Ms Patriot: Wicked Witch Switch (Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril) (Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril Series Book 20) (11 page)

BOOK: Ms Patriot: Wicked Witch Switch (Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril) (Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril Series Book 20)
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            "My turn," he said.

            "But you get to fuck her daily. Probably many times a day," Esmeralda said. "I've barely had two minutes with her."

            "I don't want her," he said, reaching around to cup her titanic tits and give them a firm two-handed squeeze. "I want you."

            He rolled her off of Ms Patriot, and was quickly moving up between the witch's wide-spread legs. Ms Patriot's eyes widened to see how fast and easily her doppelganger had spread her legs. Esmeralda might not realize how much sex was taking over her life. A Valkyrie body was a dangerous thing to play with, especially when it came to sex games. For a woman with the Valkyrie gene, sex was more addictive than crack. So even if she and King Pimp failed to take the witch down that night, Esmeralda was on a path to destruction.

            Rolling off the bed, Ms Patriot glanced longingly at the strap-on. She tugged at the handcuffs binding her wrists, and bit her lip.

            "Um. Master. Your slave girl really, really needs to go potty," she said in a little girl's voice. Both King Pimp and Esmeralda turned to look at her. The witch looked amused. "I can't do it with the handcuffs. So…?"

            The witch used the pimp's momentary distraction to roll him over onto his back. She quickly straddled his waist, and grinned at Ms Patriot. Then she spoke a short spell, which released the handcuffs to fall at Ms Patriot's feet.

            "There. Take care of business quickly, and come back here and join us," Esmeralda said.

            Ms Patriot paused only long enough to watch the witch rise up on her knees, reach back and guide King Pimp's ginormous cock to her shiny wet pussy, and impale herself upon it.

            "Oh yes. Fuck me, pimp. Fuck the shit out of me," Esmeralda groaned out, hands deep in her own hair as her head lolled around. "Fuck me! Fuck me hard!"

            While the witch was distracted by her own pleasure, Ms Patriot snatched up the enchanted dildo and hurried into the master bathroom. Actually, she really did need to piss. So she quickly relieved herself, and then began strapping on the strap-on dildo. Once it was on, she admired herself in the mirror. When she wrapped her hand around the hot pink dildo, the most amazing sensations raced up her arm. It was so intense that she cried out and yanked her hand away. Even so, her arm pulsed with orgasmic pleasure for a long minute afterwards.

Sweet Justice! I can only imagine what that would do to a woman if thrust into her pussy or ass
, she thought, insides all fluttery hot at the thought.
Esmeralda won't know what hit her.
She glanced down at the glowing dildo, and grinned wolfishly.
Actually, she cast the spell, so she will know better than anyone exactly what is hitting her.

            Returning to the master bed, Ms Patriot found Esmeralda riding King Pimp with wild abandon. His giant black cock was shiny wet as it slid in and out, while she still bounced joyfully upon it. The bed was squeaking and bouncing, and the heroine heard the squishing sound that had filled her world since she'd submitted to King Pimp. That had been the soundtrack of her life for the past three weeks.

            Crawling up onto the bed behind Esmeralda, Ms Patriot pushed her face down between King Pimp's legs and below the witch's bouncing butt. Ms Patriot kissed her pimp's huge nutsack, and then licked it. Finally, she ran her tongue up his shaft to the witch's pussy, and then licked up the witch's butt crack. Esmeralda gasped and trembled.

            "Oh yes, Ms Patriot. You know what I like. Tongue that ass. Stick it in," she purred. "Ream out my ass."

            Esmeralda loved to degrade super heroines by forcing them to give them a good tongue-in-ass hole rim job. Ms Patriot obeyed, licking, nibbling, and tonguing her doppelganger's ass with enthusiasm. She loosened Esmeralda's hole up nicely, feeling the witch's shapely body getting tense as it grew closer to orgasm. And then, when she judged the witch's mind was spinning out of control, that oversexed body at the very brink of ultimate pleasure, Ms Patriot rose up and thrust that enchanted strap-on up her enemy's ass.

            "Aaaiiiiieee!" Esmeralda cried, back bowing dramatically as her head rolled back to rest on Ms Patriot's shoulder. "What have you…. aaaaagggghhhhhh!"

            "I turned you into a witch on an enchanted stick," Ms Patriot sneered. She could see them all in the mirror above the dresser. It was a beautiful sight, seeing herself in the dominant position for once. "Payback is a bitch, witch."

            "Good job, Ms Patriot," King Pimp said. He quickly slipped out from under Esmeralda and hurried to his discarded clothes. He pulled a diamond choker out of a pocket and handed it to Ms Patriot. "Put this on her. It has a spell that will make her totally obedient."

            "A slave spell?"

            "Yes. Cast by her," he said. "I was supposed to use it on a socialite, but I think Ms Jennifer Jade, aka Esmeralda, would look
in it."

            Ms Patriot thrust the dildo all the way up Esmeralda's butt, holding the witch within its powerful magic. Then she wrapped the sparkling choker around the captured beauty's neck. As she fastened it, Ms Patriot watched King Pimp's reflection in the mirror. What was he up to opening a chest of drawers across the room? And then he turned around with another golden tiara in hand. She instantly knew that it was the enchanted tiara that Esmeralda had previously held her in thrall with. He was making his move.

            She only had seconds to react. Even though Esmeralda was trapped within two spells at the moment, the witch was still dangerous to her. As soon as she pulled the dildo out, the witch would be able to use her magic again. King Pimp could then force the witch to use her magic to capture and subjugate Ms Patriot.

            "Esmeralda," Ms Patriot said with a commanding voice. She pulled out of the witch's body. "Destroy your ability to use magic! Do it now!"

            "Yes, mistress," the witch said, voice breathless and soft.

            The witch closed her eyes and started chanting.

            Ms Patriot saw King Pimp's eyes go wide in surprise. That was not what he'd wanted. He had wicked plans for using Esmeralda's magic. So the sexy super heroine rolled out of the bed and attacked him. She would not let the pimp stop the witch.

            "Backstabbing bastard!" Ms Patriot cried, sending a vicious roundhouse at his face.

            King Pimp ducked and punched her in the side. The pain was exquisite. Her belt didn't help her absorb the pain at all. It was all she could do to remain standing after that punch.

            The air filled with static electricity.  Esmeralda's voice began to rise, chanting in a long dead ancient language.  The witch's eyes glowed with hellfire, and a red halo shown around her.  The bed sheets started smoking, bright sparks popped all around the witch.  Her back bowed, eyes grew big and round, a look of despair spreading across her lovely face.

            "Stop!" King Pimp commanded.

            "Don't stop!" Ms Patriot cried.  "Finish it!"

            The room filled with a foul sulfur stench, heat rising rapidly.  The air began to swirl around the chanting witch.  Esmeralda rose up on her knees, fists clenched and raised to the heavens and shouted the final words to her spell.


            Ms Patriot and King Pimp were blasted back against the wall.  Glass shattered.

            "Aaagggghhh," Esmeralda cried, writhing on the bed. "I'm ruined! Demons of the Abyss! She's taken away my magic!"

            "Ha! Take that!" Ms Patriot cried, feeling empowered now. "She'll not be your magic stick to beat the city into submission with, King Pimp."

            "You will be sorry for that, Ms Patriot."

            "Not as sorry as you'll be once I kick your big black butt," she said. "I'll teach you a painful lesson for trying to betray me tonight."

            "Ha! Even with your full super heroine powers you were barely able to defeat me," he said. "And even then you only won our fights two out of three times on average. Now that you are depowered, you don't stand a chance against me."

            "Aww, that's so sweet," she said, giving him her best innocent, little girl sexy smile. "You deserve a big, wet — ass kicking!"

            She lunged at him, dropped low, and swept her leg around super fast. She might not have had any super powers at present, but even depowered she was twice as fast and strong as a normal woman. He cried out as his feet were kicked out from under him. Ms Patriot spun as she rose up and kicked her foot up and around, and then slammed it savagely down.

            King Pimp rolled away a second before her foot would've slammed brutally into his belly. She ducked under his backhand, and thrust-kicked him in the chest. The huge pimp stumbled back into the door, and she followed with blood in her eyes. She was going to end this once and for all time.

            He looked dazed, leaning back against the door. Ms Patriot didn't think he was dazed and helpless enough, so she thrust-kicked at his face. King Pimp ducked, and her foot went right through the door. He laughed, and rabbit-punched her in the twat before she could free her foot.


            His fist connected with her chin, and she fell straight back. Rolling to her feet, she shook the cobwebs away as she watched him warily.

            "Esmeralda, I command you to capture Ms Patriot," King Pimp said.

            "Huh?" Ms Patriot said, head whipping around toward the witch. Esmeralda had a dazed look, but with his command, intelligence seemed to be seeping back into her face. The witch's baby blues narrowed dangerously, and she smiled with malicious delight.

            "My pleasure," Esmeralda growled.

            "No! I command you… oh!" Ms Patriot started to say, but King Pimp charged her.

            The super heroine dodged left, barely escaping a punch that would've put her down for the count. Spinning around, she kicked him in the back, using his momentum to force him headfirst into the wall. Ms Patriot smiled when he slumped to the floor, groaning and cussing.

            "Even depowered I am more than a match for a sleazy pimp," Ms Patriot sneered, stepping up behind him. One more kick, and he'd be out cold. "Your reign as king of the pimps is about to…. Hey! Let go, you miscreant bitch!"

            "I got her, master," Esmeralda said, arms wrapped around Ms Patriot. She had the super heroine's arms pinned at her sides, and then the witch leaned back and lifted Ms Patriot off the floor. "Now what, master?"

            "Hold her tight," he said, staggering to his feet.

            Ms Patriot's insides went cold when he turned fierce, angry eyes on her. His huge hands balled up into fists, and he strode towards her.

            "No!" she cried, and kicked straight up. Her foot connected with his chin. But he didn't fall back. King Pimp shook his head, glared at her, and pounded a fist into her belly. And then another into her pussy. "Uuugggh. Bastard."

            "Put her down," he commanded. The second Ms Patriot's booted feet touched the floor, King Pimp grabbed her head with both hands… and head-butted her.

            Ms Patriot fell to her knees, blackness seeping around the edge of her vision. Head spinning. Arms and legs weak and rubbery. A soft moan escaped her full red lips.

            "Now to make you mine. Permanently," King Pimp  said, pulling her tiara off.

No! Please, Goddess, don't let him subjugate me with the enchanted tiara!

            With a titanic effort, the legendary Champion of Justice managed to get to one knee. She fought to clear her head as she struggled to rise up. She had to fight him. She had to win.

            "Hold her," King Pimp said. Esmeralda dropped to her knees behind Ms Patriot, and pulled the super heroine's arms back and held on tightly.

            "Let go of me," Ms Patriot cried. And the witch let go. "Ha! The choker's magic makes her obey

            "Head butt her."

            "No!" she cried, half turning around. Esmeralda grinned, and smashed her forehead into the super heroine's left temple. "Uugh."

            The witch held the heroine up on her knees; otherwise Ms Patriot would've crumbled into a heap. She didn't know up from down, left from right. But she did know that King Pimp was going to put that enchanted tiara back on her head, and then she'd be his sex slave for the rest of her life. So she tried to escape, but the witch held on tightly.

            "Damn, it looks like twins fighting naked," he said. He stepped up close, his erect cock in her face. "It gives me an idea for a porn movie I can make with you two as the stars."

            "Master," Ms Patriot said, gazing into his fierce brown eyes. The enchanted tiara was in his right hand, so close to her head. "If you put the tiara on me, I'll become a docile sex slave. Wouldn't it be better to keep me as I am, and keep my passion and spirit alive? Isn't it so much sweeter to force me with a free will to obey and whore myself off than to strip away my very essence?"

            "True," he said. Her spirit soared. She would escape enchantment after all. "Suck my dick, Ms Patriot."

            "Yes, Master," she said, and opened wide. He thrust deep into her mouth, forcing her jaw open way too wide. "Mmmmm."

            Ms Patriot worked it the best she could, desperately giving the notorious pimp the best head and blowjob he'd ever gotten. She moaned and groaned and hummed. He'd taught her everything she knew about oral sex, so she had him ready to blow within seconds.

            "Damn, you're good," he cried out, filling her mouth with hot, viscous cum.

            "Mmm," she groaned, eyes closing as she swallowed and swallowed as spurt after spurt kept her mouth full.

            "In fact, you are so good I have no choice but crown you Queen of Sex Slaves," he said, and pushed the tiara down upon her head. Crowning her. Magically enslaving her. "Ms Patriot, you are

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