Ms Patriot: Wicked Witch Switch (Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril) (Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril Series Book 20) (8 page)

BOOK: Ms Patriot: Wicked Witch Switch (Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril) (Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril Series Book 20)
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            She watched as her once-upon-a-time nemesis joined her sidekick. The magical bundle of tendrils sprouted new tendrils, that quickly bound Ms Patriot to Patriot Girl, while thrusting up the Champion of Justice's pussy and butt. In less than a minute, both women were writhing and gasping as climax after climax consumed them.

            "Life just keeps getting better and better," Esmeralda whispered, one hand dropping to masturbate her aching, throbbing pussy and clit as she watched that sexy crime-fighting duo getting it good.

Chapter 9

Jade Manor, six months later…

            Ms Patriot took a deep breath and held it. She closed her eyes and steeled herself for what was about to come. Esmeralda was throwing her usual Saturday night orgy. Of course, the whole world saw it as Jennifer Jade throwing another wild orgy, which in one way aggravated the proud beauty even more than the knowledge of what all those oversexed pimps, pushers, and thugs were about to do with her body.

            "I hate Saturday nights," Patriot Girl murmured beside her as the sexy blonde applied a fresh coat of lip gloss. The perky teen had just finished sucking off the witch's chef. "My pussy and ass hole are already throbbing and aching."

            They were both dressed in their super heroine costumes. It was all Esmeralda allowed them to wear. The witch didn't want them, or anyone else, to forget who and what they were. And to drive home the point that she
them, body and soul.

            Ms Patriot tugged up on her bustier top. She then tugged up on her tits, trying to "fluff" them up until the top half of her engorged, dark-pink nipples were exposed. Her mistress wanted her slaves' tits to look as big as possible. She hated herself for doing it, but Esmeralda's enchantment on her tiara left her no choice but to obey. Then she pulled up on her skimpy thong-like short-shorts, so that her camel toe was maximized.

            "Oh, Goddess, there's the music," Patriot Girl said, closing her eyes and hugging herself for a long second. "The party has started."

            "Let our humiliation and abuse begin," Ms Patriot said, throat tightening up. She picked up her silver tray, filled with flutes of champagne. She rubbed her lips together, and then headed for the Great Room. "Let's go. The sooner I am impaled on a big cock, and my mind shuts down, the better."

            "Yeah," her sexy sidekick whispered.

            Their sharp stiletto boots clacked loudly in the short corridor from the kitchen to the Great Room. As they neared the party, Ms Patriot felt her body changing. Getting ready for all of those bold hands, the pawing of her body, the use of every orifice of her body. Saturday night was always the longest of the week. Before it ended, both she and Patriot Girl would be passed out cold. Fucked senseless and beyond.

            Leading Patriot Girl out into the Great Room, the raven-maned beauty stopped to strike a sassy pose. Patriot Girl mirrored her pose to her left. Every eye in the room turned to them, drinking in their gorgeousness. Everyone knew just how helpless and vulnerable the two enslaved super heroines were, and they were more than eager to exploit that weakness.

            Wonderful ripples flowed through Ms Patriot, especially intense between her knees and navel. She went right, and her sidekick went left, both proceeding through the room. They moved with as much sensuous grace as possible, while offering champagne to all of the guests. One of the party's many pimps was the first to lay hands on her, when he slapped her butt as she passed by.

            Everyone took a flute, even if they didn’t want it. The rule was that she and Patriot Girl were off-limits until their trays were empty. Then anyone could have them, anyway they wanted, right there in front of everyone. No private sex sessions. Everything had to be humiliatingly public.

            Ms Patriot made sure the last flute was for her mistress. She fell to her knees before Esmeralda, who was sitting on a throne she'd brought in. It was a throne of human skulls and bones. The witch sat upon it in her black and red witch costume, legs crossed and gloved fingers tapping impatiently on the arms of the throne. Her hair was twisted in a thick braid, and she watched her enslaved minion with wickedly satisfied eyes.

            "Thank you, my precious super slut," Esmeralda said. She plucked the last flute off the silver tray and took a little sip. The witch didn't drink much, since intoxication nulled out her ability to use magic. "Ladies and gentlemen, my friends, the super sluts are available for your pleasure. Please, don't be nice."

            "Let's start this party out real damned nasty!" JJ Rod called, and grabbed a fistful of hair at the back of Ms Patriot's head. He dragged her to the center of the Great Room and forced her to remain on her knees. Then he pulled out his ginormous black cock and slapped her across the face a few times. "Gather around. Let's show Ms Patriot how much we care about her, how much we respect her as a superior woman. Nothing conveys our feelings like making it rain cum all over her shapely body."

            "Ooh, bukkake," Esmeralda said, grinning wickedly. "Let it rain cum, boys!"

            The sexy super heroine's baby blues were big and round as she watched a dozen thugs, pushers, and pimps circle her, and pull out their cocks. She squirmed and bit her lip as they whacked off, stroking their own meat, aiming those potent cocks at her.

            Looking past them, she watched Patriot Girl drop to all fours at their mistress's feet, and start licking boot as another pimp, Thor Stormhardt, came up behind her and impaled the blonde sidekick on his cock. Right up her ass.

            "Are you ready for this, Ms Patriot?" JJ Rod gasped out. He was frantically stroking his dick, looking eager. She smiled weakly up at him, letting him take aim at her face from just inches away. "Here it… ugh… comes!"

            The curvaceous vigilante gasped, despite knowing it was coming, when a thick rope of viscous white cum shot out of his dick. His aim was perfect, hitting her right between the eyes. Her eyes closed as more spurts splattered across her face. Seconds later she felt cum hitting the back of her head, and then splashing across her lower back and butt. More cum hit her heaving tits as she bit her lip and groaned miserably.

            "Sweet Justice, what more must I endure?" she cried out. Every one of the men around her were shooting their wads all over her. Cum was dribbling off her nose, hanging in thick ropes from her chin. Their cum dripped off her tits and onto her thighs. "This is so nasty."

            "Rub it in," Esmeralda commanded. "Spread their nasty cum all over your tits, all over your face."

            Ms Patriot resisted the compulsion to obey. Her hesitation was just a second, since the magic in the tiara pulsed through her, and her hands moved without conscious thought from her. Red-gloved hands rose up to her masked face, rubbing the copious amounts of cooling cum all over. She licked her lips, groaning as the taste registered. She so hated how much she loved the taste.

            Face burning, her hands slipped down her cum-dribbled throat, and down to her cum-slathered boobs. She squeezed and stroked, caressed and pinched her tits as she smeared their cum all over her titanic tits. Soon her face, tits, and belly shimmered with cum. And another group of men gathered around her, cocks in hand, whacking away.

            "Oh Goddess," she groaned as more hot, viscous cum hit her. Coated her. Soiled her hair and body.

            "As always, my lovely slave, this is all being recorded for release on the Internet," Esmeralda said. "Yours and Patriot Girl's nasty little porn videos are making me a fucking fortune. And the nastier the videos are, the better they sell."

            "I should've never escaped from that African brothel," Ms Patriot groaned out.

            King Pimp, the city's premier pimp, stepped up and leered at her. Ms Patriot gazed back into his fierce eyes. That man had always fired up her libido, and all the more so when she felt helpless and vulnerable. He had captured her a number of times, and always worked her ass over good, sexually speaking. Over the years of her super heroine career, she'd spent half of her time in white slavery as one of his hookers (not counting her current enslavement by the witch). That pimp was the man who had truly trained her in exquisite detail how to please a man.

            Ms Patriot squeezed her firm, fat tits together as she looked up breathlessly into his dark, smug eyes. He unzipped and pulled out the biggest, fattest cock of them all.

            "Suck it, Patriot," he sneered. "Suck it like the sleazy whore you are, and have always been."

            Those were the exact words he had spoken so many years earlier, when as a young super heroine she'd found herself his captive in a dark alley. He'd still been a young pimp back then, still working on the street with just a dozen girls. It had been her first defeat, and it played out behind her eyes as she wrapped her hand around the base of his foot-long cock.

            That was the night she had lost her beloved virginity.

            She was the one who had made him "King" pimp. He'd forced her to whore herself for three weeks, but in that time he'd leveraged her to get mob money loans to buy the abandoned hotel that would become the city's largest and most glamorous and most famous brothel — The Palace.

            King Pimp loved to rub that fact in her face and tell everyone who would listen, as well.

            At the moment, though, he was more interested in rubbing his cock and balls in her face. The vanquished super heroine nuzzled his big, hairy nutsack, licked it, and then kissed her way up his amazingly long shaft.

            "I taught you so well," he said, his deep base an octave lower than normal and filled with lust. "And you always perform to perfection."

            His taunting words energized her, sending electric ripples across her skin, deep into her core. She squirmed on her knees, finding it harder and harder to breathe as she gave his cock lots of love. Ms Patriot hated how much she loved licking and sucking on cock, and especially
big black dick.

Why does he still make me feel so damned weak and helpless?
she thought.
After all these years you'd think I could get over him.

            Ms Patriot rolled her tongue around the head of his cock, as memories of that first time filled her mind. Left her breathless and quivering. The shame and humiliation was so intense. Since then, her defeats had usually been more embarrassing than humiliating. True humiliation only came when someone like Esmeralda was able to effortlessly keep her subjugated for a length of time.

            "I'm the best, right?" she said. It was to excite him. To please him. The fact she did it was humiliating, and showed her just how deeply Esmeralda had beaten her down, had tamed her spirit. "No one sucks cock better than Ms Patriot."

            "Actually, Silver Angel was significantly better at it," he said.

            Anger and jealousy flashed. Despite the magic holding her so well, the insulted super heroine bit down on his cock head. King Pimp cried out, and backhanded her brutally. So hard she was thrown to her back, head spinning and blackness creeping in around the edges. So damned hard that her tiara flew off and went clattering across the room.

            "Get that tiara back on her!" Esmeralda cried. "Quickly! Hold her down."

            Though dazed, Ms Patriot still realized that the magic wasn't holding any more. She sensed more than saw men moving towards her. Rolling away from King Pimp, she came to her shaky feet. Men all around froze, looks of surprise on their faces. No one thought they'd have to deal with her free of magical bonds. Their eyes dropped to her power belt, and the heroine smiled with wicked glee.

            "Yes! I am free! My belt gives me all my power back," she cried.

            That was as bold a lie as she'd ever told. Her power belt was fueled by pent-up sexual frustration. Esmeralda kept her well-fucked, and completely sexually satisfied. Her belt was currently just a flashy fashion accessory, though it still provided healing and missile protection.

            "We'll see about that," Esmeralda cried, rising to her feet. Her hands began glowing blood red as her hellfire eyes flashed and she muttered a spell under her breath.

            Ms Patriot glanced at Patriot Girl, still languishing in magical slavery, and then at the witch and finally at the evil men creeping in closer and closer. She had to make a snap decision. Fight or flight?

            The Champion of Justice chose flight.

            With a wild battle cry on her lips, she charged JJ Rod. At the last second, she ducked and dodged right, slipping between him and Ricardo Hernandez, a drug smuggler. As the guests all cried out warnings, and turned to pursue, Ms Patriot raced up the entry stairs and headed for the master bedroom. She had a good lead on them when she reached her former closet and opened the secret door. Once it closed, she locked it from the inside. There were other ways in, but she doubted Esmeralda had told them where they were. Ms Patriot had a little extra time to escape.

            Grabbing another tiara from her dressing room, she jumped into the high-speed elevator and descended. Once in the Patriot Cave, she hopped into the last of her former possessions down there — the Patriot Mobile. Esmeralda had kept it as a battle trophy. Complete with full tank and key still in the ignition. Her mistake.

            "I'll be back, Patriot Girl. Fear not."

            As the elevator was called back up to the mansion above, Ms Patriot roared out of the Patriot Cave and to freedom.

Chapter 10

One week later, deep in Sugar Town…

            Ms Patriot was in a dark alley. There was a secret bolt hole she maintained nearby, with two cots and a bathroom, and enough room to park and hide her car. There was a kitchenette, but the mini-fridge was empty after a week. As were the cupboards. That bitch Esmeralda had cut her off from all of her money.

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