Nemecene: The Epoch of Redress (35 page)

BOOK: Nemecene: The Epoch of Redress
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As the gleeful squealing subsides, dozens of small shoes shuffle towards the entrance and wait to be filed and counted, whilst the biodome, which cleaved a fog-free haven during their study break, prepares to disconnect. Nathruyu lingers at the security pillar until the footsteps quiet inside the building. Announcing her arrival to the sage master, she imprints the recommendation slip onto the board at his request and anxiously stands by for the latch to unlock. Even though her face is no longer familiar to this facility, thanks to her backdoor access to secure packets, and the staff is confirmed as fairly recent, the delay in approving the entry unsettles her. A call for additional identification sends her frantically scouring her slipwork for the missing details, as she respectfully apologizes for the poor visibility and claims someone must have stolen her portablower on the crowded platform. Once thoroughly authenticated, she sighs, and over the channel she swoops.

Master Chung greets her with a broad grin, sincerely grateful for her benevolent offer to bring love and acceptance to a distressed child. She bows humbly and follows him to his office, where he openly discusses the particular behavioral difficulties that manifest as a result of their trauma and assures her that he and his team will support her during the transition period while she adjusts to this gratifying responsibility.

As he reaches for the viewer in the cabinet beside his desk, a diminutive apprentice enters the room carrying a sweet snack and a fragrant beverage, and proceeds to serve his mentor and his well-appointed guest. Seizing the opportunity to accentuate her nurturing character and to gain favor with her interviewer, Nathruyu tenderly calms the boy's nervous hands with hers and helps him pour the cool drink, giggling with him as they spy a naughty droplet falling to the ground. The gentleman is visibly pleased, and once the wee darling hugs her good-bye, he plugs in the flashes and introduces the candidates.

Approximately twenty profiles play before the youngster she has secretly preselected attempts his monologue. He is dismally withdrawn, his posture slightly hunched, as if protecting a splintered heart from shattering, and his listless gaze transfixed on his fidgeting toes. She notes a shadow gesturing wildly in the background with what appears to be a canine puppet, trying to divert his attention up to recorder height, but he prefers the comfort of a former reality than the frightful unknown. His condition is so serious, pursuant to Ministry guidelines, that tomorrow his permanent home shall become the GHU psychiatric wing, unless he encounters a qualified foster parent who will give him the one-on-one emotional nourishment he needs. Master Chung's humble staffing is simply insufficient to provide this, which, as projected, aligns itself flawlessly with her plan.

After his allotted segment expires, her facial expression feigns profound sorrow and empathy for his troubled state, even shedding a tear for the pain she shares with him, further endearing her to the captivated host. The ingenious performance culminates with an impassioned plea for mercy on the part of the Divine Trinity, an appeal for private blessings from the Pramam, topped with the ritualistic "Perfect are They," to which he unconsciously responds, "They are One." Only the legal transfer remains.

Teddy dawdles in, clutching a plush bear in his left and a storybook in his right, the scant items that survived the transport accident he miraculously outlived on the family's journey to a brighter future in Eadonberg. Across his shoulders, he wears a satchel containing a nightshirt, an additional tunic, socks with smiley faces on them, an extra set of sandals, and his wash kit. A fleeting wave of genuine compassion temporarily supplants Nathruyu's resolve and dredges up sentiments inappropriate to the task when confronted with the dejected vortex sucking any remnants of hope bottled inside this tiny frail person, reminiscent of the wavering that led to the Mashrin predicament. Nonetheless, the guilt is short-lived as she pleads the case to her intruding conscience. As of tomorrow, his life is forfeit, for he will belong to the GHU surgeons, an unwitting subject for their sanctioned tests, whereas she, by her graciousness, is granting him another day.

The sun is shining and the second rush shall rapidly be upon them, hardly giving them an hour to reach the Snack Shack. Teddy is holding her hand and gripping her sleeve with the other, his hip glued to hers, as they walk along the narrow passageways to the main corridor. The ride in the hovertrain manages to enchant him, especially the abrupt drop, and, for a moment, he radiates a glint of pure joy that sadly rejoins its source as they arrive in the vicinity of their designated meeting place. Over a month has elapsed since the crash, and his maturity has certainly regressed in response to his parents' death. He acts roughly like a frightened three-year-old rather than his nine years and attracts inquiring stares, which, advantageously, will leave a memorable impression on the otherwise preoccupied patrons.

Turning to her despondent companion, she kisses his cheek with his stuffed pet, and asks what the two would wish to eat. A bashful shrug and a shy smile is the best he can muster, so she points to a fanciful bake and watches his eyes respond with a famished yes. As Nathruyu scouts for a protected corner of the patio, Teddy devours the treat and absorbs his brand-new experiences, occasionally shifting his focus from the food to the landscape, then down to his food again. He then tugs at her coat to signal a vacant table on the second tier which lies behind a glossy panel and backs onto the floral waterway, an excellent lookout with minimal vulnerability to surprise attacks, and coincidentally the trio's habitual nook. She whisks him up the step, installs him opposite her and the water's edge, and awaits the twins.

A sudden fiery display in the heavens causes hysteria to mount. Some instinctively dive for cover and others reach for the personal bioshield they carry with them, just in case, but Teddy sits engrossed in his imagination, unaware of the mayhem surrounding him. The meteor storms have been regular these past six weeks and always cause a bit of a frenzy because of the damage they can inflict on the biowall with a precise hit to the grid posts, in spite of the emergency backup units below water level. Many entertain theories concerning their significance, but to Nathruyu, the speculations are immaterial. In her opinion, the increased collision frequency transpiring this hour are paltry competitors to the explosive anticipation she harbors as the event draws near.

The showers have grazed the top of tower number nine in the east end of the city, impelling the customers to scramble for the round markers and leave their meals unfinished to jockey for spots on the next carrier, their impetuous actions oblivious to the fact that the volley created more noise than actual destruction, and that Eadonberg is not compromised. Nevertheless, they clear the area in panic and convert the Central Core to a ghost town where only the fearless tread.

Perched on a stage for the earth to see, Nathruyu's doubt begins to question the twins' commitment. Surely a harmless pile of pebbles from space could not stand between Keeto and Elize's lifelong pursuit. Their tardiness must therefore be attributable to the unexpected confusion, yet her excitement wanes at the thought that they, too, are meek, or worse, that they have discovered her disreputable identity and have denounced her to the SIF. All is not lost as she contemplates the treasure in front of her and reigns in her scattered anxieties, trusting in the intimacy she has nurtured to deliver on its pledge, and indeed it has, with the late appearance of her commissioned two.

Initially, they do not notice the boy, but as Nathruyu extends her arm toward the empty chairs on either side of him, Elize smiles uncomfortably, whilst Keeto momentarily hesitates before they assume their places. Teddy is squirming in his seat, confused as to which angle he should twist his body, in order to avoid engaging with these intimidating strangers. He starts to wrestle with his bag, looking for the book he stashed away on the trip south. Then, self-conscious about staying hushed, he gingerly pushes his find onto the table, sheepishly checking his periphery for any hasty movements, almost as though he believes he is disobeying a rule. As he mumbles a highland nursery rhyme, he rocks back and forth, hugging his toy, and disappears into the fantastical world of mythical creatures that are coming alive through the vibrant illustrations.

The siblings are mute, for no introductions are necessary. As the awkward silence persists, Nathruyu teases Keeto with a slow intoxicating stroke from his clavicle to the tips of his surrendering fingers, reveling in the cold reproach emanating from her right, and strives to tranquillize him with her penetrating gaze. Much to her satisfaction, their nocturnal rendezvous have evidently become an intravenous drug with the capacity to subjugate his will, making his arteries dependent on her soothing touch to sustain their host. Elize, however, has not been privy to the same indulgences and subsequently is not impressed with what she construes as her brother's lack of discipline, which she boldly exhibits as a swift kick to his shin and a menacing glance directed at Nathruyu. As Elize has previously demonstrated in the club, the girl can clearly conquer her debilitating mental chatter in Nathruyu's presence, even to the extent of tinting the subtle energies with her own and effectively communicating thoughts from her eyes. Her attitude reconfirms that she also is ready for the challenge.

The sharp jolt pulls Teddy from his daydream long enough to recognize Elize sitting to his left, and suddenly, with an ecstatic shriek, he jumps to his feet and throws himself into Elize's arms, excitedly repeating her name. Nathruyu could not have concocted a choicer spectacle. Since the storm has abated, foot traffic has returned to the Central Core, and several onlookers rejoice at the happy reunion, embedding within them an indelible image and a name to go with it. Whatever happens to Teddy from now on, he will be intimately connected with the three of them, and their loyalties bound to her with a threat of exposure.

Nathruyu casually leans back and crosses her long legs as she relishes the tension escalating before her. Keeto knows. With Elize in shock and Teddy on her lap pouring his anguish out and begging her to babysit him again when his new mom wants her downtime, she senses the stiffness underneath Keeto's skin. Elize does not remember, but he does, and likely, he finally appreciates the consequences of responding to the metaphorical throw in her sinister game. He is probably wondering how she happens to pick those with whom Elize has established a relationship, or more accurately, a trusting relationship, and perhaps questioning exactly what sort of liaisons she maintained, and quite possibly continues to maintain, with their father. Nathruyu lured him into this affair with the promise of answers, and by the tone of his verbal eruption, she judges it prudent to diffuse his anger quickly, lest she lose control of him.

"You knew, yet you said nothing." Nathruyu's declaration was indisputable. Keeto had somehow hidden his suspicions, and ignoring them, had willingly endangered himself and his sister by indulging in her deception. But there is still plenty for him to learn. She softens her position, gently reminds him of their stated purpose, and points to Elize, who is distracted by Teddy and his cherished storybook and is concurrently monitoring their power struggle with an accusatory glare aimed at her neckline. The object of contempt comes to light as Nathruyu catches her own semblance off the polished divider and sees the glitter beneath her collarbone. "You're a petty thief," Elize declares.

The words ring partially true, she concedes, but not in the manner in which Elize presumes, and, considering her entanglement with the family, this unenlightened assessment disregards the crucial element of a motive she is not inclined to unveil to them in this public forum.

Testing the substance behind Elize's brazen facade, she strokes the crystal pendant and taunts her with a defiant smile, essentially daring her to defend the inflammatory statement, and clarifying who is really in charge here. The air thickens as the invisible duel magnifies until Elize forcefully retaliates, squeezing Teddy to her chest. "
one is mine."

Were it not for the icy tingling down her spine and the approaching silhouettes reflected off the facing partition, Elize's insolence would have met with her commanding fury. Nathruyu's departing quip slices through the pretense and pierces Elize's shell. "We are not complete, you and I."

As she leaps from the terrace in the midst of the startled diners, the Pramam's advisor and his loyal pack commit to the chase, matching her pace from across the western canal. Just as she breaches the Victory Bridge and darts for the shafts, she whips her head around to witness her nemesis lock eyes with Keeto and wink.

Sothese knew.


Day 43: Early Morning

id they clamp her yet?" Please, tell me some good news, Stitch.

"Neah. Underground, yeah? Slam!"

"Where are you?"

"On the courts. You trip? Flip it over, bud."

"Yeah." He's not alone. Better keep this short. "What about Teddy? If she touches him I swear…"

"Ease, chum. Odwin's on it. Time out." He's walking off. Good. More privacy. "You got her blowing, lass. If you see her, you clip."

not nine. Keet handled her fine in the arcade. She doesn't scare me." If I can do a triple on the slick, then I can kick her through a wall.

"That was luck, yeah. It's all between the packets. The SIF has no clue. Sothese is working alone, along with the creepy three. They're afraid of her, and you should be too."

He's right, but I'm not. It makes no sense. I saw what she did to that guy. And what about those protectors? "I have something she wants. That's why I'm alive. That's why she's using Keet. To get to me." And she
him right in. Ewww. He'd better not have. Strike that lewd thought.

"Then she'll come for you. You shouldn't be out until fog lift. Where are you, Eli?"

"Whoa!" What was that?

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