Music of the Heart (36 page)

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Authors: Katie Ashley

Tags: #opposites attract, #New Adult, #rockband romances, #rockers

BOOK: Music of the Heart
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After AJ and Rhys gave me a brotherly hug, Brayden said, “I guess we’ll head out for now and

come back to check on Abby in the morning.”

“Thanks guys.”

While I waited to go up to see Abby, I called my mom. She was devastated to hear what happened.

And because she was the most amazingly giving and caring woman, she told me to bring Abby back

home to the farm for her recovery. The thought of having the two women I loved most in the same

place made me very, very happy.

I had just hung up with my mom when a nurse came out to tell me that Abby was upstairs and I

could see her. The entire elevator ride up I waged war on myself for what had happened. I played a

thousand “what-if” scenarios in my mind of why I hadn’t ensured there were more security or insisted

that Frank walk Abby all the way to the bus. Most of all, I wondered how I ever let someone like

Bree weasel her way into my life and my bed.

When I got to Abby’s room, I hesitated outside of the door. I couldn’t help but be afraid of what I

might find once I got inside. Guilt continued crisscrossing its way through my chest. The sins of my

past had come barreling into my future and almost destroyed my perfect happiness. With a gutted

feeling, I pushed open the door.

The room flickered in shadows as only the dim light over Abby’s bed lit the room. Even in the

dark, I could see the extent of her injuries. Just the sight of the angry purple and green bruises along

with Abby’s swollen face made me feel like someone had kicked me in the balls. Bending over, I

braced my hands on my knees and tried stilling my out-of -control emotions by taking several deep


At Abby’s whimper, I jerked my head up. “Angel?” I questioned before striding over to her

bedside. I took her hand that was bandaged with IV’s in mine. “Angel, I’m here, and I love you.”

Her eyes stayed pinched closed, but her brows furrowed. “Just rest, baby. You’re safe now, and

I’m not leaving you.”

At her continued restlessness, I considered calling the nurse’s station and asking for more pain

medication. But then an idea flashed through my mind, so I acted on it. Drawing the chair close to the

bed, I eased down. I then began singing
again to Abby just like I had earlier. Almost instantly,

she calmed and began to rest more peacefully.

I continued singing different songs to her until my voice was hoarse, and my eyelids drooped in

exhaustion. Laying my head down on the side of the bed, I fell asleep with my head nestled against her


Rays of amber sunshine bursting through the window blinds stung my eyes and woke me from my

sleep. Raising my head, I looked at Abby. Some of the swelling had gone down in her face, but the

bruises were just as bad. I was about to go to the bathroom when she moaned. At the fluttering of her

eyelids, I leaned forward. “Angel?”

Her eyes flew wide open. She turned her head to look at me and winced in pain. “Jake…”

“Are you hurting? Let me get the nurse for you.”

“No, that’s okay. I just feel woozy and really sore.”

I nodded. “You’re in the hospital. Do you remember what happened?”

“Bree tried to kill me,” she replied hoarsely.


“But I’m okay?”

I filled her in on everything Dr. Mitchell had said. Then taking her hand in mine, I squeezed it tight

before bringing it to my lips and bestowing kisses across the back of her hand and fingers. “I’m so, so

sorry for what happened to you, Angel.”

“But it wasn’t your fault.”

“Yes, it is. If I hadn’t ever been involved with Bree, she would have never gone after you like

that.” Ashamed of the remorseful tears burning my eyes, I buried my face on the side of the bed. “I

ruin everything for you.”

“No you don’t.”

Raising my head, I stared sadly at her. “Yes, I do. I’ll never be good enough for you.”

“Stop it, Jake. I don’t want you beating yourself up over this.” She reached out to run her fingers

over my cheek. “You gave me the most romantic night of my life—you told a crowd of fifty thousand

people that I was the girl you loved most in the world and that my love had saved you. Nothing that

happened will ever take that moment away from me.”

I groaned. “You go and say shit like that and make me realize for the millionth time that you’re way

too good for me.”

Abby gave a slight shake of her head. “You stayed with me last night?”

“Of course.”

She tried to smile at me, but the stiches in her lip made it more of a grimace. “Just when I think I

couldn’t love you more than I already do, you go and prove me wrong.”

“Listen, Angel, you’re going to have a long recovery ahead of you—maybe six weeks. I want you

to come to my farm and let me take care of you.”

Abby’s eyes widened. “No, Jake, I can’t let you do that. You have too much going on with your


I shook my head. “This isn’t up for discussion, Angel. I’m not letting you out of my sight. I intended

on seeing you through your recovery every step of the way.”

“But what about your mom?”

I grinned. “It was her suggestion in the first place.” When Abby started to protest, I replied, “She

and I both want to do this very much, Angel. Besides, she knows all about my love for you. In fact,

she was the one who told me to keep fighting for you after I screwed up.”


“Yes, so there’s no point in arguing, okay?”

Happy acceptance entered Abby’s eyes. “Thank you. I would love to spend that time with you.”

“Good, I’m glad to hear it.” I rose up to tenderly kiss her forehead. It was one of the only places

that wasn’t bruised or cut. With a grin, I added, “Since we’re off tour for a while and recording the

album, you can let me know which songs are good or which ones suck.”

“I highly doubt any of them will suck.”

“That’s debatable.” I brought her hand to cup my cheek. “Maybe we can work on some more


“I’d like that a lot.” Her fingers brushed against the stubble on my skin. “I like anything that means

I get to be with you.”

“Right back at ya, Angel,” I replied with a smile.

Our beautiful moment came to a screeching halt when the door burst open, and Abby’s parents

rushed in. “Oh Abigail sweetheart!” her mother, Laura, cried as she practically elbowed me out of the

way to get to Abby. Tears streamed down her face as she hovered between wanting to hug Abby and

knowing better. Finally, she grabbed Abby’s hand.

“Mom, it’s worse than it looks. I’m going to be just fine.”

“We just spoke with the doctor, and it seems pretty bad to me,” her father, Andrew, replied. His

expression hardened as his gaze honed in on me. His dark eyes narrowed at the sight of my t-shirt

stained with Abby’s blood along with the tattoos peeking out from under my sleeves. Without even a

hello or an introduction, he demanded, “How could you let this happen?”

My hand automatically flew up in surrender. “Mr. Renard, I’m terribly sorry for what happened to

Abby. I never meant for her to get hurt because of me,” I replied as sincerely as I could.

Apparently my words had little effect on him. He abandoned Abby’s other side and rounded the

bed towards me. “It’s no secret that my wife and I are less than pleased about this infatuation that

Abigail seems to have with you. Your reputation as a womanizer and heavy drinker certainly makes

you the last young man on earth we would want our daughter being associated with.”

“Daddy!” Abby admonished. Raising her voice caused her to grimace from the exertion.

“Stop it! You’re upsetting her!” I shouted as I came to stand toe to toe with him.

“Don’t you tell me what to do! Abigail is
daughter, and I know what’s best for her,” Andrew

countered. He took a step forward to where we were practically nose to nose. “The moment she’s

released from the hospital I intend to take her back to Texas where she belongs. Hopefully, when

she’s far, far away from you, she’ll forget this silly infatuation and come to her senses.”

I opened my mouth to protest, but Abby beat me to the punch. “Daddy, stop being such an asshole

to Jake! And I’m not leaving with you!”

Andrew’s brows shot so far up in his hairline they practically disappeared. “Excuse me?”

Abby softened her expression. “I’m sorry, but you’re being disrespectful and rude to the very guy

who stayed all night in an uncomfortable chair while I was out cold to make sure I was safe and not

alone.” Abby sighed. “But most of all, you’re breaking my heart by being so cold and thoughtless to

the man I love.”

Both Andrew and Laura’s mouths gaped opened at Abby’s statement. “You two have been the best

parents, and all my life you taught me not to judge people and to give everyone, no matter the

circumstances, a chance. Now how is it that you’re completely trampling upon everything you

instilled in me?”

“Abigail, it’s just that—” Laura began.

“No, you’re stereotyping and judging Jake by rumor and what you think you see. But he’s so much

more than just a rocker. He has a tender heart and a giving soul. If you only knew the love and

affection he has for his mother, his bandmates and even the crew who works for him, you would see

that he is someone you should like and respect.”

Andrew ran a shaky hand through his hair while Laura stared wide-eyed at me. Just like Abby, she

nibbled her bottom lip when she was nervous and was waiting for the courage to say what she

needed. “Do you truly love Abby?” Laura asked.

“Yes, ma’am, I do. I love her with all my heart and soul. I intend on working my ass—” I cleared

my throat at my language choice, “Uh, I mean, butt off the rest of my life to prove that I’m worthy of

her and her love.”

“Oh that’s so sweet,” Laura gushed to which Andrew only grunted.

“Daddy, you know that I love you both, and I’m not going to do anything to hurt you or disappoint

you. Just like I told before to you about Jake, I am an adult, and I have to live my life. And right now I

chose to spend my recovery time with him.”

Her words sent a beaming smile to my lips. I was so fucking proud of her for being so strong. I

couldn’t have loved my girl more for standing up for me and herself.

“But Abby, we want to be with you while you’re healing. I can’t bear the thought of just

abandoning you.”

Tentatively, I reached out to touch Laura’s arm. “You won’t have to do that. You and Mr. Renard

are more than welcome to stay at my farm for as long as you like.”

Laura’s expression warmed at the thought. “Really? You wouldn’t mind?”

“Of course not. Abby needs her parents around her.” I gave a pointed look at Andrew.

After a few seconds of staring each other down, he finally sighed resignedly. “I do apologize for

any wrong doing on my part.” He held out his hand to me. “I believe we were never formally

introduced. I’m Andrew Renard.”

“Jake Slater,” I replied as I pumped his hand up and down.

Although I knew he hated it, a smile filled his face as he added, “It’s a pleasure meeting you.”


“You guys really make me happy,” Abby said.

“Anything for you, sweetheart,” Laura replied.

Abby winced. “Good. Because I
need some more pain medicine.”

Even though I wanted to, I held back and let Andrew punch the button for the nurse. I figured it was

just another set of baby steps along the way to building our relationship.


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