Necessary Retribution (23 page)

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Authors: Mike McNeff

BOOK: Necessary Retribution
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“You have been injured on your neck. What happened?”

“A guy hit me with a piece of metal.”

She walked behind him. “You have blood across your back. Please take your clothes off.”

Robin took off his vest and shirt and unzipped his wetsuit, but just peeled it down to his waist.

“Take everything off.”

“I don't have anything on underneath my wetsuit.”

“I am a nurse. You have nothing I have not seen before. You have obviously been in a fight and we need to inventory your injuries.”

Robin took a deep breath and pulled off his wetsuit. Rada began inspecting his body with warm and gentle hands. She seemed to know just how far to go in touching his wounds. She also touched his old wounds. She came around and faced Robin.

“Open your mouth.” Robin opened his mouth and Rada shined a light into his throat. “You have been bleeding in your throat. It has stopped, but I do not know how much blood you swallowed.”

“I don't think I bled too much. I could feel it.”


Robin followed her to the bathroom.

“You must take a shower. I will clean the wounds on your back. You can clean everything else.”

Robin turned on the shower, got the water at the right temperature and stepped in. He got his back wet and turned it to Rada who stood just outside the door. She began gently cleaning his back. As gentle as she tried to be, it still hurt, but it also felt good…good enough for Robin to start to get an erection. He put his hands over himself.

“My husband has put our family at risk of imprisonment or execution because of you and your friend.”

“Why? He recovered a stolen nuclear weapon!”

“The GRU will only see he knows about a stolen nuclear weapon. The Soviet Union does not like its failings known to the proletariat. They will send us to the Gulag or execute us.”

Robin turned to face Rada. “I won't let them take you anywhere.”

“You are insane! You have no control over them!”

“They owe me. My team saved one of their agents and I have other bargaining chips. I won't let them harm you or your family.”

Rada looked into Robin's eyes. “I hope so.” She then looked at his genitals and a smirk formed on her lips. “Perhaps you should turn around.”

Robin looked down feeling himself blush and quickly turned around.

Rada finished cleaning his back.

“There, you can finish your shower. There is a robe just outside the door to the left.” She closed the door.

Robin lost himself in the warm water and exhaustion began to set in. He shook himself out of it and turned off the shower. Toweling off, he put the robe on and walked out of the bathroom.

Rada waited with a cart full of bandages and dressing. “Lay face down on the bed, please.”

Robin did as asked and Rada began putting an ointment on his back and then bandages. She finished and told Robin to sit up. “You have other minor injuries, but they do not require bandages. Here, put on these clothes. They are probably too small around your chest and shoulders as well as too large around your waist, but it is the best we can do.”

“Thank you, Rada. I appreciate it.”

“You have fought many battles. Do you get tired of being in danger?”

“I really haven't fought too many battles, just a couple of tough ones.”

Rada shrugged her shoulders. “Follow me.”

They walked back to the surgery waiting area where Lev waited and Rada went into the operating room. She came back out a minute later.

“The surgery will take a few more hours. The leg and ankle are badly damaged and the doctor is working hard to save their full function, but he's making no promises.”

“Tell him his efforts are very much appreciated.”

“You should go back to the room where I bandaged you and get some rest.”

“If you don't mind, I'll wait here.”

Rada shrugged and walked out of the surgery area. Robin sat down and put his head back. “You have one smart wife, Lev.”

Lev chuckled. “She is not one to trifle with when at work. She is much different at home.”

“You're a lucky man.” The sentence faded as Robin slipped off to sleep.


in front of the surgery suite at the Taiwan Navy Hospital, with a heavy heart. Rick was in a bad way. His wounds caused immediate massive bleeding and shock, putting him on the edge of death. Emmett couldn't figure out why Rick stayed in the doorway. He knew it was the fatal funnel.

“Emmett!” He turned to see Doug coming toward him. They hugged each other. “How is he?”

“I don't know. He's been in surgery for six hours. Hey, why the hell didn't you get in the boat?!”

“I just couldn't leave the guy we left hog tied on the bridge without cutting him loose. I just had to make sure he had a chance.”

“Well, you'll never know if he made it.”

“Yeah, I do. He followed me out to the platform. I ended up taking him on our RIB to the boat. The Marines got him now.”

Emmett looked at Doug and put his arm around his friend's shoulders. “We've come a long way from a cop's way of thinking, haven't we?”

“I don't know. I still believe I think like a cop…still making fine distinctions in a split second.

“Yeah, you're probably right about that. Some things never change. Have you received any word about Robin and Mark?”

“The last I heard they were MIA.”


“Jamie said they sunk the ship, but no one has heard from them for about six hours.”

“Can you call Jamie and get an update?”

“I'll get my sat phone and do it right away. I just wanted to let you know Maria is on her way to supervise Rick's treatment.”

“Man, that could piss off these doctors.”

“Not if Maria tells them she's his doctor. They have to respect the doctor/patient relationship.”

“I hope so. Please find out about Robin and Mark.”

“I'm on it.”

Now Emmett truly fretted with worry.
One friend seriously hurt and two missing. Is any of this worth losing men who are closer to me than brothers? Why do we get the shit missions and always at the last minute with no real planning time. We've just been asking for trouble. What the hell are we going to do if we've lost Robin?!

Emmett continued to pace with these thoughts whirling through his head, twisting his gut. His name echoed in his brain until a strong hand gripped his shoulder.

“You okay, Emmett?” Doug asked.

“I'm sorry, man. I'm just worried about everything.”

“Well you can ease up about Rob and Mark. They're alive. Rob sent a message to Jamie saying Mark was wounded and they were about to be prisoners in Russia.”

“What else did he say?”

“That's it. Jamie said Robin most likely dumped the sat phone into the sea.”

“How are we going to get them out of Russia if they're prisoners?”

“Jamie said Ernie is on it.”

“What does that mean?”

“I don't know. Jamie says Ernie is acting a lot like Robin.”

“Hmmm, that can't be a bad thing at a time like this.”

“No, brother, it surely can't.”

Ernie's team loaded Kwan's boat with all the food and medicine they could safely pack into it. Kwan told Ernie they should leave earlier than the last run because the loaded boat would travel much slower. The team now consisted of Ernie, Kwan, Willy, Marv, Mike
and Gunner. Ernie decided to send Gary with Burke and Rocky, since Gary's job was to extract team members out of danger areas. Gary jumped at the chance to help get Robin and Mark out of Russia.

Ernie knew going back to North Korea with a light team was risky business and his decision to move ahead with the mission even surprised himself. Robin's admonition to focus on the mission kept repeating in Ernie's mind along with Robin's other favorite saying of “improvise, adapt and overcome.” Well, Rob, I'm doing my best.

The boat's engines roared to life and after they were warmed up to Kwan's satisfaction, he steered her out of the Sokcho harbor and pointed the bow towards North Korean waters.

Robin jolted awake at Lev shaking his shoulder. “What's up?”

“The surgery is over.”

Robin's eyes slowly focused and he saw Rada and the doctor standing in front of him.

“How's Mark?”

“I am happy to say I believe the surgery was successful. I have repaired the damage, although your friend's ankle is now about twenty-five percent metal. He should fully recover, but it will be a long and painful process.”

Robin stood up and shook the doctor's hand. “Thank you, doctor. We'll repay you for your service.”

The doctor cocked his head with a quizzical look. “I'm not sure you're going to live long enough to accomplish much more in your life.”

“Oh, I think I'll survive just fine, Doc.”

“I hope so for your sake…and theirs,” the doctor said nodding to Lev and Rada.

“Robin, the GRU will be here in a half-hour,” Lev warned.

“Okay, I'm ready.”

“I am not sure I am.”

“Just tell them the truth, Lev. I'll handle the rest.”

“When will I be able to talk to Mark, Doc?”

“He will be in recovery for at least two hours. I will let you know.”

“Thank you.”

“Come, Robin we need to go to the Navy Headquarters.”

“You tell the GRU I'm not leaving this hospital without Mark.” Robin saw Lev turn pale. “Never mind, Lev. I'll go with you.”

Lev let out a sigh and looked to the heavens.

Fatboy touched down at Chiang Kai-shek International Airport and taxied to the cargo area at the northeast end of the field. The middle ramp came down and Maria Walker climbed down into Doug's arms.

“Oh, Doug, I'm so happy to see you!”

“Not as much as I am to see you!”

They kissed and then Maria stepped back at arm's length with a stern look. “How is your shoulder?”

“It hurts, but it'll be okay. You can check it out later. Right now Rick really needs you.”

They got into a Jeep Cherokee Doug had rented and headed for the Navy Hospital.

Shortly after they left, Fatboy took off again…headed for France.

Robin and Lev were seated in a conference room in the head-quarters of the Russian Pacific Fleet. The Navy boys weren't very enthusiastic about letting them in until Lev mentioned the GRU. Things changed quickly and they were ushered into the conference room. Shortly after they were there, the GRU officer who Robin met in Mindanao came into the room and sat across from the two men. He didn't smile.

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