Mated To The Devil (17 page)

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Authors: Eve Langlais

BOOK: Mated To The Devil
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“I’ll grant she seems all right, for now. But you went against my orders. It could have just as quickly gone to shit, and you know it. She’s like an injured animal, son. Skittish, afraid to trust. One wrong move and you’ll send her fleeing.”

“You think I don’t know that? That it doesn’t scare me that I’ll do something wrong?” Remy scrubbed a hand through his hair. “Yet despite all that, I think it was the right thing to do. My instincts say she needs to feel connected, that she needs to feel like I want her. I guess you’ll just have to trust me on this. With what’s already happened to her in her life, my gut says a slow courtship isn’t what she needs. She wants to be swept off her feet.”

“There’s swept and then there’s—”

Remy held up a hand. “Don’t say it. If it makes you feel better, I did bring home flowers and candy, too, she just got it after.” A sheepish lilt to his lips made his father shake his head. “Hey, I even offered to take her to the movies, but she said she’d prefer just a quiet evening in.”

“I just hope you’re right.”

“You and me both, because she’s not the only one who needs the connection. I need it, too. It’s like waking up after being in limbo. Everything has color again, Dad. I have a purpose. A reason to get up.” A reason to love.

His father sighed. “Ah, to be young again. Good thing for you, I still remember how the mating bond works. Just promise to be careful.”

“I will.”

Okay, so he lied. Where Mina was concerned, Remy wasn’t in the driver’s seat. His mate might own a little voice that screamed sinner, but Remy had a big furry beast that kept growling,
Mine, mine, mine.

No matter what happened, Remy wasn’t about to lose his chance at happiness again. Mina and Jacques were his new reason for existing. So despite what his dad thought, Remy wasn’t about to back down. His gut said she needed him. And by all that he was, she’d have him. He hoped it was as often and as naked as possible.

Chapter Fourteen

Nighttime now had a set routine with both Mina and Remy piling onto Jacques’ bed to read him a story. Nestled between them, her son practically burst at the seams with happiness. In truth, Mina understood how he felt. Everything around Remy just seemed more alive, most especially herself.

In his presence, she smiled more, laughed, and the weight of the world stopped pressing on her weary shoulders. As for Jacques, oh, how he’d blossomed with a man, not just any man, but his
, to admire and encourage him. To a boy who’d grown up in an apartment building with a working mom, this was paradise. Look at today, for example. Remy had played a bit of hockey with Jacques outside in the driveway, watched cartoons with him, lent him his cologne after he bathed, and then read him a story. Best of all, he listened and was just there. There being the father she’d always wanted for her son.

Looking at the tender expression on Remy’s face as he kissed Jacques on the forehead goodnight, she held in a gasp as she realized,
I love him.

Forget the crazy speed at which things happened, she loved Remy. Always had since the moment of his rescue so many years ago. But that idolatry was a thing of the past as the real Remy, the one with a big heart, good sense of humor, and wicked tongue, proved even more wonderful than the one she’d dreamed of for so long. She loved him when he said the most beautiful things, made promises she actually believed he’d keep, and told her she was gorgeous. She blushed when he said naughty, dirty things, and better yet, acted them out. So what if he carried some werewolf gene? If she ignored that bit of wackiness, he really epitomized the perfect man.

And if she could believe him, he was her perfect man.
It had a nice ring to it.

When they turned out the light and closed the door to Jacques’ room, Mina followed Remy back downstairs, where it seemed natural to sit cuddled against him on the couch to watch television. Stroke of luck, it turned out she wasn’t the only one addicted to watching “The Walking Dead.” Around eleven, her eyes heavy after their busy day, she didn’t protest when Remy suggested they go to bed.

Whose bed, though? They’d made love most of the afternoon, but they’d not talked about what would happen next. Sure, they’d spent some of their together time learning about each other. Likes and dislikes. Favorite foods. Colors. The things a couple usually knew before they had sex and a kid. But once Jacques and Pierre returned, they’d had to curb their flirtation and intimate chatter for family time, where she learned even more about the man such as how he hated peas and poured pepper on everything. However that kind of knowledge didn’t help her when the time came to say goodnight.

Arriving at her assigned door, she faced him, wondering what would happen next. Would he ask to come in? Would he just assume he was? Should she let him? He leaned in and kissed her goodnight, a chaste embrace that he broke before it could become something more, then stepped away. Something of her hurt must have shown in her eyes.

“Ah, don’t look like that, baby.”

“Like what?”

“Like I just broke your heart. I want to spend the night with you.”

“So why don’t you?”

“Because I don’t want to rush you,” he whispered, stroking her hair back from her face. “What we shared this afternoon was beautiful.”

“I hear a
in there.” Her heart sank. Forget her wondering if they did the right thing, he obviously regretted it.

Once again he took her by surprise. “I wish we could resume what we started today, however, I don’t want us to sneak around making love like teenagers when no one is home. I want forever, Mina. I want you as my mate, and I want everyone to know it.”

“I didn’t realize we were hiding anything.”

“That didn’t come out right. What I meant to say is, I want us to be a family. You, me, and Jacques. My dad, too, obviously, although I wouldn’t mind maybe us getting our own place eventually. I want us to sit down with our son and make sure he’s okay with all the changes. That he’s cool with the two of us becoming a couple.”

Mina recoiled as Remy’s concerns slapped her, making her realize just how quickly and rashly she’d fallen. How could she have forgotten Jacques? What must he think? Sure, he seemed happy now, but how would he deal with the fact his mother had another man in her life, even if that man was his father? Funny how Remy voiced a concern she should have thought of already. “In other words, we barely know each other and jumped into bed. What must you think of me? You know despite my actions this afternoon, I’m not that kind of woman.”

“I know you’re not. Shit, I didn’t mean for you to think that. Don’t forget I feel the same strong connection you do. We’re meant for each other.”

“For now. What about in a week or a month, though?”

“What about it?”

“Well, that’s what you’re worried about, right? Why you want to take it slow? Why I should have known better? I am such a desperate idiot.” Suddenly ashamed of her actions, Mina pushed past him into the darkness of the bedroom. She understood now what Remy did. He was letting her down easy. Despite the great sex and the fact they shared a child, he didn’t really want a family or . . .

“Hold on just a second there, baby.” In he stalked, shutting the door firmly behind him. “I know what you’re thinking, and you need to stop.”

“I think you should leave,” she mumbled, giving him her back lest he see the tears shining in her eyes. “You’re right. We are moving too fast.”

“No, apparently, I’m not moving fast enough. I knew I shouldn’t have listened to my dad and instead heeded my gut. Listen, Mina, there is nothing more I want right now than to spend the night with you, in bed. And not just tonight but every night.”

“That’s not what it sounded like a minute ago.”

“Because my dad gave me hell.”

“He did? Oh, God. He knows.” Mina could have died on the spot as the implication caught her. What did Pierre think? She knew what her father would.
The whore didn’t even make it a week before jumping into bed with a man she barely knows.

One she barely knew and yet felt closer to than anyone else in her life, even Jacques.

Arms wrapped around her from behind, and Remy’s solid strength surrounded her. “Who cares what he thinks? Who cares what anyone thinks? We’re mated, baby. Married in the eyes of the pack. We can be married in the eyes of the church within the week, too, if you want.”

“No one can arrange a wedding that quick,” she scoffed instead of answering his other claims.

“Depends on how complicated we make it.”

“You barely know me.”

“Not that again? That excuse isn’t going to wash, and you know it. I know enough about you, Mina. Enough to know I’m falling for you. I can only hope you feel something for me, too.”

She turned in his arms. “Oh, I feel something, and it scares me.”

“Don’t let it. Embrace it, baby. You and me, we’re destiny. Yin and yang. Ebony and ivory.”

“Don’t you dare sing the song.” She tried to lighten the intensity of the moment lest she tear up.

He helped. “I would never be so cruel as to sing.” He grinned, and she laughed.

“So you think we’re meant to be together?”

“Just like Barney and Betty were perfect for each other, with Jacques as our own little Bamm-Bamm.”

“I think you’re nuts.” She rested her cheek on his chest.

“Crazy in love. But I wouldn’t trade it for the world.”

He’d said it. The
word. She almost forgot to breathe. “What did you say?”

“I said I love you. Get used to it. Now what do you say we go to bed?” He tugged her by the hand away from her door.

“Where are we going?”

“My room, where I should have taken you in the first place.”

“But Jacques—”

“Will find us if he needs us.”

“What happened to sitting him down and talking it over with him?”

“Forget I said it. Any idiot can see he’s ecstatic we’re a family. And if we run into any issues, then we’ll deal with it. No way am I letting you sleep alone tonight. Come.”

He didn’t wait to see if she complied, sweeping her instead into his arms and striding down the hall to his room. She clung to him, mulling over his declaration. He loved her? He’d said it. First.

Was it inappropriate to want to fist-pump after the fact?

He loves me! Me!
She laughed aloud, but instead of questioning her eruption of mirth, Remy smiled. “Do it again.”




“Because I like it. I like seeing you happy.”

Channeling her inner whore of Babylon, Mina wrapped her arms around Remy’s neck, licked her lips, and whispered across his mouth, “The only thing that could make me happier is if you made love to me again. Only this time . . . ” she trailed off, almost losing her nerve, but the fire dancing in her veins bolstered her courage. “This time, let me touch you.”

Chapter Fifteen

Shocked, Remy stumbled. Her bold words, the scent of her desire, and his sudden flaming need made him weak and clumsy. Good thing they’d arrived at his bedside because she bounced on the mattress when he dropped her. Seconds later, he lay atop her, his lips hungrily devouring her mouth, his hands pushing at the clothes in his way. He tore the offending articles in his path, the ripping sound penetrating his ardent madness. He paused, horrified at his loss of control only to realize she giggled.

“I’m acting like an animal,” he said, hanging his head.

She shrugged, her lips lilting in a smile. “Maybe a little, but it’s flattering.”

“I’ll try and control myself.”

“Don’t. I like it.”

He groaned. “You shouldn’t say things like that.”

“I’m just being honest. Or is that the wrong thing to do? I don’t know much about having a lover.” Doubt creased her brow, and he wanted to slap himself.

“No, you’re perfect. Too perfect and sexy. Problem is, everything about you excites me too much. I’m afraid of scaring you.”

“The only thing that frightens me is losing you.”

“Funny, I was going to say the same thing.”

“Tell you what, if things are getting too intense, how about I say something completely inane. Like a safeword.”

“How do you know about safewords?” he asked, arching a brow.

His mate blushed. “I might not have dated, but I did read. Romances mostly, because it’s what the neighbor kept lending me.”

“Baby, you get more and more fascinating every single minute. Okay, if things get too intense, you say Little Red Riding Hood.”

She chortled. “Are you joking?”

“Nope. You say Little Red Riding Hood, and I’ll rein your Big Bad Wolf in.”

A groan left her. “Oh, that was just bad.”

“Yup. But not as bad as the things I want to do to you. My cock’s been aching to sink inside your sweet pussy all night.”

Her breath caught. “Ah, but you made me a promise. It’s my turn.” She followed up her reminder with her hands on the hem of his T-shirt, the tug upward all she needed to do for him to strip it from his body. Fuck, how he loved the way she stared at him. He swelled under her gaze, his skin prickling with awareness when she placed her slim hands against the straining muscles of his abdomen.

“Lie down for me.”

She asked, he obeyed, her willing slave. She straddled his waist, her thin yoga pants and his jeans keeping them separate, however, she couldn’t do anything to hide the heat like he couldn’t hide how he throbbed for her. Grasping the edges of her own top, she barely hesitated before removing it, leaving her clad in her bra, her full white breasts spilling over the top of the cups.

He reached up and cradled the globes, his thumbs stroking over the tips. She braced her hands against his lower stomach and squirmed.
Dear fucking God.
Remy rotated his hips against her, the divine pressure of her mound against him an erotic delight.

Pushing at the fabric of her brassiere, he released her breasts, the peaks already taut and ready for his tugging fingers. She moaned and her head angled back, her eyes closed and her lips parted.

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