair and scooped her in my arms before lifting her up so she was
sitting on my shoulders. I thought I heard her squeal but I couldn’t be sure
over the thunderous music as the band went straight into one of their biggest
hits ‘We Cry’.

I nodded in the direction I was about to go to the
other guys and then carried Emily forward, nudging and weaving my way through
the swarm of people jumping up and down and dancing until we reached a spot
near the stage. Emily clung to my body like a monkey, until she caught sight of
Danny O’Donoghue and then she released her grip so she could clap and sing.

After a few minutes I lowered her down to the floor -
partly because I wanted to see her and partly because she was getting freakin’
heavy. For the longest time she didn’t even look at me. While she stared at
stared at her. Her red hair
spilled in thick, bouncy curls down her back, swishing in time with her body as
she danced. And her smile… I’ve seen her smile before but not
smile. It was so wide it
illuminated her whole face. She looked so beautiful, so carefree and I was
already trying to figure out ways I could put that smile back on her face after

After the first song, the music stopped while the band
introduced themselves and spouted some crap about how Manchester is one of
their favourite cities. Seriously, like they expect us to believe they don’t
say that to ever city they go to.

“He’s so close I can see the sweat on his face!” Emily
squeaked in my ear. Laughing softly at her enthusiasm, I took the opportunity
to kiss her. I knew I wouldn’t have long and that she’d break away when the
next song began, so I needed to make it good.

I started by using my tongue to trace the outline of
her lips before dipping inside and tasting her. She pressed herself to me like
she was starved, paying my own mouth equal amounts of attention. Then, she
slithered her hand in between our bodies and ran her fingers under my shirt. I kissed
her harder, pulling her head towards mine with my fists clenched in her hair
while I licked and sucked at her mouth.

“Holy fuck, doll,” I growled, pressing my head into
her neck when I felt her fingers delve into my pants and take hold of my now throbbing
dick. She adjusted it slightly before stroking me up and down a couple of times
as well as she could with the tight denim restricting her movement. Then she
snapped her hand free and winked at me before turning back to the stage.

I decided in that moment, music concerts are going to
be a very regular part of our social lives in future. I love what they do to

I have to admit I sang along to a couple of tracks
myself. Apart from her Glee collection, The Script is the only other band Emily
has on her iPod so naturally I’ve picked up a few of the lyrics along the way.
By the intermission, Emily’s body was glistening from the light sheen of sweat
that dusted her pale skin, so I took hold of hand and weaved her back through
the crowd to our table where she could grab a drink. There were several more
empty glasses on the table when we got there so I figured one of them had been
replenishing the drinks.

“Those are yours!” Jared called over the noise –
they were back to playing regular chart music again. “We got you fresh ones.”

“Yeah,” Snickers agreed. “The others went flat.”

“Nothing to do with the fact you drank them eh, Rach?”
Chris interrupted with a teasing smirk. She flipped him the middle finger and
then patted the seat next to her for Emily to sit down.

“Isn’t this amazing?” Emily squealed. Honestly, the whole
night it’s sounded like she’s been high on helium. “Did you see, Rach? He was
like right
. So close I could’ve
probably touched him!”

“From what I saw you were too busy touching the American,”
Snickers joked. Aaaaaand bingo. Emily blushed, causing her cheeks to clash with
her hair.


The next set continued like the last. I carried Emily
to the front and watched her in awe as she swayed, and sang and shook that fine
booty of hers. What surprised me most, is that a few of their songs have mild
rapping qualities that
could never
keep up with – but Em knew
and confidently sang her beautiful heart out to them. Everything about her
tonight seduced me… the music brought out a confidence in her I’ve never seen
before, a smile I’ve never witnessed, and dance moves I’d never seen her relax
enough to perform. And on top of that, she agreed to be my wife. Me, Dexter
Michaels – the guy who once thought he was nothing but a worthless, un-loveable
addict, has landed himself a life better than one he could’ve ever dreamed of.

And it’s all down to the stunning redhead hanging off
my arm.

“I’m gonna bury myself so deep inside you tonight,
doll. You won’t be able to walk for a week without remembering this night,” I
whispered in her ear as we made our way back to the table for the last time. My
arm was around her waist and I felt her whole body stiffen at my words. Man, I
will never get tired of having that effect on her.

When we stepped back outside my ears were ringing.
Jared and Snickers were laughing at something between themselves and Chris
trailed slowly along next to Emily. He looked exhausted and I was real proud of
him for sticking tonight out. I knew he only did it for Emily and I admired him
so much for that.

“You holding up okay?” I asked him discreetly.

“Yeah, mate. Seeing you guys so happy tonight…” He
shook his head while he searched for the words. “It’s been one of the best
nights of my life.” I nodded in appreciation. I know how he felt because it was
one of the best nights of
too. “And I never got a chance to say thank you before.”

“For what?” I asked curiously.

“Proposing to Emmie. I know you maybe rushed into it
for my sake, and you’ve no idea how much I appreciate that. I know you’ll take
good care of her, mate, and I know once this is all over you’ll make her happy

“It isn’t rushed – please don’t think that. I’ve
known for so long there is no one else for me, it was just a case of growing
balls big enough to actually ask her.”

“You couldn’t have doubted she’d say yes? Emmie adores

“I know that. I guess I just worried the sensible side
of her would focus on her age, or what we’ve been through, and decide now isn’t
the right time.”

“Sensible goes out the window where you’re concerned.
A sensible person would’ve abandoned your arse a long time ago.” There was a
hint of humor in his weary voice, but nevertheless he spoke the truth. All I
could do was nod, and it made me value my future wife all the more.

“How about a race?” Snickers asked with a wicked glint
in her eye. It was a welcome distraction from the heavy conversation I’d just
had with Chris.

“I’m not racing you,” I said, jerking my head back in
confusion. “How the hell do you think you could possibly win?”

“I bet you twenty quid I can reach that lamppost
before you do,” she stated adamantly, pointing to the street lamp in the

“Don’t fall for it, mate,” Jared interjected. “She
doesn’t play fair.”

“Hmm, why doesn’t that surprise me?”

“I can guarantee you she’ll win, but only by giving
you a broken foot in the process.”

“Jaz!” she complained. “You take the fun out of

I shook my head and laughed. I had no idea what they
were talking about and to be honest I didn’t really care. All I could think about
was getting Em home… and in bed. That’s when the thought hit me – maybe
racing Emily would be a better idea. If we ran, the faster we would be home and
the quicker I could hear her moaning my name while I made her fall apart
underneath me.

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