Meant To Be (28 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Labelle

BOOK: Meant To Be
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Tyler shook his head. “You can’t come back when you’re dead,” he said and looked right at her with a smile.

Tyler stood up and walked forward, out of the screen until he stood in front of her. Placing a hand on her shoulder, he said, “We need to look at this.”

Images began to play, but they were all her memories with Brady. Starting with the very beginning, they were their first glimpse of each other at the airport, every date they’d gone on, the few arguments that they’d had, and every time they’d made love.

She looked up at Tyler, overwhelmed with grief at the state he was in. “You’ve moved on,” he whispered, and she began to cry, finally managing to whisper an apology.

I’m sorry.”

Tyler smiled. “I’m happy for you,” he said, but then blood started to gush from his mouth. “But what does it mean for the two of us, Jenna?”

She didn’t know what to say. Why was he torturing her? Didn’t he want her to be happy again?

He moved forward to kiss her, and she gasped in horror. There was so much blood; she tried to move away. She wasn’t fast enough. She gagged, pushing him away, and as she frantically tried to wipe the blood off, he screamed, “What happened to me, Jenna? What did you do?”

She sat up, shaking and dripping with sweat.

Jenna, it’s okay, love,” Brady said to comfort her.

The dream had been worse than the others, and she felt like she was about to hyperventilate. She’d given into sobbing as soon as Brady put his arms around her.

What’s wrong, love? Talk to me.”

That was the million dollar question she’d been trying to answer herself. What was wrong with her, and where were these dreams coming from?

Embarrassed and as upset as she had been after the second nightmare, she hadn’t been able to give an explanation, and she knew she needed too.

“I’m sorry about last night. I freaked out a little, and you’re probably thinking, oh great, I picked a crazy one.” Teasing him took the edge off.

“No, not crazy, love, but I am curious about the sudden night terrors. What is it that ye’r dreamin’ about?”

She sighed, self conscious and feeling a little silly. “It was Tyler; he didn’t look very well. He was pretty banged up, and there was a lot of blood gushing out of him. We were in a dark room, and it was like we were watching a replay of everything that’s happened between you and me.” She tried to smile to reassure him that, that was not the bad part. “When it was done, he said he was happy for me, but then asked me what about him. Before I could say anything, he leaned forward to kiss me. I pushed him away and was full of his blood afterward. It was all really disgusting. Then he yelled at me and asked what had happened to him. He asked me what I did to him. I’m sorry, Brady. It was a silly dream, and I shouldn’t have got so upset, but after it I felt so terrified.”

“I could see why ye were so terrified.” He took her hand in his. “Why do ye think yer havin’ them suddenly? Ye both survived the accident. Are ye feelin’ guilty about us?”

“I don’t think so,” she answered honestly. She shouldn’t feel guilty right? “I love you, and I want to go on with my life, I want to go on with you in it. Honestly, Brady, I guess I’m a little nervous. I know Tyler blamed himself for our car accident, and that’s partly what ruined our marriage. I guess a part of it might be that subconsciously I’m worried that he’ll cause problems for us, when we bring Jayden back here, to start our lives together. After the accident, I was in pretty bad shape, had some internal bleeding, and then an infection developed and I was in a drug induced a coma for a little over a month of my life.” She sighed, “When I came to, I was convinced Tyler had died in the accident. I’m not sure why, but I was, and then he walked in and I freaked out, convinced that we were all dead. It took me a while to calm myself and then I finally came back to reality, to learn that Tyler had actually been alive the whole time. It was all a dream.” She began to cry. “I think I might be associating my worries with the weird dream I had when I was in a coma. It doesn’t make a lot of sense, but it’s all I’ve got to rationalize this. Am I making any sense?”

“It’s all right, love.” He pulled her onto his lap and into his embrace. “It makes sense. Of course, ye have worries. It’s normal to have fears, and we’ll handle yer ex together, should a problem come up. I love ye, Jenna.”

I love you too.”

* * * *

“Make love to me.”

“Gladly, darlin’.” He chuckled, and she didn’t need to ask him twice.

Please, Brady, I need you now,” she whispered looking vulnerable.

He understood so much more after their talk that morning, and it bothered him to know that she had worries.
Is it his fault for loving her?
Would her ex really cause them problems?
He just hoped the nightmares would end, and was willing to do anything to keep her from her fears. Especially when it came to making love, because loving Jenna was no chore.

Jenna Baker had to be the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. She was precious and tonight he wanted to show her, wanted her spread before him, glistening and aching for him to have a taste.

Sweeping her off her feet, he carried her to the top of his dresser. “Lean back, love,” he whispered. His hands moved up her calves, cupping behind her knees as he spread her to get where he wanted. “That a girl.”

She leaned back on his low dresser and tried to angle herself so that she could see everything from the mirror at the other end of the room.

Ye’r so lovely,” he whispered, admiring his view. She looked between his expression and the mirror to see how she looked. He followed her gaze with a lazy smile. “Now watch how much I love ye. How much I can’t get enough of ye,” he murmured.

He dropped to his knees, his tongue teasing her, savoring the moment before he treated himself to her unique and addicting taste. His hot breath, wet tongue, and warmth made her moan like she ached for so much more.

Yesss,” she hissed, arching her hips forward.

He’d finished kissing and licking each side of her. With a long lick down her center, he swirled his tongue and applied pressure as he reached her clit. He did it over and over again until she shivered with desperate need. She guided him to the right spot with a grunt and held him there, screaming his name as she came.

“I think I saw stars.” she said, pulling him to come up to her. “Please, Brady, I need to feel you.”

He smiled before kissing her belly and carried her to the bed. “If ye insist,” he teased. She laughed as he moved on top of her. He wanted to look into her eyes as they made love. He wanted to see every expression, hear every noise, and to touch and taste every part of her body over and over again. He placed one of her legs over his hip while he held onto the other so that he could thrust deep.

Ye’r so beautiful,” he whispered, leaning in for a kiss. “I can’t get enough.”

Clutching him closer, she broke the kiss. “I love this, Brady, everything about you. I can’t wait to learn more, but right now I want to come again, to pulse around you until your climax hits and you scream my name. I love you, and I want to continue to show you every day.”

She rolled over to straddle him, taking control. He admired her directness and loved that she was a woman with confidence, a woman who wasn’t ashamed to fulfill her needs. It was one of the things he loved most about her. He watched as she slid her hand down to where they joined, she stroked herself, with fingers working slow circles around her nub. Her pace quickened as she slowly worked herself into her second climax.

He was close, and watching her pleasure herself heightened his own excitement. “I love when ye do that for me, Jenna. Christ, ye’r so sexy.”

She was breathless and looked too close to the edge to reply. Her breath hitched, her pace quickened above him, and she bit into her lip as her climax hit hard.

Her fingers still lingered between them, wet with her juices, and she shocked him further as she tasted herself. He watched her tongue flick out to taste those fingers she’d just used to pleasure herself. That did it. He flexed his hips matching her, making the movements more frantic and primal.

That’s right, love, feck me.” He thrust harder so turned on he could barely contain himself. Fuck it. He let go, his cock jerked inside her, his release, making her soaking wet around him. Smiling with satisfaction, he loved how she felt.

Yep, he was one lucky guy alright.


Chapter Twenty Three

Are you ready for this?” The night before they were about to leave, she was curious if the thought of meeting Jayden and her parents made him nervous at all. She was looking forward to it.

“I think I am actually.” He seemed so confident, smiling down at her. “I can’t wait to meet Jayden. I just hope he likes me. But I’m mostly lookin’ forward to bringin’ ye both back here forever.” His brow creased for just the slightest second with uncertainty.

“Forever, I like the sound of that and try not to worry about Jayden. I’m sure he’ll come to love you as much as I do.”

Forever with Brady, someone needed to pinch her to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. Speaking of which, she hadn’t had a nightmare since her last bloody Tyler dream. It was such a relief.

She yawned, snuggling closer to him. “I think you’ve worn me out.” They’d been so busy in the last couple of days. Between spending time with his family, making arrangements with his job and seeing Sam and Caleb off the day before, she was exhausted. Not to mention all of the packing, planning, and love making. Okay, the love making didn’t count as a chore. That was her favorite.

Ye saw stars. I tell ye, love, ye do wonders for my ego.” He grinned proudly.

I’m sure I do.” She smiled sleepily. Falling asleep on him, she was in his arms as she drifted off and still in them when she woke up.

She’d set the alarm early, hating the idea of doing some last minute running around without plenty of time.

Sighing heavily, she slammed the snooze button before turning the annoying sound off. Didn’t people wake up to the sound of radios anymore? There wasn’t a more annoying sound than that incessant beeping noise.

Brady.” She nudged him awake. “It’s time to get up, honey, come on.” She couldn’t help herself with his gorgeous little behind within reach. She gave it a light tap before getting herself out of bed. “Very nice.”

He groaned, sticking the pillow over his head. “I’m comin’. I just need a minute.”

She hurried downstairs and was putting the coffee on when a sudden burst of excitement finally hit. She was going home with Brady, and couldn’t wait to see Jayden again.

“Good mornin’.”

She jumped in reaction. “Hey, you startled me.” She greeted him with a good morning kiss. “Coffee?”

“Not only a woman who has my heart, but she’s one that can read my mind,” he teased, placing a hand to his heart. “Coffee sounds wonderful, love.” He kissed her forehead and went to sit at the table with the morning paper.

She joined him, “How long until we have to go to the airport?” There were butterflies in her stomach at the thought of being with him always, and introducing him to Jayden.

He looked at his watch and smiled, “We still got a couple hours, love, plenty of time. Don’t worry yer pretty little head, we’ll make it on time.”

Good,” She laughed, “I’m looking forward to introducing you to my family. In the meantime, we have time for some more of this--”

He made room for her as she pushed their coffees aside to straddle him. When faced with the choice of breakfast or loving each other, the choice was obvious and their insatiable needs took over.

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