Mistress (11 page)

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Authors: Meisha Camm

BOOK: Mistress
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Chapter 29
“Hi, baby,” I said, giving him a kiss.
“Hey, what are you smiling about?”
“Girl talk. You don’t know nothing about that. Where are we going?”
“You’ll see when we get there. I apologize for missing your graduation party. I did see you walk and get your degree. Then I ran off to work. I’m glad we have time to spend with each other. This week has been stressful. The network is down my throat about ratings.” Jarrad shook his head.
“The network can’t say too much since you’re in the top five shows on Thursday nights. Baby, you’re doing a great job.”
“Tell it to Waldenburg. The guy is going to have a heart attack before the age of fifty if he doesn’t stop stressing himself and me. Damn! I love what I do, but nothing is worth my health.”
* * *
We pulled into the Rivermont Estates. These luxurious homes were built last year.
I saw an article in the paper about them. Oh, I get it now. He must have rented one of these bad boys for the weekend as a present to me.
“I love it,” I said, walking into the foyer of the home. “You haven’t seen the rest of the house.” He pulled my hand and walked into the kitchen.
“This is my dream house. The refrigerator is the exact same one I want. A Kenmore Stainless Steel. One day you will be mine,” I said, petting it. The furniture was simple, with colors of cream and brown, and many African paintings decorated the rooms.
He gave me a kiss. “Let me take you to the living room.”
Lying across the beige carpet was a blanket with a picnic basket filled with turkey sandwiches, wine, cheese, and fruit.
“Let’s eat,” he said, pouring me a glass of wine. “Here’s to a wonderful weekend. I can’t tell you how much I adore this house. One day, one similar to this will be mine.”
“It already is yours.” He dangled keys in his hand.
“What?” I gasped, taking a deep breath and almost choking on a sip of wine.
“I received a hefty bonus check from the show. I wanted to buy something that you needed and wanted. “You know I’m in school. The payments are going to be sky-high for me.”
“It’s paid for. I got a steal for the price because I paid straight cash instead of financing.” He handed me the title, with my name on it.
“All I ask in return is wild sex two nights a week and a home-cooked meal every now and then.”
“Mr. Simmons, I think I can give you more than that. Thank you so much,” I said, giving him a kiss and a hug.
“You’re welcome. I’m so proud of the future Doctor Gibbs. After we eat, let’s go swimming.”
“I didn’t bring a bikini with me.”
“Don’t worry about the neighbors. There’s a fence in the backyard surrounding the pool and Jacuzzi.”
Chapter 30
Second-year medical school wasn’t going exactly according to plan. The goal was to achieve A’s and B’s on my exams and papers; however I was continually handed back C’s. My brain was overloaded with the human body parts and their functions.
Until Jarrad kidnapped me to the island of Tahiti for rest and relaxation.
We’d arrived back on American soil the week before, and he was leaving for Baltimore to shoot an episode.
“Bye, Sexy,” he said, gently caressing my arm.
“Do you have to go?” I poked out my bottom lip.
“Please, don’t give me the lip. I’m a sucker for it every time. I’ll be back on Saturday to tear that ass up.”
“If I let you.”
“Oh, you will.”
“Now boarding, Flight 15234 for Baltimore, Maryland,” the intercom blared out.
“I’ll call you when I get in,” he said, giving me a hug.
I waved. “Bye.”
* * *
The cravings of chocolate and marshmallow turtles were consuming my taste buds. Paying my usual visit, I was happy to see Ms. Craken, because of her heartwarming smile.
“Hey, Ms. Craken, what’s crackin?” I giggled.
“Nothing, but the nuts in my hand. I wasn’t expecting you till tomorrow.”
“Your infamous turtles are calling me. I’ll get my usual and a pound of them.”
“They’re fresh right out of the oven. Three days ago, Renee and Jarrad Junior cleaned me out. Those two kids are something else. I don’t see them often because they live in Baltimore. I’m real close with their grandmother, Evelyn. In fact, your father may know her; she ran the Tootles bakery down on Virginia Beach Boulevard. She closed down about ten years ago and moved back to Maryland.”
“The bakery was way before my time. Pop doesn’t hesitate to tell me about the delicious éclairs he grew up on.” I scooped up a half pound of gummy bears.
“Evelyn’s son loves them too. Growing up, that boy always had an éclair in his hand. Let me show you a picture of the family.” Ms. Craken loved to show pictures of the ones close to her heart. I was sure she still had all the school pictures of Jason and I my parents had given her throughout the years.
I dropped my keys, my eyes glued to the picture with Jarrad in a family portrait, living the American dream. My hands were trembling, holding my chest from the throbbing pain in my heart.
Who is this woman with my man? Who are these children?
Ms. Craken was going to give up all the answers to my burning questions.
“That’s a lovely family,” I said, trying hard to keep my composure. I snatched up the keys from off the floor and snuck the picture in my pocket.
She bagged up my items. “Sure is.”
“The son looks just like his father. How old are the kids?” I inquired.
“Yeah, those are beautiful children. Renee is sixteen, and J.J. is eight years old. Tina and he got married straight out of high school and have been going strong ever since.”
“Wow! How long have they been married?”
“Sixteen years and counting. That’s what marriage is all about—sticking it out through the good and bad times. Willie and I were married for forty-seven years before the Lord called him.”
“I can’t agree with you more. I know you miss him dearly. Thanks, Ms. Craken for the candy. Have a nice evening,” I said, walking out.
“Alex, Alex.”
“Yes, ma’am,” I reluctantly answered, turning around. “You forgot your purse and the bag. Are you all right? You look a little pale.”
“I’m fine, please don’t worry about me. It’s those late nights studying till the sun comes up,” I explained and walked out.
Those late nights were truly Jarrad and I having sex till the sun rose.
I frantically dialed his number several times while I raced home, only getting his voice mail.
I don’t need to be on the road. How could he do this to me? How could I not see the signs? We’ve been together for two years. He whisked me away for a vacation to avoid bumping into his family while they were visiting.
The tears were flowing so hard that I could barely see the exit sign. At a time like this, I needed the ones who I could count on.
“Hello?” Charlotte answered.
I sighed. “I need you and Maria to meet me at the house now.”
“Is everything all right? Have you been crying? What happened?”
“I’ll explain everything when you get here.” I slammed down my cell phone.
I’ve been such a fool.
I beat my steering wheel as I waited impatiently at the red light.
Upon arriving home, I looked into the hallway mirror, only to see a puffy face in disbelief.
Jarrad belongs to someone else.
I’d met his family members at a cookout, and they knew the whole time.
I can’t stand it when others have one up on me, smiling in my face and keeping their mouths closed.
First thing first, I called the title company to confirm the house on 5547 Greendale Circle was solely mine. I changed the locks and the code to the security system. I didn’t know what his wife was capable of, but I knew what I was capable of. My life wasn’t going to end up like a clip in the movie,
Fatal Attraction.
“I rang the doorbell three times. Are you going to open the door?” Charlotte banged on the window.
“Sorry, I’m not thinking straight. I’ll be right there,” I said.
“What’s going on?” Charlotte demanded, walking into the house.
“Jarrad is married with two kids.”
“What?” Charlotte said, her mouth wide open.
Maria hugged me. “That bastard.”
Jarrad ran over my heart with a cement truck. I felt as if I couldn’t even breathe. Putting my head in between my legs didn’t help trying to get the gigantic monkey off my back.
“Did you try calling him?” Maria asked, pacing the floor.
“About eleven times. Only getting the voice mail.”
“Give me the phone. I’m going to call until stupid ass picks up.
“It won’t be necessary. We’re going to see him tonight.”
“What do you mean,
? I don’t have any money for a plane ticket, and my tank is almost on empty,” Charlotte explained.
“I booked three first-class tickets to Baltimore with his credit card. He put me on the account as a signer. Jarrad will be so pleased to know I racked up fifteen hundred dollars in a click of a button. We all know plane tickets aren’t cheap on short notice. I may run up his card even more for the hell of it. I hear Baltimore has plenty of restaurants to dine at.”
Chapter 31
At 10:15 p.m., we arrived on Jarrad’s stomping ground, catching a cab to the studio. It was too late for apologies.
He’s going to pay for hurting me.
I kept going over our relationship looking for any signs that I’d missed. Jarrad was smooth. I couldn’t recall a bump in the road.
I guess because it was so much easier having your women living in different states.
The security guard was smoking a cigarette outside. We patiently waited for him to walk around to the other side of the building.
“Okay, people, that’s a wrap. I’ll see you in the morning, bright and early.” Jarrad rubbed his temples then headed to his office and closed the door. He looked tired and worn down from the day, walking down the hall. Days like this, a glass of wine and a massage released all of the tension in his body.
“Let’s stomp the damn door down,” Maria suggested, her left foot in position with a medium-size boom box in her hand.
“No.” I approached the door. “I want him to pee in his pants when I drop the bomb.”
Charlotte looked at Maria. “Why do you have that boom box?”
“To play Alex’s anthem song. Music will help her get into the mood of kicking a man’s behind.”
“What’s the song of choice?”

Ring the Alarm
by R&B singer Beyoncé Knowles.” Maria sang, “
Ring the alarm, I’ve been doing this too long, but I’ll be damned if I see another chick on your arm . . .”
After hearing those words, I pounded on Jarrad’s door.
“Barry, not now, after I make a phone call, and I’m going—” He stood stunned at the door.
“Surprise, surprise.” I had a devilish smirk on my face.
“Alex, baby, Maria, Charlotte, what a surprise. After the day I had, I’m glad to see your gorgeous face. Since the gang is all here, why don’t we go out to Red Snapper to have a bite to eat?” He hugged me.
“You never know when I’ll pop up. I’m starving, myself, but can I invite a few more friends?” I asked.
“That’s fine. Who else will be coming along?”
“Tina, Renee, and Jarrad Junior.” I held up the picture in his face.
Jarrad backed up against the drawer, in shock.
“Baby, it’s not—”
“What? It’s not what I think? You bastard, you’ve been married for sixteen years. When were you going to bother telling me?” I smacked him in the face.
“Tina and I are separated.”
“Save it. Don’t you ever say her name in my presence. You know what I went through as a child with my father and you betray me like this?” I said, hesitating to pull out my pocketknife.
He’s not even worth getting charges.
“Maria, Charlotte, do you mind if Alex and I can talk about this matter in private?”
Maria turned the music up even louder.
“They’re not going anywhere. Stay away from me, you worthless piece of dog shit. I came here because I wanted to see if you would tell me the truth, with the fucking picture in my hand. If you deny your damn wife and kids, then you will deny me too.” I screamed with all my might and punched him in the face.
He wiped the blood from his mouth. “Please let me explain.”
“I’m finished here. Ladies, let’s go.” I looked down at my bloody knuckles. I walked out with my head high, wondering how long the feelings of pain and betrayal would last.
I was in no mood to be dining out, so we racked up an additional one hundred and fifty dollars in room service. I ordered two of every item we wanted.
Dessert is on its way with a piece of chocolate cake and an ice cream sundae.
“I’m all right,” I said, picking over a Caesar salad. I barely touched my steamed shrimp.
Maria rubbed my shoulder. “Let it out.”
“Believe me, I’m all cried-out. Our flight leaves tomorrow evening. Shopping does a body good. Let’s hit the streets bright and early. If I can’t kill him, I can certainly put a dent in his pockets. His dumb ass is probably worried if I’ll tell his wife. Hmm, she may already know.”
What does she look like? Do we favor each other? Is she prettier than me? Is she a doctor as well?
“What if she doesn’t? Don’t you think it’s our duty as women to tell her?” Charlotte asked, wiping her mouth with a napkin.
“No, as far I’m concerned, she needs to find out on her own, just like Alex did. She isn’t her friend, but the other woman.” Maria sat back in her seat.
“I have nothing to say to Tina.” I sighed.
“Besides, I would look stupid confronting her. She’s the one who’s married to him. I was just the unknowing chick on the side, which makes me feel even worse. Worst of all, I’m a wreck and if I had an exam tomorrow, I wouldn’t be prepared. Jarrad has my mind so gone, I can’t even study.”

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