Music of the Heart (34 page)

Read Music of the Heart Online

Authors: Katie Ashley

Tags: #opposites attract, #New Adult, #rockband romances, #rockers

BOOK: Music of the Heart
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remained rooted to my spot. On trembling legs, I strode across the stage to where Jake stood

beckoning me. At my appearance, the crowd went wild, causing my ears to ring from the noise.

A wide grin curved on Jake’s lips as he took my hand in his. He brought it to his lips and gallantly

kissed my fingers, which caused the audience screamed in approval. “Atlanta, this is Abby, but to me

she’s Angel.”

In a weird, out-of-body experience, my gaze swiveled out to the crowd, and I gave a lame wave

with my free hand. “And while I could’ve written a song that would have captured everything you are

to me, I feel like this one pretty much says it all.” Glancing over his shoulder, Jake said, “All right

boys, let’s hit it.”

AJ started in with a drum beat before Brayden began a melting guitar intro. Almost instantly I

recognized the song and gasped. It was Aerosmith’s
, and it was all for me.

“I’m alone, and I don’t know if I can face the night…” Jake sang into the microphone on his

headset. I gazed into his eyes and saw the emotion reflected in them. Without a guitar or microphone

to hold, his hands were free to roam over me. As he sang, his eyes never left mine. Warmth spread

over my cheeks and throughout my entire body at the devotion he used singing the lyrics. At the

second verse, he spun me around and pulled my back against him, wrapping his arms around my

waist. Closing my eyes, I swayed to the love song while he crooned into my ear. Well, even with the

microphone, it felt like he was singing just to me when actually he held a crowd of fifty thousand in

rapt attention. I barely realized when Brayden harmonized with him.

In that moment in time, there was nothing in the world but Jake performing those amazing lyrics

just for me. When it got to the part where he repeated “Come and save me tonight”, he turned me

around. Pulling me flush against him, Jake cupped my cheek before bringing his lips to mine. I

could’ve cared less that we were in front of thousands and thousands of people. It felt like it was just

the two of us, and I couldn’t get enough of him. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pressed myself

against him and deepened the kiss. My tongue danced tantalizing around his as AJ chimed in with

Brayden to finish the lyrics for Jake. We didn’t break apart until the music ended, and the screams and

whistles interrupted our moment.

I stumbled away from Jake before turning my wild gaze to the crowd. Jake chuckled into the

microphone at my reaction. “So what do you think, Atlanta? Can you see now why this amazing girl

has stolen my heart?”

Wincing, I waited for a round of boos and hisses to come at me for being the bitch who stole Jake

from his adoring female harem. But surprisingly I heard nothing but cheers and more whistling. “And

you know something else? She has a kickass voice, and not only did we just record our first duet, but

we wrote the song together too. Would you like to hear it?”

Although the fans went wild, I couldn’t help grabbing his shirt and protesting, “No, Jake!”

He leaned over to whisper in my ear. “Don’t argue with me, Angel. Even though you don’t want to

believe it, you’re ready for this moment. All you have to do is tune everyone else out and just look

into my eyes. We’ll sing to each other just like always.”

A ripple of pleasure ran through me at his words. Pulling my shoulders back, I finally nodded in

agreement. It was a good thing because a technician appeared out of nowhere with an exact replica of

my guitar.

“But how—” I began as other technicians raced around placing stools on the stage and adjusting

the microphones.

With a wicked grin, Jake’s only reply was a wink. He handed off his headset and then turned back

to the crowd. We both eased down onto the stools and adjusted our guitars on our laps. I made sure to

smooth out my dress to ensure I wasn’t flashing half of Atlanta.

“All right, this is a very special song, and it’s called
I’ll Take You with Me

Jake began strumming the introduction, and then I joined in. Instead of singing to the audience, he

swiveled on his stool to where he could look at me as he sang. Once again, his performance was so

heartfelt and strained with emotion that I found tears stinging my eyes. We sang the chorus together,

and then it was time for my solo. I didn’t take my eyes off of Jake the entire time. A shadow of a smile

played on his lips as he strummed his guitar.

When we finished, I leaned over to kiss him. “I love you, Jake,” I murmured against his lips.

“I love you too, Angel.”

He rose off the stool before taking the microphone off the stand. “Thank you Atlanta! My

hometown crowd, you’ve been amazing as always. See ya next year!” Taking my hand, he then led me

off the stage. As soon as we were in the wings, he swept me into his arms. Sliding his hands under my

butt, he hoisted me up, and I wrapped my legs around him.

Our lips raged against each other until Brayden cleared his throat behind us. After I reluctantly

pulled away, I glanced over my shoulder at him. With a smile, he asked, “I guess this means you two

are good now?”

Kneading my butt cheeks with his hands, Jake gave me a wicked grin. “I’d say we were more than


I tugged the strands of hair at the nape of his neck hard. “Stop manhandling me in public, Mr.


“Angel, you’re going about getting me to stop the wrong way. Pulling my hair is a hell of a turn-on

for me,” he whispered in my ear. I shivered at both his words and the warmth of his breath.

“Hmm, so if I let you take me back to the bus and fool around a bit, will you bail on me again?”

A determined gleam burned in his eyes. “Never. You’re mine, and you’re not getting rid of me.”

I grinned. “Good, I’m glad to hear it.”

Frank, along with LL, came up to us. “We’ve got a pretty large crowd outside waiting for you guys.

Lots of stuff with them to sign.”

“Okay,” Jake replied. Reluctantly, he eased me back down onto my feet. He still kept an arm

around my waist as we started out the backdoor of the arena while the guys followed behind us. At

the sight of Jake, a ripple of screams and shouts erupted in the throng of mainly girls and women.

As the fans swarmed at Jake and the guys, I grinned at him. “I’m going on to the bus.”

He smiled and then kissed the crown of my head. “Frank,” he called.

Frank nodded and put a protective arm around my shoulder. “Come on, Angel.”

The fans barely acknowledged us as we weaved past them. They only cared about seeing Runaway

Train—but most importantly it’s lead singer.

Unable to keep the goofy expression off my face, I glanced up at Frank. “Did you see what Jake


He chuckled. “Oh yes. I saw and heard.” He winked at me. “And I couldn’t be happier that he’s

finally wised up and fallen in love with an amazing girl.”

I giggled deliriously like I could only imagine someone with a few shots of liquor in them would,

except I was stone cold sober. Well, extremely high off life at the moment. Twirling out of Frank’s

embrace, I walked backwards for a few moments to face him. “I cannot believe he took me out there

and sang to me in front of all those people—that I’m really
angel.” I swallowed the lump in my

throat. “And that he loves me.”

“I gotta admit that even for a gruff old fart like me, it was downright touching and so damn


The piercing squeals of girls screaming interrupted us, causing both of us to glance over Frank’s

shoulder. The boys seemed cornered by all the fans, and Jake’s wide-eyes swept over to us. Frank

pulled his phone out of his pocket and called for more of the security detail.

“I can make it from here. Go on and help Jake out.”

“Okay, Angel.”

I twirled the hem of my dress back and forth while I felt like I was walking on air. I’m sure if

anyone saw me they would swear I was tripping on some elicit substance. I had to bite on my lip to

keep from grinning. Jake really and truly loved me. It was an amazing feeling.

Just as I turned the corner to the bus, someone grabbed my hair, yanking me back. I cried out just

before my head was smashed against the side of the bus so hard that I saw stars before my eyes.

Considering some of the rough areas I’d lived in, my parents had made sure I was enrolled in every

self-defense class imaginable from the time I could walk. Of course, nothing quite prepares you for

being taken off guard and having your thoughts jumbled by the pain of your head cracking against


Fingers twisted further into my hair while my head kept being smashed against the side of the bus.

Regaining my footing, I whirled around to launch two harsh punches at my assailant’s face, causing

them to stumble back momentarily. In the dimly lit parking lot, I squinted my eyes. “Bree?” I

questioned dumbly.

Her harsh voice echoed through my disoriented state. “You fucking bitch! It wasn’t enough he

called out your name when he was inside me, but no, he has to go and sing to you?” She shook her

head wildly. “If you think I’m going to give up on Jake so easily, you’ve got another thing coming!!”

I tried blocking her next hit, but she grabbed both of my shoulders and then smacked my head

again, causing me to cry out. “What have you done to him? Jake never, ever would have gone for a

girl like you. Now you got him singing songs to you and professing his love. He’s supposed to love


“Yeah well, I’m sorry, but he doesn’t. It’s me he loves,” I protested.

Bree released my hair, but before I could get my bearings, she punched me in the mouth, sending

blood spattering across the both of us. When I deflected her next two hits, she then kicked me hard in

the stomach. I doubled over in pain as she kicked my back. Collapsing to the ground, I tried to disable

her next kick, but it just ended up nailing me in the ribs.

“JAKE!” I screamed with what strength I had left.

“Yeah, let’s see how much Jake wants you when I’m finished with you,” Bree taunted over me.

A metallic rush filled my mouth, and I sputtered out a stream of blood. “Jake!” I whimpered again.

Just as everything started to go dark around me, I heard Jake’s voice, “ANGEL!” And then pitch

blackness enveloped me.


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