Nephilim (7 page)

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Authors: Sammy King

BOOK: Nephilim
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“Are you going to bury me?” she laughed nervously.

Dane frowned and looked her up and down, before he noticed Ada looking at his bag, he laughed and shook his head.

“No, I’m not going to bury you. These are some elemental pieces to help us along” he said as he began to lead the way into the forest.

Ada had no problem seeing in the dark without the torch, it was one of the perks of being the daughter of a Vampire. She was able to see what a lot of people couldn’t. Dane however, seemed to be having trouble seeing even with the torch. As he would stumble and swear now and then over a tree root, on the fifth stumble, Ada flicked her wrist and lit the forest in front of them. Dane stopped and spun on his heel to stare at her.

“How did you do that?” he asked.

“Light worker magic, it’s kind of 101 Witch stuff” she said with a shrug.

“And you didn’t think to do it before now?” he called out to her.

Ada shrugged her shoulders again.

“I’m part Vampire, I can see in the dark with no torch. And besides you seemed to want to lead the way” she replied over her shoulder as she moved past him to lead the way.

Ada heard Dane chuckle behind her as he jogged to catch up. He threaded his fingers with hers. She glanced over at Dane, who winked in return. She couldn’t help but let the smile creep its way across her face; he was adorable in a cocky, arrogant kind of way.

Eventually they arrived in a small clearing in the forest and Dane dropped the bag and torch onto the damp mossy ground. He knelt beside the bag and began to pull out lamps, candles, matches and stones. Ada watched with interest as he lined the different things up.

“Well I was going to start by showing you how to light the lamp. But you proved that you already know that one” he said turning his head over his shoulder.

Ada smiled and nodded her head.

“So what else can you do?” he asked as he stood and stepped towards her.

Ada crinkled her nose in thought. She then flicked her wrist again. All around them a wind began to whip up. The leaves on the trees began to rustle and the grass danced in the breeze. As Ada continued to flick her wrist in a circular motion the wind blew harder, until it was difficult to stand. Dane clasped Ada’s hand and watched her intently, as she dropped her hand to her side, the wind died down, the tree’s stopped their shaking and the grass became still.

“Well that was cool” Dane said with a smile.

Ada shrugged and put her hands in her jeans pockets.

“Do you know what the amulet does?” Dane asked.

Ada reached up and fingered the amulet, she shook her head slightly.

“I was reading about it. My Mum was going to be teaching me, before all this happened” Ada said as she waved her hand around the air. “But I know that it contains the power of all my ancestors. Thirteen generations in all. I know it’s powerful”

Dane stared at her intently, nodding his head and chewing on his lip. Ada felt herself so distracted. Even chewing on his lip in thought was sexy. Dane moved around behind Ada and placed his hands on her hips.  Ada instantly felt herself becoming hyper aware of him. She could sense his body lightly touching hers, the way he smelt and his breath close to her ear. Dane leaned forward and lightly kissed her neck. Ada closed her eyes and leant back into his chest. He moved his hands down to her hips and pushed her back into him, she could feel his erection against her back.

“Let’s try using the amulet” he said, his voice gravely and thick with lust.

It took all Ada’s power not to turn around and pounce on him; instead she nodded and took the amulet in her hand.  She closed her eyes and continued to lean back into Dane.

“I don’t know what to do” she said, her voice a barely audible whisper.

Dane moved his hands around to the front of her, holding her stomach and pushing her back into him. She couldn’t hold the moan in that escaped her lips and felt him smile against her neck.

“Let’s fly” he said.

Ada frowned, not sure that this was something that she could do. But she concentrated on the amulet. Ada felt the jewellery begin to warm up in her fingers. Through her closed eyelids she could see the golden glow of the amulet shine out. Dane started to stroke Ada’s sides, lightly brushing his hands over her breasts. She leant her head back against his shoulder.

She felt a surge of energy leave her body and felt the electric zap that buzzed between her body and Dane’s.  Ada opened her eyes and could see her white aura dancing in ribbons; Dane’s aura was like blue fireworks that sparked in between the ribbons. He pulled her body closer into his still, turning her to face him. She looked up into his eyes that seemed to glow the most iridescent blue she had ever seen. He gave her a small smile, before burying his face into her neck.

Ada felt her feet begin to lift from the ground. Her heart rate began to speed up as panic gripped her.

“Relax, I’ve got you” Dane said, lifting his face from her neck and watching her face intently.

She looked into his eyes and felt an instant calm wash over her. Ada leant her head back and began to float in the air. As she looked around she could see that she was being carried along on the waves of her aura. Dane’s aura had turned to threads that helped to suspend her legs and arms in the air. Once Ada was able to overcome the fear of not being on solid ground the feeling of exhilaration flowed through her body. She smiled at Dane and watched around as they floated higher into the air.

Soon they were reaching the canopy of the trees and bursting through to the awaiting sky. As the two stood embraced floating on their aura’s Ada looked around at the night sky. The full moon kissed the stars. She had never seen the earth in such a way. It was the most beautiful and perfect moment. She looked at Dane who hadn’t taken his eyes from her.

“It’s beautiful up here” she said breathlessly.

Dane smiled and nodded his head.

“You are beautiful” he said.

Ada dropped her eyes and smiled. He reached up and touched her chin, lifting her face to his. She felt a surge of energy as his lips touched hers, his tongue gently darting into her mouth, exploring. Ada opened her lips to allow him deeper access, moaning as he pulled her closer still. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he pushed his hand up through her hair. Ada ran her hands up and down his arms, feeling his muscles tense with his movements. Dane slowed their passionate kiss and they began to lower to the ground.

“Well. That was unexpected” Ada said once she had her feet planted on the ground.

Dane smiled and kissed the top of her head. Behind them Ada sensed a presence and instantly sent her feelers out. Dane realised her alarm and frowned.

“What is it?” he said quietly.

“We aren’t alone” Ada replied.

Dane nodded and took her hand. Ada continued to send her feelers out, suddenly she was able to pinpoint the presence. Demon. She clasped Dane’s hand tighter and materialised a dagger in her free hand. Dane noticed and frowned down at her.

“Do we need to fight?” he said.

Ada shrugged her shoulders as she tuned her ears to the movement of the Demon through the undergrowth.

“Just in case” she said in a whisper.

Dane nodded and materialised a sword in his free hand.

“More than one?” he questioned.

Ada shook her head. She could only sense the solitary presence. Suddenly to the left of where they stood a roar echoed through the woods. Ada crouched ready to lunge forward; Dane jumped back his sword held in position, when a black blur sped past them. The roar turned to a scream of pain. Ada sent her feelers out again. Kade. Ada sighed with relief. Dane stood poised frowning.

“It’s my Father” she said.

Dane nodded and stepped closer to her.

“How did he know?” he asked.

“We are psychically connected” she answered.

Kade slowly entered the clearing as he wiped blood from his lower lip. He came towards where Dane and Ada stood, touching her shoulders.

“Are you alright?” he asked, concern marking his face.

Ada nodded and gave him a smile.

“I’m fine. Thank you” she said leaning into Kade’s chest as he embraced her.

“What are you doing out here?” he asked, glaring at Dane.

“We were practicing my magic. I need to learn how to use the amulet if we have any hope of defeating Abaddon” she said.

Kade sighed and ran his hand through his hair as he nodded.

‘I know. But with him’ Kade said into her mind.

Ada looked over her shoulder at Dane who seemed oblivious to what her Father had just asked her, as he packed his bag up.

‘Who else can teach me?’ she asked looking back to her Father.

Kade sighed again and gently touched her shoulder.

‘I know. I just don’t trust him’ he spoke.

Ada nodded and put her head on her Father’s chest. She didn’t know that she could trust Dane either. However, she wasn’t sure that she had a choice. There was no one else that could teach her the amulet, Morrigan hadn’t been taught the magic it contained, because she wasn’t to be the Queen Witch. Her aunt was a strong witch and knew many spells, but she wasn’t able to instruct Ada on how to work the magic and power contained in the amulet.

“Alright well I think you should both go. It’s not safe here” Kade said, stroking Ada’s hair.

She turned and Dane nodded his head, lifting the bag onto his shoulder. On the ride home they were both silent. Dane seemed to be brooding over something. Ada couldn’t be sure that he was angry or whether he was just a little shaken about the Demon. Ada could feel her exhaustion seeping in to every pore of her being. When this whole thing was over she planned to sleep for at least a week, she thought. As they pulled into Ada’s driveway, Dane took her hand.

“Thank you for trusting me enough to teach you to use the amulet” he said.

Ada turned and smiled, squeezing his hand gently.  He leaned over and gave her a small kiss on the corner of her mouth.

“I will see you soon beautiful Witch” he said with a smile.

Ada smiled as she opened the car door. She stood at her front door and watched as Dane drove up the road. A wild cat leapt from the tree by her door and swirled itself around her legs, she instinctively reached down and stroked its head.

“I don’t know what I’m doing Frankie” she said.

Frankie materialised into human form and wrapped her into his arms.

“It will all work out. Now go to bed” he said taking her keys from her and unlocking the door.

Ada felt like she was asleep before her head even hit the pillow.









Chapter Eight

“A candle it’s light into the darkness. In a nasty world, so shines the good deed. Make sure the fortune, that you seek is the fortune you need” Ben Harper

Ada woke with a start, disorientated and unsure of where she was. The room was dark and she could sense a presence other than hers. She instantly sent her feelers out and her hands began to tingle as the power danced around her fingers ready to attack. Ada narrowed her eyes, allowing them to adjust; she could sense the presence was in her room. Ada roved her eyes through the room and was able to make out the shadow of her wardrobe, her desk and the door that was slightly ajar. She scanned the room without moving her head; she didn’t want to draw attention to herself. A movement flashed by the window. The room was struck in a bright light as Ada’s power left her hand. She heard the grunt as her power bolt hit the target, within three steps she was on top of the being lurking in her room; a dagger conjured up in her hand. Ada stood over the body that cowered between her legs. She roared and raised her hand, ready to strike.

“Ada stop” the being spoke.

Ada’s hand stopped within millimetres of the beings throat as she recognised the voice.

“Travis; what the hell?” Ada screamed.

She leapt off Travis and went to the lamp on her bedside table flicking it on and brightening the room again. Travis stayed cowered on the floor beneath the window.

“I nearly killed you” she screamed, panic began to overtake her body and she could feel her hands start to tremble and sweat bead on her forehead.

Her front door burst open and Kade flew into Ada’s room. His teeth were bared, his eyes glowed red and his face was contorted in anger. Travis screamed in terror, which brought Kade’s attention directly upon him. Kade was on top of Travis within a blink of the eye. He picked Travis up by the scruff of his shirt.  Travis was on his tip toes, shaking like a leaf.

“What the fuck are you doing in my daughter’s room?” Kade roared in his face, his teeth lengthening further.

The rancid smell of urine hit their nostrils, as Travis let his bladder go.

“Oh for fucks sake” Kade spat throwing Travis back onto the floor.

Travis crumpled into a mass of wet pants and snivelling. Ada looked between Kade and Travis; she felt her tears suddenly flow down her cheeks. It had become too overwhelming. With her Mother missing, Travis stalking her and now breaking into her home while she slept, Abaddon threatening to kill her and her emotions mixing between lust and distrust for Dane, it was just too much. Kade turned and caught Ada as she slid down the wall to the floor. She buried her face into Kade’s chest and let her tears flow, tears that she couldn’t hold back no matter how much she tried.

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