Midnight Surrender (Freedom Fighters Series Book 2) (16 page)

BOOK: Midnight Surrender (Freedom Fighters Series Book 2)
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Chapter Twenty Seven: Lizzie


Refugee. That was my new status. I was displaced. Homeless. Bombed and injured. No longer fighting or hidden I was not prepared for the freedom it allotted me.

For the first time since the war started I was neither a soldier, nor a captive, or a runaway. I didn’t have to define what I was or what I was doing. I could simply be me.

I found myself introspective. I had choices. Paths available to take, courses that could change my life in a myriad of directions. It made me smile. I was happy.
was happiness.

We had instructions to travel to a new location. Not a militia base, not a refugee camp, but a place that belonged to families and friends. A safe place. A fresh start. A new beginning.

We traveled incognito, disguised as war torn refugees and as husband and wife. The safest way to protect our little group was to pretend to be a family. It wasn’t hard to do. We
a family. The three of us and Alec, whether he would admit or not.

Exactly one week after being admitted to the hospital I was discharged. My injuries had healed quickly. I was young and healthy and in excellent physical condition. My prognosis for recovery was good. I had to take it easy and rest often but I would be fine.

The baby was growing normally, my pregnancy progressing as it should, thanks to an ultrasound confirming that everything was fine with my little baby. Benjamin was healthy too. No internal injuries. No issues.

The jeep was exactly as we had left it except for one detail. Mal had cleaned it. Washed and vacuumed it was a welcome sight. The jeep meant escape and freedom. It had saved our lives. It would be our means of transportation for some time to come. For those reasons, I began to love it.

The last few days in the hospital I had grown restless. Militia soldiers around every corner was not a sight I particularly enjoyed. Years of resentment and anger had not diminished my dislike of the militia. Even my last solitary months had not helped. Although we appeared to be completely inconspicuous to everyone there, a part of me was afraid.

Mal pulled out of the parking space and eased onto the main road heading east. Only when the hospital had faded from the rearview mirror did I finally relax. He must have thought the same because I could see his shoulders lean back and his hands loosen their grip on the wheel.

“Do we have far to go?” I asked.

“According to the map I believe it should take us about three hours to get there. Shouldn’t be too long of a car ride for you.”

“I feel fine. If I get sleepy I can always lie down,” I reassured him.

He squeezed my hand. “Please tell me if you need to stop.”

I knew what he meant. One of the joys of pregnancy were the constant trips to the ladies room. I might have been embarrassed with anyone else but with Mal it felt normal. I could be myself with him. Even the not so pleasant parts.

We made excellent time. Thanks to Mal’s ability to read maps and directions without error we found the compound easily. Slowly we pulled up to the gate. It was about ten feet high, made of wood, and painted a dark brown. The front gate was latched and closed but unlocked. As we approached it opened and closed quickly behind us.

Men with rifles and shotguns stood around observing us. I felt the tension roll off Mal in waves. He didn’t like our vulnerability. Neither did I but he told me Alec said this place was safe. He put the jeep in park and rolled the window down.

Casually he spoke to one of the men. “Hey, is Sam around?”

The man nodded, signaling to someone on the porch. A few minutes later a tall red headed man dressed in brown and olive green camouflage walked up to the car. He had to be in his mid-forties. His smile was genuine but his eyes were wary.

“I’m Sam,” he told us, extending his hand.

Mal shook it. “Alec sent us.”

Sam’s eyes looked surprised and then he glanced at me. “Lizzie?”

I smiled in return. “Yes, nice to meet you Sam.”

He nodded and glanced in the back. “That must be your son.”

Little Benjamin waved at him. “Hi.”

Sam grinned. “Hi little guy.”

He looked at me again. “Eyes just like his father.”

I gulped. “Yes, and just as stubborn and intelligent.”

He studied us both for a moment.

“All that I have is yours. Alec saved my life. Truth be told, he saved everyone here. I owe him much,” he admitted.

Mal answered him. “Yes, he is quite a leader.”

I was unable to speak. My throat didn’t want to open. Alec. The reality of his sacrifice and the magnitude of his responsibility hit home.

“This is not the camp,” Sam told us, “it is actually farther down the road. Why don’t I hop in and show you the way? I can get you settled before dinner,” he offered.

“Thank you,” I accepted, “I would appreciate that.”

We drove around to the right of the house and behind it, following a worn dirt path, until we exited the rear gate. For several miles there was nothing but trees. Thick and dense, they left little visibility. Even in winter they would camouflage the area considerably.

Suddenly the path opened up to a large dirt driveway and up ahead was a large three story log house. It had wings that had been added on. I could see a vast front porch that wrapped around the house filled with rocking chairs and a porch swing. As dusk approached people were walking about, talking and laughing.

As we rolled up all eyes focused on our jeep. Mal parked and we exited the car. I unbuckled little Benjamin and balanced him against my hip, surveying the area, my usual habit whenever I was someplace new. Sam closed the door and let us up the front steps.

“Good evening everyone. We have some new friends joining us,” he told them as we passed.

I felt the stares follow us into the house as the door closed behind with a click.

“Carol? Carol!” Sam yelled.

A petite blond with graying hair came bustling out of the kitchen. Her smile beamed at us. Her eyes were blue and kind. I liked her instantly.

“Hello! Welcome,” she told us, hugging me as if she were my long lost relative.

“My wife, Carol,” Sam told us, making the introduction.

“This is Lizzie, Alec’s wife and their son Benjamin and our new friend Slug.”

Mal extended is hand to Carol. “I prefer Malcolm if you don’t mind. I have hidden behind nicknames long enough.”

She smiled at him and winked. “Of course Malcolm. Please come in and have some refreshment.”

She ushered us into the kitchen where a massive dining room table that easily seated at least twenty filled one side of the room. The kitchen was large with a center island and so many cabinets that I didn’t try to count them. It had an earthy homey feel about it. Candles were lit in various places, greenery and flowers adorned many of the surfaces and added to the décor. I thought it was beautiful.

Several wooden highchairs leaned against the wall next to the table. I buckled little Benjamin into one and turned to Carol.

She gasped in surprise. “Oh! When is your little one due my dear?”

My hand rested on my stomach. “I’m not certain. I think I am about fourteen weeks.”

She took my hands into hers, clasping them tightly. “When your time comes I will be there for you.”

“Thank you,” I whispered, both touched and relieved.

“You need to eat. Come, sit. I’ll fix a plate for you all.”

Mal sat next to me. I felt his gaze on me. I met his stare and smiled. Pot roast and vegetables were served and I noticed little Benjamin ate every bite. He loved it.

Afterward, Sam took us on a tour. He led us out the back door, holding it open, and closing the screen behind me. Mal picked up little Benjamin and we walked next to Sam, taking in the layout of our new home, engrossed in all that it had to offer.

“As you can see there are many tents set up around the property. We don’t like to turn people away but don’t have the space for everyone. The house is full. There are about eight little bungalows that stretch out behind the house. All of them are currently occupied but one. Let me show you.”

People were everywhere. Many chose to eat and relax near their tents or bungalows. They were spread out enough to give privacy but not too far. It was like an endless summer campground. We came upon the last bungalow and Sam unlocked it.

“Here is the key Lizzie. We always leave this one empty and locked. Only Alec stayed here, alone,” he told me, careful to include that last part.

I took the key from him and inserted it into my jeans pocket. “Thank you Sam.”

“You must be tired after your long journey. I’ll leave you to get settled. I already had my men bring in your belongings so you can feel free to get settled. Malcolm, if you will come with me, I have your tent and supplies for you.”

If Mal was surprised he did not show it. “Sure.”

They both left and I sat down on the bed, little Benjamin in my arms. He squirmed to get down. Looking around, I held onto him tightly. My chest swelled. My husband had been here. Alone.

I changed my little son and gave him a drink of milk. He was still wriggling in my lap but I hardly noticed, my eyes wandering all over the room. Oh Alec, I thought, was this your plan all along?

He had prepared this place for our arrival. There was a playpen and a crib. Baby toys and items filled the rooms. I stood and placed little Benjamin in the crib and made sure it was baby proof before I walked around to explore. No need, it had already been done.

On the main dresser in the room sat several framed photographs. One was our wedding picture. The second was a photo of the three of us holding little Benjamin shortly after his birth. The third was of me alone. I wasn’t sure when the photo was taken since I did not remember. The last photo was taken from his stay with us at the bunker. It was Alec holding his son, hugging Benjamin close.

No wonder Sam and Carol knew exactly who I was upon meeting me. They had seen these pictures. They knew instantly who we were.

My chest and heart ached. I put my hand to my mouth to stop myself from sobbing. Oh God how I missed Alec. How terribly I ached for him. Looking around I could see all of his preparations. He hadn’t stopped thinking of us the entire time.

I started to unpack our few belongings. I opened the dresser for Benjamin first and found it full of clothing for him, in various sizes. Dumbfounded, I walked to the dresser that Alec and I would both share. Opening the drawers I found it stocked with clothing for both of us.

There was nothing that Alec had forgotten. I had a drawer full of panties and bras and socks. Another drawer was filled with various shirts with long and short sleeves as well as some cardigans. Another drawer held skirts and pants. The bottom drawer held a variety of pajamas and nightgowns. I almost giggled at the selection of intimate apparel he had included as well.

I opened the closet in the bedroom. It was walk in size and stocked with dresses, shoes, boots, and more. We would want for nothing. He must have spent a good deal of time finding all of the items and bringing them here. Everything was folded neatly and freshly laundered.

I sat back down on the bed in a daze. A part of me thought that he was distancing himself from us. I thought perhaps it was all too much for him. I had been afraid of his silence and his reluctance. Assuming it was me I had cut myself off briefly. I had closed my heart off a little.

I was a fool.

been hiding something. The reluctance I felt in him was not about us. It was
. This place. Our sanctuary. A home to raise our children.

Alec had been loyal and steadfast, his heart never wavering. I, on the other hand, had allowed myself to fall further in love with Mal and disgraced his love. I felt utter loathing with my actions.

I lay back against the pillows on the bed, hugging one close to my chest. My eyes fluttered. Silence in the darkening room let me know little Benjamin was already asleep. I let myself drift off, finally succumbing to exhaustion, never feeling sorrier in my life.

Chapter Twenty Eight: Mal


Mal followed Sam outside reluctantly. He didn’t want to leave Lizzie right now. He had seen the exhaustion on her face and the surprise at the room. He hadn’t missed the photos either. Alec had outmaneuvered him. Lizzie was going to take this hard.

“I have a tent for you. There are supplies in the shed by the house. Feel free to take what you need. I would feel better if you continued to watch over Lizzie. It’s obvious she counts on you,” he explained.

“Thanks Sam. I appreciate the supplies. I’m going to pitch the tent close to the front here and keep an eye out.”

Sam regarded him for a moment. “I hope you will both be happy here. Alec made it very clear you were all three important to him.”

He shook Sam’s hand firmly. “You have my gratitude and my word that we will make this our home to the best of our ability.”

Sam nodded, content with his response.

Mal walked back up to the house, lost in his own thoughts. It took several trips to gather everything he needed. He found a large tent, a tarp, a sleeping bag, a cot, and a chest. On the second trip he gathered linens from a dresser clearly marked for anyone who needed them, a couple of pillows, and poles and stakes for the tent.

The tent didn’t take long to pitch. With the tarp over the top it would keep any moisture out, essentially making a good rain fly. He put all of the items he found into the tent along with his personal items from the jeep.

Content at last that he was settled, he entered the bungalow. It was dark inside. He felt around for a light switch and finally found one. It flickered briefly and illuminated a small front room and a kitchen. There was a small light oak table with four chairs and a highchair to the side against the wall.

He continued through the hallway past the full bathroom to the bedroom. Silence. He didn’t hear a sound. Silently he walked into the room and saw them both sleeping.

He checked on little Benjamin first. He was snuggled in a sleeper and warm socks, his arm around his bear. Lizzie was laying on her side. She had hugged a pillow to her chest. As he crept closer he saw the tears still glistening on her cheeks. His heart leapt into his throat.

Mal knelt beside the bed, watching her for a long time. All manner of thoughts went through his head. Uncertainty. Sorrow. Fear. It was the unknown that bothered him the most. Would she use this as an excuse to distance herself from him?

He sighed and stood up, stretching his long legs. He would let her rest. She needed it. Dark circles rested beneath her lashes. He knew the baby sapped her strength. More than that, she was still recovering from her injuries. The concussion was not yet fully healed.

He locked the bungalow behind him, using the spare key that Sam had given him. This was as good a time as any to become familiar with the layout of the compound. He spent the next couple of hours walking the perimeter all the way to the fence line in every direction.

The compound was huge. It stretched for miles, mostly covered with dense trees and foliage. Dirt paths and walkways led from the house to each bungalow. There was a fairly large garden off to the left hand side of the house and a small green house. They held herbs and vegetables of many varieties.

The storage shed where Mal had picked up his supplies was located to the right of the house. It stood close to a large red barn. He found several cows, a few horses, a goat, and several pigs inside. The chicken coop lay slightly further away where chicken wire housed a large area for them to flock.

Even in the dark he counted a nice apple orchard with several varieties, nectarine and pear trees, a strawberry patch, and a vineyard with grapes. There was a cornfield quite a distance away and closer to the front house that he and Lizzie had pulled up to earlier that afternoon. Soy beans and wheat finished the crops.

All in all this compound was quite self-sufficient. There was enough surrounding forest outside the fences and property lines to hunt and bring in fresh game. He would have to ask Sam about that. He loved to hunt. He wanted to know if a lake was close by. He hadn’t been fishing in ages. Mal would love to teach little Benjamin.

It was late. For the most part the camp was silent. He heard small conversations here and there but most people were already in bed. The sound of crickets and birds filled his ears. Nature. He loved to be out in it. The more he saw, the more he liked the compound. It was a great place to hold up. They could make a home here. Indefinitely.

He checked on Lizzie and little Benjamin, ensuring they were still sleeping peacefully. As a matter of caution he also checked the entire bungalow. It was safe for the little guy. Amazingly baby proofed already as if someone had already taken the time to do it.

Then he remembered. Of course the place was baby proofed. It was move in ready. Alec had taken great pains to make it that way for Lizzie and their children. He stood there, almost seething in anger, and had to take several deep breaths to calm himself.

It seemed he was always fighting uphill. Always one step behind. Whenever he made progress with Lizzie something would happen to bring her closer to Alec. It was frustrating. Couldn’t she see how much he did for her? Couldn’t she see that he would never leave her? If anyone could keep her safe it was Mal.

It was a long time before he finally fell asleep. Thoughts of Lizzie kept entering his mind. He almost joined her in the bed more than once. The only thing that stopped him was his reluctance to put her in an awkward situation. Instead he lay there until sleep finally found him, tossing and turning a good portion of the night.

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