Nemecene: The Epoch of Redress (36 page)

BOOK: Nemecene: The Epoch of Redress
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"Zafarian! Such a
name." Crap. She has my comm. I can hear her. On the left. "You will never run fast enough." On the right.

Stitch is running. He's going to get his band so he can trace me. He needs time. Where is she now?

"All I need is one stroke and the SIF is on you." That's Stitch.

It's coming from behind now. Turn around. She's moving. On the left. In front. On the right. She's circling. Focus. She's closer. Hurry up, Stitch. It sounds like wings. If I can just get between... Yell. "Stitch!" She's laughing. "Sothese!"

utter that word in my presence."

Ouch. Something's digging into my shoulder. I feel light-headed. So cold. Is anybody out there? Just laughter. Just Stitch's voice fading in the distance. Where is she taking me? So dizzy. Where did everybody go?

"You think you can keep him from me?"

Who said that? What's that horrible stench. Smells worse than partially digested flyer bake. Look around. Crap. I'm in the shafts. A bed? She lives here? Over there in the corner. What is she doing? Creeps. She's so dark.

"Answer!" Go ahead. Answer. Ummm. What was the question? Oh yeah. The kid.

"Like I told you.
one is mine." Gulp. Don't let her sense my fear. "I know what you did." And don't give me that cocky attitude.

"You know nothing."

No, you wack! You're the one who knows nothing. You probably siphoned some packets just like Stitch did. You didn't tell us anything we didn't already get from Odwin.

"I know you're a liar, you're a thief, and you murder children." She's scoffing at me.

I don't have to stay here. No restraints, so I'm leaving. Just watch me. Right past her and…

What? Crap. Back here again. She's having no end of fun at my expense. Ok. So I can't get through the tunnels without falling unconscious. She must have sealed the area with a biowall so it creates a safe air pocket. I wonder how far down we are, or even which part of the city we are under. I don't even know what time it is. No noises coming from above. We're probably out of the main corridor. My stomach tells me it's around midi. I could be stuck in here for days trying to find my way out. I need a mask. I'll just take hers when she's not looking, if I can find it. In the meantime, I deserve some answers.

"First, you must ask." Sounds like an invitation, or another one of her games. Juicy. Let's play.

"You're a killer."

There's that arrogant stance again. "So it would seem. But that is not a question." She's arguing semantics with me? Shades of Keet here.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Was that too harsh?" Here, have a snare on me. "Why did you mutilate Mashrin and steal part of her brain?" Impressed now? Grammatically correct as well. So enlighten me.

She's smiling. "No child died by my hand." Was that another riddle? How about your blade then? This is flyer mud! She leans against the generator. The blue flame is blinding me. All I see is a silhouette. "How long do you think you have to live?" Is she threatening me?

"Longer than you." She laughs. "The Pramam's advisor has a special interest in you."

"And I in him." Ugh. A memory flash of Caroline just popped in.

"He has that effect I am told." Oh. Not what she meant.

I wonder what her fascination with Sothese is then. According to Caroline, they're like one person in two bodies. No doubt that's why Keet is acting like such a fishy around her. She doesn't have that effect on me, and neither does the advisor. Maybe it's an IQ thing. Hehehe.

She's coming towards me. I don't like her that close. Just stand firm. Remember, this is just intimidation. Circling again. Gives me the up-down. She looks so much paler in the sun, but here... Heartbeat, slow down. She's just drinking this all up, isn't she, and starting to annoy me with all this posturing. Why did she stop back there? Oh no. Claws again. Breathe. Don't crack. Gasp. She has my hair. She's parting it. Not that!

"He cannot stop that which has already begun."

Fight her off. I can't move. She's too strong. Is that her nail scratching the back of my neck? One long stroke. Skin, any liquid oozing out? Concentrate. Phew. Nothing. What exactly is she trying to prove anyway? If you're going to go ahead and slice me, just do it. My fingers are back. I can feel the tingling. Ok, ready? Drop and take her knees out. Crap. Not fast enough. She's hiding behind the cooling generator and laughing. Well, I'm glad someone is enjoying herself. I have no time for hide and seek.

"What do you want from me? You obviously don't want my brain, or you wouldn't be toying with me like this. And where did you get that crystal?"

"Which one?"

"The one around your neck." Is she slow?

"Which question?"

Seriously. I've just about had enough of her. How did Keet put up with this charade every night? It takes forever just to draw one sentence from this woman, and then all I get is nonsense. Honestly. If I'm going to be stuck here listening to her until my dying years, then kill me now. Please!

"That day will come."

What does she mean by that? Wait. Did I say that out loud? I must have.

"Both questions! Do I have a limit? And no, I don't want one." I have you figured out.

Well, what now? She walks out into the main shaft with the fumes and just stands there, smiling. Good. You stay there, and when you pass out, I'm snooping through your stuff. She's walking away. Hang for a sec. Pay attention, ears. Count her steps and wait for the sound of a hatch. Nothing? She's humming. I know that tune; it's an old Gadlin lullaby. I haven't heard that in years, ever since… Mother!

Oh. get a grip, girl. It's just a coincidence. It's not like Mother wrote the song or we were the only kids who were lulled to sleep by it. What if I hold my breath and peak around the corner to see what's there. That's it! She has a bioshield, and that's exactly what I need to make a run for it. I'd better know where the exit is first, just in case the power runs out in a stink zone. Think. How do I get her back in here so I can somehow take it. It's quiet again, except for a night flyer. Quick. See where it's going. That will be the way out. Let's peek.

Crap. Missed it. There must be some cleaner air up near the roof, but I can't fly so that doesn't work for me. Looks like some yellowish fog settling near the floor, so it makes sense. Where did she go? Other side? Not there either. She just left me here. Head back in. Breathe. I think I can hold it for one minute max and then I'm jam. Time to look around before she returns. There's a bag over there. Let's see what she deems important enough to hold on to.

How exciting. Books mostly. Hang a sec. I know these. They're Keet's. Is he lending them to her? I find it hard to believe he would part with this one though. Mother used to read it to us,
The Myths and Legends of Ancient Civilizations
. And a box? There's something in it. How does it open? Ouch! Something sharp. A privybox! I should have guessed it. Stop nipping at me, you nasty little thing. OK. Fine! Stay in the bag. I'll figure out how to… Hush! What was that? More shuffling, scurrying, and whispers. Heartbeat, slow down. Maybe it's just my voices coming back. They've been quiet since yesterday, and last night I actually slept. Perk. More, and they're getting nearer. Not liking this one bit. Oh, how I wish she were here just now. What am I saying? Well, at least I would know what I'm dealing with, of sorts. It's the unknown that sets the blood pressure soaring. Hide back there and work on this.

How can Nathruyu stand it here? I'm a sopping mess. I was warm earlier, but now I feel like I'm going to pass out from the heat. I need fluids. Stop breathing. There's someone at the entrance. It's a different stride. Someone else. Hold it together. Not a single sound and they'll walk on by. Eek! At the bed, searching. Maybe it's just a vagrant looking for trinkets to sell. No food here, or water. So thirsty. Hurry up, I need some air. Crap. Can't hold it any longer. Ok. And again. Ahhhhhh!

"You bent? You jumped me!" Stitch! It's not funny. Do you have any idea what I've been through? Oh no. I'm going to cry now. Be tough.

"Slap me, yeah?" With pleasure. "Ouch!" Right. A hug. That's good. You can stop now. Ok. A little more? This is getting awkward. You can let go. Wouldn't mind some air. "I thought…" He's puzzled, and are those tears?

"You can take the mask off. You just crossed a biowall over there." This is an awfully long gazing session. Say something before he gets grody on me. "Pica happy to see you. How did you find me?" I thought I'd never see that smile of his again.

"I found your comm and the bracelet near the Victory Bridge. Then I used the Minotaur trick and came in and out of the labyrinth to recharge. I brought a slipmap." Leave it to Stitch to find a way.

"I am ziga pica grateful you are my chum, Stitch. You're my juiciest friend." My turn. Big hug. That feels a little odd.

"Trip! Juicy, yeah?" Giggle. Old rib, but strangely funny this time.

"Did you see anyone else? The scampering around?"

"Neah. Just shadows. We need to clip out. Put this on. We're near the east side. It's almost sunset."

Wow! I must have been knocked out most of the day.

"Hang. There's a box over there I need to open. I have a hunch. Her crystal is the same material as my mother's jewel. But…"

"Jumper!" Hehehe.

" your fingers."

"You poor sweet soul." Crap! She's back! Don't let her touch you, Stitch. She's kissing his finger. My head is going to explode.

"Get away from him!" You think your glare frightens me?

"Pandora needs a lesson in privacy. I should have taken you when I had the chance." She's distracted. Here's my chance. Ouch! How does she do that? "You stupid girl!" What the! Stitch? No, his knees are buckling. What is she doing to him?

"Stop! Please, don't hurt him."

She turns her head slowly and tilts it. A malicious smile. "And what shall you offer me in return?"

He's weak, but alive. Think of something. I need to stall her until I figure out a plan. Teddy.

"The boy. You wanted him."

She is shocked yet intrigued. And so am I. I am forced to choose between an innocent child and my best friend. This is not a responsibility that I asked for, and I resent her for cornering me like this. Is that what collateral damage is?

"You think I want the boy?"

Did I miss something? Isn't that what she said just a while ago? Sure. Play those head games with me. I'll humor you. "I won't keep him from you."

That was a cross between a giggle and a grunt. "You know nothing."

Here we go again. Just be direct. "Juicy! I get that! What is it you want from me then?"

She is lowering Stitch to her bed. He's shivering. I have this compelling urge to run to him. But she stops me. "I want

Me? I don't have any slime to collect. Well, that's the theory.

"And your brother." Sure. Who are you ribbing? She's asking for too much.

Think, think, think. Yes! Two can play at this. She didn't specify how she wants us. Besides, she's had Keet all week.

"What for?" She's staring right into the blue flame. I'd love to know what she is thinking or if she is thinking at all. Her eyes are telling a sad story.

"For the children. They have been chosen. We must save them."

Whoa! Hang there. She is completely bent. Not even marginally sane. I'm building an accurate profile now. She's starting to sound like she has megalomania. I studied that in psycho class. Delusions of grandeur. As long as I go along with the fantasy then we're safe, right?

"Of course, but who chose them?" I hope that was not too accommodating.

"You did."

Did not! I don't even remember them. Does that mean there are more? I'm confused. "I just happened to trip on your choice in the arcade. You are trying to manipulate the facts to paint me as an accomplice."

"It was no accident."

Am I hearing this right? She is the one who chose them. I am the only connection between the murders, and she knew that because she has been spying on us. It's in Father's flashes. She was looking for a fall-girl, and now hundreds of people have seen me with her next victim. If Sothese hadn't appeared... I shudder to imagine. If they take her, she will say she wasn't working alone, and eventually they will trace them back to me. A disturbed and dangerous GHU captive just like Mother. There's that smugness again.

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