My Mind's Eye (Pub Fiction #1) (29 page)

BOOK: My Mind's Eye (Pub Fiction #1)
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Little does she know, the only meeting she’s going to be having is with me.

Chapter 47


aking my way into work early had me a bit on edge to be honest. But I soon feel relief as I pull into the parking lot and see only Levi is here. Thank goodness. I’m actually excited he’s taken me up on my offer to help plan the fundraising events for this year’s charity night. I have many good ideas and can’t wait to get started.

Walking in, I say a quick hi to Levi, letting him know I’m here and I’m just going to run and change.

“Take your time, Kat. I’ve got a few things to finish before we sit down and meet anyway,” he tells me as I head to the staff room.

I’m standing at my locker in my bra and panties when I hear the door jiggle. Now I know for a fact I’ve locked it. Believe me, Claire was right, it’s become a sick little habit, like some kind of OCD compulsion where I check it over and over four or five times before believing it’s locked. When I hear the jiggle I shout out, “Oh sorry, Levi. I’m changing. Just give me a sec!” But there is silence. No reply, no apology, nothing!
Huh, well, that’s kind of rude,
I think to myself; it’s not like he didn’t know I was in here. God, I hope he’s not turning into a creep. I really like him and would hate to have to tell him off. Shaking that thought away, preferring to think he probably thought I was done, I continue to dress, making a mental note to talk to him about better staff room protocols when I’m finished.

I’m putting on my pantyhose when I hear a key in the lock and the door opening. What the actual fuck! We need a fucking sign on the door saying occupied or something ’cause this system is not working for me at all. I quickly throw my sweater over my head, covering my boobs. Now I’m just pissed. This is not like Levi, and to be honest, I’m a little freaked out at the moment knowing it’s just him and me here. Shit.

Did I just hear a growl?

Breaking me out of my ridiculous thoughts, I shake my head. Thinking I’m being an idiot, I look up to see who the fuck would open the door when they know someone is in here. My eyes meet his and my heart jumps into my throat as I take in all his beauty…and is that anger?


Chapter 48


eaching the door, I realize I need to calm myself down. I can’t barge in losing my shit, demanding all the things I want to. If I do that, I won’t get the results I want, and I’m more than aware of that. Steadying myself, I take a deep breath while putting my hands on the doorknob, with every intention to walk in rationally and ask Kat to talk to me. Locked.

I know Kat is the only one inside, I decide to use my master key to get to my girl. Perk of being the boss’s brother. As I open the door, I can’t fucking believe my luck.

Kat is standing by her locker in sexy-as-fuck black lace panties, pantyhose half way on one leg, while barely getting her sweater over her head in time before she sees it’s me who’s just walked in.

“Ryy-ker,” she whispers almost inaudibly. God, my name falling from her lips affects me as if she was wrapping her mouth around my cock. I’m instantly rock hard. Maintaining eye contact, I move to close and lock the door. With the “click,” I stand, leaning on the door, taking in this fucking girl. The air begins to thicken immediately as I stare at her. This girl who has been my mind’s motherfucking eye for the last four God damned months. Yeah, I’m ready for this. I fucking need this girl and she is going to listen to all I have to say. Then I’m going to take up permanent residence in her pussy and her heart.

Kat Rollins is mine. Enough said.

“Kat,” I all but growl, “we need to talk, baby. We need to talk right the fuck now.” I can’t help the command in my voice, but thankfully, she doesn’t balk at my tone.

“Ah-umm, no, Ryker. I’m pretty sure everything between us is said and done. There isn’t anything left to talk about. You got what you’ve been wanting from me. We’ve fucked; it’s all good.” I can see she doesn’t believe her words; they lack the conviction I’ve heard in them before.
Thank Christ.

Oh, hell no, she will not be dismissing me like this. I can tell by the reflex in her voice that she’s spewing bullshit. Telling me what she thinks I want to hear. She’s letting me off the hook.
Fuck that!

Clearing my throat, I begin to tell her how it really is, not allowing her to believe this fucked up notion she’s got going on in her beautiful head.

“You see, hot girl, that’s where you’re wrong. Beyond fucking wrong,” I deadpan as I strut forward to where she’s standing. “I didn’t get all I want,” I say, now standing infinitely close to her face. “Not by a long shot. You see, baby, I told you we were gonna talk about us,” I add before moving in closer, taking her hands in mine, kissing them both before pinning her up against her locker, arms now raised above her head. Her chest is heaving; her eyes are wild with uncertainty as she tries to speak.

“B-b-b-ut you, you…It’s been a week. I…I-I thought…Ryker…” She lowers her head in defeat. I take her wrist in one hand to free the other so I can reach her chin to tilt her head to mine. “Eyes on me, baby. I need you to see me, Kat. I need you to listen.” Reluctantly, her eyes meet mine and I see it; I see that I’ve hurt her. Kat may act tough, but she’s just as affected as I am. Shit, that’s the last thing I wanted. To hurt her.

“Don’t think that, Kat. It was a mistake not to chase you.” I nuzzle her neck, licking her jawline to her ear before enunciating, “I. Am. An. Idiot. I want you, Kat. I want you so fucking bad. But this bullshit, it’s your fault too, baby. You snuck out of my bed,” I scold, licking along her earlobe. “Left like we were nothing, and believe me, Kat, we’re fucking something,” I add while moving my hand along her stomach up to her chest.

“When I’m with you, around you, it all feels real. It feels good, like this—like you—just might be my forever, and I can’t help thinking it will always be this good. That we will always be this good. And ’cause of that, I can’t not see this through, Kat. Granted, I’m an asshole for not coming after you, but don’t you dare think for one minute that I don’t know it and haven’t regretted it all week. Kat, I’ve never felt like this before. I’ll make it up to you, my sweet girl; just give me the fucking chance.” God, I’m such a fucking pussy.

“Okay, Ryker, okay,” she starts softly, eyes trained on mine. “I admit you’ve been driving me crazy for the last few months. I don’t want to want this, but I can’t deny there is something pretty potent between us. But I asked you not to hurt me, and last week, in the end, you did. Maybe not on purpose, but you did, and I’m scared you’re going to change your mind, or realize I’m not what you want. That I’m just a game. God, this is a risk for me too, Ryker. You’re a man-whore and I’m the uptight girl who is always falling for the wrong guy. I mean, come on, Ryker, it’s not like you’re known for giving out too many second dates. What happens when you’re over this, over us? I guess I just didn’t think you’d want another with me either, or a first, for that matter.” She gives me a small giggle. Seeing her vulnerable and opening up to me like this sparks something in me so profound that I look her dead in the eyes and admit for the first time what I have known all along.

“Kat,” I admonish, “I’m scared, too. I’m freaked out by how intense my feelings are for you already. It’s fucking making me crazy. But all things aside, I haven’t been this fucking happy in a really long time. This fucking game we’ve had going has made me happy, excited again. And it hasn’t just been the chase, Kat, it’s you. It’s you who’s been making me feel things I haven’t in years. Listen, I’ve been hurt before, and I chose to be a dick about it. Something one chick did to me. But with you, I just know I want more. Kat, I want all of you. I want to know what makes your eyes light up with joy, what makes this pulse and beat,” I place my hand on her heart, “but most of all, I want to be there for you. I want your smiles, your giggles, and best of all, I want your kisses.” I nudge the tip of her nose with my lips.

Staring up at me, tears running down her face, a smile slowly starts to spread across her beautiful face, and I swear to God, it’s like rain in the middle of a drought. So fucking welcome and fucking needed. I release her hands and she immediately wraps them around my neck, peering her jade eyes toward mine. She brings her pouty lips to mine and seriously begins brushing her lips against them with what feels like butterfly wings flapping ever so gently against my lips. Then with a whimper, it’s like a crescendo of need takes over. Kat begins pulling at my hair where her hands are wrapped tightly around my neck, pulling me in closer and sealing our lips together.

It is so on.

Quickly, I lift her up off the ground. Instantly, she’s wrapping her legs around my waist, climbing me, out of desperation as well as for the need of closeness. Fuck me, does she feel good, all lush and unbelievably sexy, moulding herself against me. Holding on to her, I pretty much bang us into the locker while we’re all lips, licks, and tongues while mumbling our apologies, thank gods and I need yous. Rubbing her bare legs, I decide screw this. I need in this girl yester-fuckin-day. I walk us over to the ottoman, and I smile thinking back to the last time we were on it.

“Christ, Kat, your legs are fucking sexy. I love feeling you up on me like this. Jesus, what you do to me.” Sitting us down on the ottoman, her on my lap, I make quick work and remove her fucking hoodie from getting in my way. Needing to see, touch, and feel my girl.

“You see, Kat, you’ve been a bad girl,” I say, nipping at her nipples, coaxing them to come out to play. “You left me, Kat, and I didn’t like it. Not one fucking bit. I told you, sweet girl. You. Are. Mine,” I grate out in her ear, pushing our chests, fusing them together. Her breath hitches before she releases the most erotic sound I have ever heard. She reaches back and whips her bra off, taking my breath away with her boldness. Growling, I palm her sweet tits in my hand, but it isn’t enough. Using my hands, I take each of her breasts, moulding, moving, all while rubbing them I gently squeeze them close together before unleashing the onslaught of my greedy mouth, tongue, and stubble all the fuck over her glorious rack. Fuck me! I could cum all over her tits and die a very happy man. Kat is mewling, moaning; she’s pretty much losing her mind. She is fucking hot with want; I make quick work of my own shirt, tossing it behind me. Deciding I want her to ride me, I quickly lift her to unzip my pants. Kat, aware of my plan, helps to rid me of them completely. Sitting on the ottoman once again, Kat straddling my waist, I once again cup her face, as I tend to do. Looking deep into lust filled eyes, I vow, “I promise to make you happy, sweet girl. So fucking happy, every day. All I want is a fair shot. A chance to prove to you I am the man who deserves you. All of you.”

She nods. “Okay, Ryker. A fair shot, you and me.” She smiles, and I offer a tender kiss as she moves slowly rocking over me, teasing me with her heat.

“Now, I’m gonna need you to fuck me, baby.” Yeah, I’m smooth, I know. I lift her up by the ass and grab a condom from my jeans and put it on before resting her back down. “You’re fucking naughty, Kat, so naughty. I love it. Do you like it when I play with these gorgeous tits? You know what I want to see, Kat?” She swallows hard. I love seeing how my dirty words affect her. “I want you to ride me, baby. I want you to take my cock in your hands and slide it up into that greedy pussy of yours. Then I want to sit back and watch you work my cock up and down while those fucking tits of yours bounce in my face, smothering me, making me the happiest man alive.”

Fuck, I’m ready to come just from talking to her about it. The visual of her, alone, riding my cock, is enough. With a quick nod from my girl, I rip the panties right the fuck off of her, along with the remains of her pantyhose, before she has a chance to take ’em off herself.

“Ryker! Those were one of my favourite pair!” is the last coherent set of words that fall from her mouth as she sinks down and rides us off into bliss.

Chapter 49


e finally emerge from the staff room hand in hand, about forty-five minutes later with matching grins. During our post make-out bliss, Ryker and I decided we would try working together on the Friday shifts like Levi needs.

“Hey, Ryk, Kat! I’m happy to see you made it back out for work.” Humour laces his tone as his smile widens before delivering the rest of his comment. “I gotta say, from the sounds of it, I guess it’s safe to assume things went well in there. I just hope working together won’t be a problem, hey?” Immediately, I begin panicking. Oh my God. The realization that Levi may have heard me riding Ryker like a tried and true cowgirl in the staff room makes me super uncomfortable.

Averting my eyes, my face heated with embarrassment, I begin to try and respond. “Ah, Levi, I—” But Ryker is quick to interject, bringing our twined hands to his lips before responding.
Thank God
is all I can think, well, before I hear what the idiot says anyway.

“Yep, things went amazingly well. Kat and I were able to ride out our differences,” he says with a smirk and a wink my way.
What an asshole!
“But nope, no need to worry at all, Levi. Kat and I are all good, and we got this. Besides, there is no fuckin’ way I’m letting Luke get any shifts with Kat now that she’s officially mine. I know that asshole’s type. I’m gonna need you to give me back all my usual days.”

“Haha, okay, Ryker, you got it, man. I figured as much after the other night. It’s done.”

Wait. What? Did I just hear that right?

“What do you mean your regular shifts? You mean you chose not to work with me?”

“Oh, Kat, you have no idea. If we had been working together from the start, I would have been in serious trouble. I mean, look, with you dressed like that every shift, and me not able to touch you, I don’t think my cock would have ever recovered, and I’d most certainly be in jail from keeping all those motherfuckers away from you. I couldn’t do it, baby. You were killing me. There was no way I could work here when I’d be too busy beating the shit out of all the fuckers who looked your way. At least now, I have a reason…I gotta protect what’s mine.” He kisses my head like he didn’t just throw me off my axis with his revelation.

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