Necessary Retribution (24 page)

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Authors: Mike McNeff

BOOK: Necessary Retribution
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“So we meet again and this time you have some preposterous story you have recovered a tactical nuclear device stolen from our country.”

“It's only preposterous if you want to play ostrich and hide your head in the sand and I don't think you're that kind of man.” Robin detected a slight smile on the man's face.

“Where is the device?”

“Aren't we going to introduce ourselves first?”

“Fine, who are you?”

Robin stood up and reached across the table. “I'm Robin Marlette, nice to meet you…”

The GRU officer stood up and took Robin's hand. “I am Colonel Alex Prokenzi. He still didn't smile.

“This is Sergeant Lev Rogov of the Militsia, a true Hero of the Soviet Union.”

“We will be the judge of that. Now, show me this supposed device.”

Robin turned to Lev and shrugged his shoulders. Lev stood up. “Come with me, comrade. I did not think it wise to let anyone know about the device until you arrived.”

“That is good thinking, Sergeant. Lead the way. You stay here, Mr. Marlette.”

“Can I get a cup of coffee, Alex?”

Alex looked at Robin and then burst out laughing. “You are an interesting man. Would tea be satisfactory?”

“Sure, without sugar, please.”

Alex laughed again. “Without sugar, of course.”

Alex and Lev walked out and Robin took a deep breath.
Damn, it took a while to get that boy to smile. This could be harder to work through than I figured. I may have to start pitching hard ball sooner than I thought.

A few minutes later, a young girl in uniform came in with a cup of tea. Robin thanked her in Russian and she smiled and quickly walked out. Robin sipped his tea and waited. The tea tasted strong and bitter, but hot and it felt good going down, except for the sting along the injured side of his larynx. Forty-five minutes later, Alex came in with the nuke pack, but without Lev.

“Where's Lev?”

“That is not your concern.”

“Yes it is. Get him in here.”

“Where do you think you are? I could kill you right now and none of your people would know. You would just disappear.”

Robin's fingers gripped the derringer in his pants pocket. “I know exactly where I am…and so do my people.”

Alex shot Robin a concerned look.

“The CIA knows about this stolen nuclear weapon?”

“You mean the preposterous one?”

“You are angering me!”

“Well, start acting like the professional I met in Mindanao and maybe we can stop playing games.”

Alex's back went stiff for a moment and then he leaned back in his chair.

“Let's recap where we're at,” Robin began. “My partner and I recover a nuclear device stolen from your arsenal. We bring it here to return it. I contact Sergeant Rogov, I surrender to him and tell him to call you. Based on our contact in Mindanao, I figured you were a professional and reliable. Are you going to prove me wrong?”

“This problem is going to be resolved at a much higher level than me. I'm just investigating the matter.”

“We'll have to change that.”

Alex laughed, but it was a cynical laugh. “You really don't understand what dire straits you are in. We do not negotiate solutions to problems. We eliminate problems and you, my friend, are a serious problem.”

“Actually, Alex, you don't know what you're dealing with.”

Alex snorted. “You are CIA. We know what you are and we know just how far you will go before you cave in. I am not impressed.”

Robin leaned forward. “I'm not CIA. I'm not bound by their policies or the political bullshit that cuts their balls off.”

“Then who do you work for?”

“The highest bidder, as long as we like the mission.”

“Who is ‘we’?”

“My team.”

“You are a mercenary?”

“Of sorts.”

Alex drummed his fingers on the table and looked at Robin for a good minute. “I have the feeling you are not telling me everything.”

“Of course not. I need to keep my bargaining chips close right now.”

“How do I know you have anything worthwhile?”

“You don't, but if I have nothing worthwhile, I know you'll just kill me. So it is in my best interest to not be bullshitting you.”

“I have been ordered to bring you to Moscow.”

“Fine, we'll go as soon as the doctor says my partner can travel along with Sergeant Rogov and his family.”

“You are mad! You are not giving me orders!” Alex shouted.

“Alex, I strongly suggest you not be in a hurry. You are going to find out very soon just how far reaching my organization operates and the extent of our willingness to take care of business. I wouldn't create problems, if I were you. I am not going to try to escape, because I don't have to. I believe we're only going to have to wait a couple of days. Then we can go to Moscow and resolve this situation where I can give you and your superiors some very important information.”

Again Alex stared at Robin and drummed his fingers on the table. Then he stood up, said, “Wait here,” and walked out of the room.

Robin remained still. His insides turned flips because he knew he came very close to dying during his conversation with Alex. He realized he had been gripping the derringer so tight his hand hurt. He didn't dare show a change of face because he figured the room was bugged as well as monitored with video. He kept his face frozen as he mentally went over the conversation with Alex and worried unless Ernie pushed the envelope, Alex would soon know Robin's words were pure bullshit. His mind raced to search for alternative avenues of escape, but the pickings were slim…and Slim just left town.

Alex walked back into the room. “The doctor says your friend should be able to be safely transported in two days. My superiors are willing to wait for two days until we go to Moscow. I will take you back to the hospital. If you try to escape, I will kill your friend.”

Robin looked into the cold stare in Alex's eyes. “I'm not going to try to escape, but before we go to the hospital, I believe you owe me a drink.”

For a moment, Alex's face showed anger and confusion. Then he burst out laughing. “You are truly a different kind of American. I have never met one like you.”

“Yeah, I know, everybody says that, but remember you offered to buy me a drink in Mindanao.”

“Of course, I remember. Come, we will go to the hospital, but stop along the way and as you say, wet our whistles.”

“Hey Alex, you catch on fast. You've been watching John Wayne.”

“Have you watched John Wayne?”

“Of course…I consider his movies to be training films.”

Alex laughed again. “It upsets me that I am starting to like you.”

“Why? I'm a likeable guy.”

“Because in all likelihood, I am going to have to kill you.”

“Oh, Alex, stop being a drama queen.”

Alex burst out laughing again. “Come, I am thirsty.”

“Now you're talking, buddy.”

The two men walked out of the room and down the hall. Just before the lobby, Alex went into another room and came out with Lev. Lev's face had turned white and he barely looked at Robin. They got to the steps going down to the parking lot and Alex said, “Wait here.”

Lev looked straight ahead and seemed determined not to acknowledge Robin's presence.

“Relax, Lev. We're going drinking.”

Lev's head snapped to Robin. “You are insane! They are going to kill us both!”

“Not if you be calm and play the game. We're going drinking and becoming good buddies with Alex. Just follow along.”

“I will not. I do not drink alcohol.”

“That explains a lot, but today you're going to drink alcohol and you're going to drink it like your life depends on it…because it does, along with Rada's and your kids’. Just order beer and drink it slowly. You'll be fine…and Lev, smile for chrissakes.”

Alex pulled up in a Mercedes sedan and Robin got into the front and Lev climbed into the back seat.

“Now Alex, I hope you're taking us to someplace where they have good food and good vodka. I don't need rot gut booze.”

“I am not a wealthy man.”

“Don't worry, it's on me. I'll pay you back when my people pick us up.”

Alex turned and looked at Robin and then laughed again. “Truly, I have never met an American like you.”

“See, isn't life grand? We learn something new every day, but who ever said I was an American?”

Alex looked at Robin and put the car in gear. He drove for ten minutes and then pulled up and parked in front of a high rise building. Robin could see what looked like a restaurant at the top. The doorman started to say something to Alex, who flashed his credentials. The doorman backed off and waved them into the building. They took an elevator to the twenty-fifth floor and the doors opened to a posh restaurant and bar. Alex again displayed his credentials and also handed currency to the maitre'd, who appeared perplexed by the odd combination the three men presented. Alex in a suit, Lev in uniform and Robin dressed in mismatched clothes. They were seated at a table with an expansive view of Vladivostok Bay.

“Good choice, Alex. I like the view of this magnificent bay.”

“What do you want to eat, Robin?”

“Why don't you introduce me to Russian cuisine. I'll trust your judgment. What about you, Lev?”

“I do not know. I have never eaten in a place like this.”

“He'll trust your judgment too, Alex.”

Alex laughed the same deep hearty laugh Robin heard on Mindanao and he started to feel a little better about the chances of survival. He hoped a reverse Stockholm Syndrome was taking effect, but he knew Alex was experienced, well trained and hardly a pushover.

“Alex, I think you and I should toast our reunion with some good vodka.”

Alex ordered a bottle of vodka called Putinka and three shot glasses. The waiter quickly brought the order and Alex put a glass in front of each of them. Robin noticed Lev didn't object and right then he knew it would be challenging to keep Alex relaxed and Lev from passing out this evening. Robin participated in drinking contests in his younger years, but none where his life depended on his performance.

Alex poured each glass until they brimmed with the clear liquid. “This fine product of Russia is actually an elixir that wards off old age and promotes good health.”

“I have no doubt,” Robin replied.

Alex raised his glass, as did Robin. Robin prompted Lev to raise his. “To Mother Russia!” Alex's voice boomed.

“To Mother Russia!” The other two men responded.

Robin watched as Alex enjoyed his vodka and didn't down the shot in one gulp. He sipped and enjoyed taste and warmth of the drink.
The drinking gods are with me tonight.

Still the drink disappeared soon enough. “Again, my friends…again!” Alex urged as he reached to pour another round.

Robin downed the rest of his drink and Alex filled the glass. He hovered the bottle over Lev's glass, which remained almost full.

“Sergeant, you are not drinking!”

“I believe, Alex, the good sergeant is making sure one of us can drive after dinner. Besides, it just means more for you and me.”

Alex pondered this for a moment and then nodded his head. He raised his glass.

“Allow me,” Robin offered.

Alex again nodded.

“To the heroes of the Great Patriotic War!”

“To the heroes of the Great Patriotic War!” The other men responded.

The waiter appeared with meat and potato pies, a loaf of dark bread, plates of herring, fresh vegetables and pickles. The men began to eat, with Alex making sure their glasses remained full. Robin found he was ravenous and enjoyed the food. The herring were seasoned and baked so the fish were flaky and very tasty. But Robin's favorite, by far, was the meat and potato pie and he ate several. He also kept up with Alex on the vodka and could tell Alex felt Robin was relaxed and off guard.

“So Robin, here we are enjoying good drink and good food and yet I know nothing about you.”

“That's not true. You know I do contract work.”

“Yes, but who are your clients?”

“Now, Alex, you know it would be very unprofessional for me to disclose my client list.”

“Ha! Client list! I bet the Soviet Union would never be on your list.”

“On the contrary, we would consider any offer you have.”

“But you would just turn us down.”

“It would depend on the mission and what you're willing to pay.”

“Are you serious?”

“Very serious.”

“Hmm, I would like to test just how serious you are, assuming my superiors let you live.”

“And just why wouldn't they? What have I done to hurt your country?”

“A ship is missing.”

“I don't know about a missing Russian ship.”

“I did not say it was a Russian ship. The ship was from North Korea.”

“Why do you care about a North Korean ship?”

Alex's eyes narrowed and shot a dangerous look at Robin. “I know that ship did not have a Russian nuclear device on it.”

So that's it! They think we stole the device and are trying to figure out what the hell we're trying to do with it…and that's why I'm still alive. Jeez, how do I play this? They're probably tearing that thing apart to make sure it doesn't go off!

Robin took a deep breath. “You know, Alex, I'm getting the feeling you and your superiors think we stole the device.”

“I do not have any reason to believe otherwise.”

Robin leaned forward and spoke in a low but forceful voice. “Okay, let's get some things straight here. My organization does not kill innocent people. We would never detonate a nuclear device…anywhere. We would never deliver a nuclear device to anyone other than a nuclear country who is part of the nuclear treaties.

“Your country, on the other hand, assisted the idiots on that ship to attack Sasebo, Japan where they would have killed innocent people. What you didn't know is they did in fact have the stolen Russian nuclear device on board and they planned to detonate it during the attack, killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people. What you also don't know is one of your countrymen sold it to them for a very large amount of cash money.”

“You are lying.”

“You know damn good and well I'm not lying. And here's a news flash for you. I witnessed the transaction and I know who the traitor is. Please pour me another drink.”

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