Necessary Retribution (13 page)

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Authors: Mike McNeff

BOOK: Necessary Retribution
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“I'll talk to them and see what they say.”

“Who's your recon team?”

“Rocky and Marv.”

“Understand, I don't want to tell you what to do, Ernie, but I've lived by this rule for almost eight years and it has never failed us.”

“I do understand, Rob. We'll take a look at it.”

Robin nodded to Jamie and Mark. “Do you guys have anything to say?”

Mark spoke up. “I'd consider taking some food, like several cases of MREs or some other food rations. My research into the strategic intelligence for the region indicates a widespread famine has engulfed North Korea. Thousands are dying of starvation and there are indications of civil unrest in the country. The international community offered food aid to North Korea, but those idiots rejected it. Something like food could be more powerful than a gun.”

“That's not a bad idea, Mark,” Ernie replied. “I'll go get this plan finished.”

Robin stood up, “Okay, let's get back to work.” He went over to the secure phone and called Shosi Tanyaka in Japan.

“Shosi here.”

“Hi Shosi, it's Robin.”

“How are you?”

“Doing well and yourself?”

“I am well also.”

“Good to hear it. Are you secure to talk?

“Yes, I am clear.”

“We have a mission in progress and we're looking for a fast, large helicopter with a range of at least five to six hundred nautical miles. Know where we can get one?”

“I don't know what its actual range is, but a friend of mine flies a CH 53 for a shipbuilding company. He owes me a favor or two.”

“CH 53 would be perfect. Can you put him on standby for a charter flight?”

“He flies a lot to China and Russia delivering parts. I don't know what his schedule is, but I'll talk to him.”

“That'll be great. We may need it as a backup exfil method. You can get back to me on the Fatboy secure phone.”

“I'll call as soon as I hear anything.”

Robin put the phone down and looked up at Jamie and Mark. “Well guys, what do you think?”

“Going into North Korea when we don't have the target identified seems very risky to me, Rob.” Jamie's frown reinforced the seriousness of his concern.

“North Korea is a dangerous place to be…period. Ernie knows that and he'll take the best precautions, short of scrubbing the mission. The chance of us being successful doesn't seem very good right now, though. My main goal is to do the best we can and get everybody back in one piece.”

“Given the situation,” Mark said, “I'm kinda glad to be in the command and control group for this one.”

Robin laughed. “See, Mark, things tend to work out. Keep monitoring the intelligence stream and hope the CIA or NSA comes up with something that'll make things a little easier.”


where Emmett and Rick split off and headed for Taiwan. Robin gave them a new handheld satellite phone supplied by the CIA. He also told them Doug would be joining them in Taiwan, which was welcome news.

The team used the flight to Incheon, South Korea to review and refine the plan. The CIA sent four possible freighter configurations for the teams’ consideration. They were trying to narrow down the odds, but they were a long way off from attracting the interest of a Vegas gambler.

After finalizing the plan, Ernie met with Robin alone.

“I think it's the best we can do with the intel we have, Rob. Rocky and Marv agree we need to do solo recons of the harbors, with Mike as back up. He'll stay with the boat so he can go to whoever may need help.

Robin let out a long breath. “I just don't like having them alone in such hostile territory, but I'll go along with your call this time. Hell, the wisdom of the entire operation itself is questionable.”

“Why do you think Grassley is sending us?”

“Plausible Deniability. The geopolitical ramifications are enormous. I'm betting the CIA wants to be able to deny any US involvement if we get caught on one hand and say they tried everything to prevent the worse-case scenario on the other hand, if asked by the White House.”

“Well, if we don't find that ship, we are going to do a good recon of the harbors. If they used it once, they'll use it again and we'll have the information.”

“Just remember, a good recon means no contact with the enemy.”

“Ten-four on that score.” Both men smiled at Ernie's use of police radio code.

Doug walked through the international terminal at Taipei Chiang Kai-shek Airport. As he approached the terminal doors he recognized Cái Song, the company rep in Taiwan, walking towards him.

“Hey Cái, how ya doin'?”

“I am fine, Doug. How is your shoulder?”

“Aw, it's okay. Still aches a little, but I've got a great doctor. It will be good as new soon.”

Cái nodded with a smile. “I have commandeered a plane to take us to Hualien. I have a friend who has a yacht there and he's given us use of it under one condition.”

“What's that?”

“He wants to come along.”

“I don't know if Robin would like that.”

“Well, he retired as the commanding general of the Taiwan Marine Corps.”

Doug laughed. “Hell, I don't think even Robin would argue with a general!”

y exited the terminal where Cái showed Doug to a car idling at the curb. Without a word, the driver drove to the private aviation terminal. Once Doug got situated in a seat on a Lear Jet, Cái handed him a shoulder holster rig with a Sig Sauer P220 .45 automatic pistol and two extra magazines.

“The General has any other weapons we may need.”

Doug started checking out the pistol when he noticed Cái rubbing the back of his neck while he gazed vacantly out the door.

“What's bugging you, Cái?”

Cái let out a long breath. “The general felt it necessary to inform our government about the threatened attack,” Cái said. Then he
added quickly, “They promised not to interfere and offered all the assistance we need.”

“Damn! We gotta tell Ernie about this right away.” Doug could see his statement caused Cái even more concern. “Don't worry, Cái, you're not in trouble. Whatever happens, we'll deal with it.” Relief spread across Cái's face. Still Doug worried about the secrecy of the mission being compromised.

Cái moved to the plane's door. “I'm going back to the main airport to pick-up Emmett and Rick. The bar is well stocked and there's food in the refrigerator.”

“You're a good man, Cái!”


and was directed to a tarmac in front of two large hangers. Jack guided the big bird onto the tarmac and turned Fatboy around. The plane was too big to fit in the hangers. Kwan Thay the company rep for South Korea and two US Air Force pilots came on board.

“Robin, this is Major Jesse Arnold and Captain Art Wiseman from Air Force Special Operations.”

“Nice to meet you.” Each man had a firm grip as Robin shook their hands. He liked a pilot with a steady hand.

“Same here, Colonel,” the major replied.

“You can skip the rank, Major. Robin will do just fine.”

“The guy with CIA told us your rank, so I thought I'd cover my ass. You never know.”

“Can we start loading the equipment onto your aircraft?”

“You bet and we can take off as soon as it's done.”

“I like it,” Robin said as he led them through to the cargo hold.

Two hours later, the Chongjin team was loaded on an Air Force C-130 headed for the air base at Sokcho. Robin, Jamie and Mark set up the systems needed to monitor both the Taiwan and the Chongjin teams in Fatboy's communication center.

“Do we have any updated intel, Jamie?” Robin said as he checked the new handheld satellite phones. They were much better than the commercial version because they could access military communication satellites, which gave almost full worldwide coverage twenty-four hours a day. Given how spread out the team was, they could certainly come in handy.

“Everything is still the same. Emmett and Rick hooked up with Doug and Kwan. Ernie and his team should be landing at Sokcho in ten minutes.”

“Well, let's round up something to eat while we can. I expect things are going to get hot soon.”

“You're a great leader, Rob!” Mark cracked.

“I just can't deny you growing boys your daily bread.”

Despite his years of experience as police SWAT team leader and the two years of intense special ops training, the pit of Ernie's stomach churned as the C-130 touched down in Sokcho. He wanted to command a mission, he just didn't think it would be on such a vague target.

As the plane came to stop Ernie's mind completed yet another review of the plan. He wondered if Robin felt the same way when he led the men. Ernie's fists tightened with resolve. “Let's move out!”

The men grabbed their gear and hustled down the ramp to two Chevrolet Suburbans with dark tinted windows waiting on the tarmac. Kwan gave instructions to a location in Sokcho Harbor and the drivers moved out. Fifteen minutes later, they arrived at a low blue building on the northeastern edge of the harbor. The team piled out of the SUVs and were directed to a low slung motor boat moored at the stern.

“What kind of boat is this?” Ernie asked Kwan.

“It's an old fifty foot wooden power boat I rebuilt. I put in twin five hundred horsepower diesels and extra fuel tanks. She'll cruise at thirty knots with a range of eight hundred nautical miles.”

“Wow, you did all that yourself?”

“No, several of my friends contributed time and money to the project. We wanted a boat that could get us out to good fishing water and get us back quickly. I thought she'd come in handy because she's wood. Not easily spotted on radar.”

Ernie put his arm around Kwan's shoulders. “Did I ever tell you that you're a good man?”

Kwan grinned from ear to ear.

“Load up guys,” Ernie barked. “Let's get this boat underway. We're burnin’ daylight!”

Wasting no time after they landed, Cái took Emmett and Rick to meet up with Doug and the Lear Jet got them to Hualien in twenty minutes. A private car picked them up and Cái took them to a large home on the beach north of the city off Road 193. It was a beautiful two story house with large verandas all around. As the men got out of the car, a distinguished looking older man came out of the front door to greet them. He warmly greeted Cái who introduced the man to the team.

“Gentlemen, please meet General David Leung.”

Emmett stepped forward, saluted then offered his hand. The General broke into a broad grin and shook Emmett's hand.

“Glad to meet you, General.”

“Please call me David. I'm long retired from being a general.”

“I'm Emmett Franks, sir and this is Rick Santos and Doug Ariel.”

David shook each man's hand. “Please, come inside and have some refreshment before we get down to business.”

The team grabbed their gear and followed David into his home.

A beautiful woman dressed in a red, silk, mandarin gown floated into the living room followed by a man pushing a cart with drinks.

“Gentlemen, this is my wife, Ching Lan.”

“Welcome to our home, gentlemen. Please sit down.”

Emmett said, “Good afternoon, ma'am,” as the other men respectfully nodded to her.

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