Nephilim (3 page)

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Authors: Sammy King

BOOK: Nephilim
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Kade shook his head.

“I won’t tolerate it Abaddon” Kade roared

“You see this is where you don’t have a choice.  You are the only Nephilim left. I’m stronger than you.” Abaddon laughed.

“You’re only one Angel. There are many Paranaturals. You’re not going to be able to take us all on if we rise up against you” Kade replied.

Abaddon nodded and seemed to be taking on what Kade spoke.

“This is true. I am but one angel. I’m not as strong as every Paranatural. But you’re assuming that every Paranatural will follow your lead. After all Kade, how did I get out? You will see, this time I will have what’s mine” Abaddon said. “But Kade, the morning light is about to rise. You should get home. I want you nice and strong when I kill you”

Ada looked towards the sky and could see the early morning light beginning to rise. Kade looked to the sky as well and cursed under his breath. Abaddon shrugged his shoulders and snorted out a laugh. Suddenly the light around them became a brilliant rainbow of blinding colours.  A sound of screeching became deafening and Ada slammed her hands over her ears as the pain in her head split forward again.

‘I’ll see you soon Ada my beautiful girl. Oh and send your Mother my love. I wonder if she misses me’ she heard Abaddon laugh in her head through the pain.

Ada fought to put her protection barrier up to keep Abaddon out. Ada could feel him begin to syphon through her memories, bringing forth her first kiss, her first love, her biggest pain, her largest embarrassment. Ada screamed falling to the ground, her hands slamming onto her head. She reached down with one hand and cried out as she clasped the amulet that she wore around her neck.

The amulet of her foremothers; the Witches of her ancestral line. Within an instant she felt the barrier build and Abaddon was gone from her head. Ada felt a soft hand on her shoulder and she looked up from where she was crouched. Merza, her Mother stood beside her.  Her blue eyes shining with anger and love in the same instant. Anger towards Abaddon and love for her daughter.

“He is gone. You are protected” she spoke softly. “Come now stand”

Ada stood up and looked at her Mother, tears streaked her face. It was the first time that she hadn’t been able to protect herself. It was the first time that her magic had failed her.

“Mother” she cried as she fell into Merza’s waiting embrace.

“It’s Abaddon, how did he get out?” Ada asked looking between her Father and Mother.

Kade shook his head.

“I don’t know, but I can assure you that we will do everything we can to stop him.” He replied.

“He said something in my mind. He said that you should miss him?” Ada said to Merza.

Merza frowned and glanced at Kade. Ada couldn’t decipher the look, but it was more than just a glance. Kade curled his lip and snarled.

“He’s dead” Kade growled.

Merza nodded and put her arm around Kade’s waist. Ada shook her head, maybe she was reading more into than there really was, she thought to herself.

“You must go, it’s getting light” Merza said to Kade.

Kade nodded again and shook Travis’s hand, holding onto him tight, before leaving. Ada had forgotten about Travis. She turned and put her arms around his waist, pulling him into a hug.

‘Are you ok?’ Ada spoke into Travis’s mind as she rested her head on his chest, feeling the twinge of passion return.

Travis’s eyes widened.

“Did you speak into my mind?” he asked.

Ada smiled and nodded, looking up at him with amusement.

“Yes, because I healed you we will have a connection for the next twenty four hours, until my energy leaves your body.  So wherever you are we can talk without words” she said with a giggle at the look on his face.

“Even if you’re at home and I’m here I can talk to you?” he asked.

Ada smiled and nodded squeezing his waist and lightly head butting his chest.

“Oh that is so cool” he said as he kissed the top her head.

Ada smiled and went to Mae who looked pale and was visibly shaking. The night had been hard on her, watching her son being attacked and then with Abaddon invading her home.

“Mae are you alright?” Ada asked softly touching her lightly on the back.

Mae looked over at Ada; her eyes were red and puffy with tears.

“This is going to end badly isn’t it?” she asked.

Ada shrugged, she felt fearful of what might come and the war that seemed destined to ensue, but the truth was that she didn’t know for sure what was going to happen.

“I don’t know Mae. Abaddon being free isn’t good. I will tell you the truth. But my parents are strong, the Aje Authority is strong. There is a good chance that nothing will come of it. But you will be protected, I will see to that.” Ada assured.

“Can you be so certain? Can you protect my sons? Can you prevent Travis from being attacked again?” Mae asked through a fresh batch of sobs that wracked her body.

Travis stepped forward and put his arm around Mae’s shoulders and kissed the top of her head. Markus and Julien stood beside their Mother still looking visibly shaken. Ada shook her head.

“We can’t guarantee that Travis won’t be attacked again, we can’t guarantee anything Mae. Abaddon is strong. He is evil. And this is a very bad situation. But what I can guarantee is that Kade and I will protect you and the boys as we have throughout the years. Ada has more power than ever before and I know that she and Travis have an unbreakable bond. She will be able to protect him better than before. I can’t tell you what is going to happen. And I’d be lying if I didn’t say that there is going to be death and there is going to be change.” Merza said stepping towards Mae and taking her hands.

Mae looked up and sniffed, she nodded her head.

“I fucking hate this” she spat with a throaty growl.

Merza nodded and took Mae into her arms. Mae continued to blink away her tears. Ada could feel the fear that flowed through her. She knew that no matter what words Ada spoke it wasn’t going to ease the tension that was building in Mae’s heart.

“Ada, I have cast a protection spell, the Werewolves are in place and the Shapeshifters will remain” Merza said turning to her.

“Nothing will be able to get in here that you haven’t invited, so you and the boys will be safe now” Ada said as she gently touched Mae’s arm.

Ada and Merza gave them all a hug goodbye and assured them that they were only a phone call away. Or in Travis’s case a word away.  By the time Ada got home, her eyes were heavy and the exhaustion of not only being pulled out of a sleep in the middle of the night, but the events had caught up with her.  Just as she was about to fall asleep she heard a familiar voice in her mind.

‘Thank you Ada, your healing meant a lot. Not to just me, but to Mum as well. She is scared. But she trusts you, Kade and Merza’ Travis spoke.

Ada smiled and sent a feeling of love back to him.

‘Woah what was that?’ he asked.

‘My love’ Ada said sleepily.

‘Oh, I like that’ Travis said.

Ada smiled again, closing her eyes and sending more of the same feeling to him as she drifted off to sleep she heard Travis moan in pleasure in her mind.







Chapter Three

“Somewhere between raising hell and amazing grace, is a place I keep finding myself” Big and Rich.

Ada didn’t feel like she had been asleep very long when the incessant knocking woke her.  She rubbed her eyes and stretched reaching for her phone to check the time. She was surprised to see that she had been asleep for seventeen hours and looking out the window she could see it was dark.  The knocking continued, Ada sent her feelers out, it wasn’t Kade, but she knew the energy. Wearily she dragged her body from bed and yawned as she swung the door open to see Travis standing there, his hand poised ready for the next bout of knocking.

“Travis” Ada said.

He had never been to her home before, Ada didn’t realise he even knew where she lived.

“I’m sorry for coming over unannounced Ada” he said, his whole demeanour seemed skittish. She could feel the nervous energy oozing from him.

“Is everything alright?” she asked.  She began to silently cast protection barriers over herself and over her home.

Something in the way Travis was behaving was making her nervous.  He stood in the doorway fidgeting with his fingers, his eyes moved from side to side as if afraid of something. Ada sent out a message to Kade and felt the instant calm wash over her that told her that her message had been received. Ada spotted from the corner of her eye movement at the edge of her house.

Slinking along the front fence was a wildcat. It connected eyes with Ada, its eyes a dark green, she watched, holding her breath, her hand hovering over her amulet ready to cast a spell to rid the property of the cat, when it nodded its head and its face faltered. It was the face of her parent’s closest friend and her protector Frankie, he was a Shapeshifter. He was never far from Ada, as his duty in life was to protect her. The future Queen of the Witches. Ada let her breath out slowly and turned her attention back to Travis. She took his hand and pulled him inside.

“Ada, I feel weird, I feel empty” he said as she closed the front door behind him.

Ada guided him to the couch and sat beside him.

“What do you mean you feel empty?” Ada asked confused. 

She hadn’t had a lot of experience with Demon toxin, but she had never heard of anyone feeling empty after the release of the toxin.

“Well I can’t communicate with you anymore” he said as tears welled in his eyes as he looked at Ada.

Ada frowned and shook her head, looking at the time on her phone.

“No you won’t be able to, it’s been more than twenty four hours since I healed you, my energy will have left your body” she said.

“That’s right and without you there, I feel empty. I don’t know why, I don’t know how, but it’s like within that healing you did something to me, something that changed me. All day I’ve been able to feel your dreams, to hear your dreams, to feel the small smile on your face when something good was happening, feel your heart race when you were afraid. But then suddenly the clock ticked over and wham you were gone.” Travis shifted on the couch and fidgeted with his hands looking down at the ground. “Ada when you healed me, you took a piece of my heart and for twenty four hours you gave me some of you, but now it’s gone and I feel like I’ve lost you.”

Ada shook her head; she was confused, she didn’t know how Travis was able to experience her dreams. It should have only been that they could share communication. He shouldn’t have been able to sense what she was feeling. Ada hadn’t experienced any feelings of romantic love before in her life, she had, had boyfriends and sexual encounters but she couldn’t say that she loved anyone enough that she would feel lost without them.

She loved Travis, this was true, but that was because they were the same age, they grew up together. They had spent countless hours playing games, he spent hours in awe of the magic she would conjure up and they would spend days in the woods playing with the various other Paranaturals who lived there. But she could never fall in love with him. Although human’s and Paranaturals were able to exist in harmony with one another and some did fall in love, Ada knew this wouldn’t be the case for her. A human and a Paranatural could never have a family together; they could never continue the lineage. It just wouldn’t work.

“I’m sorry Travis, I didn’t mean for that to happen, I actually don’t know how that even happened. You need to understand that for Paranaturals healing comes a part of the territory. Witches heal using sexual energy, my Father uses his blood to heal, which too gives the receiver great pleasure” she took Travis’s hand in hers and when she looked at him, she could sense the overwhelming feelings he held for her.

“Your right, I’m being silly, this couldn’t work. Your so much greater than us, Abaddon said that yesterday, it’s true” he said standing up abruptly.

“Travis no, please, sit down” Ada said, pulling on his hand until he was seated again. “That’s not true what he said. Yes we have powers, we are different, but that doesn’t make us greater. It’s just makes us different.”

“Ada I love you” Travis said.

Ada looked away, she didn’t know what to do and she didn’t know how to show him that this wouldn’t work. At the same time she didn’t want to hurt Travis. They had grown up together, played together, but she was immortal, she would never grow old, he would one day grow old and die and she would continue to live. If she gave her heart to a human it would just end in pain.

“Travis, I care about you so much. But please you need to understand, I’m immortal. You will one day die. You will one day want children, you will grow old and I will still be young. I can’t give you children. If we were to start a relationship now, it would be purely one based on sex and I know that human’s value that and don’t get me wrong I like sex, a lot, but there is more to a relationship and now especially with a war that may come” Ada said, holding his hand.

Travis nodded and continued to look down at the ground seemingly lost in an interest in his shoes.

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