Meltdown of Mad Dog (Satan's Savages MC Novel #4) (19 page)

BOOK: Meltdown of Mad Dog (Satan's Savages MC Novel #4)
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We nod, walking out of the room, leaving the memory of Chops and the havoc he brought to the Virginia Satan’s Savages and into my family behind.

Taking a deep breath as we make our way to the car, Willow is cuddled into Dylan, and I can’t help but think of Frank and how much I miss him. I thought killing Chops would bring closure. All it did was put an end to an evil arsehole in the world. Sure Chops is dead, but it doesn’t bring Mad Dog back. I thought I’d feel better than this.

We get to the car and Willow kisses Dylan, she slides inside the car obviously leaving us to talk about what happened.

“Now that this is done, I don’t want to have the rest of my fears come true, Dylan.”

“Mum, I’m in a better club now. My brothers are by my side. Techie is watchin’ my back for me everywhere I go. I’m safe. Willow is safe. What happened to Dad isn’t gonna happen to me. I promise. I’m not gonna die on you.”

I exhale and pull him to me. “You better not, Dylan, ‘cause if I lose you too, I swear to God I’m not staying on this earth.”

“Mum don’t talk like that. But I’m not goin’ anywhere. I’m not leavin’ you or Flame behind. I have way too much to live for.”

“I’m glad to hear it, son. I want to be around more. Keep me in the loop, okay?”

“Of course. We got him, Mum, we got the bastard.”

Smiling, I nod. “Yeah, we did. I thought it’d feel better than it does, though. It feels good, don’t get me wrong, but it doesn’t bring your father back. And watching Mad Dog meltdown like he did, and to know he was going to die, and there was nothing we could do, it killed me, Dylan.” A soft tear rolls down my cheek.

He pulls me to him and holds me tight. “I know, Mum, I’m hurtin’, too. Just know that Dad loved you. He gave the life up, the club up, to protect you from the Cartel. That showed me just how much he loved you. He was so set on beatin’ them, but as soon as they mentioned bringin’ you into the equation, he threw his hands down and admitted defeat. He wouldn’t let anyone hurt you, he’d rather die than have you harmed. You’re really safe now, Mum. I hate that he’s dead, but no one can use you to get to him now, and that would be puttin’ him to rest.”

Sniffing, I hold onto Dylan tighter and squeeze him. “I loved him so much, and I wasted so many years being stubborn and staying away. I knew this day would come, and instead of spending the time with him and cherishing every moment until it came, I ran and missed out on everything. I don't know if I can ever forgive myself for that.”

“Hey, you did what you thought was right. You did what you had to. Don’t go wallowin’ in regrets. That shit’ll eat you up. Just live your life, that’s what Dad would want.”

I nod and take a deep breath. “Just promise me something?”

“Anything, Mum.”

“Never give up on, Flame. When it gets tough, and she wants to walk away, promise you’ll fight like hell to keep her.”

He nods and smiles. “I’m not lettin’ that red-headed beauty walk anywhere, other than down the aisle with me.”

My eyes open wide and I gasp. “You’re engaged?”

He ducks down and shakes his head effectively shushing me. “No, not yet. I’m goin’ ring shoppin’ with Techie soon, though. But I want it to be a surprise, so please don’t say anythin’ or drop stupid hints.”

Laughing to myself, I nod my head. “Okay, I’m so happy for you, kid. She’s going to make a fantastic Old Lady.”

He looks into the car where Flame’s sitting, looking at her phone oblivious to our conversation. “Yeah, yeah, she is.”



Taken by Techie: A Satan’s Savages MC Novel #5

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Read Violet and Hudson’s Story in The Shattered Heart Series:

The Violet Widow: The Shattered Heart Series

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A Different Shade of Violet: The Shattered Heart Series

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The Violet Widow: The Shattered Heart Series #1

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I was a wife.

I was a mother.

Now... I’m a Madam.


I had a loving family. A husband and son who I adored until they were tragically ripped from me. Something inside me died the same time they did. My heart stopped beating. I had to become stronger, tougher. I had to close down my emotions and become someone entirely different to who I was before.


I became the Violet Widow.


Now, I run a high-class escort and sex worker agency. To my staff, I’m known only as Boss. No one knows my past, and I don’t have a future. That was until he walked into my life.


I'm Hudson Stone. Meeting someone like her was never part of my life plan. My life is my work, and I put everything I have into my career choice. I'm strong willed, passionate and loyal, but cross me or the ones I love, and you will pay. Vengeance is in my blood, and I'm out to seek it. Until she stepped into my world--beautiful, sassy and confident, she had the power to destroy me.


Will their paths collide or will their secrets explode, leaving their hearts shattered and lives in tatters?

A Different Shade of Violet: The Shattered Heart Series #2

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I'm being hunted.

I am trapped.

Now... I'll be tortured.


I had everything again, after losing it all. When Hudson found out I was a madam, I lost him and my will to function. Something in me died when he left. My heart stopped beating... again. After losing Danny and Caiden, losing Hudson too was a whole new world of hurt. Violet Dyson was closing herself off to the renewed pain, and The Violet Widow was slowly resurfacing.


With all fight gone, Violet's courage will be tested when the unrelenting Satan's Savages MC show up on her doorstep and turn her world into utter chaos. They will stop at nothing to annihilate her, and without Hudson—her rock by her side—can she withstand the enemies she is facing? When Hudson is thrust back into her life, can their love conquer the evil that lies ahead, or were they doomed from the very beginning?

Taken by Techie: A Satan’s Savages MC Novel #5

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My name is Techie

Gadgets and gizmos are my weapons of choice.

I'm a hardcore tech guru for the Satan's Savages MC.

My life's not about love, it's about lust and the pleasures it brings.


My name is Shay.

I'm a legacy - a daughter and sister of the club.

My family doesn't want me to fall for a biker.

But he caught my attention... right from the start.


He is lost.

She is finding her way.

Can they find a new hope together?

Or will everyone and everything stand in their way?


Shay had been a part of this world since her birth. She knows bikers and isn't scared of what this life entails. But when an unknown threat torments the club, can Techie protect her from their faceless enemy, or is there an even greater enemy outside of the club that could tear them apart?


Watch as Shay is completely Taken by Techie.

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I’m a rocker with the eyes of the world on me. Waiting for my triumph or my downfall…just waiting.

Most of my life is in my hands. My destiny? That’s another story. My destiny isn’t as debt free.

My band, Phoenix Rising, arrives in Houston to cut a new album. Before we perform our first concert in the city and I choose my groupies of the night, I’m thrust into debauchery. Sleeping with a gorgeous woman twenty years older than me has its perks, especially when her husband orchestrated the encounter and eagerly watches. To me, performing is performing. If a man wants to share his wife, who am I to stop him?

Unfortunately for me, I don’t make a clean getaway as I leave the McCall mansion. Georgie, their sixteen-year-old daughter, is in the midst of her own intrigue, sneaking home in the middle of the night after an evening of drugs and sex with her older brother’s best friend. In her, I see me. She’s lost and drifting. Her hedonistic parents insist she’s old enough to make her own decisions. Instead of time and love, they give her money and things.

I’m a twenty-five-year old international superstar and I know better. I’m cocky and arrogant. I know it so I own it. Somehow, I’ve always bested the fates. I have all to lose—my reputation, my career, and my freedom. Her mother’s jealousy forces my hand and I take Georgie on the tour.

This is our story and our secret relationship and the destruction of my life. You know the adage about secrets? Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead. Wise words from a wise man. If only I had listened. Secrets have a way of revealing themselves in the harshest way.


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For Blizzard, the feeling of betrayal was one he knew well.

His father was a long-time member of the Brothers by Blood MC. He believed the brotherhood came first, even before his wife and child. At first Blizzard didn't even blame his mother for walking out on them. That was until he learned that she’d hooked up with a member of another MC, leaving him behind to deal with the aftermath.

He never thought he would feel that kind of pain again, swearing that his back would never again see the blade of another knife. That was until Rose came along, tempting him, drawing him in and then leaving him on the sidewalk, fighting for his life as she walked away with the enemy.

Rose had spent her whole life wondering where she’d come from.

Her mother had always kept that information to herself, taking it with her to the grave. She was determined to know her history and her father but soon found it wasn't the reunion she’d hoped for. She may have escaped the hands of a madman, but the family she’d been left with still didn't fill the void she had inside.

Rose had made many mistakes, hurting people who cared for her and destroying herself in the process. She was heading down a dark road and returning to the town where she lost herself—and her heart—was never part of the plan. When given the opportunity for redemption and with nothing left to lose she was about to throw herself back into hell. But karma against her, this time there might not be anyone coming to her rescue.

They say time heals all wounds, but time is running out. Could you forgive and forget if it meant the difference between life and death?




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BOOK: Meltdown of Mad Dog (Satan's Savages MC Novel #4)
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