Midnight Surrender (Freedom Fighters Series Book 2) (6 page)

BOOK: Midnight Surrender (Freedom Fighters Series Book 2)
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“I want to make love to my wife and hold her close. My arms have been so empty. I thought I was going to die without you.”

“I couldn’t sleep without your arms around me,” I confessed.

“I realized something when you were gone. Revenge is no longer number one in my life.
You are Lizzie.
I care more about you than anything else. I don’t care about the militia and the war anymore,” he told me, squeezing me tight again.

I was surprised. “Really? What do you want to do? Run away together into the sunset? Where would we live and raise our son, my love?” I teased him.

“Big Dog and Mal asked me to be their new leader. I’m considering it. What do you think? I want your opinion.”

I needed only a few seconds of thought about it. Of course. My answer was yes. He was born to lead. A natural. One thing concerned me though. Actually, two things. I decided to bring them up to him.

“I have a couple of concerns. One, will the militia consider you a deserter? Will you be an enemy now, hunted down until you are killed and taken from me? And two, what about our baby? How is he going to grow up? A refugee? Is that what you want Alec?” I asked him.

I guess I had more than two concerns.

“I want our son to be free. I want him to live in a world where he can do anything he wants, be anything he desires. The militia will never let him live in that world Lizzie. You and I both know that is true,” he replied.

I conceded. “I guess you are right.”

“The militia had already declared me a deserter when I left to rescue you. They wouldn’t grant my leave. I told them I had to go and rescue my wife, no matter the consequences. I was dismissed from my post. I have no job to go back to Lizzie. Even if I did, how long do you think we would last? How long before something else threatened us? I don’t want my son born there. I never really did.”

I sighed and nodded.

“It seems the decision is already made. You will be the new face of leadership to the freedom fighters. We aren’t just refugees anymore Alec. We fight for more than our past rights, or revenge, or vengeance for our families. We fight for the freedom of our children. The freedom of a

He kissed me again and swung me around, setting me down gently. His face was beaming. Taking my hand, he led us back to Mal and Big Dog.

“Lizzie agrees with us. Refugees no longer, we stand for something greater. We are Freedom Fighters now. Let us go to our new base. We have much to do and discuss,” he told them.

Both of them shouted their allegiance and grinned. Alec’s other friends, the militia soldiers, saluted. Alec was charismatic but more than that, he was a motivational speaker and highly intelligent. His leadership would usher in a new era. People would join us by the hundreds. They would flock to him. The militia was never going to see him coming. This time
had the advantage.

We finally reached the car (and a militia jeep) and headed to the new base. Alec was incredibly smart in his choice. The abandoned underground military compound was surrounded by electric fence and heavy artillery above ground. The militia had let it go, declaring this end of town to be free of refugees. They had left it intact, only cutting off the energy to run it. For the last couple of years it had sat unused and forgotten.

Alec, however, knew all of the codes. Within hours, the place was up and running. It was massive, much bigger than our original base under Darren. It had similar aspects but everything was on a much larger scale. Taking us down in this place would be near to impossible. It was built to withstand bombing attacks, raids, and even a ground assault.

People started coming within the first few hours. Diva showed up and XXX. Everyone I knew from Darren’s camp. Some I had seen in the hospital on the militia base. Others I knew from Ballard’s compound. I had been shocked to see him but pleased. It felt right to have his people included in the freedom fighters. I was even more surprised when I found out that the bunker was Ballard’s idea.

Night fell and still more people came to the compound. So many came I wondered how we would feed them all. Alec turned no one away. He gave anyone who entered food and shelter, upon the understanding you had to help.

It was the only requirement he had. If you had food and shelter, you had to help in some way. If you could garden, hunt, or cook then you helped in the kitchens. If you could fight, you practiced with us and were given a gun and ammo. If you knew technology, you helped with our systems and security. Several of the women opened a nursery. It was a fair agreement.

The first night we arrived, Alec took my hand and led me into our new room. I fell on the bed exhausted from my ordeal. My leg was throbbing and I didn’t feel well. He made me eat a small meal and gave me plenty to drink. I was so tired I couldn’t slip off my shoes. He surprised me when he opened a suitcase and it contained all of our belongings from home.

He helped me change into a clean nightgown and then he helped me to sit up. I unbraided my hair and brushed it out, letting it fall in waves all around me. Alec took the brush and set it to the side, gathering me into his arms. I lay my head on his chest, struck by the normalcy of the moment, and listened to his heart beating beneath my ear.

I awakened to the sound of his deep breathing. He was still sleeping. Quietly I lay there. I didn’t want to wake him. It was difficult. I really had to use the restroom. Finally, I had to get up or wet myself. I sat up slowly and put my feet on the floor. In that small amount of movement, he was instantly awake.

“Do you need help my love?” He asked, his voice groggy.

“I think I can manage all right.”

I got up slowly, my leg hurting. I was a little wobbly, but determined. It took me several minutes to get there but I sat triumphantly on the seat and relieved myself. Alec was staring at me, one eyebrow raised in humor. I made it back and climbed into the bed. I was facing Alec, my belly in between us.

“I love you Lizzie.”

“And I love you.”

“Are you really all right?” His eyes searched mine for any distress. “I thought I was going to die without you. I’ve never been so miserable in my life. I was terrified Darren would hurt you or the baby. I nearly lost my mind.”

I reached for his hand, our fingers intertwining. “I felt the same way. He asked me to marry him. He told me I was going to be a widow so many times I found myself almost believing him. I was frightened out of my mind Alec.”

“I know,” he croaked, his voice choked from emotion.

“Every night that he held me, I would pretend it was you. I’m so glad he is gone. Is that wrong of me?”

“No Lizzie. He tormented you,” he reassured me softly, “it is only natural for you to feel that way.”

“He did it on purpose. He is…

“I saw the security tape from outside my office. You were already gone when I reached the entrance. I looked everywhere but couldn’t find which direction you left in. It scared the hell out of me. No one saw you leave. No one saw him. When I watched the video and he shoved you against the wall by your neck, I was so angry I nearly lost it. I’ve never been that angry,” he admitted, swallowing hard.

“It was understandable Alec. I’m glad he didn’t hurt the baby. That’s all I was concerned about. I knew you would be angry, you had every right to be, but all I wanted was to stay alive and return to you.”

He kissed my hand, held firmly in his, and let out a shaky breath.

“The video gave me a lead, a good lead. He made the mistake of being caught on camera talking to a nurse. I found her and she admitted to helping the refugees. Without her help, I may not have been able to save as many as we did so quickly. When I returned to the hospital she believed us about the bombing.”

“I guess there are many who are sympathetic to our cause. God was with you Alec.”

“Yes, he led me straight to you,” he agreed, “I was terrified when they launched the bombs. I had hoped they would back off until I rescued you but no one cared, not after I was relieved of duty. I can’t even begin to describe the fear of losing you…how it terrorized me, my darling.”

He leaned in and kissed me, his lips lingering against mine for several minutes. I lay my hand against his cheek when he leaned back. His grey eyes were murky like a cloudy sky before a storm, clearly tortured by his thoughts.

“Alec, my love, everything is all right now. We are together. Nothing is going to separate us aga-”

He interrupted me. “There is no guarantee of that. Each moment is precious, every minute counts.”

“I know. You are right,” I conceded.

I saw tears fill his eyes. “God, I love you so very much. I can’t stand the thought of losing you…ever. It haunts me Lizzie.”

Tears sprang to my eyes too. “Oh Alec…I can’t live without you. Don’t you understand? You are my husband, my savior,” I paused and swallowed loudly, “my everything.”

He hugged me close for a long time. Neither of us said another word. It wasn’t necessary. Laying there, in each other’s arms again, it was all that we needed.

Chapter Nine: Lizzie


“How did Darren die exactly?”

“The militia dropped their bombs, hitting the base in succession, just like on K.D. I took men on foot and attacked. I let everyone I came across go free. I didn’t say or do anything. I just let them go. Big Dog and Diva recognized me with Mal. They told me you were being held captive by Darren and wanted to help me rescue you. We agreed to a truce that quickly turned into mutual respect,” he explained, pausing to take a breath.

“I see. Go on.”

“I saw Darren from far away. I had every intention of killing him. He saw me at the same time and both of us fought, trying to get to the same spot. The last bomb fell, sending shrapnel flying. A huge piece flew into Darren’s back, mortally wounding him. I couldn’t save him even if I wanted to,” his voice hardened, “and I did not want to. I reached him and he told me that I was going to lose because he was certain you were dead from the bombing. I didn’t give him the satisfaction of seeing my fear. I aimed my gun at his forehead but it was already too late. He died a minute later, no remorse for his actions,” he told me bitterly.

It was sad. I almost felt bad for him but Darren had made his own decisions. He would face God for his deceptions and lies. He couldn’t hurt anyone else. Not anymore.

“I’m glad you didn’t have to do it. I wouldn’t have blamed you though. Darren had it coming. Many were after him. He would have been killed soon anyway,” I informed him.

“That is not surprising. Mal has told me as much. I’m glad he was there to comfort you. It must have been very hard. At least you had a few friends nearby.” There was a tightness to his voice that I chose to disregard.

“Yes, nearby, but Darren held me under such tight lock and key I couldn’t see anyone. I was very lonely. Mal came to see me a few times. He was trying to help me get away, with Big Dog and Diva’s help. It didn’t happen in time.”

“But he did help you, and for that I am grateful. He was there...when I was unable to be.”

What was he getting at?

“Yes, he protected me…when Darren had Parker and the other militia soldier beaten to death,” I whispered, trembling with the memory.

“I’m sorry you had to witness such barbaric actions. Darren cemented his own fate that day. Mutiny was upon his doors.” Alec shook his head, disgusted.

“Mal kept me from the worst of it,” I admitted, “without him…”

I could not continue. Mal was always there for me. Always.

“He is in love with you, isn’t he? He all but admitted it. But he isn’t the type to interfere. He knows you are happy.” Alec meant it as a statement but it came out as a question.

Was he uncertain? Did he doubt Mal would stay away from me?

“Yes, he told me recently. I had no idea. We were always good friends, nothing more. He did give me a quick kiss when he promised to help me. It was his goodbye kiss. He knows I am in love with you. He won’t cause any problems,” I promised.

At the mention of a kiss Alec stiffened. Maybe I should have kept it to myself but I remembered our promise to be truthful to each other, no matter what. I was keeping that promise.

“I know, love. No worries. I like him very much. He’s a good guy and a good soldier. I know I can trust him to take care of you if needed. Things could get crazy Lizzie. We need to have a backup plan. If something goes wrong, if something happens to me, I made Mal promise to take care of you and our son. He knows where to go, places that are safe,” he informed me.

I shook my head. “Why are you talking like this? I’m
leaving you. I won’t go anywhere without you. Stop it. Please Alec, I can’t think about that right now.”

“I’m sorry my darling but I want you to know I’m thinking of everything. You are my first priority. You come above everything else. I won’t have something happen to you. I can’t lose you again. Ever. It’ll kill me,” he admitted, his voice shaky.

I leaned in and kissed him, full of love. He trembled slightly and returned the kiss, his arms holding me like steel rods. Immovable. Strong. Capable.

“Don’t worry. You’re son and I are here to stay. We aren’t going anywhere without you, ever again. I love you.”

He sniffled and held me closer, not letting go for a long time. I finally got too hungry to lay there anymore.

“Alec? I have to eat. The baby is kicking me hard.”

He kissed me and we got up, getting dressed and heading to the mess hall. The Pit. It ran three times a day for two hour blocks. If you wanted a snack in between meals, you had to fend for yourself or get something from the kitchen’s snack area. It was similar in concept to the way Darren had it run. It was efficient.

One thing was very different from Darren though. You could live with whomever you wanted. Families could stay together. Couples could bunk together. The rule was no public displays of affection around anyone under fifteen. People agreed rather easily. It was reasonable.

We lived in one of the nicest rooms in the building. It was huge, with the bedroom in the back beside a large bathroom and a sitting room/kitchen in the front. We didn’t have to leave the room if we didn’t want to. I was getting farther along now. I was in my ninth month. My belly was large. I didn’t get out as much. The room arrangement was perfect.

Alec stayed with me often. He didn’t like to leave me unless it was necessary. I needed help to go to the bathroom and I was a little clumsy when I walked. I still had three weeks to go. I did insist on daily exercise and fresh air. It was good for me and the baby. I went outside after lunch each day.

During the last few weeks before the baby came, Alec spent a lot of time reinforcing the base, training soldiers, going on supply runs and stocking up on food. He didn’t want to go anywhere when the baby was born for a couple of weeks. The entire base awaited our baby’s arrival, constantly congratulating us.

Alec also managed to bring the bassinette I had bought all those months ago. He had infant clothes, baby blankets, and diapers. Our room grew with baby stuff. He found me a rocking chair and painted it, adding a cushion to the back and seat. He transformed an extra dresser he found into a changing table. It held the baby’s clothes underneath. He seemed to think of everything.

My due date approached, the day arrived, and then the next day. No baby. I was anxious, pacing as much as I could. I mostly waddled around, huge and miserable. I looked like a tick about to pop. My feet were swollen. I had to go to the bathroom all the time. Anything I ate gave me heartburn. I became short on temper, without meaning to.

Alec was anxious too. He tried to hide it. I could still tell. I was so frustrated I asked him to take me for a walk. It was early evening. People were out eating dinner. We got stopped constantly. I didn’t say much, my belly tight with more of those contractions, the ones I kept getting. This time it felt different. The pain was sharper and more concentrated.

Suddenly I heard a little pop and fluid gushed, running down my legs, and splashing onto the floor. I gasped and looked at Alec.

“Lizzie! It’s the baby. He’s coming now. Come on, back to the room. I got you.”

His voice was excited. He put his arm around me and helped me walk. It was slow progress. I kept dripping amniotic fluid and the real labor pains started. I had to stop when they got bad, gritting my teeth, and gripping Alec’s hand. He would help me focus and breathe, then lead me on slowly. We finally made it back to the room, where he picked me up and put me on the bed.

“Get Diva…now…please,” I gasped. “And where’s Mal?”

Diva was overjoyed to be present for the birth. I never realized how comforting it would be to have another woman in the room during labor. She was sympathetic and kind. Her presence was invaluable to me.

Mal held my hand through contractions, alternating with Alec, and helped to keep me comfortable. He rushed around, in and out of the room, and seemed genuinely anxious. I almost laughed, and probably would have, if not for the pain.

Over the next eight hours I labored, the contractions coming faster and closer together, and the baby dropping as I dilated. Alec would check on my progress, always encouraging me. He praised me, telling me I was doing a wonderful job. I was getting tired. I fell asleep off and on, awakening to sharp contractions. He held my hand, never leaving my side.

We were lucky enough to have friends help us. Someone mopped up the fluid from the floor. Water was boiled, equipment sterilized for the baby. Towels and blankets were brought in. Everything became ready around me. Alec hadn’t forgotten a thing.

Finally, about four a.m. I felt the need to push. Alec checked and the baby’s head was crowning. He was excited, torn between being there for me and watching his son being born. Diva laughed at his indecision. With one of them on either side, I pushed for a long time, probably an hour before I felt his head come out. The pressure relieved itself immensely and I took a deep breath.

“Almost done Lizzie. I’m suctioning his nose and mouth. One last push, my love.”

“Oh Lizzie! He’s almost here. Keep breathing!” Diva shouted in her excitement.

Mal paled. “Oh wow, Lizzie. He’s coming!”

I pushed and out he came. Alec patted his bottom and he let out his first little cry.

“Oh Lizzie! He is beautiful!” Diva cried, tears coming down her cheeks.

I smiled, tears coming to my eyes and spilling over. Alec laid him on my chest and I looked into the sweetest little face I had ever seen. He blinked at me.

“Hi my little son. I love you,” I told him softly.

The baby turned his head and started rooting, letting out a little cry. I laughed and let Alec take him, cleaning him up. He estimated his weight to be about eight pounds and his length twenty one inches. He was very healthy and strong.

I labored through the placenta and Alec checked me out, giving me a clean bill of health. I had done well. Everything looked good. I fell asleep while he was attending to the baby, perfectly content and happy. Around the compound I could hear shouts of joy and congratulations as news rang out that our son had been born.

Alec awakened me later. “I’m sorry to wake you, my love. Our son is hungry and needs his Momma. Here he is.”

I sat up and propped myself with pillows and Alec’s help. Little Benjamin latched on easily, noisily suckling away at my breast. I ran my fingers along his little pink cheeks, totally in love. Alec sat next to me, in awe. His face was content and happy.

We developed a routine. I slept in between feedings. Alec burped and changed the baby, putting him back to bed for me. When I awakened on the third day, Alec stared at me, his eyes as round as saucers. I looked down at my chest and giggled. My breasts were huge. My milk had come in.

The baby cried and I instantly started to leak. I gasped and pushed on them, calling for the baby.

“Give him to me quick,” I laughed.

Little Benjamin seemed to tell the difference. He was less noisy. He also seemed to get really full. His little eyes rolled back in his head. Alec grinned, thinking it was hilarious. He burped loudly this time. A little droplet of white milk was by his mouth. He fell asleep right after he was burped.

Alec climbed in next to me on the bed. His arms encircled me and I fell asleep to him whispering in my ear.

“I love you Lizzie. Go to sleep, my love.”

I was incredibly happy. It seemed I was made for having babies. Within two months my figure was back. Little Benjamin was happy, healthy, and eating a ton. He was the highlight of the entire compound. Whenever I took him out, we were stopped constantly. Everyone adored him. He started cooing and making little baby sounds. We were very proud parents. As happy, fulfilled, and content as we could ever be. And no one could take that from us.

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