My Mind's Eye (Pub Fiction #1) (35 page)

BOOK: My Mind's Eye (Pub Fiction #1)
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“Ride me, Kat. Make me come so fucking hard. Rub those titties on me,” I command while she hovers over me, kissing me anywhere and everywhere. She rides me hard and fast, bringing us both to the crest in no time.

Chapter 66


ying on Ryker, trying to catch my breath, I’m shocked when he flips our positions. He’s now above me. He sprawls out, linking our hands together above my head as he kisses me fervently. I close my eyes, allowing the feeling of his kisses to consume me. “Kat,” he says softly after pulling away, stopping one hell of an amazing kiss. I pretty much pout at the loss of his lips as I lay there still, eyes closed, hoping he kisses me again soon. “Kat, I need you to look at me.” Opening my eyes, I see him spooned up close beside me staring. His honeybutter eyes are that intense colour they get every now and again.

“Kat,” he clears his throat as if he’s getting emotional, “I need to ask you something, baby.”

“What is it? Is everything okay?” I can’t help but ask, because at this moment, he looks serious. Skimming my nose with his, giving me an Eskimo kiss, like he’s done in the past, he pulls back again, looking deep into my eyes before moving to reach for something from the drawer of his nightstand.

“Ryker?” I say, getting a little anxious. Turning back, he lays over me while pushing my legs apart, hinting at what he wants. He begins kissing me again, but this time it’s slow, passionate, filled with emotion. Slipping inside me again, we begin to move in perfect rhythm. Not rushed or demanding like before. No, this time, it’s melodic and sweet. Taking my hands in his, he brings them to his mouth, kissing each one before holding them above my head.

As the words fall from his lips, I feel him slip a cold object onto my finger, which after a moment, I register to be a ring. Oh my God!

“Kat, I need you to be my wife, baby. I love you so fucking much. You’re my everything. My Holy fucking Grail, baby. I fall more and more in love with you every day. You’re a gift, and I want to treasure you, always.”

I can’t help but laugh and cry at the same time. I cry tears of joy, and I can’t help laughing at the fact that, for the second time, Ryker has asked me a monumental question while being buried inside of me. Wrapping my hands around his neck, I pull him in, resting my forehead to his. I’m silent for a few seconds, allowing this to all sink in. I relish the fact that this confident man is waiting patiently with bated breath for my answer to his question.

“Hot girl, you’re killing me.”

With tears streaming down my face, I finally find my voice. Looking at my finger, I find the most beautiful emerald cut diamond ring I have ever seen. I place my hand over his heart and the other on his face. Looking into those amazing honey eyes, I smile as pure happiness seeps out of my soul.

“Ryker Eddison, I love you so much. Of course I’ll marry you!” I say, not being able to stop the little giggle from escaping.

“Something funny here, baby? Are you laughing at me?” Ryker asks as he moves in me. “That little giggle felt good on my cock. How’s about I make you laugh some more?” He begins tickling along my sides.

“Okay, Ryker, ah, heh, heh, Ryker,” I can’t help but move my hips faster and faster, and he’s right, it feels so good. “Oh shit, baby, that, ohh…”

Ryker begins tugging on my nipples, ceasing all laughter with his assault on my sensitive tips. “Now, my sweet girl, tell me what the hell is funny?” he demands.

I take this time to share my thoughts with him. “I was just wondering if we do this, are you always going to ask me such important things when your cock is inside me? I mean, this is the second time now. I’m kind of seeing a pattern here.”

He just smirks down at me “Oh fuck, Kat. You lost me when the word cock fell from that sexy mouth of yours. Do you know how hard it makes me when you’re innocent mouth says shit like that? It’s so fucking hot.” He grunts and begins moving more rapidly. I can’t help but giggle some more. Of course, that’s all he got from that.

Pulling him in closer to me, I whisper, “Now, Ryker, move that cock hard and fast right fucking now. We need to consummate this engagement.” I request of my fiancé, “Yeah, that’s it Ryker. I like your cock moving in me like that. I’m going to fuck you into next week, honeybutter.” I giggle at how corny the last bit of my dirty talk sounds, but it doesn’t matter. He’s too worked up at this point. It doesn’t even faze him.

Once Ryker cleans us both up, he slips back into the bed and snuggles me into the Ryker cocoon I love.

“Guess we’re having take-out tonight, seeing as you’ve made us miss our reservation,” he adds with a grin before whispering a sweet kiss over my lips.

“Well, if you ask me, eating is overrated anyway,” I wink before pulling him back down to me.

“Fuck, you’re so perfect,” he tells me before taking me deliberately to the precipice once again.

Holy shit!

I’m engaged to Ryker Eddison.



3 years later…

pening the door, I smile with excitement and purpose. I can’t believe how happy I am. Never did I think one man would have such an impact on my life. Considering the last thing I was looking for was love, especially from the likes of Ryker Eddison, I’d say I hit the proverbial jackpot. Ryker and I were married a year ago, and it’s been incredible! Ryker is always kind and attentive. Despite owning his own business, he makes sure he’s home with me every night and he’s still always full of surprises. Ryker will often wake me up with breakfast in bed followed with him as dessert. I think him bringing me fresh flowers once a week is still the sweetest thing. I can’t help but smile at the beautiful bouquet of lilies he brought me yesterday. He was an amazing boyfriend before, and if it’s even possible, he’s morphed into the most incredible husband. It’s with that thought alone that I can’t help the huge grin from spreading across my face as I enter The Locker Room.

“Hey, Kat, you here to work out or to see Ryk?” Deanna, the front desk clerk, asks with a welcoming smile.

“Hey, Deanna. I’m actually here to see Ryker. Is he around?”

“Why don’t you head up to his office and I’ll page him to head there, too. I know he was working on the floor this morning, helping a few patients with getting their exercises down pat.”

“Sounds perfect, thanks.” I quickly make my way to the office. I feel a surge of pride every time I’m here. Ryker has made his dreams come true and The Locker Room has been voted best physiotherapy and sports medicine facility every year since its opening.

I slip into Ryker’s office, and draw the blinds before giving Deanna a quick call. “Hey, Dee, I forgot to ask you to hold all calls or pages for Ryker for the next half an hour, please.”

“Not a problem, Kat. He actually doesn’t have any appointments for the rest of the day, so he’s all yours. I’ll be sure to take messages.”

“Perfect,” I reply before hanging up. I loosen a few buttons on my blouse, revealing the cleavage my husband loves so much before positioning myself on the edge of his desk. Ryker and I always seem to end our visits the same way, with me pinned to the desk while he takes me from behind. God, I love this man. I can’t help but giggle at the plan I’ve devised in order to surprise him today, and I smile with excitement.


I can’t hide the smile or surge of excitement that beams from me at hearing Deanna announcing over the paging system that Kat is here and waiting in my office. Her surprise visits always manage to send a jolt of excitement straight through to my cock. I think that’s mainly because these visits always end on a high note, which is most often me taking her over my desk, burying my cock to the hilt inside my sexy-as-fuck wife. Who the hell am I kidding? I get that same jolt of excitement every time I look at Kat, let alone think of her. Since we’ve gotten married, it’s been like a permanent state of honeymoon for my girl and l, and honestly, I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of her.

“Hi, sweet girl.” I smile to Kat before locking the door behind me.

“Hey, baby, a little presumptuous locking the door, don’t you think? I just saw Matty and Justin walk into Matt’s office on my way up, so don’t you go thinking for a second you’re getting any with them right next door,” Kat says with a sheepish grin, trying to deter my focus as I’m stalking toward her. My eyes catch the tops of those luscious tits of hers and it’s suddenly obvious where I shall strike first. Fuck, am I ever hot for teacher.

“Hot girl, you better not be wearing that shirt open at work,” I say as I’m now standing in front of her. I smirk down at her before brushing my face along her jaw to her ear and neck before ripping her blouse open with my hands.

“Ryker!” Kat tries to sound mad, but I know as well as she does, that she knew damn well what was going to happen once I caught sight of her skin, no matter how much of it is on display. Ignoring her attempt to scold me, I cup her face like always and kiss her.

Breaking the kiss, I step back in admiration. “Fuck, I missed these today, baby,” I utter before releasing my beauties from the cups which confine them.
Stupid bra
. I toss it, along with her ripped shirt, behind my head. “Sorry, what were you saying, sweet girl? No what today? I think I sort of got sidetracked?” Despite rolling her eyes, Kat leans back on the desk, resting back on her arms, which causes her to arch further into my onslaught attack of her gorgeous tits. “Yeah, that’s it, baby. Give me those titties,” I thank her as I lap at one nipple then the other.

“Ryker, please,” Kat all but moans as I’m basically standing in my office motorboating my wife, while sucking, tugging, nipping, and pretty much ravishing her like a starved man while she sits on my desk groaning and becoming more and more turned on from my attack. “Ryker, now, I need more,” Kat’s needy voice brings awareness that my girl needs her pussy touched.

“Lay down.” It comes out more of a command than a request, but she doesn’t seem to mind. I’ve learnt by now all the little things that turn my girl on and make her pant with desire. Kat quickly sprawls herself out on top of my desk. “Yeah, that’s it, sweet girl.” I position her heels to rest at the edge, while grabbing her ass in order to push her down in a position so that her fine ass is hanging off at the perfect angle, allowing me to feast. “Christ, you’re sexy, baby.”

I kiss her stomach before ridding her of her skirt. I can’t help but gasp, noticing she isn’t wearing any panties. “Fuck, hot girl, are you trying to kill me? I swear, I’m going to come in my pants seeing your pussy all fucking ready for me like that.”

Standing between her legs, I hover over her body as she’s lying, anticipating my touch. I lick my lips before trailing my nose from her belly button down over to her exposed skin. “You smell so fucking good, Kat,” I say as I insert a finger, then another, into her core. She gasps and the sound alone is enough to bring me to my knees. Pushing them in, then pulling them out again, I lick my fingers clean as the need to taste her increases by the second. Her reactions to my touch are always enough to drive me mad. Fuck, what my wife does to me.

“Ryker, enough! Now, please.”

“Yeah, baby, beg. God, Kat. That turns me on so fucking much, hearing you beg me to lick you, to fuck you with my mouth.” With that, I slide my tongue between her overheated folds, inhaling her scent, licking, lapping, and nuzzling my face in as close as I can get to her centre. As I find my rhythm, repeating the movements she loves over and over, Kat’s body nearly launches up off the desk, and I relish in the fact I affect her as much as she does me. “Mmmore, Ryker,” she pants as it’s clear she’s reaching the pinnacle.

“I want you to ride me, sweet girl. I’m fucking hard, Kat.” I stand, immediately reaching to help pull her off the desktop, helping to guide her around to the huge leather chair that sits behind my desk.

Springing my cock free from the confines of my pants, I sit in the chair, beckoning my girl to come.

“Come sit on my cock, wifey,” I chuckle a bit as I’ve recently become a fan of referring to Kat as wifey when making sexual demands. Without missing a beat, my girl puts me in my place.

“Oh, why? Is my husband ready?” she saucily asks, glaring down at my throbbing cock.

“Wifey,” I growl before she relents, finally joining me on the chair.

“Husband,” she calls breathlessly, before she finally sinks her tight pussy down on my cock. “Fuck, yes.” I smile, looking up at the beautiful woman rocking my world. “You look good with my cock filling you,” I say, gripping her hips, helping to push myself in as deep as humanly possible. Fuck, does she feel good, sliding her juices all over me. Jesus, I’m not going to last. “Faster, baby, ah, fuck, Kat. That’s it, aww, fuck, right there.”

“Oh, God, Ryker.” Within seconds, we’re both catapulted into nirvana. Fuck, I love my wife. My Holy fuckin’ Grail.


“Husband,” I call, all snuggled up to Ryker’s chest, our bodies still connected. I decide it’s the perfect time to execute the final stage of my plan.

“Yeah, sweet girl? You need help getting up? You want me out?”

I smile at the reference of him still inside me. “Umm, no. I actually, ah, I need to ask you something.”

“What is it, baby? Is everything okay?”

“Oh yeah, everything is perfect, actually.” With that, Ryker squeezes me closer.

“I was wondering, how do you feel about a new name?” I ask, not looking at him. Our faces mere inches apart.

He gives me an Eskimo kiss and laughs a bit before answering in a less than serious tone.
Fuck, I love this man
. “Ah, well, I’m kind of partial to Ryker. I really love when you call me ‘babe’ or ‘honeybutter.’ But I really love it most when you call me ‘husband,’” he nuzzles my neck. “Why? What did you have in mind? It better not be ‘asshole’ or ‘player,’ baby. I’ve outgrown those I’d say, yeah?” He smiles wide at his joke, and I can’t help but laugh with him before leaning up to speak into his ear.

BOOK: My Mind's Eye (Pub Fiction #1)
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