Ms Patriot: Wicked Witch Switch (Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril) (Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril Series Book 20)

BOOK: Ms Patriot: Wicked Witch Switch (Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril) (Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril Series Book 20)
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(Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril)


Don Ship

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Rogue House Press

Copyright 2014 by Don Ship

Cover by


This is a work of fiction. The names, characters, and locations within either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, or locales is entirely coincidental.

All characters in this story are 18 years old or older.

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Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Other titles by Don Ship

About the Author

* * * * *

Ms Patriot: Wicked Witch Switch

(Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril)

            Jennifer Jade drove down the busy city street. Her white Mercedes Benz sports coupe took the ill-kept street's many bumps and potholes with smooth finesse. Still, she made a mental note to call the mayor the next day, and politely suggest his people get to work on that street. The beautiful, raven-maned billionaire was confident that would be all it took to get the job done quickly. Though most of the city's elite were quick to grease the palms of politicians, Jennifer knew she frightened them enough she didn't have to resort to "political donations" to get things done.

            If he didn't fix that street, and quickly, she would raise such hell he'd wished he had. And the mayor knew it, too.

            A flash of red arcane light caught her eye. It came from an alley up ahead. There was only one "good" witch in Grimme City, but no one had seen Giselle for several weeks. Unfortunately, there were far too many wicked witches and sorceresses.

            "Ms Patriot needs to check that out," she whispered, baby blues flashing.

            Turning into a different alley, she drove in just far enough to be hidden from the street. The alley was unlit and engulfed in night shadows. Jennifer got out of the car, double-checked to ensure there were no witnesses within the alley, and then centered herself as she envisioned her secret alter-ego.

            "I am Ms Patriot!"

            The spell was activated amid a flash of white arcane light. At the same time, she felt her body change. The spell left the raven-haired billionaire clad in her super heroine costume: red-and-white striped bustier, star-spangled blue short-shorts, red thigh boots, and red opera gloves. Her face was hidden behind a blue mask, with a golden tiara resting above it. A wide golden belt encircled her narrow waist, serving as a talisman that enabled her to tap the Otherworld for super powers.

            "Mmmm," she moaned, eyes closing for a second as the magic flowed through her, feeling so sweet and a little erotic. "Time to find out what kind of mischief is going down."

            Ms Patriot squatted low, and leapt straight up with all of her super-powered might. She flew up to the roof of the three-storied office building, and took off running across that gravel-covered roof. Her tall stilettos crunched and fought for purchase, but her super-strong ankles kept her on balance and running, with barely a second thought.

            There was a woman and two men below, barely discernible in the darkness. One of the men was kneeling. The woman, though small of stature, was clearly in command. And then the woman's eyes flashed with hellfire, very bright and distinctive. Only one witch in the city ever did that with her eyes. In many ways, it was her calling card.

            "Esmeralda," Ms Patriot muttered, looking down on the scene below. The redheaded witch was relatively new in Grimme City, so she was still an unknown power. Most of her crimes flew under the radar, but she was always plotting and trying to pull off something big. Unfortunately, she'd proven too wily to capture so far. "You won't escape justice again."

            Esmeralda was an older woman, very short and scrawny. Most of the city's witches were young and beautiful, but Esmeralda looked like a stereotypical witch with her large hawkish nose, fierce squinty eyes, and pointed chin. Her red hair was short and thin, and never looked like she even tried to do anything to improve it.

            The witch was standing over a kneeling city councilman, who was begging for mercy and shaking violently. Donald Riker was mid-thirties, rich, and had recently married the previous year's Miss Grimme City. Ms Patriot noticed another man standing at attention beside him, also in a suit and tie, but ones that were much too large for his slight build.

            That was when she noticed Esmeralda was holding Giselle's enchanted staff, using it to perform the spell that so frightened the councilman. The super heroine dropped to one knee, listening intently. Before she rescued Mr. Riker, she needed to ensure he wasn't serving the witch in some manner. Knowing what Esmeralda was planning would help, too. Ms Patriot needed a reason to arrest her, or the city's judicial system would just release the witch back into the wild.

            "You failed me, Riker," Esmeralda snarled.

            Her high-pitched voice was like fingernails across a blackboard. It was so bad, Ms Patriot wondered if it was enhanced with magic.

            "Not my fault! It was Jennifer Jade," he cried. "She blocked my initiative. Ms Jade got her supporters all riled up and had them marching on city hall."

            "I don't want excuses," the witch said, lifting the glowing staff. "I only care about results."

            "I understand. I'll get results," he said. "I promise!"

            "Well, Councilman Riker will get results, but not you personally," she said. Esmeralda glanced at the other man. "Jerry Aikman will take your place."

            "Both on city council, and in your hot young wife's bed," Jerry said.

            "What?" Councilman Riker said, looking back and forth between the witch and her henchman. "I don't understand. What does my Sarah have to do with this?"

            "The spell I'm about to cast will change Jerry into an exact replica of you, down to the DNA," Esmeralda said. "You will vanish, and he will take your place. In every way and aspect of your life."

            "And I will serve you well, mistress," Jerry said, looking so smug.

            Ms Patriot scowled. She'd never cared for Councilman Riker. His business dealings were always suspect, as well. But Sarah was an innocent, and a casual friend of her alter-ego, Jennifer Jade. That scummy little rat-faced henchman could never hook up with a beauty like Sarah, who had standards despite marrying Donald Riker.

            What concerned the shapely super heroine more, however, was the staff. Giselle was powerless without that staff. She had to channel her magic through it. It did not bode well for Giselle if Esmeralda carried it now. That enchanted staff might be enough to make the wicked witch a major player in Grimme City.

            Esmeralda lifted the staff, her head rolling back as she began chanting in a sing-song voice. Ms Patriot surged to her red-booted feet. She couldn't allow the witch to switch the men. Councilman Riker was too powerful, had too many friends in all the wrong places in Grimme City's political system.

            "Not on my watch," the costumed vigilante said, and leaped off the building.

            Ms Patriot dropped down out of the darkness. She smiled, knowing her sudden and very unexpected arrival would likely make Esmeralda's spell backfire. Giselle once revealed that nothing hurt more than a backfired spell. If the spell was powerful enough, it could even kill the witch. Hell, it could go off like a bomb.

            "Cease and desist!" Ms Patriot cried just before hitting the ground. Her powerful legs absorbed the impact of that three-story drop like it was nothing. "This Ms Patriot demands!"

            "Aaiiee!" Esmeralda cried, even as she pointed the staff at Councilman Riker's heart.

            A powerful glowing blue bolt shot out, but instead of striking the kneeling man, it hit Ms Patriot and engulfed her in arcane fire for a brief second. And then it shot straight back into Esmeralda's chest.

            "Uggh!" Ms Patriot cried, feeling all strength being sucked out of her. Her knees buckled and she dropped into a heap. "Oooooh."

            She heard Esmeralda cry out, too. Jerry cursed, and Councilman Riker gasped.

            "Ms Patriot!" Jerry cried. "Run!"

            "Oh my god!" Riker said, and took off running too.

            Ms Patriot lifted her upper body off the cold pavement, propped up by her arms. The two men were running in different directions. She tried to call out to the councilman, but she didn't have the air in her lungs to do it. Sucking in deep breaths, she looked around the dark alley. Esmeralda was about a dozen feet from her last position, slowly crawling away.

            Ms Patriot mustered all of her strength to say, "Halt. You're under…
… under arrest."

            Esmeralda kept right on crawling, and Ms Patriot's arms gave out. She lay on the cold ground, staring up at the stars. Whatever that spell had been, it had sucked her dry of energy. It was slowly returning, but the witch would be long gone before she had the strength to do anything meaningful.

            "Sweet Justice, I can't believe she escaped again," she said. "It won't happen again. I swear it."

Chapter 2

            “Nice,” Esmeralda said, extremely pleased as she looked her naked body over in a full-length mirror. “I’ve never been so pretty. I’ll have to thank Ms Patriot properly.”

            Her interrupted spell had turned her into a perfect replica of Ms Patriot, minus the costume and mask. She was a stripped-down version of the Champion of Justice. It occurred to the wicked witch that she now knew exactly what Ms Patriot looked like under the mask. In a word — Gorgeous.

            Esmeralda captured Giselle a few weeks back, taking possession of the sorceress's powerful staff, and used it to carve out a place among the city's underworld's top players. With more power at her disposal, she could be more ambitious. The staff gave the wicked witch the means to control the city, until that super busybody Ms Patriot had ruined everything. Her untimely arrival had caused a backfire in the witch's powerful spell. The staff took the brunt of the backfire, destroying it, but not before the spell had “remade” Esmeralda in Ms Patriot’s image.

            “The face is vaguely familiar, though I can’t recall where I saw it,” she muttered, and shrugged. “No worry. I’ll figure it out in time, and then I can go collect my super-titted nemesis when she least expects it. And when she’s without her power belt.”

            Speaking of tits. Esmeralda cupped her shiny new boobs, squeezed and caressed them. Her new baby blue eyes widened. It felt good. Really, really, really good to fondle herself. Her old body had never responded to touch that fast or easily. Her remade body responded too easily to stimulation. The pleasure she felt was incredible. She understood intellectually that descendants of the legendary Valkyrie were extremely sensitive to touch and stimulation, but now she understood it at a much baser level. The wicked witch scowled, not liking the idea of not having absolute control over her own body.

            “Ugh. How disgusting. I made too good of a replica of Ms Patriot,” she muttered, eyes narrowing as she looked her curvaceous body over again. “I never considered the downside of having a super heroine’s body. I guess I now have the benefits and the curse of a Valkyrie body.”

            Her right hand dropped between her legs, rubbing her new pussy lips. Within seconds she was growing wet, and a never-before-felt sensation starting spreading out from her pussy. A hot, tingly feeling. She kind of liked it. A few seconds later her chest began to tighten, her tits tingled, and her nipples grew hard and erect. Esmeralda found herself, for the very first time in her long life, aroused, horny as hell.

            “Great Satan! I’m hornier than a super heroine with a vibrator in her twat,” she groaned, eyes hooded and panting lightly. “No wonder Ms Patriot succumbs to sex so fast. Oh. This is…Oooh. I don’t understand. What is that feeling?”

            The evil witch, turned beautiful Valkyrie babe, felt her body changing. Esmeralda's fingers penetrated her slippery wet nether lips, making her rise up on her toes, and then she instinctively moved straight to her new clit. It was engorged and so incredibly sensitive. One stroke, and her back bowed, full red lips parted, and she groaned out loud and wantonly.

            “Too… much,” she moaned, dropping to her knees. She so wanted to stop, but didn’t have the strength of will to stop herself. She knew it was going to happen. Her first-ever orgasm. "Great Satan, it is… too… GOOD…. Aaaaaagghhh!”

            Her first climax completely drained the unsuspecting witch. It was glorious, and yet she understood why super heroines feared them so much. The climax left her spent and as weak as a newborn kitten. She could only imagine what multiple climaxes would do to her. She knew what it did to super heroines. Now it was scary.

            “I’ll… oh… I’ll have to be careful,” she whispered, struggling to all fours. Belly still quivering, head spinning, she just panted for several minutes. At least she recovered fast, though. After five minutes, she had regained full control of her faculties. “That’s dangerously discombobulating, but feels too damned good to give up.” She grinned with wicked delight. “I should go find a man, and work on building up my endurance. To help me… um… fight off those terrible feelings. Yes. I really should do that. And with this gorgeous face and body, it shouldn’t be too hard to find a legion of eager lovers.”

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