Michaels, Skye - Mikaela's Debut [The Black Dahlia Hotel 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (2 page)

BOOK: Michaels, Skye - Mikaela's Debut [The Black Dahlia Hotel 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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Mikaela picked up her iPhone when it gave the text signal and hit the button.
Check out your film debut on YouTube.
It gave a YouTube link
. If you don’t want to see the version showing your face, I’ll be back in touch to let you know how much it will cost you
. What the hell? Who was this from? What film debut? “Dillon, look at this. I have no idea what this is about.” Mikaela felt a frisson of fear race up her spine. What the hell was going on?

Dillon took the phone, performed some maneuvers on the keypad, and said, “I can’t tell who sent this.” He hit the link and a video sprang up on the screen. “Come here and look at this.” The video showed the back of a naked woman who was built remarkably like Mikaela—and who mysteriously had Mikaela’s small, rose-wrapped heart tattoo on her butt. She was riding some guy lying on a bed for all she was worth. Dillon looked shocked. “Babe? What the fuck?”

“Dillon, I’ve never seen that before, but that looks like my tattoo.”

“Didn’t you design that tattoo yourself in college?”

“Yes. I suppose the tattoo guy could have inked it for someone else, but he promised me he wouldn’t do that.”

“Mikki, this definitely reads like a serious blackmail threat. Do you mind if I show this to Jack and Jamie?”

“I don’t know if it’s me. I certainly don’t remember that situation. Whether it is me or not, we need help. They are likely to see my naked butt upstairs in the dungeon at some time or other before this trip is over anyway, so go ahead and show them.” After viewing the video, Mikaela realized that this was not the time for false modesty.


* * * *


Dillon Cavanaugh, attorney and current favorite to be elected to a recently vacated congressional seat from his home district in Connecticut, was concerned. He knew his woman’s opulent sweetheart butt, and he was sure that was it on the YouTube video. They didn’t need a sex scandal before the special election in which he was running at the insistence of his father, but more than that, Mikaela was still grieving for her parents, who had died in a plane crash a little over a year ago. She was just starting to get her feet under her again, and this would definitely be a setback if indeed it was a credible blackmail threat. Jamie Devereau and Jack Brown were two of the toughest customers he knew in the business world. He was sure they would have some ideas on how to check this out.

Dillon stepped into the hotel offices behind the reception area. They were as well done as the rest of the redesigned hotel. Jack and his team had been busy since the real estate closing in July. He knew Jack had wanted the project ready to open after his wedding on Christmas Eve, and he had put the pedal to the metal. Dillon walked up to the secretary’s desk. “I’d like to see Jack Brown or Jamie Devereau. They told me they were going to check in at the office after we finished on the court.”

“Yes, sir. Both of them are in with the manager, Dane Dunross. I’ll buzz them if you’ll have a seat.”

While he waited, he again watched the YouTube video he’d forwarded to his phone. He shook his head. This video looked like it had been taken some time ago. Not that Mikaela had aged or anything. However the picture had a more girlish, youthful vibe. At thirty-five, Mikaela’s figure now had the rich curves of a woman. The furnishings he could see looked like they were makeshift. The bookcases appeared to be apple crates. He wondered if Mikaela would recognize the surroundings when she looked at it again with a clearer head.

Jack came out of the office followed by Jamie. “Hey, man. What’s up? I thought you were having breakfast.”

“Something is definitely up. Check out this text Mikaela just received and the YouTube video that was attached.”

Jamie took the phone from his hand while Jack looked over his shoulder. They both read the text, and then Jamie hit the link. “Holy shit, man. Are you sure this is Mikaela?”

“Not to put too fine a point on it, but I know that ass. I think it’s now a little bit more mature, but not much. And that tattoo is one of a kind. She designed it herself when she was still in college. She thought she was being wild and crazy.”

Dane Dunross had overheard the conversation and joined them. “Why don’t you bring that into my office and let’s see what we can figure out.” He booted up his laptop and went on to YouTube. “The video has had a significant amount of activity so far. 9,000 views in just one day.”

“Shit! I don’t like this. If I want someone to see my woman’s ass, it will be in the dungeon when I’m there—most likely turning it a nice, warm shade of pink.”

Jamie said, “Calm down, Dillon. Why don’t you call Mikaela and ask her to come in. Maybe we can figure out where this was taken and who is responsible.”

Mikaela was looking nervous and upset when she walked into Dunross’s office. “I watched it again while I was waiting on the terrace, but I just don’t remember this at all.”

“Sit down, Mikaela. I’ll have Sari bring you in a cup of coffee, and we’ll just take another look.” Dane walked to the door and asked for the coffee and then sat down behind his desk. “Mikaela, Dillon thinks it looks like this video was shot some time ago. Take another look at it and see if anything in the background looks familiar.” He turned his laptop around so she could see the bigger image on the screen.

When she had watched the whole thing from beginning to end again twice, she just shook her head. “I don’t know. It looks like a mess, stuff all over the floor. I’m sure I don’t know that guy. He isn’t an old boyfriend or anything.”

Jamie spoke up. “I have a friend in New York in pharmaceuticals. His company has a big security division—top notch and cutting edge because of threats from industrial espionage. They might be of some help in tracking down who uploaded the video if you don’t mind me involving him. We also have an excellent security team aboard the
if they are needed.”

Dillon looked at Mikaela. She nodded. “Okay, call in the troops. Do whatever you think is best.”

“I’ll call Morgan Court at Court Industries and talk to him about it.”

“I’d like to keep this quiet if possible. Mikaela doesn’t need the embarrassment, and I wouldn’t like to give my congressional opponents any rope to hang me with. Baby, why don’t you go back to the suite and rest? I’ll be up shortly.”

Chapter Two


In the Cavanaugh suite at The Black Dahlia Hotel, Fort Lauderdale Beach, Florida, Wednesday noon, December 23, 2015


Dillon was concerned. He’d just come back from Dane Dunross’s office and his conference with Jack Brown and Jamie Devereau. He had found Mikaela curled up in a fetal position on the bed. Her face was very expressive, and right now she looked scared and upset. He lay down beside her on the bed. “Baby, I’m going to order lunch from room service in a little while, but why don’t you come over here to your Master for a minute.”

She rolled over into his arms and put her arms around his neck. “Oh, Dillon. I’m scared. What if this isn’t a hoax and they post another video? The press could pick up on it, and we’d have a horrible mess.”

“Mikaela, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. In the meantime, Jamie Devereau’s friend in New York will look into who posted the original video on YouTube. I don’t know how they’ll go about it, but this guy owns a pharmaceutical company and has a huge security department.”

“But the campaign, your family…This could be terrible. I don’t want to cost you the election, baby. Maybe we should cool it, and you should distance yourself from me for a while.”

“Are you looking for a spanking right now? Don’t talk like that. If push comes to shove, I’ll withdraw from the campaign. A congressional seat would be nice, but I’m mostly running because of the family pressure. You know my dad thinks he’s the next Joe Kennedy. I personally don’t care that much. You are more important to me than any seat in Congress. I have my practice in Greenwich. We won’t starve.”

“I don’t want to be the cause of a rift in your family, Dillon. I miss my own parents so much. I couldn’t stand it if you were estranged from yours because of me.” He gave her butt a smart smack. He knew that for some reason that always calmed her down.

“As I said, we’ll see what happens. Now, relax and just let me hold you.” It was so like Mikaela to put him first when he knew she was worried and scared. This was his woman, and no one was going to come between them—not his family, not a blackmailer. She was the most important person in his life.

They had met at Le Club Eastside–Manhattan three years ago. Both had been between relationships and had agreed to do a scene together. The relationship just took off from there. She was sassy for a sub when she was on her game—certainly no pushover. He had to work for her submission, and he loved it. He didn’t want a doormat as his sub or as his wife. She had really been thrown for a loop when her parents were killed. He guessed that unexpected deaths like that were harder to deal with than if someone was sick for a while and you had time to get used to the idea.

After she had rested in his arms for a while, he turned her so that he could kiss her forehead, then her lips, and then his mouth coasted down her neck to her breasts. He began to work on the buttons of her white cotton shirt. Before long he had her stripped out of her clothes and naked. He quickly dropped his shirt and shorts on the floor and rejoined her on the bed. “We’re going to forget about all of that for a while. I’m going to love you, baby.”

“I forget everything when you love me, Dillon.”

He continued to kiss down the center of her body over her gently rounded belly until his mouth was nestled between her thighs. He flicked her clit with his tongue, and she bucked. He had never known a woman more responsive than Mikaela. He lowered his mouth to her pussy and began to suck and tease her with his tongue. She pushed her pussy into his face, and he plunged his tongue into her center. “Dill, don’t tease me. I need you now.”

“No topping from the bottom, subbie.” He dipped two fingers into her wet channel and slowly withdrew them, plunging again and again as she strained upward toward his hand. She sighed. “Does that feel good, baby?”

“You know it does. I want to touch you, Dillon.”

“You will. Just let me take care of you right now.” Dillon wove a magical spell of arousal around her. He continued to play with Mikaela’s drenched pussy, bringing her close to climax but always changing rhythm at the last moment to prolong the pleasure.

He grasped her wrists in one of his big hands and held them over her head while he positioned himself for a strong and steady entry. She always loved the illusion of being bound. Her pussy clenched around him as he began to stroke slow and easy. He knew what she wanted, but he intended to enjoy this for as long as he could before he took her hard and fast.

When he felt that she could take the sensual torture no longer, he drove his cock to the hilt into her waiting pussy and began the fierce rocking motion—smooth and deep—that would bring them both to completion. When Mikaela screamed out her orgasm, Dillon followed her over with a groan of satisfaction. Gathering her in close, he held her while her pounding heart calmed. Mikaela ran her hands over his broad, muscular chest, and sighed with contentment. “Dillon, it’s always so good for us.” She snuggled closer, twining her long legs with his. He hoped she would forget the problem that hovered over them—at least for a while.


* * * *


No matter what he said, Mikaela would not allow her problems to ruin his chances in the election. He was too important to her. Leaving him would kill her, but she would do what was best for him. They had been dating before her parents had been killed, and her parents had adored him. She didn’t know if she would have made it through their loss without him. He had been her rock. It was typical of Dillon to say that they wouldn’t starve. He always ignored the fact that she was ridiculously rich, although a good part of her fortune was tied up in trusts. She didn’t need to work, but she enjoyed her job as the chairwoman of a charitable foundation in Greenwich. That was the other thing that had kept her going after the accident. As an only child, she didn’t have any other family—except for her cousin, Maggie. They had drifted apart since their college years, and she hadn’t seen Maggie except at the funeral over a year ago. She didn’t know what it was, but something had come between them. She didn’t understand it, but she just let it go. Mikaela had never shared her interest in the BDSM lifestyle with Maggie, so that couldn’t be it. She had been wrapped up in Dillon for three years now, and he was her life.

Mikaela cuddled up against Dillon’s chest and closed her eyes. “I love you, baby.”

“Me, too, Mikki. You’re everything to me. You know that, don’t you, baby?”

“Yes, I know that.”


* * * *


Maggie Sexton looked at the “Sent” folder on her phone. Well, she had done it. This idea had been percolating in her mind since her aunt and uncle died in the plane crash and she’d realized that now all that money was in Mikaela’s hands. She had remembered the video she and Jim had taken that New Year’s Eve and that Mikaela hadn’t remembered a thing the next morning. This was her opportunity, and she wasn’t going to miss it. Then she found out that Dillon Cavanaugh was running for a seat in Congress, and she knew this was the perfect time to launch her scheme. Mikaela was going to share whether she liked it or not.


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