Mistress (9 page)

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Authors: Meisha Camm

BOOK: Mistress
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Chapter 20
I was on my way to the Goodies candy store to buy a pound of clear mints and two pounds of chocolate turtles. I chopped the turtles up and mixed it with vanilla ice cream. I deserved a taste of victory for passing all of my exams.
This summer, I was volunteering at the Kings Hospital. Sooner or later, I figured I would have to get acquainted with screaming patients, workers running everywhere, and the distinct smell of Lysol in the air.
“Care to try a sample of our new specialty, chocolate with marshmallow on a stick?” Ms. Craken asked. Still going strong after thirty-five years in business, Ms. Craken always made me feel like one of the chosen golden ticket-holders in the movie
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
“No, thank you. How are you feeling today?”
“Honey, I’m fine. It’s just these ankles bother me on rainy days.”
“I would like to try a sample,” a man said.
“Jarrad! So nice to see you. Here you go. How’s the family doing?” Ms. Craken handed him a small napkin filled with the goodies.
As Jarrad was making chit-chat with Ms. Craken, I stared him down. With pearly white teeth and manicured hands, clean-cut Jarrad had the face of an angel. He was dressed in a gray Armani suit and black Ferragamo shoes, and smelled of Versace Blue Jeans cologne.
Hmm, his shoe game may be just as tight as mine. I like a man who knows how to take care of himself.
He took his jacket off (It was quite humid), and I couldn’t help noticing his bulging muscles through the light blue shirt.
“Excuse me, where are my manners? Alex, this is Jarrad, another one of my customers who’s been coming to my store since he was in diapers.”
“I have to correct you. I was in training pants.” He laughed.
“Hi, I’m Alex. It’s nice to meet you.” I extended my arm for a handshake.
“Ms. Craken, go ahead and take his order. This is Ma on my cell phone, and I’m sure she’s going to want something as well.” I walked to the back of the store. “Hey, Ma.”
“Hi, baby. Listen, can you pick me up—”
“A half-pound of Godiva truffles and a can of cashews for your father. How did you know I was coming to Goodies today?”
“It’s Thursday. Not even rain, sleet, or snow can keep you from getting your weekly fix of sugar.”
“I’ll drop it off later tonight,” I said, laughing.
“Bye, bye, baby.”
Also, I picked up a pound of Charms lollipops with Ma’s order, my usual, and proceeded to the counter.
Ms. Craken placed my items in a brown paper bag. “Your total is fifteen dollars and seven cents.”
“Here you go.” I handed her the money. “Take care. I’ll see you next week.”
“Bye, honey. Tell your parents I said hello.”
I needed a car wash. Summer was approaching.
I can’t have my car looking like the dust almighty machine,
I thought.
Hmm, Jason will do it for me for a cheap price.
“Excuse me, can I get a lollipop, please? I prefer a brown one with your skin tone and smile. Your phone number will make it taste even sweeter.” Jarrad closed the door for me.
“I’ll tell you what, I can’t give you my brown lollipop, but what I can give is the colors of the rainbow. Why don’t you first try the bright pink one? It’s the sweetest one of all.” I handed him a handful. I walked to my car with my shades back down on my eyes, trying hard to hide the smirk on my face.
Once Jarrad was nowhere in sight, I laughed so hard that I almost missed the stop sign on Virginia Beach Boulevard.
Chapter 21
The Norfolk International Airport was packed. I was afraid of heights and so didn’t enjoy flying. Plus, my ears hurt every time the plane took off. Not to mention, finding my flight and making sure my luggage was on the right plane was too confusing for me.
Maria applied Oh Baby MAC lipgloss on her lips. “Girl, I can’t believe you told him that.”
“You should have seen him. He was speechless with his mouth wide open,” I explained, spreading lotion on my hands.
“What time does her flight come in?”
Maria and I hadn’t seen Charlotte since Christmas.
“It should be landing now.” I glanced down at the piece of scrap paper.
Charlotte’s flight was delayed, which came to no surprise to us. After two hours, a cup of a chocolate almond latte, and six self-help magazines, I was becoming impatient.
I finally spotted Charlotte, a thousand and one bags in her hand.
How does she expect us to carry all this mess to the car? I’ll have to find one of the workers to help me.
“Hey, girls.” Charlotte dropped her bags on the floor and took her hat off. “It’s good to be home.”
“It’s good to have you home,” I replied as we embraced each other for a hug.
“What’s on the agenda for today?” she asked, pinning her hair up in a ponytail. Charlotte always kept her hair shoulder-length.
“First, let’s get your luggage home. I still don’t understand how you can travel with all this stuff.”
“Neither can I. I didn’t realize how much junk I have.”
“You mean priceless junk.” I laughed.
“Turn the air conditioner on high. It’s boiling out here,” Maria said to no one in particular, fanning herself with a magazine.
I asked the worker, “Is that everything?”
“Yes, ma’am. Have a nice afternoon.”
Maria handed him a five-dollar bill. “Thanks for your help.”
Charlotte rubbed her hands together after getting in the car. “So, ladies, what’s been going on? Tell me all the dirt.”
“Neither one of us could do the long-distance thing. I’m too young to be tied down to one person, especially if I can’t monitor his ass. Peter got ‘jungle fever,’ and I got a taste for even darker chocolate.” Maria licked her lips.
“What’s his name?”
“Alex, what about you? Who’s been warming your sheets?”
“No one, except my teddy bear, Roger. Thomas doesn’t give me the time of day. He may be seeing someone else, but I can’t prove it. Instead of worrying myself sick over it, I’ve been concentrating on school. I can’t tell you enough what a relief it is to have a break from looking, touching, and examining dead bodies. The smell alone is still lingering in my nostrils.”
“I met a guy named Bobby. He wants to be an architect working for WASAR,” Charlotte explained.
I looked at Charlotte in my rearview mirror. “Isn’t that the company that designs airplanes?”
“Sure is. It’s also the company that will be paying for my new house in a couple of years.”
“Hmm . . . you’re thinking about marriage already?”
“Of course, I am. We’re not getting any younger. Next year, we’ll be graduating from college, thank God. Bobby is a real man, and that’s what I need. Besides, I want to have kids early, so I can get my body back in shape as quickly as possible.”
“You’ve got it all mapped out, huh?”
Charlotte took a bite out of a graham cracker. “Life is all about planning. Everyone should have a five-year plan.”
“Enough about men. I figure we could go to the old skating rink down on Military Highway.”
Maria changed the radio station. “Pass me a graham cracker please. Yeah, you’re right. It’s been forever since we’ve been around the skating rink.”
Chapter 22
Is it me, or did the chili dog with cheese make everyone’s stomach turn over?” Maria asked, holding hers.
“Let me remind you that you’re the only one that ate it.”
“I think I’ve got painful heartburn and gas, mixed with a bad case of nausea. My stomach is killing me. I’ve got to go to the bathroom. Move aside, my butthole and mouth are going to erupt.”
Charlotte turned the corner to get out of Dodge. “Take it easy.”
“Maria, slow down. You’re going to slam right into—” My words came seconds too late. She slammed into Charlotte, causing her to trip and sprain her ankle. Well, at least, that’s the way it looked.
Maria couldn’t hold it in and vomited all over the skating rink. Other patrons came rushing over to help me because I couldn’t carry them both to the car.
Charlotte’s ankle was turning black and blue by the minute as she screeched wails of pain.
“Take me to the hospital,” Charlotte pleaded, holding her ankle.
“I’m going to get there as fast as I can. Are you able to put your seat belt on?” I asked Charlotte.
Charlotte wiped the dripping sweat off her face. “I don’t give a crap about a seat belt.”
“Please, hurry, I can feel it coming up again. I need air. Put the window down.”
I handed Maria a brown paper bag to throw up in.
“Maria, no, please don’t, not in my car,” I said, backing out of the parking space.
“Sorry, I dropped the bag. At least, I didn’t hurl in the back seat. It will come right off your mats. Ah . . . I feel much better,” Maria said, taking a breath of fresh air.
“Look, I’ll slowly get over the fact that my car smells like rotten eggs. In the meantime, I want you to see a doctor to check you out to rule out food poisoning.”
“The right side of my stomach hurts to even touch it.”
“How are you doing, Charlotte?” I asked, rubbing her shoulders.
“I need drugs. Please give me drugs. Eight hundred milligram will be just fine for me.”
A man came from out of nowhere and helped bring in Charlotte, while I helped Maria through the door. I was surprised to see it was none other than lollipop man himself.
“Thanks for helping me with my friends,” I said, giving him a handshake.
“No problem.” Jarrad smiled and rubbed the back of his head.
I noticed his hand wrapped up in gauze. “So what are you in here for?”
“I almost sliced my right thumb off trying to cut down an old tree in my mother’s backyard.”
“Are you still in pain?”
“No, but my heart is a little damaged because you refused.”
“I didn’t refuse, I declined.”
“Yes, you declined to enjoy an evening of fun with me. I have to admit you hit me with a good comeback line.” Jarrad laughed.
“I always think on my feet. Since you helped me with my friends, I’ll return the favor and spend an evening with you. Let me say this is just a get-together, not a date. I don’t like you.”
“I hear you loud and clear, captain. Here’s my number, and may I pick you up at eight on Friday night?” He jotted his number down on a piece of his discharge paper.
“Yes, here’s my number, and one more thing . . .”
“What’s that?”
“Don’t be late.”
The emergency room took both of them in right away. I was surprised because the ER made you wait and wait in the waiting room. Once you finally got in to a patient room, you still had to wait for the man or woman of the hour to diagnose you.
It turned out Maria had a nasty case of appendicitis, and her surgery was going to be in another hour. Charlotte’s ankle was sprained and she did get her wish of pain medication. I called their mothers, and mine to calm me down. I was scared for Maria. She (nor I for that matter) had never been under the knife.
Before dozing off to sleep, I called Thomas from Maria’s cell phone, just to see if he would pick up.
He did on the first ring. “Yeah?”
Hmm, why can’t he pick up the phone when I call?
“Hey, Musala.”
“Hi, baby. I didn’t recognize the number. How are you doing?”
“I’m doing fine. Yeah, I accidentally dropped my cell phone in the toilet. I think I may have to get another one soon,” I lied. “I’m just about ready for bed and I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” I was trying to give this relationship one last attempt before breaking it up. “Besides, I won’t have to think about you for too long because I’m coming down next week to see you.”
“Umm . . . next week on second thought isn’t good for me. I’m up to my ears in thick books that I have to study. I refuse to get behind. How are your grades?”
“I have A’s and B’s, but let me tell you, Thomas, I had to work hard for them. College certainly isn’t the same as high school academic-wise.”
“You’re right about that. Well, baby, the boys are here. We’re going to play a few games with the cards and watch SportsChannel. I’ll call you tomorrow.”
“Bye, Thomas. I’ll be looking forward to your call.” I was disappointed he got off the phone with me. In fact, he had never suggested that I don’t come see him . . . until now.
Chapter 23
The pouring rain had finally stopped beating against my bedroom window. I looked out, frustrated about what I was going to wear.
This is not that serious.
I didn’t even like Jarrad, but I sure could’ve used male company.
I marched over to my closet and picked the first thing I saw.
The merry-go-round is over.
Finally, after an hour of considerable thinking, I made a pit stop.
Ah, here’s a black silk Bebe shirt that hangs slightly off my shoulders with a pair of Baby Phat jeans.
We were going to the carnival by Mount Trashmore, so I slid my feet in low-heel sandals. My hair extending three inches from my shoulders, I decided to part it on the side to reveal the silver hoops dangling from my ears.
The doorbell rang as I was spraying Dream on my neck, arm, behind my ears, and clothes.
“Maria, can you get the door?” I yelled, searching for my keys. Then it hit me. She’d left about an hour ago. I was so busy trying to find an outfit that I didn’t even realize that she’d stepped out.
The doorbell rang again. “Hey,” I said, opening the door.
“Good evening. Are you ready for your night of adventure?” Jarrad kissed my hand.
“I didn’t know the Ferris wheel, or seeing the infamous snake lady or sword-eating man was an adventure.”
“Don’t forget the ride that spins you around at one hundred miles per hour and the hanging swings.” Jarrad laughed.
“Let’s get it started,” I said as the phone rang.
“I’m a big fan of Bebe.”
“How so? The company doesn’t carry a men’s line.”
“I like to see a woman in their line. Therefore, it’s my line of clothing.”
“Let me get this, and I’ll be ready to go.” I grabbed the cordless phone from off the counter.
“Hi, baby. Whatcha doin’?” Thomas asked, while slurping down a drink.
“I’m surprised you’re calling,” I whispered casually, easing my way into the kitchen. Jarrad wasn’t going to be all up in my mouth.
“Yeah, I figured you would say that. Listen, I’m sorry for the way I’ve been acting lately. School is taking up most of my time, especially free time to do anything. I can’t even go to the bathroom without thinking about the difference between mitosis and meiosis.”
“I’m in the same boat as you. Thomas, you still could have called. I’ve got to run. Maria and I going out for drinks.”
“Well, have a good time. Before you go, let me holla at Maria. I haven’t heard from her in a while.”
“Gosh, she just left to start the car.”
“All right, then. I’ll be home in another three weeks to visit. Don’t worry, I’m going to make up for my inconsideration. Do you accept my sincere apology?”
“You know I do. I can’t wait to see you,” I said, lying through my teeth. “Bye.” Little did he know, there may be a new sheriff in town.
Jarrad was taking a look at the pictures hanging in the living room.
“I’m ready now.”
He eyed a picture Ma and I took the day Jason was born. “You look just like your mother.”
“I get that comment a lot.” Before he looked at another picture, I put my arm around his and motioned him to the door.
* * *
“How was your date?” Maria asked, pouring soy milk into a bowl of Corn Pops.
Even though she was a health food fanatic, I have to admit, some of the foods she put in the refrigerator and pantry did taste good.
“Girl, I had so much fun. Jarrad had me cracking up the whole time. Most of all, after seven tries at the basketball stand, he won me a huge white tiger with black stripes.” I pointed to it in the living room.
“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. I was getting worried about you, Alex. Your smile was starting to fade away.”
“It’s back in full effect now.”
“Do you like him?”
“Yeah, I do. I’m seeing him again on Tuesday for a nice quiet dinner. I can’t wait.”
“He was the first thought in your mind, wasn’t he? Don’t lie.”
“Him, what I’m going to make for breakfast, and what I’m going to wear too.” I grinned.
“Yeah, right.” Maria turned on the television.
“What did you do last night?” I asked, taking a bowl from the cabinet.
“Hasaan and I went to hear three poets speak at Exscape.”
“Isn’t that the same club that used to be known under another name? Exscape is wild and out there. When did the image change?”
“About two weeks ago. There was a shooting on the news. The owner closed the club under the old name, Fire, and reopened under a new name. It’s as simple as that.”
“I must be in the wrong line of business.”
“Me too. I get tired of working for damn near pennies at Daxby’s and smelling like fish when I get home.”
“Your dream will come true about opening up Sacor’s, with the finest seafood cuisine on the East Coast.”
“Thanks for the encouragement. I need a favor from you.”
“What do you need?”
“Well, you know I’m no good with money. I’ve been spending like a crazy woman and overdrew my account considerably. Can I have an extension on the bills till the end of the month?”
“All right. Answer me this one question—Have you been letting Hasaan dig into your pockets?”
“Well, a little. You know he doesn’t want to work for anybody. He has goals and aspirations,” Maria said, avoiding eye contact with me.
“That’s bullshit. We all do, but you have to work in the meantime before the gravy train comes in. I don’t want him using you. If you need a charity case, go on down to the Norfolk orphanage and stop supporting a grown-ass man. He’s jealous and broke too. Hasaan better realize you’re the cream of the crop and any man would be lucky to have you.”
“Save the speech. I’m giving him two months to get his shit together. He can blow in another’s girl ear about his million-dollar plan,” she said, giggling.
“That’s my girl.” I gave her a high-five.

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