Nephilim (18 page)

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Authors: Sammy King

BOOK: Nephilim
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‘Is everything alright?’ she asked her Father with a frown.

He gave a wane smile and nodded at her. Ada could tell instantly that he was lying but didn’t feel it was the right time to press him about it. When Kade noticed Travis his smile became more genuine and he stepped forward to shake his hand.

“Well I guess now I get the honour of calling you my son” Kade spoke.

Travis smiled and puffed out his chest with pride.

“Yes, I guess I get the honour of calling you Dad” Travis returned.

It was Kade’s turn to smile and puff out his chest with pride. Ada laughed and stepped forward taking the plate of food that Morrigan was offering her. The moon was shining high in the sky and through the window, the moon was full and she could hear the Werewolves in the distance at play, howling to one another, but something about the night didn’t sit right and she felt uneasy. She felt Travis grasp her shoulder and give her a squeeze.

‘What is it?’ he asked into her mind.

‘I don’t know. I asked my Father if everything was alright and he lied to me. Something is making me uneasy’ she replied.

He squeezed her shoulder again. Ada noticed her Father go to the window and stare vacantly outside. Ada handed her plate to Travis who nodded knowing she needed sometime alone with her Father.

“What’s going on?” she asked Kade when she reached his side.

“Something is about to happen” Kade said. “I can feel it. He is close by. Feel it.”

Kade took hold of her hand and together they sent their feelers out into the grounds. Ada followed Kade’s line of sight and noticed suddenly that the Werewolves had gone silent. Ada spun on her heel and looked to Morrigan.

“Ada” Morrigan cried out.

Ada spun back to the window just as shards of glass blew in on her. She was knocked off her feet into the table that had stood behind her. Cuts from the shards of glass scratched over her body, Ada frowned as she sent her feelers through her body instantly healing the wounds. The food that lined the table was knocked to the floor. Ada reached for the amulet that began to glow a bright gold. She turned looking for her Father and found him as he stood with his teeth bared, his eyes red and his aura the darkest she had ever seen.

‘Travis’ Ada silently called.

‘I’m here’ Travis replied.

Ada summoned a dagger into her hand. As she stood an owl flew into the broken window.

“Abaddon” Ada spoke forcing the fear out of her voice.

Ada lunged forward, thrusting her dagger in the direction of the owl. But it was too fast for her and pre-empted her move, flying out of the way before she had a chance to reach it. The owl hovered above her out of reach and then materialised. Abaddon stood in front of the room full of Witches, his aura and being in general seemed to fill the whole place, it was overwhelming. His black wings reached the roof and the wind from them blew Ada’s hair back from her face.

“So you fuck my son, you kill my son; you fuck a human and join with him? You’re a whore, like your Mother” Abaddon spat.

Kade roared behind Ada and lunged forward. Abaddon snapped his head towards Kade and narrowed his eyes. Suddenly Kade shrieked and crashed backwards into the small table beside the broken window.

‘Kill him’ Kade cried into her head.

Ada screamed as tears fell from her eyes and she lunged again. Abaddon flicked his wrist and she flew through the room landing beside her Father with a hard crunch. Pain shot through her back and head.

‘Are you alright?’ she heard Travis say.

‘Yes’ she spoke.

“Stupid child. You are a Witch. Even your Father can’t defeat me; a Nephilim. Your Mother couldn’t even do it” Abaddon laughed “Where is she Ada? Where is your Mother now? Why don’t you ask Kade. So if they couldn’t kill me how do you propose to do it?”

‘The amulet’ Kade spoke into her mind.

Ada grasped hold of the amulet and began to chant. Instantly the Witches who had been scattered throughout the room joined her chant as it sped up. The amulet started to heat in her hand and she could see it glowing through her fingers. Ada slowly looked up to Abaddon who frowned slightly. The chants in the room grew louder and she stood strong, with her free hand Ada reached behind her neck and unclasped the amulet from her neck.  She raised her hand that held the amulet into the air. Abaddon crossed his arms and cocked his head to look at her.

‘Just trust’ she heard in her mind.

Ada threw her head back and screamed a guttural roar. Her roar was matched by the howls of Werewolves who suddenly circled the building, she could see them at the broken window, snarling and growling, edging towards the shattered opening, waiting for Ada to give the word. Abaddon uncrossed his arms and leant forward his face creased into a frown. He turned to look at the Witches chanting, the volume was deafening.

The night sky was slowly turning to a deep red as the ancestors whose blood had been shed over thousands of years joined her chant against Abaddon. His wings folded behind him as his face began to pale. Ada continued to roar as the Werewolves slowly crept forward until they started to enter through the window.

One by one the Werewolves climbed in over the broken glass and advanced towards Abaddon until they had circled him. Their teeth were bared, their heaving bodies panted with eagerness to attack the fallen Angel. Abaddon looked around the room; Ada could see panic begin to creep across his face. She couldn’t shake the smile that threatened to take over her as she roared again dropping her arm suddenly to her side.

The Werewolves lurched forward nipping at Abaddon’s wings. He screeched the sound of the owl, before transforming into the big bird that hovered above the heads of the Werewolves. They barked and snarled climbing on top of one another in attempt to reach him. A black cloud of smoke suddenly filled the room, choking smoke that took the air from her lungs. Ada couldn’t see in front of her, she had to close her eyes against the sting. The chants faded into coughs as the smoke took her breath away.

“No” Ada coughed.

She thrusted the amulet in the air again and watched as a white light shot out into the thick black smoke, dusting it away and sucking it out the window. Abaddon wasn’t in the room. Ada turned quickly looking for him. But there was no sign of him.

“Where are you?” she screeched. “You fucking coward”

The Werewolves fled through the window they had entered, howling and leaping over one another as if nothing had happened. Ada ran to the window and climbed out over the glass and ran towards the woods, her legs burning, her chest still filled with smoke, tears flowed from her eyes as she reached the edge of the woods.

‘Ada stop’ she heard Kade speak into her mind.

Ada ground to halt and spun on her heel facing back towards the coven.

“Damn it” she spat.

She felt nothing but fury. She wanted Abaddon dead. And she wanted to be the Witch that bought him down.



Chapter Twenty Three

“Footsteps up from behind. Your worst nightmares coming to life, you better run or stand and fight. Your time has come” Bullet for my valentine.


Ada stood on the edge of the forest fuming. Kade arrived next to her. His teeth were bared and his eyes glowed red. Suddenly from the edge of the woods she felt two arms reach out and grab her, dragging her into the dense forest. Ada screamed and fought against the arms before the assailant spun her around to face them.

“Frankie, what the fuck? You scared the hell out of me” she shouted.

Frankie put his hand over her mouth and held her tight against him. She could hear Kade’s shouts to her.

‘I’m with Frankie, it’s alright’ Ada sent to her Father mind.

‘Be safe’ Kade said back.

Ada felt Frankie turn again and she looked over his shoulder. She could see a glow coming from the middle of the trees, it was a golden light. She flicked her eyes back to Frankie who seemed to be listening. He pulled her in tighter against his chest and suddenly she felt herself shrinking. Before Ada knew it Frankie had changed her and himself into a wild cat and she was running beside him towards the golden glow. Ada didn’t even know that Frankie could do that, but she didn’t have time to enjoy this new experience as they reached the glow she came to a grinding halt.

There in a circle of magic stones, chained to the large boulder of Warlocks was a woman with flowing blonde hair, her opaque eyes glowing in a trance like state. Merza. She wasn’t dead. She was there in front of Ada.

Ada couldn’t believe her eyes. She shouted and ran towards Merza. Frankie leapt in front of her and shook his head nodding towards the boulder.  Perched on top of the boulder was the owl. Abaddon. Ada felt that same sense of fury. She leapt around Frankie and began to creep up behind the boulder ready to pounce on the owl. Frankie again stepped in front of her, nipping her on the neck to stop her. Ada hissed at him as she felt herself transform into her natural state, Frankie followed suit.

‘Ada, where are you?’ she heard Travis suddenly call to her mind.

‘Don’t follow me, it’s not safe’ Ada replied.

Ada suddenly felt a sense of dread fill her body and her blood began to run cold when she watched as Frankie approached Abaddon. Abaddon transformed into his natural state. His black wings outstretched. She could see wounds on his chest that were already starting to heal; wounds that the Werewolves had inflicted.

Abaddon stepped towards Merza and grasped hold of her face. He turned to Frankie and looked him up and down. Frankie stepped towards Abaddon, who reached out his arm and embraced him. Frankie laid his head on Abaddon’s chest and began to kiss over his nipples. Abaddon threw his head back and moaned in pleasure as he dropped Merza’s head to lull back into an unnatural position. 

Ada wanted to run to her, to hold her up, to unchain her, to protect her. As Abaddon stood to his full height and began to stroke Frankie’s head, slowly Frankie began to kiss down Abaddon’s chest, flicking his tongue out over Abaddon’s nipples. Abaddon let out a roar as he pushed Frankie’s head towards his crotch. Frankie smiled and turned his head to Ada. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Frankie had betrayed her. She had trusted him and he had brought her straight to Abaddon.

‘Frankie is the rat, he was the one that let Abaddon free’ Ada sent to Kade.

She heard Kade roar through the trees. Ada felt the black blur before she saw it as he came and stood by her side. When Kade came to a stop his eyes glowed red, his aura a deep scarlet, his teeth elongated and his face twisted into that of sheer fury. Abaddon looked Kade and Ada over and smiled. He then stepped out of the circle opening up the view of Merza chained. Ada heard the breath leave Kade, with Vampire speed he was in the circle of stones beside Merza.

Kade leant over Merza, holding her face in his hands. With his thumbs he touched her cheeks and stroked her hair. Kade roared a guttural growl as he turned and grasped Frankie by the throat. Frankie’s eyes bulged as he gasped for breath. Kade lifted him high in the sky and Frankie’s feet dangled kicking at the air. Kade’s teeth grew longer still as he lowered his head into the crook of Frankie’s neck.

Frankie’s scream echoed throughout the forest, matched only by the howls of the Werewolves. Blood squirted and hit the rocks as Kade fed on Frankie’s blood. Ada felt her stomach churn. Kade lifted his head with a snarl as his eyes never left Abaddon’s who watched on in glee. Kade threw Frankie’s dead body onto the ground as if he was weightless. A smile split across Abaddon’s face. Kade snarled and with Vampire speed leapt at Abaddon knocking him over into a somersault, black feathers from the Angels wings fluttered around Ada’s feet as he slowly stood wiping his lip that had been split in the fall.

Abaddon snarled baring his teeth as he flew high in the sky, transforming into an owl as he lifted himself, screeching. Kade’s growl was throaty and guttural as he crouched and suddenly shot himself off the ground leaping into the air. Ada watched as Abaddon quickly darted out of Kade’s way. But with every piece of fancy flight that Abaddon performed Kade was on his tail. Ada never knew that Kade could fly. But yet there he was. Ada crawled through the rocks and touched her Mother’s face.

“Mum, can you hear me?” she cried searching the chains pulling on them trying to release her.

Merza didn’t say anything it was as if she wasn’t really there. Ada could see that she was still alive but she was in some sort of trance that made her essentially dead. Ada heard the screech of the owl heading towards her. She felt the wind from the wings as the talons scratched at her face, piercing her skin.

Ada screamed and covered her face. She heard Kade roar again as he landed behind Ada pulling her into his chest. He held her as the blood dripped down her chin. Kade lifted her face and put his tongue on the wound. His saliva stung but had a calming effect as he healed the wound. Ada tentatively reached up and touched her face and felt the small raised scar left behind.

Chapter Twenty Four

“We will not take this anymore. You want a battle? Here’s a war” Bullet for my Valentine.

Ada looked around and saw that Abaddon had landed back on the large boulder. He transformed once again into an angel prowling towards where Kade and Ada stood. Kade growled again stepping towards him but Abaddon flicked his wrist and knocked Kade down onto the ground with a thud. Ada spun to check on Kade who hit his head on a rock. She ran to him, he was unconscious.

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