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keep them at bay. “I have to go back home. I can’t stay.”

“Why? What’s in Arkansas that you’d be leaving behind?”

Jeanette asked, innocently.

“I—” Lauren stopped, and thought about the question seriously

for a few minutes. “My career. My home. Everything I’ve worked so

hard for.”

“Okay, and what’s here at Crawley Creek?”

“Vin,” she whispered, the tears breaking free. “Cheese and rice,

look at me. I’m a mess. I promised myself I’d never cry over a man

again, but here I am.”

“What do you do back home?” Jeanette asked, laughing along

with Lauren as she handed her a box of tissues from the bed table.


Claiming His Cowgirl

“I’m a coordinator for an emergency management organization,

but I also run a catering business. I do a lot of weddings and

retirement parties, and the occasional corporate dinner.”

Jeanette nodded, and Lauren felt oddly compelled to keep


“I’ve built a pretty solid base of repeat clients. Someday I’d like

to retire from emergency management and focus on the business, but

for now, it’s just for fun.” She took a much steadier breath, feeling

more in control as she spoke. “I never envisioned myself at thirty-

seven years old being unmarried, juggling two jobs, and going home

to an empty house. Seeing Drannon and Roman so happy this week

has been like a knife to the heart. Why can’t I find that special person

and get a happily ever after?”

“And you’re sure that Vin isn’t that person?” Jeanette asked


Lauren felt her mouth drop open to respond, but no words came

out. It was like a sledgehammer in the face. Vin was her person. He

was the be-all end-all for her. He was the man who made her bones

turn to jelly and her heart race. She let him push her away once, and

it had been a mistake.

“I need to go…” she said faintly, her gaze darting to the

bedroom door. “I’m sorry, Jeanette, I need to—”

“Go. Tell your man how you feel. Too many people give up the

chance to be happy in order to fulfill a sense of obligation to a

career.” The sadness in the other woman’s tone sent up warning bells

in Lauren’s head, and she made a note to question her further about

the comment later, but for now, she was a woman on a mission.


Chapter 16

Vin stood in the shower with his forehead against the cold tile

wall as hot water ran over his broad back, easing his aching muscles.

No amount of hot water could ease the burning in his chest as the

events of yesterday ran through his mind again and again.

Why had he lashed out like that? He should have taken a step

back and given Lauren some breathing room, but as usual, his temper

and fear of rejection got the best of him.

Reaching for his razor, he got a faint whiff of Lauren’s sweet

fragrance, and it sent a shaft of desire through his body. His cock

thickened, and he cupped it, stroking the length in his strong grip as

he imagined pressing her naked body against the shower wall. He

could almost feel the strength of her thighs on his hip bones as he

pressed his erection deeper into his grip and groaned.

“Is this a party of one, or is there room for one more?”

Startled, he spun around so fast he fell backward into the wall,

dropping his razor and his hard cock. Standing before him, streaked

with dirt and sweat, Lauren was the most beautiful sight he’d ever


“There’s always room for you, baby,” he heard himself respond

in a husky voice. Holding his hand out, palm up, he waited for her to

make the next move. Her lack of hesitation made his heart soar, and

the moment their palms touched, he pulled her into the shower, fully


She let out a squeal of protest, but he quickly cut her off with the

kiss he’d wanted to bestow on her ever since he’d gotten over his

temper tantrum. Sparks virtually flew in the air around them, as he

pressed his cock against the seam of her shorts, his hands gripping

her full waist to hold her in place.

Claiming His Cowgirl

When he finally released her mouth she let out a loud laugh and

panted for air. “Holy cow, you could at least let me get naked first!”

“Hell, no. I wasn’t giving you a chance to change your mind.”

Shoving at her tank top, he revealed the soft skin of her belly, and

lowered himself to his knees to kiss it tenderly. Looking up at her, he

whispered, “I’m so sorry, baby.”

“No, I’m sorry. I got scared, and pushed you away.”

“Which is exactly what I did when we were kids.”

She nodded. “But we’re not kids anymore, Vinnie. I love you,

and I’ll be damned—”

“What did you say?”

With a confused frown marring her brow, she pushed her now

dripping hair from her eyes and repeated, “I love you. More than life

itself. I don’t want to push you away.”

Pulling her in tight, he pressed his cheek to her belly and hugged

her. “God have mercy, Lauren, you can’t know how long I’ve waited

to hear you say that.”

Her fingers stroked over his scalp and he felt his cock twitch in

response. No matter how emotional the moment, he was never far

from erect with her around.

“I’m coming back to Crawley Creek, Vin. If you’ll have me.”

“Are you kidding? I was considering tying you to my bed until

you agreed to stay. We’ll go back to Little Rock together, and I’ll

help you collect your stuff.” He tipped his head to look up at her.

“Say it again.”

“I love you.”

“Again!” he snarled, pulling her down so that she was straddling

his lap.

“I love you Vincent Rhone!”

He made love to her under the steaming hot spray of the shower

as she continuously repeated the phrase he so desperately wanted to

hear, and for the first time in his life, he felt like he’d finally laid

claim to his cowgirl.

The End


Read the entire Series!

Crawley Creek Ranch


Forget Me Knot

Rough Ride Romeo

Claiming His Cowgirl

Hawke’s Salvation (Coming January 2016)

Claiming His Cowgirl

Also By Lori King

The Surrender Series

Weekend Surrender

Flawless Surrender

Primal Surrender

Broken Surrender (Coming November 2015)

Fetish & Fantasy

Watching Sin

Submission Dance

Mistress Hedonism

Masquerade (Coming October 2015)

The Gray Pack Series

Fire of the Wolf

Reflections of the Wolf

Legacy of the Wolf

Dreams of the Wolf

Caress of the Wolf

Honor of the Wolf

Apache Crossing

Sidney’s Triple Shot

Sunset Point

Point of Seduction



Lori King

About the Author

Best-selling author, Lori King, is also a full-time wife and

mother of three boys. Although she rarely has time to just enjoy

feminine pursuits; at heart she is a hopeless romantic. She spends her

days dreaming up Alpha men, and her nights telling their stories. An

admitted TV and book junkie, she can be found relaxing with a

steamy story, or binging in an entire season of some show online. She

gives her parents all the credit for her unique sense of humor and

acceptance of all forms of love. There are no two loves alike, but you

can love more than one with your whole heart.

With the motto: Live, Laugh, and Love like today is your only

chance, she will continue to write as long as you continue to read.

Thank you for taking the time to indulge in a good Happily Ever

After with her. Find out more about her current projects at, or look her up on Facebook:





Claiming His Cowgirl


The Found Book Three

By Caitlyn O’Leary

© Copyright July 2015 Caitlyn O’Leary

Chapter One

“What the hell do you mean Sarah’s gone?” Nate pressed Kota

against the wall of the parking garage at the John Wayne Airport in

Santa Ana, California.

“She booked three flights this morning. I was here confirming

what Sierra found out.”

“Which is?” Nate demanded as he pushed Kota harder into the

cement wall.

“She hopped flight 760 to Atlanta at six am.” Nate gave his

friend and Navy teammate a hard look.

“Did you confirm it?”

“Of course I did. I got two valid I.D.’s confirming what we all

saw on the video.” Kota gave him an offended look.

“I don’t understand. Why would you need to go that far? Call

Sarah’s family, they have to know where she is in Atlanta.” Nate’s

fingers tightened on Kota’s shirt in frustration.

“That’s the problem. She didn’t get off the plane in Atlanta.”

The frustration in Kota’s voice was clear.

“Fine, she got off at the layover.”

“It was a direct flight.”

“Sierra must have fucked up. She had to be on the video getting

off the plane.” Nate’s voice held just a hint of desperation.

“We had her brother Cyrus look at the video too.” Nate’s arm

tightened against Kota’s throat.

“Cut a guy some slack,” Kota gasped. Nate looked at his friend,

whose normally bronze skin was turning a lovely shade of purple.

Releasing him, Kota slumped against the wall.


Lori King

“Fuck. Would you please quit with the crazy?”

He’d like to, he’d really like to, but where the hell was Sarah?

“I’m going to Atlanta.” He grabbed his duffle and turned towards the


“I’m telling you, she wasn’t on the plane.”

“And I’m telling you, you’re all forgetting Occam’s razor.

You’re looking for a complicated answer to a simple problem. She

disguised herself while on the plane and you missed her when she


“Fuck you, Nathan Goodman. I looked, Sierra looked and there

is no way her brother would have missed her.” Kota no longer looked

injured, he looked worried and pissed.

“She’s one of the
. She has special abilities. You forget

they’re beginning to take on each other’s gifts. Seth can blend into

any situation. She disguised herself and blended in with the other

passengers. It’s simple. She’s in Atlanta. Those fuckers at Rixitron

are still gunning for her, and she’s out of her mind for leaving the

safety of the apartments. When I find her, I’m going to set her ass

straight for putting herself in harm’s way.”

Nate’s eye twitched and his palm itched as he strode through the

same doors he just exited. He booked a flight taking off in less than

two hours. He was surprised Kota didn’t follow him. In the past his

naval buddy stuck with him when he went on one of his wild rides.

Just as he passed through security, his phone rang.

“Nate. I agree with you. She’s in Atlanta.” A little bit of the

tension left his shoulders when he heard his commander’s voice. He

had worked with Noah Kukailimoku in the Navy for over six years.

He trusted him like no one else.

“Finally, someone with some sense. Why didn’t you say so

sooner?” There was a long pause.

“We were at the hospital, Kali was having Braxton Hicks labor

pains.” Noah said, referring to his wife.

“Fuck, I’m sorry.” Why the hell wasn’t Sarah by Kali’s side?

She was a doctor and a healer, and should be with Kali if she was


Claiming His Cowgirl

going into labor. None of this made any sense. When he said as

much, he was surprised by Noah’s reaction.

“Sarah’s already been through this false labor with us three

times. What’s more her specialty is pediatrics.”

“All the more reason for her to be there, you’re having children.”

Nate emphasized the last word, since his friends were having twins.

“We’ve got a great obstetrician. We don’t need Sarah and she

knows it.” There was another long pause. “This has to be huge for

Sarah to leave like this.”

“Why wouldn’t she tell everyone and ask for someone to escort

her?” Nate knew the answer as soon as he asked the question.

“Because we wouldn’t have let her go. She’s in too much

danger. You know those fuckers are still looking to take her into their

breeding program.” Hearing the phrase had chills running through his


“Nate, I think Cyrus should be the one who goes after her. He’s

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