Mated To The Devil (18 page)

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Authors: Eve Langlais

BOOK: Mated To The Devil
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What a gorgeous, sensual image she presented. He went to draw her down so he could taste her berries, but her hands braced against him and she straightened. “Oh, no, you don’t,” she chided with a wicked smile. “Hands over your head, mister. I’ve got plans.”

Plans that involved her lips brushing the skin of his chest.
Teeth nipping at his nipples.
Even better.
Slowly she worked her way down his tense stomach until she reached the waistband of his pants. She hesitated, and he didn’t dare suck in a breath. She unbuttoned the first loop. The second. . . . By the fourth he panted and when he sprang free into her waiting grasp, he moaned loud and long. He made the mistake of looking down.

Oh, shit.

Sitting astride his thighs, Mina stared at his cock with big, big eyes. He couldn’t help but stare, too, at her slim white hand wrapped around his dark shaft. When she slid it up to the mushroom head and wiped at his precome? His hips shot up off the mattress.

He started to sit, ready to grab her and—

“Lie back down.” Her heavy-lidded gaze met his surely glowing one.


“Lie back down, Remy. It’s my turn to touch.”

He growled at her command but lay back, staring at his ceiling, trying to hold onto his fraying control, to rein in his passion, to—

“Holy fuck!” He couldn’t help the yelled expletive when he felt that first tentative lick. His fingers dug into the sheets, then shredded them by the time she’d worked the head of his cock into her mouth. His hips bucked in rhythm as she slid her silky lips up and down his length, his perfect mate sucking him. It was too much.

Desperate, he blurted, “Say Little Red Riding Hood, baby.”

“Why?” she asked, coming up for air.

“Because,” he replied through gritted teeth as she tightened her hold instead and went back for more.

She suctioned his length for a few strokes before asking, “Am I doing this wrong?”

“No, you’re doing it too right. If you keep it up, I’m going to come.”


The minx dove in again, licking and sucking his cock while Remy fought for control, barely hanging on until he could take it no more.

With a yell, he rolled from her delectable mouth, rolled until she lay under him and he could get between her thighs, her pants gone under his frantic hands, his mouth latching onto her sex. He groaned in relief as her flavor hit his tongue, and he groaned again when she quickly came apart on his lips, her first orgasm quivering through her. While it still trembled, he rolled them again, lying on his back and positioning her above him. He wasted no time impaling her on his length, the sharp dig of her nails in his chest a needed pain to counteract the perfect pleasure of her moist, trembling channel engulfing his throbbing dick.

He forced his heavy eyelids open and watched in absolute fascination the connection of their bodies, her pale yet rosy, passion-hued flesh against his brown skin. His hands on her waist guiding her. He couldn’t have said what he enjoyed more, watching her expressive face as she rode him to another climax, the joining of their bodies, or the joy that exploded within him when she cried out his name along with the words he’d longed to hear since the moment he met her.

“I love you.”

Yes! Up he surged, his fingers grasping her hair to tug her down for a deep kiss, while his cock pulsed inside her quivering channel. This was perfection. This was what he’d waited for.

This is how it will be every night for the rest of our lives.
Or so he hoped.

Chapter Sixteen

The next morning found Mina only slightly embarrassed when Jacques came bouncing into Remy’s room asking what was for breakfast? Jacques took it in stride that his parents would share a bed, the clothes they’d sleepily slipped into the middle of the night a foresight on Remy’s part that earned him a quick peck when Jacques went loping off downstairs with the promise of pancakes soon to come. Remy rolled atop her, intent on a deeper kiss, but she slapped a hand over her mouth.

“Don’t tell me you’re having second thoughts?” he growled.

She shook her head and mumbled from behind her hand. “No. I need a toothbrush.”

He laughed and flopped onto his back. “Foiled by morning breath.”

A blush warmed her cheeks. “Stupid, I know, but I can’t help it. I don’t want to gross you out.”

“You could never do that, even if you farted in bed.”


“Fine, it might put a bit of a damper on the mood if you did it while I was between your thighs, but—”

Mortified at even the thought, she jumped out of bed and scurried for his bathroom, which she only belatedly realized didn’t have a toothbrush for her. Stomping back out, head held high, she wouldn’t look at him, too embarrassed despite the fact she’d not done anything wrong.

Remy still shook with laughter. As if controlled by someone else, Mina shot her first-ever middle index finger. It just made him howl louder, but with a smile curving her lips, she left him to take care of her necessities. It seemed being involved in a relationship would require some adjusting on her part, starting with the fact, her lover, mate, semi-husband, whatever you wanted to call him, had a naughty sense of humor.

A short while later, she walked into the kitchen, refreshed and composed, or she was until Remy peered over at her and gave her a wink. “Am I allowed a kiss now, baby?” he asked.

Spooning cereal into his mouth, Jacques paused and wrinkled his nose. “Why do you want to kiss my mama?”

“Because she’s so pretty.”

“Okay.” And just like that, Jacques shrugged and resumed eating. Not Remy. He advanced on her in bare feet, his worn T-shirt hugging the chest she’d stroked the night before, and his jeans hanging low on his hips. Even when dressed casually, he had the ability to steal her breath.

A finger tilted her chin up. “Morning,” he whispered before planting a soft kiss on her lips. A sigh parted her lips at his gentle embrace, a short-lived one as she was only too aware of little eyes watching.

Flustered—and more aroused than she should be after the night they’d spent—she went to pour herself a coffee only to have Remy hand her one. Sitting on a stool, she sipped the hot brew while enjoying the novelty of having someone else serve her. Within minutes, Remy placed a bowl of fresh-cut fruit chunks in front of her along with a glass of juice, a few slices of crisp bacon, and a flower.

Startled, she peeked up at him. “What’s that for?”

“Because I felt like it.”

A warm glow spread through her. “Thank you.” It seemed trite to say it, but her simple words seemed to please him judging by the wide grin he tossed her way. As Remy and Jacques discussed the merits of superhero characters over breakfast, she ate slowly, a finger stroking the delicate petals of the flower.

The regrets and worry she’d agonized over didn’t make an appearance. On the contrary, she felt more relaxed than ever, happy. More than happy.
In love.
It didn’t matter they’d only been together days, it seemed so much longer. So right. Mina could only hope it wasn’t a dream, because if it was, she never wanted to wake or lose this moment.
I want this new life.
Not just for her son, but herself.

Anything that made them both this happy had to be the right choice. Even if the right choice meant being tied to a werewolf.

Her happy glow screeched to a halt as she suddenly tuned in to the conversation at hand.

“So you have a doggie inside, too?” Jacques queried his dad.

“Yup. A great big black wolf who loves to run and chase rabbits.”

“Can I see it?” her eager-faced son asked.

“I don’t see why not. Finish your breakfast and we’ll go out to the woods and I’ll show you your heritage.”

Show him? As in truly transform? For some reason, Mina had forgotten this aspect of Remy’s. This supposed claim. Yes, she knew they possessed glowing eyes and uttered the occasional weird growl, but to actually change shapes? Surely Remy exaggerated. Mina caught Remy’s arm, and she dragged him into the living room. “What did you just mean in there? What are you going to show him?”

“I am going to change into my wolf, of course.”

“Just like that? Don’t you need a full moon?”

Mirth danced in his gaze. “Nope. Although the full moon makes the change easier and more tempting. I can call my beast at any time.”

“Isn’t it dangerous?” she hissed.

“Only dangerous to my clothes if I’m wearing any.” Remy caught her hands between his. “Listen, I know this part of my heritage is frightening, the unknown always is, but Jacques needs to start learning about his other side. And as my mate and his mother, it’s time you got introduced to it, too. You’ll see, there’s nothing to fear.”

Said the man who planned to turn into a carnivore. “You did eat enough for breakfast, right? Should I bring along a few steaks just in case?” She was only partially kidding.

Remy laughed. “You needn’t fear my wolf eating you. Although I do plan on doing that later.” He winked. “Relax. You’ll see it’s not a big deal.”

Not a big deal? Then why did she have butterflies in her stomach as Remy led them into a nearby copse of trees? Why did she wring her hands and feel an urge to run when her lover stripped down to his boxers?

A part of her didn’t truly think he could do it. Another part, which screamed, “Run from the devil!,” had no such problem. She ignored that voice and stayed. She tried to focus on Remy’s words instead of his mostly naked body and crazy plan to shift into a wolf. Remy spoke in simple terms for their son, who watched avidly and for once, quietly.

“The wolf inside us is always close to the surface, even more so during a full moon.”

“It likes to run.” Jacques stated it as a fact, and Remy nodded his head.

“Yes, it does. And hunt. But you need to do so responsibly. Do you know what that means?”

“It means not telling anyone and hurting no one.”

“Exactly.” Remy nodded his approval, and Jacques beamed. “It can be scary the first few times you change. The wolf can be strong and try to tell you what to do. It’s up to you to be stronger.”

“And not let him do bad things.”

“That’s right. It’s okay to want to run and hunt, things like rabbits and squirrels. But when it comes to humans or hunting things just to hurt them, we need to control the wolf like you would any other pet.”

“Just like Sylvain’s dog. He had to take it to someone to teach it manners.”

“Obedience lessons,” Mina said at Remy’s puzzled look.

He laughed. “Very much like that except we don’t need a leash.”

“Debatable,” Mina muttered.

“I heard that, baby. Just so you know, you can tie me up anytime.” His wink told her what she could do if she did, and she blushed.

“So how do you turn into a wolf? Does it hurt?” Jacques asked, totally missing the undercurrents between his parents, thank God.

“It doesn’t so much hurt as feel really weird. It’s like your whole body stretches and pulls at the same time. You go from being in front driving your body to being a passenger, but one who can still grab the remote and control what’s going on. Watch.”

Good thing Mina ate a light breakfast because her first glimpse of the change left her feeling kind of queasy. Stretched, molded, and sprouting fur, Remy showed her that the whole process happened in only a few heartbeats, but it was enough to make her blink and question what she saw. Of course, no amount of blinking changed the fact a big black wolf stood before them. A wolf with big teeth.

Knees suddenly weak, she sank to the ground. “Oh, my God.” Yeah, Remy talked about it. Yeah, she’d more or less believed Remy and Pierre when they so nonchalantly spoke of their Lycan side. Seeing it, though? Seeing a man turn into a wolf? A man whose skin she’d touched, lips she’d kissed? It would have freaked anyone out, anyone except her son.

“Cool.” Jacques, with no fear, scrambled right over to the wolf sporting Remy’s eyes and buried his face in the thick fur. Laughing in delight, her son hugged the huge beast and Mina tried not to cringe when a muzzle—full of big teeth—nudged her son back.

Yellow eyes turned her way, and Mina’s breath hitched. Beast or not, she recognized that gaze.
Out stretched her hand to touch, the softness of his fur a surprise.

“Isn’t this cool, Mama?” Jacques gushed.

“Very,” she agreed. Her lover was a werewolf. She’d better buy a lint brush because, damn, did he have a lot of hair.

Although no words were spoken, Remy dropped to the ground on his belly and Jacques clambered onto his broad back. Fingers clutching at the fur on his father’s nape, Jacques balanced atop the giant wolf as it rose then trotted on four legs into the woods. The squeals of Mina’s son faded the farther they went.

“I’m mated to a werewolf.” She muttered that aloud several times, but each time it still didn’t sound any saner. But at least it didn’t frighten her. Nothing did anymore, she realized with surprise.

With Remy, she felt safe. Big bad wolf or not, she trusted him not to hurt her or Jacques. She trusted him to protect them and love them. What a wonderful feeling.

Humming, she did some chores as her son and his father bonded. She’d just started plating grilled cheese sandwiches when they returned smelling of the crisp outdoors. Jacques tore into his food, chattering a mile a minute.

“We saw all kinds of animals, Mama. Even a giant bear.”

“From a safe distance,” Remy added at her gasp.

“I tried to make my wolf come out, too, but it wouldn’t.” Jacques sounded so put out.

“I told you, Son. It takes time. Some boys can do it young, others don’t manage it until their teens. When you’re ready, it will happen.”

“But I need it to work now.”


“So I can protect Mama when those bad men come back.”

Mina almost dropped the plate of grilled cheese sandwiches she carried to the table. Remy snagged it and slid it on the smooth surface before dragging her onto his lap. One arm banded around her waist, he leaned forward to put himself eye-to-eye with Jacques.

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