Michaels, Skye - Mikaela's Debut [The Black Dahlia Hotel 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (4 page)

BOOK: Michaels, Skye - Mikaela's Debut [The Black Dahlia Hotel 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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“Please, Master. Don’t make me wait.”

“You have just guaranteed yourself more torture. You will learn to accept the pleasure I give you and not try to rush the moment.” This was part of their usual pattern, and he did his best to make her wait for her orgasm. They frequently played orgasm denial games, and while she moaned pitifully, he knew she loved every minute of the intimate torture. When he could stand it no longer himself, he slid down the zipper of his trousers and stepped up behind her. He mounted her from behind as she poked her red bottom out to accommodate his entry. When he was fully sheathed in her hot center, he stilled and made her wait. Her tight, hot pussy pulsed around him, but he refused to stroke. He would draw this out as long as humanly possible. Dillon kissed the back of her neck and then lightly nipped it. He felt the quiver of nerves coast down her back all the way to her pussy as goose bumps broke out on her skin. He began to stroke slow and easy, taking his time.

This time she obviously knew better than to say anything. He took hold of her waist with both hands and started the faster, harder rhythm he knew she craved. Her pussy milked his hard cock until he was ready to explode and his arousal soared higher. Her muscles convulsed around his cock, and he blasted over the edge. His still-hard cock jerked within her velvet heat as he continued to pump. She came as he roughly nuzzled her neck and he felt the ecstasy shudder through her. Finally, she slumped back against his chest, and he just held her precious weight in his arms.
My woman. My life
. He would do anything to protect her.


* * * *


Mikaela rested back against Dillon’s chest. She was still bound to the cross. In reality she did feel guilty about the thoughts that had been in her mind. She knew she might have to leave Dillon for his own good if they couldn’t resolve this YouTube problem. She hoped Morgan Court’s organization was as good as advertised because it would kill her to leave Dillon. She knew she could not be the cause of a permanent rift in the Cavanaugh family. Losing her parents so suddenly had been a devastating experience, and she would give all of the vast wealth she had inherited to have them back.

She felt Dillon’s hand on her ass as he applied the cool, soothing chamomile lotion to the reddened skin. For some reason she knew she deserved this punishment. She didn’t understand it. Usually they just played at the spanking and whipping games because they both loved it. She got a hot butt which she thoroughly enjoyed but never more than that. The slight discomfort usually boosted her sexual needs into overdrive. With all that was hanging over her head tonight, she had thought she would have a hard time getting into it, but that had not been the case. As usual Dillon hit every nerve and brought her to a stunning orgasm. Now she just wanted to rest in his arms.

Dillon unfastened her cuffs and picked her up. He headed to the quiet area that had been designated for aftercare and chose a big, comfortable upholstered chair in the back corner. He sat down, threw a soft blanket over her, and cuddled her up against his chest. “I think we both need this quiet time, baby. Just let me hold you.”

She nestled into him and tried to store the memory of the safety she always experienced in his arms for future recall. She was afraid she was going to need to revisit this moment again and again if she was forced to leave him. She had to start thinking about where she would go—maybe the apartment her parents had loved in San Francisco. It was about as far away as she could get without leaving the mainland. She hadn’t had the heart to go there since their deaths. It was in a doorman building in the anonymous city. It would make a good bolt-hole. She was going to start withdrawing cash from her accounts as well. If she needed to disappear for a while, she wouldn’t be able to use her credit cards.

“What are you thinking about, Mikki? I can feel the hum in all of your muscles.”

“Nothing much, Master. Tonight was extraordinary, don’t you think?”

“Uhmm. I think you’re giving me a raft of shit, subbie. We can always go back to the cross.”

“Really. I’m fine. I guess I just have a lot on my mind.”

“Well, you can share that with your Master.”

“I’d rather just rest in your arms for a while, Master. I just want to be held.”

Chapter Four


In the honeymoon suite at The Black Dahlia Hotel, Fort Lauderdale Beach, Florida, Thursday late afternoon, Christmas Eve, December 24, 2015


Kaylin looked around the honeymoon suite. It was very nice, but she and Jack were going to be spending the night aboard the
Golden Dolphin
in the master suite before the ship left for a short cruise to Bermuda in the morning. It had worked out perfectly since they wanted to be back in time for the New Year’s Eve cruise to Cozumel. Two short cruises would be fun—the first by themselves and the second surrounded by friends. Unfortunately, they would have to give up the master suite to Jamie and Anne for the second leg. That was not too much of a hardship, since all the suites aboard the
were fabulous. Jack had promised her another cruise at a later date. The girls had their hair and makeup done and had just put on their black, strapless, long sheath-style dresses. Kaylin had wanted an elegant wedding, not something that looked like it had fallen off the cupcake counter at the bakery. Her Carolina Herrera wedding dress was beautiful. She felt like a princess. She couldn’t believe they had found the perfect dress on their second trip down Las Olas Boulevard. She was also wearing the heavy, white-gold Judith Ripka chain and pavé diamond heart that Jack had given her. The weather was cool and clear. The wedding fairies had been on her side. She hoped they still were. This was all just a tad overwhelming, but she knew she could count on Jack to keep her centered. He was amazing. His cousin, the intimidating Domme Barbara Brown, and her sub, Ross Blackstone, as well as his parents and aunts and uncles were all there. Her parents and large family were also present. Needless to say, key cards were needed to access anything on the top floor.

Okay. Time to go. Yikes, I’m marrying Jack Dalton Brown


* * * *


On the dining terrace at The Black Dahlia Hotel, Fort Lauderdale Beach, Florida, Thursday late afternoon, Christmas Eve, December 24, 2015


It was dusk, and the terrace overlooking the beach had been cleared of dining tables. Rows of white linen-covered chairs were lined up, forming an aisle. Gas heaters waited to be lit so that the guests would not sit out here shivering in their wedding finery. The flower-covered arbor from the collaring ceremony the night before had been moved out to the terrace and was joined by banks of pink and white poinsettias, orchids and roses and garlands of evergreen. Glittering white lights festooned the rafters of the porch and the railings. Katina Rensakova, the new event planner Jack Brown had hired for the hotel, knew she had done an excellent job of orchestrating Jack and Kaylin’s wedding. She had been aware that this was her first on-the-job test and she had better get it right.

The candlelit formal dining room could be seen through the windows on the terrace. That room was also filled with flowers, and tall Christmas trees decorated all in white and gold with discreet touches of red filled each of the corners. It was beautiful if she did say so herself. This was going to be a gorgeous wedding for a gorgeous couple. That she had managed to snag a job at this exclusive—in more ways than one—hotel was a miracle. That she would have to work with Dane Dunross was not. She and Dane had had a moment a couple of years ago, and that it had not worked out was an understatement. She understood that he was a guy who did not want to be tied down, although he had thoroughly enjoyed tying her up. Well, that was not something to think about now. She had to be on her game. Everything had to run like clockwork for this event if she wanted to keep this job. And she did. She needed this job. Kaylin Gallagher had been a pleasure to work with. Despite one or two bridezilla moments, all had gone smoothly. Her posse of bridal attendants had helped to keep her calm. But really. Who could remain calm while planning a wedding to Jack Dalton Brown, and on a short time schedule? The groom wanted to be married, and he wanted to be married now. The man was extraordinarily handsome, dominant, and sexy. As someone who had been in the lifestyle for a few years, she had recognized a Master Dom the moment she had laid eyes on him. He was pleasant and businesslike, but he definitely had an edge. Lucky girl! When was she going to find her forever Dom? She was beginning to wonder if there was one out there for her. She tucked a stray strand of her long, platinum-blonde hair back into her French braid and straightened her black suit jacket. Thank goodness for the sensible black pumps. She had been running helter-skelter all day checking on last minute details.

The bride’s party was up in the honeymoon suite getting their hair and makeup done before dressing for the wedding at six. The groom and the groomsmen were in a suite one floor down. Bottles of champagne and trays of fruit and finger foods had been delivered to the honeymoon suite, while buckets of beer and trays of sliders and other more hearty foods had been delivered to the guys as well. The bride’s flowers had arrived and all appeared to be in perfect order. Please, God.


* * * *


Dane Dunross watched the beautiful and elusive Katina Rensakova through the wall of glass windows overlooking the terrace as people gathered and sat down in the rows of chairs, waiting for the ceremony to begin. Despite her ethereal beauty, Katina tended to fade into the background. Maybe it was the plain black suit and pumps, or maybe she just didn’t want to distract from the wedding festivities. She sure had a way of distracting him. He remembered the feel of her long, platinum-blonde hair sliding through his fingers as he grasped it and then jerked her head back to kiss her neck, her breasts. They’d had some intense scenes in the dungeon. She had been an excellent sub, but he knew she wanted more than he was prepared to give at the time and so had thought it best to end the relationship before it had gotten even more complicated. Sometimes though, he had—regrets. He didn’t want to dwell on that.

He had to admit she had done a great job on the Brown wedding. Everything had gone smoothly from start to finish, and she had handled the slightly out-of-control but absolutely adorable Kaylin Gallagher like a pro. He really liked Kaylin, but she’d had a case of the bride heebie-jeebies, and Katina had kept her calm and reasonable for the most part.

Dane hadn’t been happy to have one of his old subs hired for the event planner position, especially one with whom he hadn’t had a pleasant parting. The look of apprehension in her eyes was evident when she found out that he was the manager of the hotel. She’d come in for their interview expecting to meet a stranger. He could see that she had thought he would torpedo her application, but he wasn’t going to jeopardize her chances at the job he knew she needed. He wasn’t that kind of man. He had fucked up, and he wasn’t happy with how he had handled her back when they’d had a D/s relationship for a short time. She was wary of him whenever they had a chance encounter around the hotel, and she looked like a deer in the headlights. It still rankled that when he’d said, “It’s good to see you,” she’d responded with “If only the feeling was mutual.”

Nonetheless, he was determined not to let history repeat itself, even though he found himself as drawn to her as he had been back then. There was just something about her…


* * * *


Dillon sat beside Mikaela as they waited for the wedding festivities to begin. He held her hand, and he could feel that she was still nervous. He wished she would relax and just let them handle the problem, but he knew that was not her nature. She would have made a good attorney. She was focused and detail oriented with a strong sense of right and wrong. He might encourage her to go back to school for her law degree. Then they could practice together. Dillon knew what he wanted, and that was a life with Mikaela Camille Sexton as his wife and the mother of his children. This last year of grieving for her parents had put his plans on hold. He would put in a couple of years in Congress if he managed to get elected to appease his father, but that as far as the appeasement program went. He would pick his own wife whether she came with a few little scandals or not. He did sincerely hope this YouTube video flap got settled without further damage, but he was not going to cut and run no matter the outcome. He and Mikaela had been featured in a couple of in-depth interviews in local papers and magazines—the golden couple of Greenwich—so she was well known to be his girlfriend, hopefully soon to be fiancée. There would be no escaping the fallout if indeed another video showing her face was posted. He sure hoped this shit didn’t hit the fan.

Everyone turned as one to watch the bridal procession. Jack and his best man and groomsmen waited at the arbor. The bridesmaids came down the aisle, followed by the maid of honor. Then there was a pause, the music changed, and Kaylin stood at the head of the aisle on her father’s arm. Her dark-brown hair with reddish highlights, sprinkle of freckles over her nose, and bright blue eyes spoke of her Irish heritage, but no more than the tall, handsome red-haired gentleman holding her arm. They started toward the arbor where the minister waited.


* * * *


Tears gathered in Mikaela’s eyes as she watched Kaylin walk down the aisle on her father’s arm. She couldn’t help it. She would never have that. Her wonderful dad was gone. She would not have her mother there to put on and straighten her veil either, or to hand her Gram’s pearls. But she might one day have Dillon Cavanaugh as the father of her children. She did want that so much, but right now she had other problems to confront and solve. She was still trying to remember when the video had been taken. The memory was right outside of her reach in the back of her mind. It just wouldn’t come into the daylight. It was so damn frustrating. Well, she was going to enjoy this wedding—dance and drink, and have a good time with friends. Tomorrow was another day and soon enough to begin worrying again. She reached over and kissed Dillon’s cheek. He was so darn handsome that sometimes he took her breath away.

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