Never A Choice (The Choices Trilogy (Book 1)) (25 page)

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Authors: Dee Palmer

Tags: #The Choices Trilogy, #Book 1

BOOK: Never A Choice (The Choices Trilogy (Book 1))
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“Wow Daniel, that’s some list.” I laugh and twist my neck round to see his own face fixed and frowning.

“Before you respond, think carefully if you think I have got where I am today by not being single minded and determined at getting what I want.” His stern tone might be intimidating if he wasn’t all naked and wet with his massive hard-on pressed against my backside.

“And it’s very impressive, brilliant and inspiring but getting what you want in this instance well, it’s not that simple. I have commitments.” I pause before elaborating, “You can have my schedule but it’s kind of full. I can’t cut my hours I need the money to pay for mum’s care, I guess I can stay here, sometimes, but I have to make arrangements first.” I roll my neck as I feel some tension start to build, I hate confrontation and this feels a lot like a confrontation. His hands are on my neck in an instant squeezing and pressing the knots with his thumbs.

“Cut some of your hours, and spend some of that time with me? It would make me very happy.” His soft voice is pleading and I get the feeling that doesn’t happen very often and I’m touched. I don’t understand why me? And I don’t understand why I want to please him so much but I do.

“Daniel.” I exhale and lean my head to the side to look up to his face, I need to see his eyes. They are intense, sincere and beautiful. “I’ll try Ok? But this
has my flight instinct on high alert. You may be single minded and determined but I’m all about the self-preservation.” I nudge him with my elbow and receive instant hard fingers digging in my ribs making me squirm. “Bruise like a peach remember?” I plead and he stops and squeezes me tight instead, holding me like that until the water starts to cool. He pats my body dry with the fluffiest towel and then proceeds to slather my skin in a ginger soufflé body cream. His hard erection brushing and poking my body throughout the process driving me mad but every time I try and make a play for him he steps away with an arched brow and taps the watch he is wearing. I am being punished for my ridiculous curfew. But I can hardly cut my Late Night commitment if he wants me to reduce my hours at the restaurant.

I’m dressed but with no panties and sitting on the corner sofa in the lounge with my legs tucked beneath me holding a glass of golden liquid, Cointreau over ice, it burns and warms.

has some rules Bethany.” His serious tone piques my interest.

“Go on.” I swirl the golden liquid my lips curling with amusement.

“I believe I mentioned I don’t share and you can expect a reciprocal arrangement, although you wouldn’t ask because that might give away your feigned indifference?” He cocks a brow but I respond by taking another sip of my drink. “No lies, I don’t expect full disclosure but if I ask you something I don’t want you to lie. There will be no boundaries in the bedroom.” My eyes widen at the implications of that statement “But you trust me, and it is only ever about pleasure with us so that won’t be an issue and I want you to take some birth-control because I don’t want to wear a condom with you. I fucking hate condoms.” His recited list sounds more like points of action at a board meeting.

“Please?” I say seriously but have to bite my lips to keep the façade.

“Excuse me?” His face is utter astonishment, it’s funny.

“I want you to take some birth control . . . please?” I slowly emphasise the ‘please.’

“Bethany.” He rumbles, his jaw tense. “I would like you to take some birth control.” He leans in to my ear and whispers, “Please.” Shivers ripple over my body and I lean into his warmth. He stands and takes my hand. It’s time to leave.

He drives me home and escorts me to my door where he folds me in his arms his head resting on my head.

“I’ve had a wonderful evening Daniel; mind blowing.” I add and he laughs.

“I can’t promise not to fall in love with you Miss Thorne but if you can promise not to fall in love with me we will be safe having
Because by your definition, then it can only be
that does the leaving and Bethany.” He looks deep into my eyes. “I am never going to let that happen.” He kisses me with such passion I want to crawl up his body and take him again. I can’t believe he just said those things and kisses me like that and casually walks back to his car. “Email me your schedule, first thing!” He demands and gets in his car. He is waiting until I am inside but I don’t think my legs will move. I finally move at the sound of his horn and hurriedly turn and go inside. Once in my apartment I realise I don’t have his email address. Thinking I’ll text him in the morning I notice another box just inside my door but I had already had one delivery. I pull at the tape and remove a folded Harvey Nichols bag, its light and a card falls to the floor. It is handwritten;

Seven sets of individually wrapped beautiful lace lingerie in white and pastel shades lay in my lap. I am again speechless.

My life feels very much like a fantasy at the moment. I am sitting in my
lingerie, the deep purple silk and black lace set waiting for my call. If I’m honest I would rather not take this call tonight. I’ve had so much sensory thrill with Daniel tonight I don’t want to have that memory replaced, just yet. I would like to savour the evening a little more. I close my eyes and my mind wanders; each touch of his hand, each heated kiss, each graze of his teeth, each thrust from his cock. I moan and arch, wriggle and writhe. I am loving the detail of this recollection. My heart is beating fast and it’s all too vivid and I find I have a desperate need demanding attention between my legs when the phone rings. I’m dazed and I jump for the phone, taking a little longer in this state. It is nearer to two in the morning, this call is very late.

“Sir.” I answer on the second ring.

“Lola.” His deep voice vibrates through me. “I trust you have a good excuse for your delay in answering my call?”

“Yes Sir, I was thinking and got a little carried away.” It’s the truth at least.

“Something good I hope?” His voice is both calming and seductive.

“Yes Sir, something very good.” I am glad he didn’t ask if I was thinking of him because as it is I haven’t lied.

“Would you like to tell me about it?” I don’t, I don’t want to share this and I hesitate. “No?, Interesting? . . . I think the purple suits you, you look good enough to eat, dessert perhaps?” I sit up shocked at this remark. “I assume you chose to wear the second set of lingerie I sent you? It’s the logical choice and the lace reminds me of icing, sweet like a dessert.” I hear the words but I’m still a little freaked by the reference to dessert.

“The lace is very beautiful, Sir.” I barely manage to reply.

“Yes, very.” He pauses “Good night Lola.” The line goes dead.

That was strange, mercifully brief but very strange.

Now, I am sat wide awake, a little bit freaked and a little bit horny. I slip out of my underwear, back into my soft oversized T-shirt and pull my ancient laptop on to my lap, groaning at its weight. It sounds like a tractor starting up and I probably have time to make another bedtime drink before its open but I wait patiently. I decide to send Daniel my schedule:

To:[email protected]


Mr Stone,

Schedule as promised, also a woman of my word, work your magic!


Miss Thorne

I am about to power down when I get a return email:

To: [email protected]

Subject: Ridiculous schedule

Miss Thorne,

Your revised schedule as approved. I accept that some library time is necessary for your studies but at the expense of work, not time with me. Any free time is also to be assumed to be mine. Ensure your work schedule is amended accordingly this week. Note that this revision allows for you staying over on Sun, Wed, Fri and Sat evening. So make necessary arrangements for your other commitments that currently prevent this. Your class on Saturday will now be with my personal trainer and you also have a doctors’ appointment Monday at 1.30, I’ll send a car. This is an unprecedented level of compromise on my part.

You’re mine Miss Thorne.

Daniel Stone


I decide to call him rather than play email tennis as it is too difficult to gauge tone that way.

“Miss Thorne?” His voice is low and soft, Oh God he sounds like sex.

“Mr Stone, don’t you sleep?” I quip.

“Not very much, no, although I probably would if you were beside me. Would you like me to come and get you? Are you worried if I’m getting enough sleep?” The thought of him coming to get me heats my cheeks and has me off topic. Ignoring his questions I continue.

“Mr Stone, don’t you think your amendments’ are a tad unreasonable?” I try to argue lightly.

“Not in the least.” His answer abrupt and decisive and I sigh.

“Even if I could cut my hours I can’t just leave Anthony short staffed like that, it wouldn’t be fair.”

“So letting Anthony down is your only objection?” I can sense he is fishing for obstacles he can obliterate.

“No it’s not. You work long hours, I’m sure, although not much evidence of that lately.” I scoff. “What am I supposed to do if you’re working and I’m not? I think I mentioned my aversion to being at someone’s beck and call?”

“Bethany, all I ask is that you cut your hours slightly and spend that time with me. More than likely we’ll be working alongside each other but I would just rather have you there with your head in a book than in a library with your head in a book.” He makes me sound so unreasonable and I can’t deny I like the idea of spending more time with him, perhaps a little too much.

“But I have a life too, well not much of a life, but I am not going to cut my family from that. I will still be attending classes with Marco and I will still be going out with Sofia, like I am on Friday.” I thought I should put that in while we appear to be negotiating. The truth is I really like spending time with him, outside of the sex, which is awesome, I really enjoy his company. He makes me feel safe and no one has done that in a long time. That in itself is why I know I am fighting this losing battle. What Daniel represents and what he is offering is wholly seductive and scary as hell.

He ignores my Friday comment but grumbles in frustration. “You have no idea how frustrating this is. I don’t capitulate, I rarely negotiate and I always get what I want and you have me compromising left and right! Impossible!” He exhales dramatically. “Alright, you get the gym but you also come with me to my personal trainer. You get your Uni-time although one of those lectures is mine and you also get one day working a daytime shift, which I am happy to sort with Anthony if you would prefer? The rest is mine!” It is a closing statement.

“Wait!” I call out before he hangs up, “I’ll speak to Anthony, please don’t.” I plead because I have not had someone intercede on my behalf for I don’t know how long.

“Alright but tomorrow Miss Thorne, do it tomorrow. Now if you don’t mind I’m feeling sleepy now, someone wore me out today.” I can hear his smile.

“Ha! You’re so funny! Says the one with Red Bull running through his veins. Goodnight Daniel.” I smile and sink into my covers trying to recreate the warmth he incites, a pointless exercise.

“Goodnight Bethany.” The phone goes silent in my hand.

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