Meant To Be (29 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Labelle

BOOK: Meant To Be
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Brady began to fidget making Jenna laugh. So he wasn’t immune to being nervous after all. The plane ride home was long and exhausting, but now that they were actually in front of the house Jenna had a sudden burst of energy.
Jayden, Mommy’s home baby.
She couldn’t wait to see him, and was genuinely surprised he hadn’t run out to greet her yet.

Are you all right?” She had to ask before they exited her car. Not only was Brady being introduced to her parents, but he also had to make an impression on her son. Even she couldn’t predict how that was going to go. Five-year-olds didn’t hold back. What you saw is what you got. It was a really big deal.

I’m just grand, love. Are ye ready?” He squeezed her hand before lifting it to his lips. “I just hope the lil’ tike will like me. I love ye, Jenna, and I love Jayden just for bein’ a part of ye.” She smiled, trying to will herself not to become too emotional. Could Brady get any better? She certainly didn’t think so.

Mom, Dad, Jayden, we’re home.” She linked their fingers together wanting to stand united for the first introduction and winked in his direction. They smiled at each other and she couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt so happy. It’d been so long.

Mommy, Mommy!” Jayden screamed and charged for her. Jenna’s smiled faltered as he came closer. He was distraught, crying uncontrollably and shaking. She’d never seen him so emotional.

She looked past him to her parents as she scooped him up. “What’s wrong, honey?”

Her parents approached cautiously, and her mother spoke to answer her. “It’s Tyler, Jenna,” she continued to cry and paused before she could speak again. Meanwhile, Jenna’s eyes went wide as she looked to Brady and then back to her parents. “No,” she whispered,
it couldn’t be.

He was on his way to work. The person driving the other car was paying attention to a text message on their phone instead of watching the road. They ran a red light and Tyler didn’t make it honey. I’m so sorry.”

No, Mom, please don’t tell me that.” She began to cry. Tyler may have hurt her for what he did with Alex, but he didn’t deserve death. She couldn’t believe it, didn’t want to. She’d spent almost half of her life with the man. He was the father of her child, and her first love. He couldn’t be dead?

Her father embraced Jayden relieving her of the extra weight. She looked like she was about to collapse. “No, Brady, no, it can’t be. It was only supposed to be a dream, a nightmare, not reality. Why?” She leaned into him for comfort clutching his shirt in her fists, and sobbed.

I’m so sorry, love. I wish there was more I could do for ye.” He kissed her forehead before leading her to the couch to sit down. She’d gone pale like she’d seen a ghost, and he had to admit himself that the dream she had was a strange coincidence. Then it dawned on him that she mentioned having a dream like that before when she’d gotten in her accident a couple years ago and it gave him goose bumps.

His introduction hadn’t went as planned, but it was understandable considering the circumstances. Tyler would be missed, and poor Jayden was without a father now. Brady planned to remedy that as soon as the time was right.

Jenna and Jayden cried for the most part through the remainder of the day, while Brady did his best to give her space when she needed it, and comforted her when she asked. He made tea, cooked, and did his best to be what everyone needed in the moment.

Jenna was off to put Jayden for a nap when he was finally able to get to know her parents a little bit.

Brady?” Her parents approached with coffee, offering him a cup. “I wasn’t sure what you liked in it, so I brought the milk and sugar over there.” Jenna’s mother tried smiling and pointed towards the table. “I’m Delilah Burke, and this is my husband Collin. I’m sorry we couldn’t meet under less stressful circumstances.”

It’ a pleasure to meet ye, and I’m sorry for yer loss. Tyler will be missed.” He extended his hand to shake. “And, black is just fine, thank ye.”

Welcome to the family, son.” Her father patted Brady on the back. “When you both walked in, well let’s just say that I haven’t seen Jenna look so happy in a very long time, even if it was cut short.” He was getting choked up. “A couple years ago, we almost lost her, and now we’ve lost Tyler. I can’t believe it. I’m sorry--” He looked away trying to hide his emotional state. “He was just so young.”

I’m sorry for yer loss.” Brady comforted, “But I’d like ye to know that I love Jenna with all my heart, and I plan to make her happy for the rest of her days. If she’ll let me.”

Delilah gasped, and Collin smiled through his tear filled face. “Are you saying what I think you are son?”

Brady nodded, “I know this is probably bad timin’ and I haven’t said anythin’ to Jenna yet. She knows that I plan to take her and Jayden back with me, but what she doesn’t know is that I plan to make things official.” His adam’s apple bobbed and he looked as if he was about to get emotional himself. “I love yer daughter Mr. and Mrs. Burke, and I guess, well I was hopin’ that I could get yer blessin’ before I brought it up to Jenna.”

Delilah hugged him, and Collin laughed while he still cried with mixed emotions. “All that matters is Jenna’s happiness, and if she is willing then you have my blessing.” He winked at Brady making him smile.

Thank ye.”

* * * *

I’m sorry” Jenna cuddled up to Brady while they lie in bed. Tyler’s funeral was in the morning and she felt bad that she’d been such an emotional mess since their return. “Meeting my family hasn’t gone as I expected. Jayden’s a mess, my parents have been trying to stay strong but I know they’re tired, and well, I haven’t been that great either.” She sighed, removing her head from his chest to look him in the eye, and tried hard not to cry again.

Tis okay, love, I just wish I could take away yer pain. Tyler’s Jayden’s Da, I get it. Ye care for him, spent a lot of years with him, and I can’t expect ye to just shut yer feelin’s away. He’s gone it’ll take some time te get used to.” He kissed her forehead, and wiped her tears away with his thumbs.

I love you.” She whispered, “And, thank you.”

For what, love?”

She kissed him, and then placed her forehead against his while she cradled his face. “For being so understanding,” she kissed him again, “for being so supportive, but most of all for loving me back. I just wish I had some good news to take away some of the grief.”

She giggled as he rolled her over so that he was on top. Stroking her hair away from her face, he gave her a little smile and whispered, “I think that can be arranged.”

Really?” She lifted a brow, “lay it on me baby. I could use some.”

Christ, I love ye.” He traced the outside of her lips with his tongue before entering. The warm wetness of their tongues met with a mutual passion, and he moaned when he pulled away. “Yer a witch, I swear it. I’ve never met a woman I’ve wanted more.” He smiled at her shocked expression. “I’ve been bewitched from the very start. I can’t live without ye, love. Marry me, let’s make this official. He reached into the nightstand beside them and pulled out a small box. “Please say yes.”

She gasped, staring between Brady and the one carat platinum diamond ring he placed in front of her. “Really?” She nodded, still in shock. “Yes, Brady, yes.” She threw her arms around his neck and laughed. “This is so wonderful thank you.”

Jenna,” He chuckled “Yer hangin’ on a lil’ to tight, love, and I hate to be ruinin’ the moment but--” He loosened her grip around his neck. “Ah, much better.” He took the ring from the box and placed it on her finger with pride. “It’s like I said in the beginnin’ “I’m stakin’ my claim,” and ye’ve now made it official. I can’t wait to make ye my Mrs. Connelly.”

Mmm, I like the sound of that Mr. Connelly. Now, there’s only one thing that could make this perfect.” She kissed him.

What would that be?” He raised a brow, silently challenging her to continue.

Make love to me. I need you.”

His hips flexed, grinding his aroused flesh into her wetness. “Like this?” He teased doing it again, “Or, maybe like this--” He lowered himself trailing light kisses down her belly. Hooking a finger in her underwear he pushed them aside and flicked his tongue in and out of her opening. She moaned lifting her hips, enjoying the moment. While his tongue flicked, licked, pumped and circled her aroused wetness until she cried out her release.

With one smooth stroke he entered her, and she vowed to do everything she possibly could to make him happy. Whispering sweet sentiments and promises to each other. They took it slow enjoying the moment and their undying love.

* * * *

Tyler’s funeral was hard to face and as they all stood by the coffin at the cemetery she realized she had to put him behind her now. The final goodbye, she’d shed enough tears over him and although he’d be missed, it was time to live for the moment. Life was too short, and she had to be strong for Jayden. She stepped forward as everyone left to bring herself some closure. “Goodbye Tyler. Thank you for all the good years and for our beautiful son. I’ll miss you.”

Brady stepped behind her wrapping his arms around her mid section “Are ye ready te go?” She leaned into him and nodded. “I said my good bye.” She turned around to face him and smiled through her tears. “And, now it’s time I lived my life with you.”

Jayden approached then. He took Brady’s hand and he looked at Jenna, “Brady said we could go for ice cream. Are you ready?” And she laughed as he tugged Brady to follow him.

All three left hand in hand giving her a sense of peace that things would be okay. Life was what you make of it, and she planned to make every remaining moment count.

Jenna extended her deepest sympathies to Alex, and offered her support any time. Like Jayden, Skyler was deprived a father and she hoped that Alex would take her up on the offer, so that their children could develop a relationship. Sadly, Alex walked away without answering her.

Sam and Caleb married the following summer with Jenna and Brady front and center beside them. Sam made a beautiful bride, and they couldn’t be happier.

Speaking of happier endings, Jenna and Brady were blessed further when she gave birth to their daughter. Madison Sarah Connelly was born happy and healthy on a beautiful spring morning. It was another home birth by Jenna’s choice, but little Maddy hadn’t been in a rush like her big brother had been.

Jayden adored Maddy and loved getting another baby sister, but whined once in a while that he wanted a brother. Brady didn’t need any convincing.

Ye know, love, givin’ the children a brother sounds pretty good to me. Ye know how I love tryin’,” he told her and smiled wide.

Jenna laughed, but agreed. Being a mother was a blessing, her best accomplishment, and decision, that having a large family was never in doubt. “Sounds like fun. But we’ll be taking precautions for a little longer.’” The last thing Jenna needed to think about was the pain of delivery again, and the delay would give them all some time to adjust, letting her enjoy Maddy a little bit longer.

The stork wasn’t finished his rounds by far, but it was Sam’s turn next.

*The End*


About The Author

Jennifer Labelle resides in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada with her husband and three beautiful children. After her third child, she became a stay at home mom. In her busy household, Jennifer likes to spend her down time engrossed in the stories that she creates. She is an active reader of romance, mystery and anything paranormal, enjoying reads from Richie Cusick, Deanna Raybourne, Kathy Love, Keri Arthur and several others.  With an education in Addictions work, she's decided to take a less stressful approach with her career and hopes that you enjoy her writing as she shares some of her imagination with all of you.


Secret Cravings Publishing

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