Midnight Surrender (Freedom Fighters Series Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: Midnight Surrender (Freedom Fighters Series Book 2)
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Mal gave me a squeeze and released me, his eyes searching mine. I smiled at him but saw the worry and fear. Fear for my safety. Fear for Darren’s plans. Fear for the refugee movement. If Darren remained in leadership, the refugees would become violent and masochistic killers. Yes, we had to kill. But never for fun. Not for enjoyment. We did not torture or dismember other people.

I stood, still trembling, as Mal and Donnovan left the room. I was alone with Darren and terrified. What if he wanted to teach me a lesson too? Like before, with the flogging? That was his point. He was looking for a reaction from Donnovan. He wanted to know if he was going to intervene or stop the beatings. But Donnovan did not move, nor did he utter a word. He simply stood, seemingly unaffected by the carnage in front of him.

Darren stood and stretched. “I’m hungry. Let’s go to the mess.”

Shock made my mouth drop open. How could he eat after that? I was nearly nauseous.

“I have a headache. May I go lay down?” I asked, sick at his stoic manner.

“Of course, I’ll escort you back myself.”

I kept my eyes focused straight ahead as we left the conference room, red streaking the walls crimson in my peripheral view. All afternoon my hands kept trembling and I fought to keep my thoughts from returning to Parker and the other soldier.



So much death. So much suffering and destruction. When would it end? When was it ever going to be sufficient? When did the death of innocents stop? How did we draw a line in the sand and say enough, no more, and take a stand?

I lived in a walking nightmare. K.D. or Kill Day plagued my nights with haunting clarity. Day brought the terrifying reality of suffering and horror. I could not escape either.

My nerves were frazzled, fear of the unknown and Darren’s actions left me tired and drained. I slept often. The days blurred together painfully. I knew I was depressed but nothing was able to change the situation. Nothing would help. Not until I could escape this monstrosity.

Dissolving into tears, my fear and aching loneliness consumed me. I needed to hold on, just a little longer. Rescue was coming. I had to believe it. Alec would save me. Mal would help him. He had to, my life depended on it.

Chapter Four: Alec


The front door of the townhouse hit the wall as Alec burst through, breaking off chips of paint and putting a round hole in the drywall. He ran up the stairs and packed quickly; stuffing the sleek black car he just bought for himself and Lizzie with all of their belongings. He forgot nothing, even the cradle, and took everything that could be of use to him.

His phone kept ringing off the hook in his pocket but he did not answer it. There was no time for games. His superiors would learn soon enough.

Alec slammed the trunk down on the full car and made one last swoop around the townhouse. They would never return. He would not put Lizzie in harm’s way again. His eyes did a once over to make sure nothing important to her had been left behind.

Upstairs he changed his clothes and threw the navy uniform into his suitcase. He might need it later. He placed the pocket watch that was so precious to her inside his jacket pocket, deep down, where it would not get broken. Without a backward glance he left, spitting gravel behind the squealing tires.

At the office he ran inside, past the secretary calling his name, and emptied the contents of his desk into another suitcase. Valuable Intel and codes, numbers, passwords, keys, all things to help him locate and secure his wife. He took everything.

Alec played the security feed from the camera outside his office. Darren had been talking to a nurse. He would find out what she knew. He would make sure any information she had would be divulged. Nothing was going to keep him from finding Lizzie. And no one.

“What are you doing Sheridan?”

The voice from behind was not a surprise. He had been hoping that Haden would arrive. One last chance to tell the murderer he could go straight to hell. Perhaps Alec could send him there right now. He spun around, suitcase in one hand and revolver in the other, prepared to do whatever it took to leave that office alive.

“My wife has been taken.”

Haden eyed him with disdain. “Yes, so?”

They raised their guns at the same time, each pointed at the other’s head, priming the trigger, dual clicks resounding in the air as the bullets hit the chambers.

“I’m going to get her back,” Alec replied coolly, his rage barely controlled under the surface.

“I don’t think so. You leave and its desertion,” Haden countered.

“Try to stop me.” Alec’s aim was steady. He would not miss.

Haden contemplated him for a moment. “Your wife is a traitor.”

Alec’s suspicions were confirmed. There was a bug in their house after all. The militia, and Haden, knew everything. He would not get in to the particulars right now, there wasn’t time, but later he had a lot to work out. Too many complications right now.

All that mattered was Lizzie.

“So?” Alec tossed the word back at him.

 The secretary burst in to the room before he could reply. The distraction proved to be exactly what he needed. Haden turned his head in surprise, a few brief seconds, and Alec raised the gun knocking it against Haden’s skull. He fell to the ground with the force of the impact, out cold. The secretary opened her mouth to scream and Alec shook his head.

“They kidnapped my wife Darla and he wasn’t going to let me leave. Lizzie’s pregnant. I have to go rescue her,” he pleaded.

Darla had been his secretary for the last year. She looked shocked. “I’m sorry Alec. Go. I’ll make an excuse.”

“Thank you,” he called as he ran past her and sprinted to the car, tearing out of the parking lot as if hell itself was on his heels. He sped up as he reached the gate, daring the two guards to keep him from exiting. They raised the gate in alarm, shouting to him as he passed, but he only accelerated faster, eager to leave the base behind him. He shifted gears, pushing the engine, until his speed buried the needle in the gauge.

Racing toward Worthington, where he knew Darren was sure to go, he ground his teeth, half in frustration, and half in determination. His plan was simple. Go to the park, wait for Mal, and strategize their attack. Easy.

He should have Lizzie back at his side within a day or two at most. Mal would know exactly where the base was located. No problem. With any luck he might find her before they even reached the location.

Alec’s heart hammered in his chest. Every second was wasted time. Darren could hurt her at any moment, kill her even, and there was nothing he could do to stop him. Panic made him grip the steering wheel harder. His knuckles turned white but it escaped his notice. All his concentration was focused on his thoughts.

Darren would probably terrorize her first. He was psychotic, a sociopath, dangerous and reckless, without a thought for her condition or the babe she carried. Alec’s son was nestled in her womb. That was reason enough to hurt the child or hurt her.

With a cry he banged the steering wheel with his fist. This line of thinking would not help him. He had to remain calm. Clear. Focused. The only way to rescue her was to keep a level head. He practiced his breathing, focusing on her face, until the rage diminished somewhat.

Alec was not an overly religious man. He believed in God. He knew the truth but had doubts since the bombings, war, and militia took control. His only hope for Lizzie lay in God’s hands. Until he discovered where she was, he was helpless to protect her.

“Oh God,” he breathed, “forgive this sinner and protect my wife and child. That’s all I ask. Do what you will with me but keep them safe from harm. Please, until I reach her, keep Lizzie out of danger.”

The words released into the air, there was nothing he could do but wait. Wait and drive. Speed toward the park and hope and pray that Mal met him soon.

There were no other leads, no one else to trust. No other choice. He knew the general direction that Mal had walked when he left them a week ago. If necessary he could stake the place out but that left him vulnerable. Not the ideal situation to place himself in.

If push came to shove, he could let himself get captured. Alec preferred to leave that as a last resort. Too many unknowns. Too many what ifs. That had the potential to place Lizzie in greater harm and he would not risk her life on a whim or an act of desperation. No, there had to be another way.

He approached the park, the late afternoon sun casting shadows from the tall trees on the ground. He parked the car and locked it, tucking the keys into his front pocket. The revolver was wedged behind his back in the waist of his pants, hidden behind his jacket. A large hunting knife was located on his right leg within easy reach in his cargo pant side pocket. He slung a rifle over his shoulder, along with an ammo bag, and carried a shotgun. He was not in the mood for bull shit.

Alec approached the same bench that he met Mal at before. He sat down and felt underneath for the small metal box that was used for correspondence. There was a letter for Lizzie. He sighed with relief. If Mal left a letter he would return soon to see if she had retrieved it. At least he hoped so. He placed a letter for Mal, explaining the situation, and promising to stay close by.

Impatient he stomped around in the cold, agitated at the delay. The letter for Lizzie he stuck in his breast pocket to give to her later. It was hardly of consequence now.

Alec remained close to the bench long after nightfall, until chased away by the dropping temperature and freezing wind, he retreated to the car for warmth. Icy tendrils of dread registered in his heart. Wherever Lizzie was, she was frightened and in danger, and that one thought made him shake more than the cold.

He hid the car and nestled it between several trees, covering it with branches and foliage in an attempt to hide himself from militia soldiers or Darren’s group. At least he had the foresight to change. Wearing neither faction would keep him the safest if caught. He pulled the thick gloves down over his hands and added another jacket before surrounding himself in a heavy military issue blanket. His eyes fluttered, exhaustion taking hold, fatigued by stress and worry, he closed his eyes.

Chapter Five: Lizzie


Darren was a master manipulator. He played upon my emotions and fears, then used them against me, all in an effort to obtain what he wanted. Information. My attention. Affection.

I moved away from him warily when he walked into the room, constantly on guard against an onslaught. He might try to force himself on me. I lived in daily fear of it.

“Lizzie, why won’t you try to accept me? Even as a friend?”

He took a step closer, holding his hand out to me. I refused. “Excuse me?”

“I’m not your enemy, remember? The militia is the enemy. War is the enemy. Have you forgotten?”

“No, I haven’t forgotten. I never forget the truth. Nor have I forgotten your threats,” I told him, my voice icy and distant.

“People make empty threats when they are hurt. I was jealous and foolish. I’m sorry Lizzie, truly I am. I wouldn’t have done it. I only wanted you to stay with me,” he admitted, taking another step closer.

I backed away, behind a chair, desperately trying to outmaneuver him.

“People do not threaten to murder someone else. It’s crazy,” I told him.

“You have to believe me Lizzie. I am not the monster you make me out to be.” His voice was pleading.

If he was pleading then perhaps I could barter or argue my way out of here.

“Really? Then let me go. Why hold me against my will? Prove you mean what you say Darren. Let me go home.”

He crossed his arms over his chest. There was nothing I could say to convince him. I would waste my time. But time it seems, was definitely in abundance.

“I’m afraid I can’t do that. The hospital and the base are going to be attacked and bombed. I don’t want you anywhere near the destruction,” he admitted, landing a shocking blow to my psyche.

What? Alec! What would happen to Alec? I started to panic.

“What about my husband? What will happen to Alec?” I asked shrilly, taking deep breaths to calm my racing heart. Oh no, all those people. All the injured, women, children, innocents…

“Calm down Lizzie. I’m sure if he survives it all, he will come looking for you,” he responded, cold and harsh again.

My hands went to my belly. I was afraid. Terrified. Alec could be killed or captured or injured. What would I do? How would I survive? Darren would never let him live. He would see him killed first. I knew he would.

Darren crossed the room to me quickly. Grabbing my shoulders, he looked into my eyes.

“I love you Lizzie. I always have. You are mine now. I’ll even love your bastard child.”

I gasped at his crude insult and shook with fury. He seemed oblivious and continued. “What?” I managed to eke out.

“I will stand by you. You never have to be alone. Marry me. Let us lead this war and destroy our enemy, once and for all.”

Darren was insane. How in the world did he ever think I would agree to that? He must be totally nuts! My opinion of him remained unchanged, all except one thing. He was growing more determined and dangerous with every passing moment. His grip on reality was slipping. He proved it by the way he acted. Marry him? What was his plan?

“I’m already married Darren. I can’t marry another man.”

“Not if you are a widow Lizzie. You’ll need someone to take care of you and the baby. I’m willing to be that guy. You should accept my offer, no one else is going to protect or save you,” he told me, completely serious.

I stared at him in shock. A widow? Was he going to make sure I ended up one?

Fear made me tremble. I wanted Alec. I needed my husband. In my heart I begged God to let him live and find me.
I thought,
please let him survive and come to me.

And there was one other who would protect me with his life. One other who loved me with all his heart. Darren was wrong. Mal would never leave my side if I asked him.

“I’m not a widow
Darren. Remember that. Alec
survive. He’ll come for me. I have no doubt in my mind that he will succeed. You will be sorry when he finds you,” I argued, staring at him in defiance and pride.

Alec would probably try to kill him. I knew, wherever he was, that fury drove him. I knew he was worried and out for blood. Darren had taken his beloved. He had declared war, against a relentless and ruthless opponent.

Alec would stop at nothing until he found me. I was afraid of the bloodbath that was sure to follow. I took hope and solace in knowing he would continue, day and night, with determination, until I was rescued. All my doubts evaporated.


Darren squeezed my shoulders harder, making me wince in pain. His face became cold, disbelief in his eyes.

“Your husband will never make it out of there alive. He is one of our targets, an enemy of free people and refugees everywhere. He is the mastermind behind the attacks and the bombing of our base. He alone is responsible for the high count of fatalities we suffered. He is hated more than you know Lizzie,” Darren declared, laughing gleefully.

“No! Darren, you can’t. Stop it! Oh God, NO!” I screamed, struggling to get out of his embrace.

Darren snickered, enjoying my panic. “You better accept the truth and be grateful. I could have left you there. You and your baby would have been killed too. Be thankful that wasn’t my plan. Haven’t you wondered who broke into your townhouse? I’ve been watching for a long while Lizzie. It was only a matter of time…”

Shock registered on my face again. So, he
sent the stranger into my house, to spy on me or kidnap me. Maybe worse. It didn’t matter what his intent was. I should have been smarter.

Alec was right. I never should have volunteered at the hospital. I was foolish. The blame rested entirely on me. Would I ever get the chance to tell him now? Would I be able to hold him close even one last time, feel his warm embrace, and gaze into the silvery eyes of the soul that owned my heart?

Oh, Alec.

I looked in Darren’s eyes and I knew I was in trouble. I had to start being more compliant or I was going to anger him and push him too far. He might hurt me. He might lash out at my belly. I had to think of my son.

I sighed, my voice wavering. “You are right Darren. I have to start accepting the truth. Would you please loosen your grip? My arms hurt.”

He let go of me, his face looking contrite. “A wise decision. I want to be able to trust you Lizzie. You could be happy here. Taste freedom again without restriction. I would treat you like a queen. Everything could be yours. Think on it. You have a child to consider. What kind of life do you want to give him?”

Tears came to my eyes. I would do anything for my son. If I had to accept Darren, I could. If it meant my survival and the survival of my child, I could do almost anything. Acceptance crept into my heart. Until Alec came for me, I would play the part with Darren.

I leaned forward and kissed him gently on the lips. His arms encircled me, and he deepened the kiss. Revulsion rippled through me. I had to suppress the shudder that tried to surface. He let go and left the room, a wicked grin on his face.

He thought he won. Sick twisted sociopath that he was, he actually thought he had the upper hand. Let him think so. It was a small concession. And a temporary one.

I looked away, the tears spilling down my cheeks, unchecked.

I was still sitting there, wiping away the tears when Mal snuck into the room. He saw my face and opened his arms wide. I got up and walked to him, letting him hold me for a moment as the tears fell anew. He rubbed my back, trying to soothe me.

“I’m sorry Lizzie. Are you doing all right?”

“Not really,” I admitted.

He held me closer.

“It won’t be much longer sweetheart. Hang on just a little longer,” he whispered.

“No, it’s going to be too late. Darren is going to bomb the militia base and hospital. Hundreds of people are going to die Mal.” I shook my head. “No one can stop him.”

“Oh God Lizzie. I had no idea. I swear it,” he promised.

“I know Mal…but Alec…the hospital…” I choked up. “They have to be warned.”

“Nothing is going to happen because I am going to sneak out of here and warn him. Tonight.”

I shook with relief, unable to answer him.

“Listen Hun, Darren is out of control. A majority of us feel he is a danger to himself and our whole camp. We are organizing a revolt against him. No one agrees with your capture. You have help. You are not alone.”

Relief coursed through me. “Thank you Mal, thank God.”

“Don’t cry anymore, sweetheart. I’ll see you get away unharmed when the time is right.”

He spoke in an urgent whisper, squeezing me lightly.

“Please be careful. Darren is no fool. If he suspects anything, you will all be killed. I fear he is more than a danger. I think he is going crazy. Promise me you will watch your back. A storm is coming and it’s going to be bad,” I warned.

“I know. I sense it too. We will have to act before anything else happens. Bringing you here was the last straw for many of us. Kidnapping an innocent pregnant woman? That’s too much. And then those militia soldiers…” He trailed off.

The reminder sent a shiver of disgust through my body. “I know. You should go before Darren returns.”

“I will. There’s something I’ve been wanting to ask you. All of those months ago…before you left with Alec, why…why didn’t you ask me to leave with you?” The open hurt and vulnerability in his voice made me cringe.

Stunned, I stared at him. Oh how different things would have turned out. The answer was more complicated than we had time for. Darren could return any moment.

“You would have gone with me,” I whispered, “regardless of my being with Alec or not.” I realized suddenly that he was tortured by the thought that I had not asked or even tried to take him with me.

“Of course. I would follow you anywhere Lizzie. All you have to do is ask.”

He put his palms flat against my cheeks, staring into my eyes.

“I may never get the chance to do this ever again. Forgive me Lizzie.”

Before I could respond, his lips were on mine, kissing me passionately. He pulled back quickly and left, pausing for a second to look at my face. I smiled at him and he relaxed. I wasn’t upset. He kissed me because he genuinely cared for me. It was innocent, not intending to bully or overwhelm me.

A kiss of love, selfless, sacrificial, and unattached.

A reminder that I was not alone. Ever.

Mal was a great guy. One of the best I had ever known. He was only five years older than me. I thought of the many times over the years we had spent together. We had guard duty, trained new soldiers, gone on hunting and supply runs, and even slept next to each other on a cold night. I wondered that I never noticed how Mal felt.

If something happened to Alec, if he was killed because of Darren, I had only one person to turn to. Mal. He would see that my son and I were protected. We would not be alone. As much as the thought of losing Alec disturbed me, it also gave me comfort to know I had Mal to lean on.

Darren returned an hour later. He let me go to the pit alone, knowing I had to return. I could not attempt escape. It was futile.

I ate alone, not out of preference, but because no one sat with me. I wasn’t sure why. I was almost finished when Diva came in. It was the first time I had seen her. She looked surprised.

“Lizzie, how are you?” She asked, her eyes taking in my growing belly.

“Pregnant and hungry. You?”

She shook her head. “I guess I’m not that surprised. How is the married life anyway? You love that guy Alec or what?”

Tears came to my eyes. “I love Alec with all my heart.”

I couldn’t say more. My throat tightened up on me.

She didn’t say anything for a few minutes, eating her food. Then she looked at me, her face sad.

“What are you doing here Lizzie? Why did you come back?”

“Are you serious? I didn’t come back Diva. Darren brought me here against my will. Surely you know that already.” I sounded more bitter and angry that I meant to.

“Yes, but I wanted to hear it from you. I don’t listen to gossip. You have my support. I’ll help Slug and Big Dog.”

“Why would you do that Diva?” I asked her, curious.

“There are some things you don’t know about me Lizzie. Things that will help you understand my motivation. May I tell you?” She asked, her voice wistful.

I nodded. “Please.”

“When the bombing happened on K.D., before I joined this group…I belonged to a different camp. They helped rescue me and about a dozen others, mostly women. In my naivety I never suspected the attack. I truly believed they were there to help us. But I was wrong. They attacked one night. Raped us actually,” she paused at my sharp intake of breath and then continued, “I became pregnant and later was beaten. I lost the child. It changed me. I became a hard bitch after that…not letting anyone in. I tell you this because I always considered you a good friend…and I want to help you now. I didn’t have the strength to challenge Darren before, but now I will. It’s the right thing to do.”

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