Mistress (5 page)

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Authors: Meisha Camm

BOOK: Mistress
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Chapter 11
The party was at the Rayom Lodge, five dollars for girls and ten dollars for guys to get up in the place.
We didn’t have to pay a dime because Maria charmed the security guard. (The last party we went to she tried to pay with flirting, but the security guard didn’t think it was enough.) We both could tell he was attracted to her, the way his eyes were glued to her body. The security guard had a taste for her pussy and breast, with a side order of nipple, for ten minutes in the back seat of his car. “I bet you taste good.” He rubbed his hands together and licked his lips.
The cash was whipped out of our purses so fast to pay the admission fee. I was traumatized, because I had never experienced a man coming on to a woman like that. Guys my age beat around the bush. “Pussy man” said what he wanted and wasted no time stating his offer.
I looked around and saw my classmates, and other people who attended other high schools in the area. The place was wall-to-wall with folks. People bring heat, which meant my hair was going to end up paying for it.
Oh, well, I’m here to enjoy myself. Who am I fooling? I’m really here to see Thomas. Damn, he looks so good.
I spotted him across the room talking to a couple of guys on his football team. He was brown-skinned, had a baby face to match his smile, and firm muscles everywhere.
“Hey, guys,” a voice called.
“Hi, Charlotte. When did you get here?” I gave her a hug.
“I got here about thirty minutes ago,” she replied, jamming to the music.
I could see out of the corner of my eye Tonya and Carissa walking over to us. Now, I don’t mean to talk about anyone, but I have to, because it’s my duty. I called them the “get-on” girls. They tried to get on Pop for free food at the Chicken Shack, when we were not even friends. Not to mention, Tonya did get on my ex-boyfriend Bobby and kissed him with her nasty tongue. It should be guest signed, for as many boys and men that tangled with it.
Each one was fully aware of my feelings toward them. These two rats used people to get what they wanted. Pop schooled me on how individuals can use your kindness for weakness.
Last year, Tonya, Carrisa, Charlotte, and I were on the hospitality committee. We dedicated the whole month of March for doing community service in Virginia Beach. We were scheduled to volunteer at a professional basketball convention at the Pavilion. All the proceeds were going to help underprivileged children. It was Charlotte and I who were serving the guests because Tonya and Carissa were too busy in the players’ faces to help.
Neither ever had intentions of helping us. I should have known when Tonya asked me about joining the committee. “Is there any perks?”
She was in it for her own selfish cause. I told her, “Sometimes we have the opportunity to meet a lot of people, especially guys.” At the time, I didn’t realize she took the information to heart. Charlotte’s cousin, Freddie, was one of the basketball players there. He and his friend had quite the fun with those two young bucks.
While Charlotte and I were awarded with plaques for our volunteer services, Tonya and Carissa received a lecture about their behavior from our teacher, Ms. Prast. Those two thought they were the shit since they were on the step team and the cheerleading squad. It is good to be in extracurricular activities, but it won’t get you a job in the real world. Free cheers weren’t the only things they were giving out—Excuse me, their pussy was for sale to the highest bidder. Carissa did have some potential to become a decent woman, but I knew for sure Tonya was going to be a groupie or a ho.
“Hello.” Carissa waved her hand at all of us.
“Hi,” Charlotte and Maria said in chorus.
I didn’t toot my lips up to say a word. I figure, why be fake.
“Well, I can see there are no good catches in here tonight, except Thomas.”
Tonya rolled her eyes in disappointment. She said it to piss me off knowing full damn well Thomas liked me. I didn’t even let it bother me. Pop always told me to never wear your emotions on your shoulder, but I had to hand it to Maria and Charlotte. Despite Tonya and Carissa’s shortcomings, they were still cordial to them. Not me. I held grudges. I didn’t forgive or forget. If you did something to fuck me over, you’d be on my shit list for life.
“All right, people, we’re going to slow it down some for all of the couples in the place tonight. Guys, grab your ladies and hold her tight on the dance floor,” the DJ blared out.
“Would you care for a drink?” a man asked, a cup of Sprite mixed with orange juice in his hand.
“You shouldn’t have,” Tonya cooed, almost snatching the cup from his hand.
“This isn’t for you,” he replied, irritated. A few drops had spilled on his shirt.
“You were coming in my direction,” she said, her hands on her hips.
“I was coming in Alex’s direction. You were blocking my path.”
“Ooh, ooh.” Carissa put her hand over her mouth.
“Yes, I would like a drink, thank you.” I grinned and slowly removed the cup of out his hand.
Maria whispered in my left ear. “Don’t blow this one. He really likes you. Remember, just go with the flow.”
What? Do I look like a free spirit, or is it written on my face? I can’t stand when people say, “Just go with the flow.”
“How did you know I prefer Sprite with orange juice?”
“I made a mental note when I saw you drinking it several times in the cafeteria,” Thomas replied.
“You’ve been watching me?”
“I can’t help it. You’re a beautiful sight to see.”
“Thank you.” I bit my lip to keep from smiling again.
“May I have this dance?” Thomas gave me a gentle kiss on my hand.
“Yes, you may,” I said, sliding my fingers through his strong hand.
I hope the DJ puts on a good song.
My prayers were answered. “If Only For One Night” by Luther Vandross came on.
I could see other couples grinding to the music. Thomas kept his hands in the right places. It was good for his own health to be a complete gentleman because I knew karate. Thomas embraced my hand as we slowdanced to the music. I did notice the evil eye coming from my fellow female classmates, but I didn’t give a crap. Thomas had his arms wrapped around me.
I could have given them the evil eye back, but I wasn’t going to stoop down to their level. I hated girls like them. When Monday morning comes, they’ll be all up in my face talking about how good Thomas and I looked together.
Thomas stared at me.
I hope I don’t have something on my face.
“Why are you looking at me? Do you see something you like?” I asked.
“I see a lot of things.” He placed a firmer grip on my hands.
My hands were sweating. Butterflies were swarming in my stomach, mouth, and throat. “Could you be more specific?”
“I see—”
“Your dreams,” I said, cutting him off.
“Yeah, my dreams all wrapped into one gorgeous young lady.”
“Thank you.”
“To be more precise, I see your hands, neck, face, and lips.” He softly kissed me on the cheek.
I could feel his penis bulging out and my vagina getting wet.
“One more slow jam, y’all,” the DJ yelled out through the speakers.
“Rapture” by Anita Baker came on. Ma and Pop to this day still dance to that song, one of the old-school classics.
After ten minutes of bliss, everyone who was keeping the wall company returned to the dance floor to dance to the beat of “Rump Shaker

by Wreckx-N-Effect.
Thomas kissed my hand. “Thanks for the dance.”
“Well, in that case, would you care to go out with me to get a slice of pizza or to the movies?”
“Yes. Let me give you my number. Do you have a pen?”
“That won’t be necessary. I already have your number.”
“Hmm, I see you work fast.”
Later on that night, I couldn’t sleep. I was too busy thinking about Thomas. I kept picturing his body naked in the middle of my room. I analyzed how we danced, the way he made me feel, the way I hoped to make him feel, what he said to me tonight, what I said to him, and what I could have said better. I called it a night after watching a movie on the Women’s Network.
When I drifted off to sleep, I had the wildest dream. I was dreaming about Thomas.
He had on a pair of maroon-colored silk boxer shorts and nothing else. I had on a skintight black dress and was lying on my king-sized bed. I knew Thomas could see my hard nipples through the dress. He was crawling toward me like a black panther. He gently pulled my legs to the edge of the bed.
I stood up and raised my arm so he could take off my dress. My nipples got even harder, once they felt the cold air. He and I were both standing naked in front of each other.
Thomas pulled my face toward his and kissed me with a sweet peck. “Are you ready for this?” he asked, rubbing my right shoulder.
“No, just lay next to me. Give me some time, and I will be ready for you.”
Six months later . . .
This Sunday, I wasn’t feeling too hot. I came down with a cold. Ma and Pop had gone to church and left me with a bottle of cold medicine and bowl of chicken noodle soup.
The doorbell rang.
I opened it and Thomas appeared. “Hey, baby,” I greeted with a hug.
“I brought you some of Mom’s world-famous tomato soup guaranteed to get rid of your cold,” he reassured me, walking through the front door.
“Thank you.”
Thomas hugged me again and held on tight. “Don’t worry, I’m going to be all right.”
“I know, it’s not that,” he replied with a whimpering voice. Thomas looked as if his whole world was going to coming to an end.
“Baby, what’s wrong? You’re really scaring me. Please talk to me.”
“Mom and Dad told me last night that we’re moving to California. The shipyard business is booming out there. Dad accepted a job and received a huge raise.”
“Can you live with your brother?” I asked, hoping his answer would be a yes.
“No, he’s transferring to Atlanta. We have lots of family around there.”
“How soon are you leaving?”
“Next Saturday. Dad has to start work soon. Mom is eager to get the brand-new house in order.”
We cried in each other’s arms. I loved Thomas so much, and he loved me too. I led him to my bedroom, and we made love for hours.
Those last six days were the worst for me. We promised to call and write one another. I gave him one last hug and kiss as I dropped him and his family off at the Norfolk airport. When I gave Thomas’s mother a hug good-bye, she whispered in my ear, “You’re the one meant for my son”.
As I was walking to my car, I made a promise to Thomas that I would try my best to make it work. Besides, I had the blessings of his mother, which was a way to a man’s heart.
Two years later . . .
Thomas and I had drifted apart. A long-distance relationship couldn’t stand the test of time for us. The pain of a broken heart was unbearable. I would rather be punched in the face because the pain doesn’t last so long. We parted ways. He got accepted to UCLA, and I got accepted to Norfolk State University.
Fifteen years later . . .
My marriage of ten years was ending. Brandon and I decided to split the sale of the house in Colonial Point right down the middle. He couldn’t have children. Well, he couldn’t
children. His sperm was null and void. It was hard on him, a potential doting father. After spending fifty thousand dollars in fertility treatments and procedures, the doctors just simply diagnosed him as being unable to produce children. There was only an eleven percent chance he could get me pregnant.
Having a baby consumed him. It’d been at least three years since I truly enjoyed having sex with him. It was more of a task force mission within the walls of my bedroom. I didn’t love Brandon any more. I stopped being in love with him years earlier.
He resented me for asking him to think about adoption or a sperm donor. The thought of another man’s working sperm in me made him cringe. Brandon wanted me to have his children coming
from his sperm. I can’t tell you how many doctors we went through. They simply explained to him and me over and over again that he couldn’t make babies. He was in denial about it. I was in denial about our marriage.
As a last resort, I suggested his twin brother as a sperm donor. At least, our future child would have a better chance of looking like Brandon. Instead of him considering the thought, Brandon threw a chair across the kitchen. Still, I don’t know if it was meant for me or the refrigerator. He couldn’t believe I would suggest something so horrible.
This was the last straw. Brandon didn’t realize I was just trying to make him happy. I filed for divorce and split up half our assets, except the furniture. I didn’t want it any more. I had lived in Chesapeake for years, so I decided to move back to Virginia Beach in a new condominium area called The Maypines. It has three bedrooms, two-and-a-half baths, and a fireplace, and it’s all mine.
For the past five months, I’d been going out with my girlfriends to the club looking for men to pass the time with. Now, I was tired of that. I couldn’t get Thomas out of my mind. All of his contact numbers were disconnected, and I had no way of finding him.
He’s gone forever,
I thought.
I was in the mood for Imperial Palace, a quiet Chinese spot down the street from me.
After coming out of the restaurant with my order, I looked to my left, and stopped dead in my tracks. It was none other than Thomas.
“Thomas,” I called out anxious.

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