Necessary Retribution (12 page)

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Authors: Mike McNeff

BOOK: Necessary Retribution
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Tim's mouth twisted with confusion and annoyance.

“Mind if I sit down?” Robin asked in a more gentle tone.

Tim nodded to the only chair in the room and Robin sat down.

“I head up a covert direct action team. Our cover is an export/import business in Seattle. It's a legitimate business and it's growing too fast for me to keep up and still conduct missions. I need someone to come in and become the chief operating officer. Our success as a covert team is directly dependent on the success of the business side of the company.”

“So you want me to be a pencil pusher and sit on my ass while you guys do the important stuff.”

“You're not listening to me. I just said the success of the covert operations are directly dependent on the success of the company. We have operatives all over the world whose income is tied to the business. Did you hear about the arrest of Anton Ivanov?”


“That was us. Our operative in Thailand was essential to the mission. He's a disabled Vietnamese Navy Seal. Did you hear about the rescue of the hostages in Mindanao?”


“That was us.”

“But the news said the Filipino Army rescued them.”

“We rescued them and made it look they did.”

“Why did you do that?”

“Because the CIA said to.” Robin leaned forward. “Tim, I know how much you loved being a trooper. I also know you have the education and ability to help me out. You can certainly find a position, where you can put your education and ability to work, even with your disability. But you won't find a position where you are directly contributing to solving serious problems in the world.”

Robin could almost hear the gears turning in Tim's head, so Robin played his final card. “As you progress and get a handle on the daily operation of the business, we can get you working with our intelligence analyst.” Tim's eyes lit up. Bullseye! The hook is set. “Currently, we rotate operators into the intel center to help out, but it would be good to get a more constant person in there, especially when we deploy. Our analyst is also developing software for different needs we have and could use help in that area.”

“Suppose I agree to come on board. What would my salary be?”

“How about five hundred thousand dollars a year plus bonuses?”

Tim's eyes just about popped across the room. “You're making it damn tough to say no!”

Robin walked over put his hand on Tim's shoulder. “You've been dealt a terrible blow, Tim, but you have a lot to live for. You're a good man and you're married to good woman. I need your help, but I think we can help you, too. What do you say?”

Tim put his hand on Robin's. “Thank you…I don't remember your name.”

“Robin Marlette.”

“Thank you, Mr. Marlette. I'll think about your offer.”

“Fair enough, but please call me Robin. I'll get back to you in about a week.” He shook Tim's hand and started for the door.


Robin stopped and looked over his shoulder.

“I don't know who I'm trying to fool. Of course, I'll accept your offer.”

“Whew, had me worried there for a second. Shall I call your wife in?”

“Yes, thanks.”

Robin walked out to the hallway where Sheriff Stewart patiently waited.

“Mission accomplished, Pat.”

Then Pat let out a long breath. “I'm glad he accepted. You've probably saved his life.”

“Hell, I think he saved mine!”

Pat put his hand on Robin's shoulder. “Remember, Rob, if you guys need anything, just let me know.”

“The only thing I'd ask is for your boys to check on Karen and the kids when I'm gone.”

“You got it. Just have Karen call me when you leave.”

“I appreciate it.”

“Let's head home. We can grab a bite at Ivars before we take the ferry.”

The two men had just walked into Ivars when Robin's pager went off. He looked at the screen and saw the emergency code. “Pat, I've got to get to Paine Field. Can you drop me off?”

“Sure, Rob. Let's go.”


the latest updates to the 747’s Pilot's Manual with his feet up on the desk when Robin walked into the office next to the company's large hangar at Paine Field. “Hey, Rob,” Jack stood and followed Robin to the back of the office. “What's going on?”

“I'm about to find out.” Robin picked up the secure phone and was immediately connected to the communication center.

“Worldwide Enterprises, Jamie speaking.”

“It's Rob. What's up?”

“Grassley's on the line.”

“Okay, patch him through.”


“Hi, Bill. What do you have for us?”

“NSA has intercepted communications between Iraq and several known terrorists indicating Hussein is trying to organize attacks against U.S. interests all over the world. One intercept indicates an attack will originate from North Korea. We need you to terminate their plan.”

“Have you sent the intel to Jamie?”

“I have…Rob, this situation necessitates your team take out the terrorists in North Korea.”

Robin did not immediately respond to the comment as knots started forming in his neck and shoulders. “And I thought the last mission was difficult.”

“I know this is a bad situation. If you guys are caught, the North Koreans won't be merciful, but we need you guys to do this. If we
sent spec ops in, we would risk war…nuclear war. With you guys, well, you know the score.”

“Yeah, we don't exist.”

“That's what I mean. You'll also have to send part of your team to Hualien, Taiwan. We have indication there is a Palestinian recon team there already.”

“Why do these guys want to hit Taiwan? We pulled out in 1979.”

“Not quite. We have two squadrons of nuclear capable F-16’s hidden in a mountainside at Hualien Air Force Base and the Chinese suspect this. We think they're using Hussein's boys and the North Koreans to play their own game, which is to smoke us out and create a reason to attack Taiwan.”

“I know they're itchin’ to do that.”

“Yes they are. This would give them a screen to appease the international community, if they did attack. It would also spread our forces out much too thin and leave us vulnerable in several areas.”

“Is this the only threat in the area?”

“It's all we know about, but that could change.”

“Robin took in a deep breath. “We'll look at the intel and get back to you…and Bill…”


“This is going to be extremely expensive.”

Jamie stood in front of the assembled Guardians. He had just finished giving a briefing on the situation. Several low whistles greeted the photos on the screen against the wall in the briefing room.

Ernie Jackson stepped in front of the group. “As you can see gentlemen, we've been handed an operation that can have enormous consequences if we fail. I'll lead the mission and Rob will be command and control along with Jamie and Mark.

“Why me?” Mark blurted.

Robin stepped forward. “We've decided at least one operator needs to be with command and control to handle incidental problems,
like Emmett did last time. We set up a rotation starting with the youngest man…I believe that's you, Mark.”

Mark's displeasure was evident, but he remained silent.

Ernie continued, “Burke and Rocky, you'll work with me on the plan. Gary, start working on infil and exfil assets-either boats or helicopters. Jamie, start working on North Korean radar and patrol coverage for the Chongjin area. Any questions? Okay, let's get with it.”

Robin walked over to Mark. “Mark, get with Jamie and get up to speed on all the intelligence and our sources. I also want a strategic situation report for the region, including political and economic updates.”

“Okay.” Mark started after Jamie, but stopped and turned to Robin. “Sorry, Rob. I didn't mean to get pissed, I just don't like missing the action.”

“Don't count yourself out of the action yet. According to Grassley, this shindig is just starting and they really don't know the full scope of the situation.”

“Yes, sir.”

Robin got on the phone and called Paine Field.

“Worldwide Air Services, this is Jack.”

“Hi Jack, how are you doing?”

“That depends on why you're calling.”

“Get the plane ready to head to the Far East…either South Korea or Japan.”

“Roger, the crew is already here.”

“We'll give you the details when we get there.”

“Okay, see you then.”

Robin dialed Grassley next.

“Bill Grassley.”

“Bill, it's Robin.”

“Yes, Rob.”

“I don't want to piss off the South Koreans, so do you have a contact that can get us into a military base so we don't have to go through customs?”

“As a matter of fact I've been working on that. You can land Fatboy at Osan Air Force Base. I'll send you the information and frequencies.

“Our South Korean rep will handle our transportation from Osan.”

“That won't be necessary, Rob. The Air Force people are spec ops. They know the score and they'll get the team to Sokcho by C-130. That'll be the closest jump off point for the operation.”

“You do good work, Bill,” Robin hung up the phone.
But I'm still going to charge you an arm and a leg…and a head!

Seven hours later, the Guardians were in the air. They had worked out the basic plan and now the details were being put in place. Emmett and Rick were going to split off in Hawaii and go to Taiwan. They were to locate and identify the Palestinian recon team and neutralize them.

NSA updates indicated the North Koreans had agreed to provide the weapons, explosives, RIBs and other equipment for the attack and load them onto a Libyan freighter. The rest of the team studied maps, satellite imagery and intelligence to finalize the plan, but a missing piece of critical information made this task difficult. US intelligence had yet to identify the target freighter with several of them in the harbor and ships coming and going.

Against this backdrop, Ernie met with Robin, Jamie and Mark in the upper deck intelligence center. “The plan calls for the team to launch from Sokcho in a fast, medium sized boat or helicopter to take us to a point about twenty five miles off shore from Chongjin. A two man recon team will immediately go in to try to identify the target freighter. When the recon team calls in ‘feet dry’, the assault team will follow.”

“What if the recon team can't find the freighter?” Robin asked. “Shouldn't the assault team at least sit off shore until we confirm the freighter is there?”

“I'm thinking the trip from the boat to the harbor will take enough time for the recon team to make that determination.”

Robin pulled the satellite photos over. “There are two harbors and they're separated by a river. I really don't see how they can do a
recon of both in the hour it's going to take you to get there. If you go in before they're finished, you're jeopardizing six men instead of two.”

“It won't take an hour because the recon team will split up and do both harbors at the same time.”

“Are you sending four men to do the recon?”

“Rob, I know how you feel about solo recons, but in this case we need to do it.”

Robin remained silent for a long moment. “This isn't the movies. None of us are Rambos. For as long as I've been a tactical team leader, I've nixed the solo recon because two minds are better than one and four eyes are better than two. Either live with a possible long recon or send four men in.”

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